Chapter 24

“Hey, can you drive a bit faster mate?” Bart asks the driver. “We’re in a bit of a hurry.”

This is going to complicate everything. How the hell are we supposed to swindle Charles andinvestigate all his crap if Rick’s already on it? And I can’t risk exposing myself or the Heartgraves. Whoknows how Rick would react to the change, too… Would he really recognize me? Minutes ago, I wouldhave thought it was impossible, but I still can’t doubt what my ears heard. How the hell would he haverecognized me…? I can’t wrap my head around it. I kept thinking about it for the whole trip. Our planwas to get to Swithin’s office ahead of him, but now we’re late, and I replace myself looking around, tryingto spot a bike in the midst of the cars heading to London.

Somehow, we manage not to cross paths with them, and by some miracle even arrive at Swithin’soffice first. Perhaps he purposefully took a detour. Bart walks in, and guides me through Swithin’soffice. There’s a little waiting salon first, with four chairs, a coffee table and some plants, and a littledesk for a secretary that’s apparently starting later in the day. Then, we got to his actual office. It’ssurprisingly spacious, with large windows onto the street. I just have time to glance around; I replace it a bitold-fashioned with wooden floors and old stylish furniture, contrasting with the high-tech equipment andbig leather desk chair, but it suits Swithin. I can’t help but notice there’s a brand new portrait of me, waytoo big for comfort, right in the middle of the wall on his right… It’s definitely one of the portraits I shotlast night, but Cecily managed to make it look like it came from the official photoshoot of a Magazine,truly professional and all. I’m amazed by how quickly they moved to have it printed, framed and hungthere overnight, but we don’t have time for questions. Bart opens a door on the side, which leads to asmall room, half a resting space and half a storage room. Every wall but the one with windows isstacked with books or papers, and there’s a Chaise Lounge in the middle of it. Bart goes to lie on itright away, taking out his phone.

“We made it,” he says. “They are two minutes away.”

I nod, but the stress rises up again. Rick wouldn’t barge into Swithin’s office or something, right? I keeppacing around, grateful for the carpeted floor muffling the sounds of my heels.

Soon enough, we hear them. I hear Swithin apologizing loudly for the detour or some mistake he’smade, his way of warning us. I stop my pacing, and stand with my feet planted in front of the doorinstead, stressed out like crazy. I catch myself combing my hair back at least three times before I stopand force myself to cross my arms instead. They walk in, chatting casually. Charles sounds fuckinglight-hearted for someone who lost his “wife” not even a week ago… I hear the girl who was with himgiggle too, but while I do hear five pairs of footsteps, the other two remain quiet.

For a while, I listen to Swithin exchanging pleasantries with them, offering a coffee or tea, and invitingthem to his office. I would probably be much more pissed about Charles sounding so calm andcomposed if I wasn’t also listening for a bike’s engine outside. And I do finally hear it. He parks abouttwo or three streets away I’d guess, but once the engine’s cut, that’s it; I can hear an engine but notfootsteps from so far… Frustrated, I have to focus on what’s going on next door when I hear Swithinsay my new name.

“…My niece, Hera. I really love this picture of her, I had it framed against her opinion. She’s truly atalented model, as her doting uncle I can’t help but be proud… Although, I wish she had made wiserdecisions when it comes to her agency, her talent is wasted on them. I understand you’re familiar withthe Business, Mr. Williams?”

“She does look amazing, definitely some talent there, and I know the business!” Charles exclaims.

What a sucker. He only cared about the contracts, couldn’t see shit about any talent… He clearly hiredsome of the girls based on their looks and his personal preferences, or let the managers handle it all.

“Right?” Sighs Swithin, playing his part perfectly. “Luckily, I’m busy representing her and trying to getthis damn agency to let her go, they are already in quite a financial mess anyway… But I digress, my

apologies. We should get to the matter of your fiancé’s property, Mr. Williams. I’m truly grateful youcame so fast, in fact.”

