The Best Director
Chapter 18 - 18 Rachel, Goodbye!

Chapter 18 Rachel, Goodbye!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Vote for us, please! Everyone, throw your votes our way—thank you!”


The day after Wang Yang completed all the filming work, he returned all the rented furniture and appliances to get the $3,000 deposit back. To do this, he called Joshua over to help. The lad complained non-stop but didn’t slack off.

After returning the furniture, the next day Wang Yang received a call from Frank Spencer, the owner of the “Leave Behind Beauty” camera shop. Frank said the broken DV camera was repaired—not sent back to the original factory. It was fixed at Sony’s repair station in Los Angeles, so it was ready a few days earlier than expected. The DV damage was due to a small circuit board connecting the battery being broken, which led to battery contact issues and the DV camera not turning on.

The repair cost fifty US dollars, which let Wang Yang breathe a sigh of relief as it was a cost he could afford.

Getting the $950 deposit back from Frank Spencer, plus the $3,000 from the furniture, Wang Yang used this money to pay the remaining half of the $4,000 compensation to Zachary and Rachel, completely eliminating the risk of wage arrears.

But as a result, Wang Yang had less than $500 left in his pocket, not enough to last a month’s living expenses. He needed money because the distribution of the film was a long and arduous task, not something that could be accomplished in a day or two. He had to run around to various major film distribution companies, promote himself, try his luck, until some company appreciated his film and gave him a chance.

This would take time, maybe a month, maybe two. It was possible that the first time he went to a Hollywood film company, someone would say, “We want this film”; it was also possible that after visiting all companies in Hollywood, they all said, “No.”

During this time, no matter how frugally he lived, if no money continued to flow into his account, the $500 would eventually be spent.

However, Wang Yang did not immediately look for a job, because he had to focus on the film’s post-production editing, which was what he had been doing these past few days.

How important is post-production editing to a film? It can almost be as significant as the shooting process itself. Editing is not simpler or easier than shooting—it is another tremendously patience-demanding task. Taking the filmed material, making selections, assembling them, and then compiling a smooth-flowing film, editing can be seen as a second act of creation for the entire work. Different combinations of shots, varying durations, etc., can completely change the effect of the film.

If it were a blockbuster, one would also have to consider dubbing, scoring, coloring, and a whole host of other things. This is why post-production work is generally very tedious—the better the desired outcome, the more time needed to handle it.

However, “Lingdong: Ghost Shadow Debut Recording” is a DV film and a pseudo-documentary, so it doesn’t require a score, nor does it need extensive color correction. Wang Yang only needs to select and assemble the filmed material to put together a film. This requires virtually no technical skills—he could use Sony’s built-in DV editing software, which, as Joshua would put it, even his five-year-old neighbor Mary could use.

Wang Yang had shot close to 300 minutes of satisfactory footage, including many spur-of-the-moment and improvised shots; the majority were different takes with varied acting effects. For example, Rachel’s smile during a particular scene—neurotic, he was satisfied; idiotic, he was also satisfied. His current editing task was to make a choice and cut it down to a standard movie length of about 90 minutes.

Of course, he also needed to add some black screens with explanatory text between certain scenes and time transitions for ease of viewing.

In the last few days, Jessica had come over once, quietly watching Wang Yang edit the film for a while before leaving quietly, not wanting to disturb him. Meanwhile, Zachary reluctantly returned to his previous routine, working part-time at the supermarket and trying his luck at auditions whenever the opportunity arose; Rachel hadn’t returned to Toronto yet, she said she wanted to wait until Wang Yang finished editing the film and saw the finished product for the first time before leaving Los Angeles.

“Oh, it’s already seven?” Sitting in front of the computer, Wang Yang had been busy all day, and only when he glanced at the time in the bottom right corner of the screen did he realize it was already past 7 p.m. He put down the mouse, stood up and stretched lazily, threw a few punches in the air, and then suddenly felt waves of hunger, so he went to the kitchen to replace something to eat.

That new, large freezer had already been returned, and the kitchen had reverted to its former shabby state. Opening the wooden cabinet, he pulled out a cup of instant noodles, tore it open, and poured in boiling hot water from the thermos. After preparing it, he sat down in front of the worn-out couch in the living room with the cup of noodles and began to eat hungrily.

Just then, the phone rang. Wang Yang thought it was Jessica’s call, but when he pulled out his phone, the caller ID showed it was Rachel. Rachel? She didn’t usually call at this time. Wang Yang swallowed his mouthful of noodles, picked up the phone with curiosity and smiled, “Hello, is this Rachel?”

“Hey, Yang, yes, it’s me.” It was indeed Rachel’s voice. She greeted him and then asked, “How’s the film editing coming along?”

While chewing his noodles, Wang Yang replied, “Not bad, the job is just a continuous process of arranging, like trying on clothes in a shop, trying this one, trying that one, and then buying the ones you’re satisfied with.” He chuckled and said excitedly, “Hey, I’ve already edited more than half of it, and in two more days, you’ll be able to see the final product.”

