The Arcane Emperor
Chapter 185: Soul Assault

Elelaria had asked to speak with him before he went out to spend his riches. A shame, since he couldn’t claim ignorance for anything he did but he wasn’t so stubborn or unappreciative of her to ignore the request. With 5% going to Sarah, 10% to Elelaria, and the rest to him—this was after all the costs and investments of the Enchanter’s Guild itself—he was quite the rich man.

Besides, Rainer thought as he stared at the strange, technically poisonous purple ‘fruit’ in his hand, when had he ever had something so delicious? It was almost more akin to a living thing than a fruit, and the way it pulsated in his hand should have repulsed him, but the flavor won out. It came from a relatively normal plane, if you ignored the poisonous tint everything there had. He’d listen to Elelaria talk for weeks if he could eat this during it.

“Rainer? Rainer?”

“I’m listening,” he lied, though now he went back to actually listening.

“Then the answer to my question?”

“I’ll take you there. It’s a good idea.”

“There’s no way you were listening. How did you guess that?”

“I’m the [Archon],” Rainer answered pompously, before quickly realizing he just admitted to guessing, “So where am I taking you?”

“Does it matter?”

“Not really,” Rainer shrugged. The addition of three extra bodies to his original meant laziness was never really a question. His Avatar’s were now smart enough to where he could talk and listen to Elelaria without consciously being here. His responses would have some limitations but it wouldn’t be a large issue unless she asked him to invent a new spell on the spot. But, enjoying food was something that generally required him to be more present.

Elearia went on talking about the things he should watch out for and how he should represent their Guild now that it was common knowledge he was their master. His appearance made it pretty obvious even if someone hadn’t seen him before.

Rainer gently floated through the city as he went to his first target. Bringing the final reward of the Second Tower of Conquest to the Fae Realm and getting a level 9 [Appraisal] hadn’t produced any results, just a better description of the [Fleshly Core of an Abyssal Orbitor]. So he figured going to the people of the City of Wealth might be better if the system description was useless. Finding those specialized in actual item appraisal, rather than using just the system, wasn’t difficult.

If the item turned out valuable, perhaps running people through the Dungeon and taking their rewards wouldn’t be a bad idea. It wouldn’t be a bad idea if he hadn’t already asked Ren about it and learned some of the limitations around this.

For one, running a Dungeon by one’s self too many times caused even new people brought in to get fewer and lesser rewards. So there was a limit to how many times you could abuse the rewards by bringing in random people to just fill in the slots. If Rainer by himself took 14 new people with him, it’s likely the next group after that he ran would get lesser or next to no physical rewards, as if they had already run the Dungeon.

So his dreams of thousands of free Spatial Rings were put on the backburner. It looked like he’d have to depend on his Guild for that. Without [Void-Traveling], or the cheat-like [Arcane Blade], the first stage of that Dungeon was in fact far too challenging for others to farm leisurely. At least to be worth it for some Spatial Rings.

He didn’t bother hiding his face, and word had long spread of the Enchanter’s Guild, so it was no surprise when his slowly hovering form was recognized above the crowds. An impossibly beautiful Human was hardly a missable sight. The Enchanter’s Guild itself garned further reputation as it was already holding its next auction within the next month. They needed to prove themselves after all. No matter how impressive the Trial sets appeared, it didn’t make any of their claims true other than the fact that these were made by ‘mortal hands’ as many put it.

The Enchanter’s Guild would only be worth all this attention if they truly had a near inexhaustible source of Mana Crystals like they claimed. Otherwise, it may as well just be a temporary institution.

Unfortunately, information had gotten out that this wasn’t his real body. There were multiple ways to tell that but it still bothered him that someone would purposefully spread it. Elelaria had to deal with constant requests, both subtle and unsubtle for the Avatar creation method and Rainer found that many gazes on him were far different than just interest in his status or flesh.

It reeked of Divine interference. Determining he was an Avatar noninvasively and without seeing his main body was no easy task. Especially due to the Arcane and Void alterations to his Soul. Alterations that affected the Avatars as well. Only Locklar had been able to easily do so, but he was a Soul Mage in the 3rd Tier. Tor had likely known as well, but causing him issues didn’t seem like something he’d do. Unless it was subtle revenge for Rainer using his title and trouncing some of the rules of the City.

