The Arcane Emperor
Chapter 89 Blood on the Walls

Chapter 89 Blood on the Walls

Rainer stood and watched from afar as Gunthar fought the latest wave of monsters. It had been easy enough to gather them for the [Arcane Reaper]. Something about these mountains, likely related to the magic in the air, made the monsters unusually aggressive.

Yes, any monster lacking the intelligence of something like Delilah, the [Ice Wolf Queen] who accompanied Furtak, would almost automatically attack a person they perceived as weaker— but they were, more often than not, cautious beings. Or stronger monsters who wouldn't even bother waking up to prey they felt to be far beneath them. So long as they weren't particularly hungry, that is.

But the rules were irrelevant here. Maintaining both the allure and the danger of this place. No more spending weeks in a hunting ground and coming up short. Though that came with the possible, and frankly common, trade off of not coming back at all. Which meant you were less likely to replace any of the longer-lived races hunting in these mountains.

Rainer had just finished using this peculiarity of the mountains to fly around in order to locate and attract a pack of monsters for Gunthar. For those monsters that were barely in the second tier, they were acting strangely indeed. For them to be following Rainer and trying to kill him was wholly uncharacteristic for any place but this one. Gunthar fought them as they whipped their tails around and tried to kill their new target, ignoring Rainer soon after he brought them.

They were worm-like icy blue creatures, covered in a hard and jointed carapace with a spiked tail. As Rainer watched, one of the many fighting Gunthar rolled up into a ball and threw itself down the mountainside as it charged towards him. A simple dodge and the flash of an [Aura Blade] put that plan out of action.

No progress…

Rainer noted. Nothing about Gunthar seemed more, which meant he either hadn't gathered anywhere near enough, this method wouldn't work, or Rainer wouldn't be able to tell the difference until Gunthar finally advanced.

Seeing Gunthar effortlessly fighting, Rainer focused on another matter. Either way, he'd be feeling for a message through their familiar bond rather than any sort of visual cue that Gunthar was in danger. Even if said Undead lost an arm, it didn't necessarily mean he actually needed any help.

In a different direction, the Void descended as the world took on a grey hue. Rainer watched and felt as he turned his thoughts toward gaining the last levels of [Void Domain] but also his planned skill.

When it came to the Void, he realized, he had too many skills and spells. Too many factors to merge with Arcane, Space, and Time. He wanted the armed part of [Void Presence], needed the spell portion that was [Void Domain], and desired the sheer power of presence that was the descent of the Void itself into the world. On top of all his other Void skills, each that had a role to play and the final and perhaps most crucial [Void-walking].

It was too large of a step to merge all that with the Arcane and Magic elements.

He needed something else first.

"A Void Dominion…"

A spell of the Void that would allow him to directly use any part of his spells or skills without calling up the skills himself. To get the bonus Void Attribute which increased magic-based Void spells. To freely use his abilities of the Void and, even more so, to take from the passive element of [Void Presence Armament] and make some part of the Dominion a permanent existence around him. Never again would he be unprepared to take on a foe.

Rainer went further into thought as he let himself be washed by the presence of [Void Descent], partially hoping to level it. It was then that he was reminded of a fact dealing with souls. A fact that Gunthar wasn't, or rather couldn't, take advantage of: consuming an entire soul.

In necromancy, using an entire soul was essentially impossible. Even ignoring the Divine element that may take offense to that - such as when Rainer healed a Fairy's Akhor's Sickness and put back her entire soul - some of it almost immediately left on death. This included any Rainer had in his ring.

But what if he could keep them from leaving while at the same time hiding the action from any Divine interference? Would consuming an entire soul with nothing missing be what Gunthar truly needed to advance without a Trial?

Unleashing his armed [Arcane Lance]s, Rainer quickly cleared up the last of the monsters Gunthar was fighting.

"Sorcerer?" Gunthar asked, his voice calm and relaxed as if he hadn't been fighting at all. The benefits of being undead, Rainer mused. He wondered if at this point Gunthar would actually prefer the Lich's ritual for a flesh body rather than any sort of true resurrection. Unlike his father, Gunthar showed no signs of being bothered with his current state.

"I have a plan, but I think we might want to replace something more worthy of it. In the meantime, I can practice on anything we come across."