“Wow, really?” However, instead of saying “I’m looking forward to it,” Rachel sighed slightly and said, “But it’ll be a while before I can see it.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Yang’s brow furrowed. What was up with Rachel? He put down the cup of noodles, concerned, and asked, “You’re leaving Los Angeles? What happened?”

Rachel responded with a low, worried “Mhm,” and said, “My mother has acute appendicitis, so I have to rush back to Toronto now, I’m catching tonight’s plane.” Wang Yang couldn’t help but exclaim, “Oh, my goodness! Is your mother okay? She isn’t in danger, is she?” Rachel chuckled lightly, reassuring him, “It’s fine, thank you for caring. She’s doing well, sounded very spirited on the phone, just a bit of abdominal pain. The doctor said her appendix hasn’t perforated or become abscessed—it’s just a simple appendicitis, nothing serious, a minor surgery will do.”

Wang Yang nodded and comforted her, “Well, don’t worry too much then, doctors always leave room for themselves when they speak. Now that they’re saying your mom is fine, she definitely is.” Rachel thanked him, “Yang, I know, I’m fine.” Wang Yang smiled and said, “OK, once the film is edited, I will send it to you right away. By the way, what time is your flight tonight?”

“Boarding starts at ten,” Rachel answered. Wang Yang looked at the time, it was only 7:30 p.m., so he asked, “It’s at LAX, right?” After receiving Rachel’s affirmative response, Wang Yang stood up, chuckling, “There’s still time, I’ll take you to the airport.” Rachel let out a surprised, yet grateful “aw,” then laughed, “Thank you, Yang. But it’s not necessary, it’s so late.”

Even though Rachel said it wasn’t necessary, Wang Yang had already made up his mind. Rachel had been a great help to him during this period, and he was very thankful. Now that her mother had an emergency, and she had to hurry back to Canada, he couldn’t let her leave all alone. He turned off the computer with a smile and said, “Please, it’s too late; I’m already on my way.”

“Oh!” Rachel laughed, touched by his decision to come to see her off, and then nodded, “I’ll wait for you in the departure lounge, Terminal 2.”

Wang Yang hurriedly put on his coat and laced up his sneakers while asking, “Have you told Zachary or Jessica? I don’t know if they are available to join me in seeing you off.”

“I’ve already told them, you’re the last person I’m notifying,” Rachel chuckled, then added seriously, “Yang, it’s enough that you are coming. I don’t want to bother anyone else.”

“OK!” Wang Yang hung up the phone, grabbed his wallet and keys, and quickly headed out the door.

From the apartment to Los Angeles International Airport, if not driving oneself, the best alternative was naturally to take a taxi, but that would cost several dozen US dollars. Given Wang Yang’s current situation, where one dollar had to be stretched as far as ten, he of course wouldn’t choose that option. Instead, he opted for a bus that went straight to the airport, spending 6 US dollars.

Los Angeles’s nightscape was beautiful, but as they left the city and drove on the freeway, there was nothing much to see. After a journey of over an hour, Wang Yang finally arrived at LAX’s Terminal Two around nine thirty.

In a waiting area in front of one of the gates at the terminal, Wang Yang found Rachel. She was dressed in black, with a gray velvet hat on her head, her blonde hair peeking out from beneath the brim. Seeing Wang Yang, she stood up and waved with a smile.

Having sprinted all the way from the bus, Wang Yang couldn’t help but catch his breath. He slowed down upon seeing Rachel and said with a smile, “Hey, Rachel! Luckily, I made it in time…”

“Hi!” Rachel smiled slightly, laughed at the sight of Wang Yang standing there panting, and pulled him to sit down, “Why run yourself ragged like that? I still have over half an hour before I board, don’t I?”

“Oh, don’t worry about that, I am an athletic champ.” Wang Yang waved his hand dismissively. He glanced at Rachel’s small suitcase by her feet and said with a laugh, “Wow, I bet you’ve got a completed thesis hidden in there.”

Rachel shrugged, “Plus four thousand US dollars.” Both of them couldn’t help but laugh. Wang Yang continued, laughing, “No, I guess not that much. You still have to pay commission and taxes.” After another moment of laughter, Rachel said softly, “Seriously though, Yang, I’ve gained so much these past days. I’ve learned a lot and made some good friends. Before coming here to Los Angeles, I debated between Los Angeles and New York. Then I chose Los Angeles, and it was the best choice I’ve ever made.”

Wang Yang feigned helplessness, “Well, having you as the leading lady in my movie was my best decision too.”

“Really, thank you!” Rachel said with a laugh and rolled her eyes at him. She reminisced about the audition day and said with a smile, “But on the audition day, I went just to check it out. I never thought I’d actually become the lead actress.” She leaned a bit closer to Wang Yang and whispered mysteriously, “Yang, do you know? The poster you put up on the bulletin board was really ugly. At first, I thought it was some sort of scam.”