That the female Divinity he rejected some time ago was likely the culprit, and willing to act so subtly, actually relaxed Rainer quite a bit. It meant she probably couldn’t do anything to him directly. To Rainer, this was great news. He felt a bit bad for his Vice-Guildmaster. But he figured she’d enjoy the challenges sent her way. She wouldn’t do something stupid like leave the City of Wealth without him either, so there was no real danger. No one had ever managed to kill another in this city.

Rainer flew a bit faster as he headed towards his destination.

“Do you want the short story or the long one?”

A small but powerful magic covered the small store, courtesy of Arthemtor and his Divine Presence. It wasn’t expensive to buy. No one would hear what they said. Except perhaps the Divinity himself.

Rainer glanced at the weird thing that asked him the question. Whether it was tentacles or claws, he wasn’t even sure how to categorize this monstrosity in front of him. But with Fai’Etah and her group as a baseline, he hid any discomfort expertly. The ‘man’ seemed to appreciate that.

“The long.”

“That’ll be 100.” Three voices seemed to vibrate and echo from a single body. It was a horrible and grating sound. That it was in English, untranslated, was something to investigate. What an interesting being.

Rainer nodded and handed over a token that was worth 100 Tors. The widened shock of this things’ three mouths said that the wrong level of currency had been assumed. He was too late to take it back as three of its limbs tucked it away.

Maybe his family and Elelaria had a point of trusting so much money with him… with some simple research on prices, Rainer had determined a single Coin of Tor was worth roughly the equivalent of one to three thousand dollars from home. The salary of a common servant was the baseline used. It wasn’t an accurate translation as the wealth distribution wasn’t so skewed as it was back in home.

Now that he thought about it, what information would be worth that much? Certainly not information on a Rank 6 Dungeon reward. At least not the consolation prize.

Given how this thing’s Soul was practically jumping in joy, Rainer didn’t have the heart to say he paid wrong. Especially as he tucked away that sight from [Arcane Revelation] for later study. A [Priest] would be happy to clear up an issue like this if he really asked and the strange being refused to refund him. But what an interesting Soul. Rainer considered the extra payment a trade for his Soul voyeurism.

“Where did you get this from?” the man asked with undisguised glee. He had even started talking with only a single mouth. Perhaps it was an effort he saved for only those he liked.

“A Rank 6 Dungeon reward,” Rainer said, seeing no reason to lie. At least no reason someone like him would care about. Any force that challenged him would enjoy his special treatment of suicidal Avatars. Once he finished preparing the rituals. He wanted accurate information in any case. And it was Elelaria herself who said letting out information that he had access to a Rank 6 Dungeon could be beneficial. Even if he never planned to take anyone unknown to that specific Rank 6 Dungeon.

“Hmm, surprising. But I suppose there is no reason why someone such as you would come from the 49 Abyssal Planes.”

“49?” Rainer said, his curiosity more than piqued.

The strange being regarded the Human for only a moment before starting to speak.

“The 49 Abyssal Planes. Where space and time are merely suggestions and the only widely-known place where you can replace Rank 7 Dungeons and above. Divinities and their followers fight over the wide myriad of races and countries of the planes, who are happy to accept it in such a place. The distorting of space means that the transportation of 3rd Tiers, and the descent of Divinie Avatars, are made far easier during certain periods.

“It is a treasure trove, and a land of death.”

“Do you know what a Lord of the Void is?” Rainer suddenly asked before regretting it.

“The new strange race of powerful Elves that recently appeared on one of the Divine-ruled planets?”

It was interesting to know these grouped planes didn’t seem directly related to the Abyssal Planes he knew…

“I know others will try to buy this conversation, can you leave that question out?”

The strange being regarded him for a few seconds before nodding.

“So about your item, it and others of its type are used as alchemical resources. Without a corresponding expert at your behest to process it, such an item could at most sell for a 1 to 2 Tors.”

“And what are the things it can be processed into?”

“Higher Potions of Mana regen that can last for days to Elixirs that increase certain attributes. Unfortunately the demand for experts who can and are willing to process it is far higher than any demand for the raw material, not to mention the core alone isn’t enough. I could point you to some just for your own edification?”

“Thank you,” Rainer said, and then left after asking a few more question about the 49 Abyssal Planes.

Looking at the over-generous silly Human walking away, Hel’Thor couldn’t help but widely grin. What luck! A single transaction had earned him years of service. It wasn’t even a hard one either. This was common information. Even if the connection, the core, was not.