Rainer watched with bated breath as a massive monster circled overhead. Feathers as white as the snow beneath them covered the flying beast and a frigid chill spread out with every flap of its wings.

[Avian, Male, Skyfrost King lvl 25]

[Title: Frostborne]

A monstrous hawk at the peak of the second tier, or perhaps even a bit more, Rainer guessed as he felt the sheer power of it. He expected a beast of this strength to have intelligence, yet it all but ignored his words with [Druidic Language]. If anything, it seemed to only agitate the monster. And with that, there was little hesitation on Rainer's part, especially since rather than having found their target, it found them.

"You ready?" Rainer asked the undead beside him.

"I am ever ready for your madness, Sorcerer," Gunthar said as wings of Arcane and Death extended from behind him.

Rainer briefly watched the flicker of the Undead's wings, thinking it truly made him fit the class of a Reaper. The [Skyfrost King] finished its encircling and dove towards them, showing a speed far beyond that of any similar animals. Its size did not slow it down in the slightest and Rainer saw its aura shift as its speed grew even faster.

[Void Descent] spread out all around Rainer as he focused its power on the predatory bird. The beast momentarily froze, feeling a power far beyond itself descend on him. Its heart beat faster and its wings froze. The power it brought to bear stuttered.

Rainer focused the pressure away from the surroundings and onto the monster. The air around them regained life as instead the color drained from the hawk as if the beast were more a black and white drawn figure than a member of this world.

[Void Descent has reached level 2]

[Experience Gained: 72%]

There was no question that this was a skill of far higher tier than any he had leveled up till now. [Void Presence] had been on the level of [Arcane Revival], the precursor to [Arcane Invigoration], so the amount of experience for [Void Descent] was of no surprise.

And with that last thought, Rainer vanished through the Void. He appeared just inches above the hawk. Knowing he could not kill the target himself, he opened up an [Arcane-Spatial Domain] around them, and surged the gravity onto the monstrous bird. The sudden burst of weight caused the monster to lose his bearings as he plummeted towards the earth, a kick from a descending Rainer following.

Any normal use of teleportation and the hawk would have reacted instantly. Fortunately, [Void-walking] was anything but normal.

It slammed into the ground, only its large Aura pool protecting it from damage, kicking up a flurry of snow with it. Rainer vanished moments later as the beast cried out with a vengeance and spun his wings around, a wave of frost overtaking the surroundings. Icy spikes followed as the predatory bird soared at incredible speeds.

Rainer threw an [Arcanum Shield] in front of Gunthar to block the spike; the trusting Undead did not even falter in his charge as he infused the strength of a [Devil King] into his body. A black muscle-like flesh covered the undead as he increased in height. An [Aura Blade] merged with his own sword as he dashed forward.

The monster tried to escape to the sky, but Gunthar followed. A burst of Miasma caused the monster to falter in pain, yet its ascent remained unabated. Gunthar's [Aura Blade] clashed with the beast's talons, causing it to lose two of its claws. A breath of frost expelled from the beast forcing Gunthar to retreat.

Rainer let out a long breath and repeated his previous maneuver, grounding the beast once more. The beast used its wings to remain close to the ground, now keeping a permanent frost expelling from its feathers. Rainer's attempt at getting closer was met with a bone biting chill, forcing him to use [Arcane Invigoration] to heal any damage.

Gunthar was undaunted by such pain even if it slowed down his movements as he charged forward once more, the flesh of his [Devil King] form and the Miasma that accompanied it shrugging off the covering frost.

The hawk opened its wings wide and a massive flow of frost-covered Aura went into the ground. Gunthar leaped to avoid it, while Rainer put four [Arcanum Shields] into the path of the ice spike that grew from the ground and stabbed towards the Undead. It shattered the shields as if they were panes of glass, leaving Gunthar nearly defenseless.

The Fairy who flew out from Rainer's coat had her own say in the matter. A radiant flame of violet and silver burst out seemingly from Rainer and consumed the magical Aura attack of the hawk instantly. Numerous other formations of ice exploded from the ground overwhelming Luna's fire. A single twisted ice attack managed to pin Gunthar in place as Rainer grabbed Luna in a hug and Void-walked before another could do the same to her.