Wang Yang asked curiously, “So why did you end up believing me?” Rachel shrugged, “The moment I saw you, I knew it wasn’t a scam.” Wang Yang inquired, “Why?” Rachel looked at him and smiled faintly, “There’s an energy about you. It only shows on people who are genuine.” Surprised, Wang Yang said, “Like a silly energy?”

Rachel hit him playfully and said, “No, stop joking around all the time. What I’m talking about is drive. You’re passionate, and it’s clear you’re sincere in what you’re doing.” Wang Yang shook his head, “Rachel, you can’t judge a book by its cover, you’ll end up at a disadvantage that way.” Rachel held out her hands and laughed, “OK, but I rarely get it wrong. It’s kind of a gift I guess.”

The two of them laughed again, and Rachel asked with concern, “Yang, what are your plans now?” After spending time together, she had a rough idea of Wang Yang’s situation, but what she didn’t know was that Wang Yang had less than five hundred US dollars left.

Wang Yang’s expression grew serious as he gazed at the crowd in the distance of the terminal, “What’s next? After I finish editing the movie, I’ll head over to Hollywood to sell myself, tirelessly working to get our movie onto the big screen. That’s my plan.”

Rachel nodded silently, studying his face, before slowly saying, “This has never been done before. Everything you’re doing is innovative. I know it must be very difficult, and maybe no one will appreciate you, and maybe people will even laugh at you. But…” She took a deep breath, let it out, and encouraged him, “Yang, you must keep your confidence! You can’t give up on your drive, your passion, that’s what’s most precious, understand?”

“Yeah, thank you, Rachel,” Wang Yang nodded emphatically, feeling a fire burning inside him. Rachel’s words made him swell with fervor. Indeed, no matter how difficult the road ahead, he had to keep his confidence! He smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I’ve been ready to face everything for a while now, nothing can sink me. You know, you can kill me, but you can’t defeat me!”

Hearing Wang Yang quote the famous line from Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea,” and seeing his confident demeanor, Rachel couldn’t help but smile with relief and said, “I know you’re a tough guy.”

“So are you,” Wang Yang winked at her and said, “when you go back to Toronto, keep improving your acting. Believe me, you’ll be a big star someday.” Rachel covered her mouth with a laugh and said, “Wow, that’s really nice to hear.”

Rachel certainly didn’t have the thought “I’ll be a big star someday.” If it hadn’t been for Wang Yang’s appearance, she would have considered pursuing a master’s degree after graduating from York University. It was her teacher who encouraged her to go into theatre and film, which gradually led her to the big screen.

The two chatted for a while, and before they knew it, it was almost ten o’clock. At that time, the announcement for boarding sounded in the waiting area: “Passengers of flight AC794, please proceed to boarding… Passengers of flight AC794, please proceed to boarding…” As the announcement played, passengers in the waiting area who were going to board stood up one after another to say goodbye to their friends who had come to see them off and entered the boarding gate.

Since there was nearly half an hour before boarding, Rachel and Wang Yang chatted for a little while longer. When it was almost time, she stood up, pulled her suitcase, and said calmly, “I have to go now.”

Wang Yang also stood up, nodded, and said, “Rachel, have a safe trip.”

Rachel looked at him, her eyes suddenly filled with a touch of sadness, and asked, “Will we see each other again?”

Wang Yang tried to keep a light tone, with a bit of a forced smile, “Please, what do you think? It’s 1998, it only takes seven or eight hours from Los Angeles to Toronto.” He said this, but he couldn’t help feeling a bit down. Maybe it was just the normal feeling of parting; maybe he truly didn’t want Rachel to leave; or maybe because the time they spent together was genuinely joyful.

“Yes, the power of technology,” Rachel said, laughing at his words.

“Passengers of flight AC794, please proceed to boarding. The gate will close in five minutes…” The voice of the announcement sounded again.

Wang Yang looked at her and said, “You need to go now.” He opened his arms and gave her a light hug, smiling, “Rachel, I’m really glad I met you.”

“Me too, getting to know you has been my biggest gain in coming to Los Angeles,” Rachel said as she gazed deeply at him and added, “Yang, goodbye!” With that, she pushed her luggage toward the boarding gate.

The sweet dimples on her cheeks couldn’t hide the sadness in her eyes. She didn’t know when she would see Wang Yang again after today. She remembered the days they struggled for the movie, the daily laughter, and the dance they shared at the bar… As she was about to enter the boarding gate, she stopped, turned around to look at Wang Yang not far away, and shouted, “Yang, I look forward to watching our movie At The Movies. I know that day will come, and we will meet again then!”

She waved her hand and exclaimed, “Bye-bye, Yang!”

Wang Yang smiled as he waved back, watching her enter the boarding gate and disappear around the corner. He was filled with an unspeakable feeling. Rachel… goodbye!

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