The Call Of Thalassa Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the The Call Of Thalassa novel. A total of 55 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is May 13, 2024
Latest Release: Important Announcement
- Introduction
- Prologue
- A Bedtime Story
- A Village by the Sea
- A Memory from the Past
- An Unfortunate Encounter
- A Day in the Library
- A Figure in the Water
- A Marine Theory
- A Festive Run Away
- An Unpredictable Confession
- A Push of Jealousy
- An Angel in the Darkness
- A Collision of Worlds
- A Fear of the Unknown
- A Call of Thalassa
- A Depth of Darkness
- A Surprising Revelation
- A Kingdom in Danger
- A Merman's Delight
- A Magnificent Sunset
- A Flash of Argument
- A Shattered Memory
- A Mermaid's Worry
- A Taste of a Dream
- A Lust for the Crown
- A Threat on Land
- A Fisherman's Catch
- A Truth in Legends
- A Catch in the Nets
- A Nightmarish Reality
- A Price of Betrayal
- A City under Attack
- A Revengeful Bloodshed
- A Blessing from a Goddess
- A Wild Awakening
- A Crushing Truth
- A Heritage of the Sea
- A Rinse of Waves
- A Survivor of War
- A Ruler's Choice
- A Pie from Heaven
- A Saving Grace
- A Fall of Arrogance
- A Tale of Romance
- A Flash of Fins
- A Family Reunion
- A Sisters' Bonding
- A Time of Regrets
- A Last Goodbye
- A Battle for Atlantis
- A Soul of Ruins
- A Merman's Beloved
- Epilogue
- Important Announcement