The Arcane Emperor
Chapter 7 Resistance

Chapter 7 Resistance

Rainer walked further away from the mine in the cave he landed in. Looking down the long dark passageway he hadn't a clue how far it actually went, but, a minor draft could most certainly be felt. Though, there was little temperature difference from before. An exit could still be quite far, and may not be exactly what you could call an exit.

While he walked his thoughts focused on the small fire spell he memorized. His Arcane magic was special, if it wasn't, that goblin mage wouldn't have been so arrogant, nor would those strange shields of his broken so easily. Luna had as well been unable to recognize the class [Arcanist], so for now, Rainer wanted to have a backup.

If being an [Arcanist] turned out to be something he shouldn't reveal easily, he may be stifled from acting in the future. Or rather, it was never a disadvantage to be underestimated by those trying to kill you, which most of the world he'd met so far wanted to do.

If his guess was completely wrong? Then he'd hope to get a secondary primary class as a [Fire Mage] or something of a similar nature. Even at the failure of that, he'd have something to cook food with or to use [Sleep Learning] on without wasting possible Exp. A part of said fire spell lacked something Rainer always used when he cast magic: Mana inputs and outputs.

Instead, there was a chant. As was written within the notes were several methods to internalize the chant and eventually learn how to naturally flow the mana the same way the chant does, similar to the goblin mage. A completely different experience for Rainer. In the first place, his most recently learned Arcane spells weren't learned at all. They were intuitively created by a combination of his high leveled [Arcane Bolt] and the system's influence. This would be to Rainer the first real magic he learned in this world.

In preparation for his first attempt, as his mana had been fully recharged, he internalized and created the runes within his mind, struggling with the one he didn't understand. A rune was little different in a logical sense from a character or letter of language.

Even if you knew the appearance, the history, and the meaning of a character, it didn't mean you could pronounce it or use it to form a word. In this case, Rainer could use context clues. He knew what the final word was to be, and he knew almost all the other characters, it was just a question of a few experiments before he understood the missing piece.

Rainer checked for a moment that Luna was still sleeping before he began his chanting. He was not happy with it in the slightest. He declared his first task for this world's system of magic would be to introduce runes for controlling mana and make it mandatory for every mage to only create spells with them and not chants. Where would he get the authority to do that? He didn't care nor did he even consider it as, to him, it had already become an inevitable future.

He, however, was thankful that so long as he cast it a few times it wouldn't be difficult for him to add runes to the spell formula to handle the mana control portion.

With a slight hum, he quietly said the words after preparing the other parts of the spell. Chants were based on a combination of sound and meaning. Rainer was seriously impressed by the system, The World Tree in actuality, as it translated the words so they still worked and made sense in English. Rather, if there was a World Tree to physically meet and talk to, he'd join a religion for the first time or create one.

"I walk alone in the darkness. I walk alone without fear. I walk alone without loneliness for I always carry with me but the tiniest of flames."

He lost a bit of mana, but the result ended with a fizzled spell. Adjusting, he tried over and over taking 52 times before the merciful World Tree, as he put it, granted him salvation. The spell was rightfully quite cheap.

[Spell Gained: Candle Flame lvl 1/10]

[New Spellbook Created: Fire]

[Spellbook: Fire]

[Tier One: Candle Flame lvl 1/10]

Looking at the tiny fluttering flame on top of his index finger brought him a moment of satisfaction. Maintaining the flame, he went back to walking at a quicker pace.

There may have been more than one path ahead of him and if he didn't move quickly enough backtracking would no longer be an option when meeting a dead-end. If there was only said dead-end? He had no choice but to get Luna to activate her ring. Without an element of surprise or a proper advantage, it didn't matter how strong Rainer's magic was if he couldn't use it in time or, more importantly in this case, use enough of it before being swarmed by goblins.

