The Black Necromancer
Chapter 376 A Budding Rebellion


A metal door closed behind a robed figure. The figure had a dark, enchanted hood over their head that obscured their face from the view of others. When the metal door was firmly closed, a magical runic formation glowed over it once before vanishing.

"Ha~" The figure sighed tiredly before taking down the hood and exposing their face. A smooth and beautiful female face came into view. Bright silver hair and sharp bottle green eyes glowed brightly in the well lit room that she had entered. What was most notable aside from her captivating hair color was the pair of pointy ears at the sides of her head.

"Princess?" A young man emerged from the deeper recesses of the hall that the metal door led to.

"I already told you, Mordred. Don't refer to me with that honorific when we are at work." The silver haired lady glared at the young elven man that had emerged. He had rough brown hair and a pair of bright blue eyes.

"Forgive me, Vera." The young man resisted the urge to give a bow and turned around. "Follow me. This should be the first time you are coming to this base, yes?" He gestured for her to follow.

"Correct. I've been busy at the palace lately. My father is getting more and more reckless. Those old and bigoted fools on the council are trying to push for full war against Dura." Vera sighed tiredly as she followed Mordred down the hall.

Eventually, the two of them came upon an open chamber that was several hundred meters wide in diameter. There were many people walking about through the massive chamber. Elves, humans, and even various variants of centaur people!

Princess Vera Henisie, the only child of the current Elven Emperor, beheld the mix of various races that worked at her fingertips, all wanting to achieve the same goal as herself.

Their collective goal was quite simple - To free the oppressed that suffered from the drawbacks of their impure blood!

The problem of Elves that had been suppressed into poverty and disguised slavery because of their impure blood had been a problem to their empire for a very long time. In fact, many people thought that Vera might have been overreaching, but even still, they supported her wholeheartedly. After all, a single pebble might lead up to a landslide.

The many humans and members of other races that were present shared Vera's sentiment and had chosen to assist her in her endeavors to free her people. Already, they were doing their best to support the Dura Kingdom, but their efforts were almost like a bucket of water being poured into the ocean. It barely made a difference.

That was why Vera had chosen to go for a more proactive choice of action.

She wanted to usurp her father's throne and claim her position of Empress of Rivera!

"Vera, you made it!" A middle aged Elven woman appeared in the corner of Vera's line of sight as she emerged from a separate hallway. The woman had beautiful features that could be mistaken for that of an Elf, but her ears were rounded at the top just like a human's. She was a half breed!

"I did, big sister Mirabel." Vera smiled when she saw the middle aged woman. The woman had the face of someone who had aged well, and in reality, she did. This was because she was actually over a hundred years old! Even Vera, who looked to be in her twenties was close to her hundreds! She was over seventy!

Elves were generally long lived beings. If nothing went wrong, and they were talented mages or warriors, it was not too strange to see an Elf was was up to seven hundred years old without being an A rank.

"Show me the progress on the 'Blood Breaker' Project." Vera told Mirabel. Mirabel was someone that Vera could put her utmost trust in. Just like Mordred, they had know each other for a long time and were very close. The only thing that separated them from the young male Elf was the fact that he was actually quite young, only in his early twenties, and so he was a bit formal with them. But it was not too bad. After all, they had practically raised him from childhood.

"Come, come. We are already done with the first iteration, and we are ready to test out its parameters." Mirabel said excitedly as she gestured for Vera and Mordred to follow.

She led them down a winding path of tunnels and hallways, with each different path taking them lower and lower underground.please visit

After some time and after going through a series of security checkpoints, the trio eventually reached a heavily guarded door. As soon as the guards saw and confirmed Vera's identity, they paid their respects and opened the thick four meter tall stone door.

A box of gems were brought forward and opened. Inside, a number of shining green and pink-purple magic crystals glowed brightly. These gems were magic crystals with various attributes. The main ones were crystals with Earth and Nature attributes.

The Nature attributed crystals were very rare, as rare as gravity or space attributed magic crystals. They were almost exclusively found in Rivera, as an abundant amount of natural energy existed there. It had to do with the Elves, and their nature of being blessed by nature, so their constant and large presence caused these magic crystals to form.

The guards picked out the magic crystals and placed them into the various grooves that had been carved into the stone door. The carvings were natural and not man-made. It was a strange phenomenon.


A gust of cool wind blew through the hallway as the crystals shone brightly in the grooves of the door.


The door swung open, revealing a shocking scenery.

Down, deep under the earth of Rivera, the scenery of a bright and lush world of greenery came into view! Birds chirped and sang from the low hanging branches. A lot of people, Elves, humans and many others moved around.

"This is amazing! I heard that you found the doorway to another dimension, but I could not believe it. Only after receiving reports and other intel did I dare to believe it." Vera gasped when she saw everything below her.

"Haha, this is actually not even a really big dimension. It is immature and newly formed, according to our replaceings." Mirabel laughed. "And it was all thanks to Mordred and his summoning magic." She patted Mordred's shoulder and the young man grinned.

Normally, accessing another dimension was only something that summoners were capable of doing, and even then, most of them were only able to call creatures out of the dimension and not go in themselves.

Except for particularly talented mages and high level summoners, no other mages could open a dimension and go into it.

It was extremely difficult to replace doorways that led to their own dimension. Even the Elven Empire, in all its years, only had access to two known dimension, and even then, they did not have the doorways, but relied on two of their powerful summoners to access those Dimensions.

This doorway had been stumbled upon by Mordred earlier on when this underground base was being built. Mordred had been working, using his rare affinity for Nature magic to manipulate the earth and open new pathways while reinforcing them to make sure they did not collapse when he had felt his summoning skill stir within him. He had followed his instincts and found this doorway.

It was an incredibly fortuitous encounter, and it was not something that could be replicated randomly. It would probably not happen again in the next few centuries, even with luck on their side.

Vera stepped through the doorway and into the other dimension. As it was in tune with Mordred's nature magic and summoning skills, it was highly attuned to have many natural elements within it. Abundant flora and fauna flourished within the dimension. All kinds of plants and creatures that Vera had never seen in the illustrated books of the Palace's Library were present within this dimension.

A large number of people that worked in line with Vera's cause and vision were mulling about, doing their work. In the bright blue sky, a large contraption that was built with many different materials remained suspended.

"This is it, Vera. The 'Blood Breaker' Project!" Mirabel opened her arms and gestured to the massive one kilometer long airship that was suspended in the air through magic.

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