With a flap of its massive wings, the [Skyfrost King] lunged forward at incredible speeds, seeking to do a final blow with its talons. A powerful icy aura intertwined around them.

Rainer appeared in front of Gunthar and unleashed four of his [Arcanum]s. The four ritual circles appeared in an Arc over Rainer and beams of Arcane shot at the charging beast. It screeched, just barely saving its life with an application of ice over its body.

With most of it blocked earlier by his shields, Luna easily freed the trapped Gunthar with a strongly controlled Faerie-Fire. Rainer Void-walked to the side with an arm around Luna's waist, unleashing the remainder of his [Arcanum]s into the beast's side.

Gunthar took the opportunity and charged forward, burning the last of his Aura in his [Devil King] form. A black blade of Aura, now covered with a spinning miasma, cut through the frost as he stabbed into the monster.

Rainer unleashed his armed [Void Presence] to cover the area, followed by a quick shout of [Devil's Soul Language]. With a flicker of [Void Descent], he used [Void Hold] directly on the beast's soul.

"Take it!" Rainer roared as he felt his [Void Will] start depleting in seconds as the task took far more out of him than he expected. The soul of this beast was as strong in death as it was in life.

Gunthar struggled as his will wrestled against the powerful beast. But under the continued pressure of [Void Presence], the soul's defenses weakened.

Rainer felt blood drip down from his nose but paid it no mind. He kept a hold on it every step of the way as it entered Gunthar's control piece by piece. With a final surge of power, Gunthar took the soul whole.

Rainer dropped down on his knees, followed by Gunthar who immediately entered a meditative posture, still fighting with the foreign entity, no part of it escaping.

[Experience Gained: 0.2%, 32%]

[Harbinger has leveled up to lvl 12/25. Standard Attributes have been distributed. 2 Attribute and skill points have been rewarded]

Luna went back her smaller size as she moved around Rainer's face, cleaning up some of the blood and applying her fire over him.

Maintaining the previous armed use of [Void Presence], Rainer looked at his status screen. Slowly but surely, Gunthar's cost started to increase. He let Gunthar take all he needed.

A loud cry on the horizon told Rainer and Luna that they wouldn't be resting. He watched with trepidation as numerous hawks descended down over a peak and flew straight towards them.

Flee? Of course not. Rainer hadn't had the slightest idea what [Void-walking] with Gunthar in his current state would do to the Undead. And nor did he know if carrying him would do anything, not that he could outpace the hawks. Either action could cause Gunthar's soul severe damage.

Without the limitation of Gunthar needing to get the killing blow, a hilt entered Rainer's hands as he disappeared into the Void. A flash of Arcane appeared and a hawk, the likes of which would strike fear into the hearts of many, died in a single blow. Rainer continued on, relentless in his endeavor. They were far smaller and weaker than the first hawk they fought, but with their numbers and their single-minded focus towards Gunthar, Rainer found himself fighting constantly.

Luna stood in front of Gunthar, her flame easily consuming any ranged attacks of Ice focused on Gunthar. Rainer watched her constantly, making sure no monster got close enough to either of them.

No matter how many he brought down with his [Arcane Blade], or how many lay covered in the falling snow pierced with holes from [Arcane Lance]s, or burnt to ash from Arcane-Fire, more and more came. Rainer faltered for a brief moment as he missed a slash with his [Arcane Blade]. The pain from the extended use of [Void Will] was catching up to him.

Rainer grimaced as a talon stabbed through his upper chest, barely missing his heart. [Arcane Invigoration] poured through his body to combat the chilling frost that invaded through the wound. His body shook as he failed to Void-walk, the combination of the beast's ice-and-frost mix of Aura and the magic of these mountains screwing him up. Another hawk's cry entered his ear as he saw one dive bombing towards the still occupied Gunthar.

Looking up at the talon still stabbing into him, Rainer cut off the beast's wing with an [Arcane Blade], his other arm incapable of reaching its head: far too damaged. With a massive tug of power, he pushed Mana into his Void-walk and took not only the monster with him but the falling snow around them.

They landed harshly on the diving hawk before slamming into the ground just feet away from Gunthar. The rush of snow and ice passed by the stationary undead unnoticed.

Luna's flame covered both him and the hawk, though with far different purposes. The frost that pervaded him disappeared, and he easily escaped the beast's grasp, finishing off both entangled masses of aura and feather with a [Cone of Arcane-Fire].