As Hel’Thor watched a crowd of people line up and push into his store he realized just what mess he had stepped into. Thorns across his bulbous body flared and his 18 limbs readied to fight. He only calmed down after a few moments. It was easy to forget that he was in the safety of the City of Wealth. Where even the rare 3rd Tiers who ended up here were truly no different than the most mortal and lower Tiers of the weaker races. Especially after the encounter he just had.

“I wish to buy the conversation, and for it to be under a Soul Contract to tell no others,” a voice boomed across the crowded mess. “15 Tors!” Were it not for the Divine Presence covering the city, it might have knocked part of the crowd unconscious.



Hel’Thor smiled in joy as another mouth grew on his body and he showed off four jaws of shiny teeth.

What luck indeed! He took a moment to edit the conversation in his head, hiding away certain things. No doubt the Soul Contract would include having the entire conversation, but it wouldn’t account for the things he deleted from his own memory.

His race was sensitive to danger and that man had been the first person he didn’t feel safe from within the Divine Presence. While his rational mind said he was safe here, he couldn’t quiet his other side. Not to mention he quite liked the Guildmaster.

Rainer now went to do what he was most excited about: purchasing magic. There was a district specifically for it, though how they kept exclusive deals on the knowledge bothered him. If he couldn’t spread anything he bought…

Not to mention he wasn’t exactly fond of the idea of putting any restriction on his Soul. Even if that restriction was to not torture and kill Luna, he’d still treat it like a venomous viper. That would be the case even if such a restriction wouldn’t prevent [Absolute Rebirth] from being cast.

Rainer found many things that interested him, but no matter how much money he offered no one seemed to even humor his request to buy the Magic without restriction. Some seemed interested in his offer but clearly didn’t have the authority to grant his request. They merely told him to come back later.

Bringing his Avatar back to Elelaria, Rainer focused his attention elsewhere.

The next few weeks went by as Rainer continuously kept watch on Alvra. More and more 3rd Tier experts, along with some of the 2nd Tier, continued to appear in the world. Judging from what he managed to overhear in [Void Supression], the Cursed Lands, as they called them, were far more valuable than initially assumed. At least by the Zan.

During his days, he spent time in only the Second Tower of Conquest, not yet planning to take on the First Tower until he invited some of the Aura experts he knew to join them, or lecturing the Enchanters on the contents of the Dungeon rewards.

At night, he continued to work on the group spells while leveling all his manipulation skills. Having leveled his Arcane ones to level 9, it wasn’t particularly hard to bring up the non-Arcane ones to level 9 as well. Only time still escaped him. Occasionally he took time out to work on transforming his body. They were getting closer and closer, and while not successful, he didn’t always die from the attempts.

With his focus on his Avatar in Alvra, Rainer watched over the Zan ‘encampment’, if a small palace could be called that, in the north. He wasn’t ready to rush in there and sacrifice his Avatar to get a peek at their methods of defending against the curse, but he wasn’t far either.

Rainer lifted an eyebrow as he felt a powerful distortion of space. This wasn’t a new sight. It was however the first time he felt space alter to such a degree. How many 3rd Tiers were they transporting at once? They already had seven here…

His eyes widened as he took in the Soul that suddenly appeared in his [Arcane Revelation] altered sight. What sort of monster was this? Feeling a sudden pressure lock down on him, he immediately went to Void-travel only to feel his Soul shake and his ability to use complicated skills or magic escape him.

The pain in his Soul was nothing to the [Archon] as he struck out with nothing more than manipulated Arcane and burnt his Soul as quickly as possible. [Soul Presence] and [Soul Consolidation] turned his already smaller Avatar Soul almost into nothingness.

But before he lost consciousness with this Avatar, the body ravaged in its own produced Arcane Energy, he knew he had been too late. Not only had the small remaining piece of his Soul been grabbed, it was engorged with power that wasn’t his own, quickly healing. The small wisp of his Soul had even improved from its original state.

And the moment it was healed, Rainer’s true body knelt in pain as his very Soul and mind was assaulted by the connection between it and the Avatar’s cut-off Soul. Only [Void Insulation] protected his memories from being stolen. For now.

“Get my grandfather,” Rainer barely growled out to the Enchanters around him watching the scene. A message was sent to their [Soul Mark]s from him as well. The moment both of them arrived, he immediately picked a random plane from the [Cosmic Map], taking his two grandfathers who rushed over with him. He couldn’t let the connection lead the Zan to this new planet.

Rainer didn’t even pay attention to the strange scenery around him. Now he had the much more important task of making sure his Soul and mind weren’t raided, or worse.

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