“I had to,” says Charles, suddenly sounding much less joyous. “Her family is grieving, her father Mr.Starr entrusted me to take care of matters as best as I could as he trusts me completely.”

How fucking arrogant is he to throw my father’s name around… Swithin goes on to provide some legaldetails about the flat, and I don’t understand half of that jargon. It lasts for a while, and all I can tell isthat Swithin is clearly working to entice Charles with the market value of that property, while smoothlyquestioning him about his legal rights to my belongings. From the bit I can understand, I am quiteamazed about how he’s clearly setting the trap for Charles, not making him feel guilty at all for puttinghis hands on my inheritance. I can guess the decades of experience by how he lets him dominate theirargument, carefully getting Charles to let out more about what exactly is going on with what shouldnever have been his…

“I’m still a bit surprised,” Swithin says. “I never knew Miss Starr had been married. She hadn’t gotten intouch with us in quite a while, so we figured she had been busy, regretfully so. When we heard the sadnews, we genuinely expected her father, Mr. Starr would be the next-of-kin person for us to reach outto. Miss Starr had left instructions. I hope you were not upset by our mistake.”

Gosh, making him feel superior by pretending he thinks he was the one in the wrong, whileaknowledging Charles’ fucking lie as if it was a truth set in stone… I don’t know if I should be impressedor grossed out. Swithin’s spitting out lies and false truths like a venomous snake hunting a nasty rat.

“Oh, please don’t,” Charles sighs. “Like I explained, my fi- I mean, my wife was truly worried about themedia’s opinion. I tried many times to have her make our wedding public, assuring her that she hadnothing to hide, but unfortunately, the pressure from the press was too much. I tried to respect herdecision until the end, naturally. The lawyers back home are a bit fussy about it as well, it cannot behelped. I only want the best for what my wife left behind, though. To be honest with you, all those

properties and money are really nothing to me, I just wish she was here with me. Sadly, this is myburden now, I just hope to do what’s best.”

“That is so incredibly brave of you.”

I roll my eyes. Oh, for fuck’s sake, Swithin…

“I can only imagine June wanted this apartment she purchased for her own use, I have every intentionto respect that, I won’t use it for myself. Do you think it would be possible to sell it? I have no plans touse it, and I am unfamiliar with the current rental conditions in London, but it might be tough for me tomanage from afar…”

“I understand, naturally. To be honest, my advice would be to rent the flat for a little while, the market isset to hit a new height in just a few months. However, before we speak about that, Mr. Williams, I’mafraid we will have to sort out the succession first. Due to the important sums involved in Miss Starr’sinheritance, we do have to make sure to go by the rules on everything. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not! I am unfamiliar with legal matters in the UK, so I would be happy to trust you with it. Idon’t think I have ever heard of your firm before, Mr. Heartgraves, but from the bit my legal advisorfound online, you’re quite reputable.”

“Thank you for your praise. I take all of my clients very seriously, so just like you, I will make sure MissStarr’s belongings are handed to you without a hint of issue.”

I suddenly realize, Swithin’s been calling me “Miss Starr” from the beginning, and Charles hasn’t eventried to correct him about it. While I was never grateful for my last name, it does make me a bit happyto not be called “Madam Williams” or something. I’ll take the little victories I can, I guess.

Bart steps up to me, visibly listening too. Just when I glance at him, I see him open his lips, and I getworried for a second, until a very faint whisper comes out of his mouth.

“Ask him more about the circumstances.”

“I regret having to ask you this, Mr. Williams,” says Swithin on the other side of the door. “But may I askhow… the tragedy occurred? The newspapers were a bit cryptic about the circumstances, and the firmwould like to send something appropriate to Miss Starr’s family.”