More and more monsters arrived on the horizon as Rainer realized the danger wasn't in just the strong monsters of the mountain, but in the ones that followed them.

They suddenly halted in their tracks. Rainer felt a power of frost coming behind him as Gunthar took his feet. The cry of a hawk erupted from the undead, as the rest were scared away. Various feathers covered his body, letting out an eerie frost, with wings of feather and bone growing from his back.

Rainer looked and saw the soul was entirely Gunthar's. If...only for a moment.

Gunthar kneeled down on the ground as the recently absorbed soul tried to escape. Rainer rushed over to his side.

"We can replace another, just let him leave."

The hawks noticed the waning strength as they now started to circle in the air. Rainer guessed it was only a matter time before the monsters began to dive at them again.

Gunthar wrestled with the soul for a few moments, before letting go. Portions of it disappeared nearly instantly to places unknown as Rainer grabbed the rest and put it into his ring. No reason Gunthar can't absorb the rest for its powers.

Minutes passed as Gunthar recovered from the pain of his soul, more and more monsters joining the ominous flock circling in the sky. With a hawk's cry reminding them they were in no place to rest, Rainer void-walked with everyone.

Elelaria sat at her grandfather's bedside, playing with the storage enchantment as he contemplated the news brought to him. Bringing such things to her father or anyone else in the leadership first would only be to her disadvantage.

Despite his illness and approaching death, as well as his future relying on his success in the Rank 6 Dungeon Meet, there was no question who held the greatest power in their clan, even if his rank was no longer official. After all, he wasn't going to waste his limited time and strength fighting with his own clan when he needed it for the Dungeon. His chosen party wasn't so kind as to take him when he had nothing to offer.

He had slowly let power slip from his grasp where he didn't truly need it, letting them think all the while they were getting one over on him. In the end, should he advance, all their attempts would be meaningless.

Kellaria opened his eyes, glancing once to the list, apparently responsible for such magic.

"He truly gave you all these for free?"

Ele nodded, understanding the skepticism.

"And it was not a declaration of intent?" Kellaria asked, running a hand through his white hair, though it still shared the slightest hint of raven blue that his granddaughter's black hair currently had.

"No. It was given to me as an Ambassador, not as myself."

"Who else is aware of this?"

"Only you and I. Though I told the Lord Magus I would present his gifts at the Leadership gathering in a week."

"Can a meeting with him, prior to it, be arranged?" he said, coughing in between his words.

Ele raised an eyebrow at her grandfather, her usual mask dropped with him. He never made a decision so quickly. Not even as his life was coming to an end did he do anything except in a slow and plodding manner.

"He is currently hunting in the mountains, but I shall have him contacted the moment he returns."

"I will see if I need to delay the leadership meeting. Thank you for bringing this to me Ele."

"Of course, grandfather," she said, bowing before leaving.

Numerous Void-walks later, Rainer collapsed into his bed, Gunthar standing by his side.

"I apologize for my failure, Sorcerer."

"What, you screwed up one time? Big deal. Besides, now we know for sure."

"Know what?"

"That this is the way forward. For a brief moment you cost nearly twice as much to maintain as usual. I have no doubt had you been able to absorb the full Soul, you'd have advanced. We just need to replace a monster a bit weaker."

"It will take me some time to recover, but I should be ready soon," Gunthar said. Tiamat came out from Rainer's coat and looked over to Gunthar who happily took the young dragon into his arms. It was easy to tell his mood was restored.

Rainer nodded. "It'll be harder to replace another monster like that. We got lucky, or I suppose unlucky. Well, nothing for it. Once Kara comes here in a few weeks we can hunt with her help too," Rainer added before wondering if the Wolf King would allow his sister and Lilia to continue training with their sensors. He didn't want to pull Lilia away from the library earlier than he had to.

"Get some rest, Sorcerer. I am still fit to stand guard."

Rainer woke up after a short nap, realizing he hadn't even used [Sleep Learning] prior to it. Overusing his Void Will was never pleasant. A knocking at the door and a faint voice told him Ele was here for some reason. He knew he hadn't spent a week up in the mountains, rather barely half a day, so he wondered why she came back so soon.

"Come in," he said.