The [Arcanist] class clearly surpassed most others he'd seen, but even at level 25, he would only have 63 maximum mana. He needed to create spells that either did more or cost less. Yet time had always been against him since he came here. With his enemies at his back and the unknown that blocked the way forward, using up too much mana was not a possibility.

He kept up a quick pace, still keeping a part of his attention on the [Candle Flame] over his finger. Slowly he infused mana into the small flame in an attempt to gain a skill related to manipulating fire. Yet lacking any experience in fire magic he lost control.

In reality, he was doing something he wouldn't attempt at all without the [Arcanist] Class effects. Pouring more mana into a spell in most cases ended with failure and consequences. [Arcane Energy Manipulation] combined with other synergistic effects alongside his high level [Arcane Bolt] is what made adding mana and energy to the spells possible. The flame jutted out in all directions and slightly hurt his hand before snuffing out.

Yet, for seemingly no reason the pain partially receded, becoming little more than a dull ache with no visible damage other than a bit of redness.

[Skill Gained: Burn Resistance lvl 1/10]

He sucked in a breath of air as he contemplated the potential of such a skill. While [Burn Resistance] itself would have limited application, what did this mean for Rainer? With a bit of effort, he could gain a baseline resistance to nearly everything.

He had only been burnt twice since coming here, once when he received minor burns on his back from the Goblin [Fire Mage], and just now. With Luna's healing flame, would it even be difficult to gain a resistance to practically anything?

He still had only a minor advantage in leveling skills from his human race and [Arcanist] Class but even just level 1 of any skill had shown to be significant.

He stopped walking and stared down at his stomach. He couldn't help but think he should just repeatedly punch himself until he gained some form of physical resistance. Mocking his own hesitation he continued to walk forward. The pounding of a fist into flesh resounded in the cave.

Sometime after Rainer walked out of eyesight an unexpected change occurred. Unexpected for Rainer if he was aware of it.

"Stop and return to your posts," Gognar called out to the working goblins and human slaves.

Gognar couldn't help but frown as he felt pain in his still broken arm and partially cracked sternum. The mage had felt weak to him, far weaker than the Head Shaman. A fledgling at best. Yet not only had he killed the chief shaman he had nearly killed Gognar himself. Had he not protected himself with the entirety of his Aura in time, he would have most assuredly died.

He had only ordered his men to threaten him with pursuit. He had no plans of connecting the mine directly to the spider caverns, having a deal with their queen not to intrude into each other's territory in exchange for leaving the tunnel open and offering human sacrifices. Even if that weren't the case, there was no benefit to going after that deceiving mage as of yet. He'd end up on the wrong side of the mountain. There would be little threat for now.

Maybe he'll kill that troublesome queen…

"Chief, letting puny human getaway. We say no," an Orc to the left of Gognar spoke up.

How lacking my tribe is…

Before the Orc at his side had a chance to even react Gognar had gripped his head and with an unstoppable grip lifted him straight in the air. It took but a moment before his fingers penetrated the screaming Orc's head.

"Get Back...Now!" Gognar growled out.

Gognar himself walked away still angry at coming so close to death. Ever since he had been trained in Aura and was able to set his Primary Class as Martial Artist none of his tribe could even stand before him.

He would be taking a trip out of the mine, he needed to go replace their Head shaman's successors in any case back at their city. He'd kill and get stronger along the way.

Then I'll head north, replace that mage, and tear him in half.

[Skill Gained: Physical Resistance lvl 1/10]

Rainer sat down and leaned against a large stalagmite. He had grown frustrated after hitting himself for what he thought had been almost a thousand times and in a fit of anger he picked up a loose stone and slammed it into his leg. It wasn't broken, but the thigh contained numerous nerve endings. Not even the satisfaction of a message helped Rainer.

He opened up the left side of his coat and gently poked Luna awake.

"Ah, no, Luna won't eat it, Luna can't eat anymore," she mumbled out in her sleep.

"I'm not asking you to eat anything hurry up and heal me," he winced a bit and retorted back.

