The next three weeks passed in a blur, with the Kyltons’, Aphaels’,Tanner's and Greg's lawyers trying their best to save their clients. Someof the arguments and rebuttals got so ridiculous that the judges heldtheir heads like they were getting a migraine.

One day before the verdict was scheduled to be delivered, every packleader and Gamma boarded flights to the Kingdom and stayed over inhotels before making their way to court the next day. When the wolvessaw each other in court, they embraced and chatted. The noise dieddown when the accused persons were brought into the courtroom.Almost everyone scowled at the Kyltons, Aphaels and Tanners, emittinglow growls as they walked past with police escorts to be seated in thearea designated for them. When Greg was brought in, however, nowerewolf or Lycan made a sound.

They had been following the news, and were well aware of themagnitude of his contribution to the present case. Most of them wereconflicted in what they thought of him. They hated him for helping therogue corporation at its inception but they respected him for turningagainst the crooks and giving himself up to the authorities.

Those who still blamed him for the lives lost from rogue attacks choseto keep their comments to themselves since Lucianne emphasized thatthe losses would have continued, or even exacerbated, had the Dukenot done what he did in recent weeks.

Dalloway's task force managed to track down and arrest two of therogues’ suppliers. Any silver, Oleander, serums and poisons found wereseized and sent to the labs to be neutralized. The last supplier managedto clean out the hideout and flee before the task force arrived, sotrackers were brought into the task force to help continue the search. 1In the course of four weeks, the wolves caught and handed over aboutfifty runaway rogues, and killed another forty who tried to escapecustody. These were caught not because they tried to attack packs butbecause they had to run through certain packs in the course of theirescape, resulting in their capture. When questioned about where therest were, every rogue said that they didn't know because after comingout from the submarine, they dispersed, running in all directions sincethey weren't sure which was the safest route to survival anymore.Without the shelter, supplies and support from the corporation, therogues were more vulnerable than ever. Since there was no longer anyaid for the ruthless creatures, no pack reported any attacks in the pastfew weeks for the first time in so long. Tate and Toby were leading anexpedition to hunt down the rest of the rogues in wolf territory, whilePhelton and Langford were doing the same in Lycan territory. No wolfcould deny that their packs were only safe now because of what Gregdid in recent weeks, yet they still couldn't let go of the fact that he wasone who made all those years of attacks possible.

Conflicted. That was the only way to describe how most of them felt.Two minutes after the accused persons were brought in, five judgesentered the courtroom and everyone stood to exchange bows withthem. After everyone was seated, Judge Cook began, “Good morning toeveryone present. This case, as everyone knows, has

taken weeks to come to its end. And after much deliberation, we havecome to the verdicts of the accused persons.”

The courtroom was so full that many had to stand. Many more wereoutside the courtroom, relying on their hearing to keep up with whatwas going on inside. Fortunately, Judge Cook was considerate enoughto read out the judgment louder than he normally would. “The facts ofthis case are unheard of, and what the accused persons have done isunacceptable not just in the eyes of the law but also in the eyes of anydecent creature.”

“The evidence mounted against the accused persons have beenauthenticated, thus are irrefutable. Such evidence not only includedvoice recordings but also hard drives seized by the police force, whichshows the grand scheme of Wu Bi Corporation, a company foundedand established by the distinguished Kylton family, aimed to siphonfunds from the government AND the monarchy before seeking to...demand that the King take their daughter's hand in marriage.”

Low growls filled the room, from werewolves to Lycans. Xandar's eyesturned onyx in an instant when he growled as subtly as he could withthe rest. For once, the judges didn’t shush the attendees. Lucianne’sthumb stroked Xandar's hand, and she looked at him with a soft gaze inhopes of calming him down. He pecked a kiss on her temple as the lilacshades returned. 1

Judge Cook's voice continued to ring loud and strong in the courtroom,“Building a corruption scheme is one thing. Building it to challenge themonarchy amounts to treason at its highest degree, and treasonjustifies a punishment of death or eternal torture.”

Judge Cook cleared his throat and continued, “On with the sentencingwe shall start with the perpetrators, the Kyltons. It is the unanimousdecision of this court that the assets owned by the Lord, Lady and theheiress of the Kylton family be seized and sold to recover double of theamount stolen from the government over the years. The family shalleach be subjected to solitary confinement for life, and only brought outfor the daily whipping of ten strokes, and an electrocution for thirtyminutes three times a week. The judiciary concurs with the monarchy’srequest to install speakers in their confinement units, playingaudiotapes of radio stations which reported on wolf pack massacres inthe past. We thank our cousin species for digging up their archives andmaking copies for us.”

Xandar was the first to suggest installing the speakers and playingthose tapes, crediting his mate for the idea she gave him after Sashahurt them both on the training ground. Lucianne immediately clarifiedthat she never intended to execute such an

inhumane thing but it didn't stop everyone at the meeting from gettingonboard with her brutal idea. Christian, Juan, Tate, Toby and Zelenawere the most enthusiastic when it came to pushing for this to be in therecommendation.

Lucianne didn't fully agree with putting that in at first, and was onlyswayed because everyone else supported this form of punishment,from her mate to the second-in-command to her brother and friends.Even Phelton, who normally didn't advise her on what to do, urged herto support the motion, reminding her that many of her kind were lostbecause of the Kylton family. When Lucianne recalled the friends shelost, along with the children who were killed in the process, it wasn'tvery difficult to get on their side.

“For the first accomplice, Livia Aphael, solitary confinement for life,brought out only for the daily whipping of five strokes. Her parents, Daxand Cornelia Aphael, for being wilfully blind to the crimes beingcommitted under the same roof and for speaking against the Queen,imprisonment for forty years and a fine of two hundred thousanddollars each.”

“The second accomplice, Helena Tanner, solitary confinement for life,brought out only for the daily whipping of seven strokes and anelectrocution of thirty minutes three times a week for obstruction ofjustice when she disobeyed the Duke's order to surrender herself to thepolice; for attempting to murder a child with Oleander which ended uphurting Her Royal Highness instead; for blackmailing her employees tocommit treason and assist in her crimes, and for participating in thecorruption scheme. Her assets shall also be seized and sold for thegovernment to recover twice the amount that was stolen.”

“As for her husband, Vincent Tanner, who remained wilfully blind to hiswife's crimes despite having felt the anguish when his wife was batteredby the Duke when he demanded she turned herself over to theauthorities, one whip a day for an imprisonment period of fifty yearsand a fine of three hundred thousand dollars. As requested by hiscounsel, Vincent Tanner shall be anesthetized when Helena Tanner isbeing whipped and electrocuted so as to ensure that he bears only hisown punishment. Helena Tanner shall NOT be given anesthesia whenVincent Tanner is being whipped.”

“Rico and Ridalpho Tanner, for being wilfully blind to the crimes beingcommitted under the same roof in the period of time they were in theKyltons' residence, imprisonment for forty years and a fine of onehundred thousand dollars each.” “Finally, the Duke, Greg Claw.”

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