Ele entered, briefly glancing at the stationary undead that stood outside his door. Of course, with his disguise, few would realize his nature. Momentarily pausing as she saw the company Rainer had with him, Ele continued the same as usual.

"I do not recall ever seeing such a beautiful woman in this city, but I see you work quickly," she commented, before laughing lightly.

Rainer glanced to his side before he realized Luna's head was resting on his chest. He pushed down his panic as he understood there was nothing to discern Luna as a Fae besides her ears that were longer than elves', though even that was mostly hidden by her silver hair. Reminding himself he was strong enough to protect her now calmed him down.

"I was a bit out of it, apologies," he said, referencing his state of dress as he sat up, though a blanket covered Luna completely along with his lower half.

"I suppose it's only fair given what you have seen of mine. As soon as you are ready, I came with an offer from my grandfather for a meeting. He is one of the founding heads of the city, even if he no longer holds any official office," Ele said.

"I'll be ready in a minute."

Rainer followed Ele as she led him to the meeting place. Apart from some glances that seemed more amorous and envious rather than scrutinizing, he went largely unnoticed as he entered the Blood Moon Mansion alongside her. Unlike most mansions he's seen, this one was more of a grouping of towers, with the main house only having a single floor.

"Anything I should know going in?" Rainer didn't think she'd give him an advantage over a family member, but [Mana Reading] meant he'd only need her to talk about him. Knowing a lie was a lie could sometimes be just as useful or more so than the truth.

"Kellaria of the Blood Moon is a stickler for certain etiquette, but given the setting I doubt he will care. You are lucky in that way."


"He once made a visiting diplomat wait three days after their initial meeting because he drank the offered tea too fast. Well, then again, this is one of the reasons the rest of the family was glad to push him away from the more political offices, though they'd never admit how much effort and luck such a thing took. Kellaria is a rarity among the strong as someone who actually cares for any sort of decorum. Most that are of his strength disdain politicking and etiquette as the tools of the weak."

Rainer could see how someone of power actually being a skilled politician on top of that could prove an annoying opponent. Not only was he capable of cutting off your head with little more than a look, he could also out-negotiate you. A troublesome combination, especially the possible crossover of a strategic mind in battle.

From the Wolf King's daughter, Alaya, Rainer had gotten some basic information of the three clans of the Neutral City, including the clan of the man he'd be meeting with.

The Blood Moon Elves were a family that specialized in Magical Swordsmanship, Blood, and Mind Magic. The founding head was considered one of the greatest sword users in the world during his prime, and based on his planned participation in the Dungeon Meet alongside one of the strongest Hunter parties, including the Hunter's Guildmaster Matheus himself, it seemed he still had enough of that strength left.

The Hammerfell Dwarves were strong Aura users on top of having a naturally high Constitution from their race, being a mix of Dwarves who survived in harsh desert conditions and living under the mountains. Their secondary advantage was both their craftsmanship and Aura inscription.

And finally, the Lamia of the Everlasting Grove. They were once a forest-bound race of enchanters and archers, known for killing even the strongest of targets before they even knew they were under attack. Their powerful single-use enchanted arrows, a unique creation, certainly played a large role.

It was in this rare case that the strongest of their clan was no longer the aged founding head, but one of her granddaughters known for her role as a mercenary in the war between the North and the Dragon Isles. She was rumored to have all her classes and subclasses filled entirely with tier 2 ones, something largely unheard of.

"So what exactly is the meeting about," Rainer asked, brought out of his thoughts as they neared their destination.

"I am afraid I do not know for certain, he did show great interest in the enchantments I demonstrated."

"Then the meeting is of personal interest? I'm afraid I do not have enough resources with me to leisurely offer free enchantments." Rainer wasn't completely lying. He did only have enough Mana Crystals for the Mana Control Rune and three enchantments on top of that. There wasn't a chance he'd reveal the Mana Well of course.

"While expensive, Grandfather would have no issue providing what you need. You offering your services free of charge is already enough and likely worth more than the ingredients. Merely, I am not certain the enchantments are the main subject of his interest. Well, here we are," Ele said, leading him to a room on the first floor.

"No guards?" Rainer asked. No lies thus far...

"It would be quite silly for a pillar of Neutral City's strength to need guards, no?"