"hmm...Rainer? You don't have any food?"

"Thanks for reminding me that I haven't eaten in almost 2 days, now can you heal me?"

"Heal...Ah! Rainer, why so many bruises?" she said lifting up his shirt.

"Luna, you can tell where I'm hurt? Is it a part of the familiar connection?" he asked a bit surprised.

"Yep Luna always knows when Rainer seriously hurt, even if Luna sleeping Luna will know," she said proudly, not yet realizing she had thrown guilt on herself.

"So you knew when I got burnt earlier…"

Luna tried to fly away, but Rainer grabbed her before she could even take off and lightly poked her in the head.

She grabbed her head and looked sadly towards Rainer. He ignored her act completely and just spoke again.

"Well come heal me now, and you'll be forgiven for having such a good nap while I was in pain."

While Luna's flame burned heatlessly on Rainer, she mumbled out her discontent, "Hmm, taking advantage of Luna, because Luna so small and nice and beautiful and perfect, one day Luna will get big and she will take advantage of Rainer."

"Take all the advantage you want," Rainer said with a grin as he leaned back and enjoyed the healing.

"Mocking Luna, thinking Luna can't, well Luna will."

After Luna finished healing his leg, he decided that this was a good as time as any to see if fire resistance existed, though he might as well ask her about it before he put himself through the pain.

"Hey, Luna what do you know about resistance Skills?"

"What about them, of course, Luna knows."

"For example, how would you go about getting a [Physical Resistance] type skill?"

"Hehe don't even try. Unless you get lucky from a skill orb or receive it from leveling up your class, you could spend all your life getting hit and not gain it. Most resistances are like this says Luna. Luna will be happy to try though."

She added on the last part while giving Rainer a toothy smile and with her long pointed ears twitching slightly.

"And [Burn Resistance]?"

"Hmm, soak yourself in scalding water for several years. Fire Fae sometimes train like that. Luna doesn't get it though. And it doesn't always work. Silly fire people."

Rainer couldn't keep his happiness down at how powerful the [Arcanist] Class truly was. Every time he discovered more about the world his Class had only gotten better and better.

"How about fire resistance?" Rainer asked as it was his next course of action if such a skill existed.

"Drink the blood of a Fire Dragon."

That one sounded a bit easier to Rainer.

"But it has to be alive. 100 Rainers couldn't even tickle one."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence. Alright well. I'm gonna burn my hand with a flame so keep healing me constantly. Tell me when you can't go on," he said as he placed one hand above the other.

"Stop says Luna! Luna just explain and yet Rainer didn't listen."

Rainer paused for a moment, before smiling and asking a question that could solve this.

"Luna, can we show other people our status screens?"

"Rainer only needs to think of showing Luna his status screen and Luna will be asked if Luna wants to see. Luna doesn't understand how this help."

He did exactly as she said and looked for her reaction as she stared at what was likely his status screen. She stared blankly for quite a while before even a peep came out of her.

"What...How is this even possible, what is this [Arcanist] class that it can do such thing? He hits himself for hours like an idiot and gains such a powerful skill?" Luna quietly said to herself completely oblivious that Rainer was in fact not deaf. Without pause, Luna fluttered over to Rainer's hand and spoke impatiently.

"Well come on, start burning yourself, I want to see how this works."

It wasn't difficult for Rainer to see that when she became serious her personality shifted. Whether Luna was aware of this herself, he wasn't sure, but when they had some real downtime he decided to see what was going on.

Rainer composed himself and focused on the task at hand. He planned on gaining some form of fire manipulation at the same time as fire resistance. He had altered the magical formula of [Candle Flame] earlier and the system had seemed to acknowledge his actions. Activating the spell became no different than his Arcane ones. Manipulating the fire with his mana, however, would still prove a challenge.

"Come on Rainer, how's that little flame going to do anything to you, heat it up!" she said as she kneeled on top of his hand and then slapped it a few times.