"Silly, indeed," he said, noting over half a dozen guards pinned around the room hiding their Aura or Mana with only the faintest sign of their existence leaking from their Souls. There was no way to tell if she knew about them, given her non-answer to his question. A limitation of [Mana-Reading] to be sure, especially in circles where people never gave clear answers. Any televised interview with the president was always an entertaining reminder of how someone could talk and talk and yet not answer a single question.

"He requested the meeting to be private, so I shall wait out here," Ele said, before waving him forward.

Rainer stepped in, wondering just how this meeting would go.

The man Rainer assumed was Kellaria sat at a table, a single cup of tea in front of him. He couldn't help but wonder if not serving him tea was a courtesy or a slight. Not having to impolitely reject the drink or otherwise check for poison was frankly a relief. At the very least, Rainer was sure that not standing up to greet him was a universal slight, but once more he couldn't judge.

He inwardly shrugged before taking a seat across from the white-haired man. Even looking quite old, it seemed Elves had an unfair aging advantage. Kellaria, while pale with a decent amount of wrinkles, didn't look particularly unpleasant. Asians also seemed to have such an advantage Rainer mused, thinking it could be either in this case given that Moon Elves seemed to have similar features.

The Elf stood from his seat and, with a slight bow, introduced himself.

"I am Kellaria of the Blood Moon Clan, a pleasure to make your acquaintance Lord Magus of the far North," he said before sitting back down.

He supposed this could count as a minor etiquette lesson and Rainer mirrored his actions, introducing himself as Rainer Nvos with no specific add-on to his name.

"My granddaughter had told me you are a man who gets to the point, so I believe I shall honor that conduct by doing so myself. I have a trade I wish to pursue."

"I presented my Body Enchantments more as a gift, even if I could not front the materials for all who desire it. I do not think there is anything that needs to be traded."

"It is related as such, but I seek something else. Undoubtedly the notion of Body Enhancements and the manner you have provided is of great interest, but yes indeed it would not necessarily be a trade unless we consider which enchantments you have not yet presented upon Elellaria's form, and then there would be..."

Rainer momentarily zoned out as the man kept talking. What part of this was getting to the point? He danced around the point like a 13 year old asking out a girl for the first time.

"So, in truth, what interests me is not the enchantments but where they come from. I wonder what would it take to trade for Fairy Dust from you? I would be quite pleased if you would grant me such a favor."

The [Archon] briefly tensed, preparing to Void-walk at a moment's notice. Kellaria himself seemed far more an imposing warrior than the old man he previously appeared as, his presence teeming with bloodlust. Rainer got the distinct feeling that no matter the wording, the man's request wasn't a question.

[Moon Elf, Male, Spellsword(2nd) lvl 24, Sanguine Artist(2nd) lvl 24]

[Title: Sword Master]

Was this about Luna? he questioned before stopping himself from jumping to conclusions. It was natural to assume he had contact with the Fae because of his Body Enchantments. Even more so, since that was the truth. He sank into his Void Will and calmed his nerves, letting himself think clearly.

"What is the value of even a single year of life? Let alone four more?" Rainer said, intentionally marking down how many years Fairy Dust gave from its actual ten. He wasn't confident enough in his abilities to outright lie and say he didn't have any.

"Indeed it is priceless," the Elf agreed.

Out of his Void Will, and still on edge from the potential threat, no matter how subtle, Rainer decided to return the favor. He knew part of him was influenced by the chance this was related to Luna, but no matter. A poor choice for dealing with politicians indeed, he briefly mused but made no notion to stop himself.

[Void Descent]

The room took on a lifeless grey, and the previously invisible guards appeared. Only Kellaria managed to retain his mental faculties as he tensed and prepared for battle. Though not even he could hide his slightly trembling hands nor the sweat forming on his forehead. Moments passed that felt like hours. All of the guards fell to the floor in one way or another, no longer able to bear standing or even looking at the Magus causing this.

"You live in a small world, Sword Master, do not forget the unknown that lies outside the border of your maps," Rainer spoke before vanishing in a Void-walk.

Kellaria stared at the place where the mage had disappeared from, taking more than a few seconds to collect himself.

He slowly looked around the room before realizing these were not the Magus' guards.

"I see…" He mumbled to himself.

And then the room was painted in blood.

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