Ignoring the overly-excited and slightly mean Fairy, Rainer, with as much control as possible, put his mana into the flame. Luna watched as Rainer concentrated, wanting to retort that you can't just put more mana into spells whenever you want unless you were a truly powerful mage, not a level 3 one.

She had wanted to yell the same thing when he cast those ridiculously powerful [Arcane Bolts]. Luna didn't understand how the Orc could survive that nor how Rainer could do that. Though seeing his skills for a brief moment gave her some insight. She'd ask to look closer at them in the near future as her shock at seeing the [Physical Resistance] skill prevented that. She immediately focused on healing after she felt some more mana leaving Rainer.

The [Candle Flame] increased in size as Rainer attempted to keep both hands steady. His hand already felt the heat and pain though it seemed as if the [Burn Resistance] skill lowered the actual damage being done and with Luna's constant healing he could manage, at least for a little while.

Soon he lost control over the flame. The flame burst out in size and with Rainer gritting his teeth and focusing on keeping the spell going, he managed to stay steady. He had a feeling that if the spell went out he wouldn't gain any sort of fire manipulation skill.

His desire for power outweighed the scorching pain. And to him, such power meant more opportunities to further his magic. The pain was immense as the fire burned but it settled down and with a final effort Rainer managed to keep the spell going.

[Skill Gained: Pain Resistance lvl 1/10]

Seeing the message the task became noticeably easier, though the pain still existed. After a few more flare ups and with Rainer still managing to keep the flame under control despite the three messages that soon appeared one after the other.

[Skill Gained: Fire Resistance lvl 1/10]

[Candle Flame has reached level 2]

[Experience Gained: 3%]

[Skill Gained: Fire Manipulation lvl 1/10]

Rainer canceled the [Candle Flame] the moment he gained [Fire Manipulation] and waited for Luna to heal him up completely. He relaxed as the dark violet flame tended to him. The contentment from his accomplishment visible on his face.

"To think Rainer was so incredible, Hehehe Luna got rescued by someone much better than silly hero."

It wasn't difficult for her to discern that Rainer had succeeded.

Rainer opened his eyes to look over his messages while Luna finished up healing him.

So half the exp gain I received for leveling up [Arcane Bolt Armament]? Is it because the spell is so weak? Or because I only receive half equivalent experience for non-Arcane tier one spells? Well, looks like I can in the end only train physical skills in my sleep, or if I gain enough levels and tier one spells become useless for leveling. The level up for the [Candle Flame] seemed a bit too quick too. There must be other factors at play other than my leveling bonuses.

Right after Rainer inspected all his resistance skills, curious what exactly the difference between fire and burn resistance were, though he had a basic idea.

[Physical Resistance lvl 1/10: Increases one's resistance against all physical effects. Can be toggled on or off.]

[Pain Resistance lvl 1/10: Increases one's resistance against pain. Can be toggled on or off.]

[Burn Resistance lvl 1/10: Increases one's resistance against burns. Can be toggled on or off.]

[Fire Resistance lvl 1/10: Increases one's resistance against heat and flame. Can be toggled on or off.]

So with only [Fire Resistance] the heat that affects me is lowered, but I burn at the same threshold...and with only [Burn Resistance] my heat threshold at which I burn is increased? There may be fire spells which have a status effect that [Fire Resistance] will help me defend against. Well, either way, they seem to stack, I'll just accept it. Though, will this make me colder? At least not enough to significantly tell as of yet. Perhaps that's why it can be disabled.

Rainer looked at his mana and noted he consumed about 3 for the whole training session leaving him with 14, 2 having been taken up by his 4 armed [Arcane Bolts].

Yet when he was about to stand up he noticed small glowing red orbs approaching from every direction. Momentarily he was quite frightened by the possibility of ghosts. Yet those fears at least would be dissuaded. Whether the reality of them being 8 little beady eyes would be much better for him, only time would tell.

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