I remember, our hearing is much better than humans. I’ve been hearing Charles and Swithin chat as ifthey were right in front of me, but there’s a large door between us. Only Swithin possibly heard Bart’swhisper, no way one of the humans caught this…

“She… June was extremely depressed. I happened to be away that night, I didn’t watch her… Shecommitted the unthinkable, I was the one that…”

My god, he couldn’t act even to save his life. I can’t help but roll my eyes, although I’m internallyscreaming at that bastard’s pathetic attempt at a pitiful act.

“That’s terrible,” says Swithin. “Was her caretaker not around?”

“Caretaker?” Charles repeats, confused.

“She was diagnosed as heavily depressed, wasn’t she? I knew she wasn’t sent to any facility, but Iassumed there was still some sort of trained staff to take care of Miss Starr, surely?”

Well played, Swithin. Let’s push his buttons and see if that asshole makes a mistake.

“No, no,” he sighs theatrically. “June was quite bent on not allowing any strangers around, and it’s quitesad thinking back, but she really didn’t have many friends to count on.”

“It sounds like you were the only one who could have truly taken care of her and prevented thistragedy, Mr. Williams.”

I smile, showing off my fangs. Yes, Swithin, corner the bastard. I want to be sure he feels some guilt forwhat he did.

“It’s… It’s still very hard for me to think about this.”

I hear the woman comfort him. Seriously? Where the hell is she coming from, anyway?

Suddenly, we hear a phone ringing. For a second, I worry Bart or I committed a mistake, but no, it’scoming from the other side of the room, and Swithin is the one to take it.

“Sorry Sir, I have to take this. …Yes?” He says, loudly. “…Again? Hera, darling, I told you I would takecare of it. I promise I’m on it.”

Bart and I exchange a smile.

“Yes, yes I know. I’m finalizing the papers, I can drag them to court within the next month. It’s not goingto be a problem, darling, I know you’re attached to your work but I promise we’ll replace a better agency,this one is going bust. …Can I call you back, darling? Yes. Yes, see you later. Bye.”

He hangs up, and I wonder if another of our siblings fake-called him for this. He clears his throat.

“My apologies, Mr. Williams. My niece has been very nervous about her whole modeling agency issue,her career is very important to her.”

“Oh, I can’t blame you for looking out for your family! Out of curiosity, may I ask the name of theagency?”

“London Light Entertainment. They will be off the records soon though, I can guarantee you that. Withwhat I’m preparing against them, they will have to close down business with scraps left!”

“I see…”

Yeah, Charles is definitely hooked. I know his tone, he definitely thinks he got a piece of freeinformation.

“How long are you planning to stay, Mr. Williams?” Asks Swithin. “I will try to get all of this in order assoon as I can, but I hope you understand it might take a while, you know how it is between the US andhere…”

“I’m not sure, I’ve done my best to clear my schedule for the next week, and most of my work can bedone remotely or delegated anyway, that’s how good my team is!”

…That’s how lazy you are, you bastard.

“Then, shall we proceed with a quick visit to the said flat?” Asks Swithin. “As I mentioned earlier, I havethe keys with me, and it is quite close, so if you want to take a quick look before we discuss any furtherdetails. I know you want to respect Miss Star’s wishes, but it is probably preferable you see theproperty in question…”

“Of course, of course! I do appreciate your honesty, plus you have been incredibly accommodating anddriving us around, to be honest. We will take a quick look at the apartment and then go to our hotel ifyou don’t mind, the journey has been a bit long and the jet lag is set to hit soon!”

“Of course, of course. Then, let me grab a couple of things and we shall get going…”

I do hear Swithin ruffling through his papers, but then, Charles whispers something that only a vampirehearing could catch.

“Are you not too tired? We’ll get to the hotel soon.”

“No, Sir…”

My God, my body wouldn’t even be cold yet and this bastard is fucking flirting? That woman’s almostmeowing voice is so annoying, but his fake caring tone even more so. He used it on me too, and I usedto believe his bullshit until he couldn’t be bothered to fake it anymore. Whether we replace proof hedefinitely killed me or not, I’m already convinced. That bastard was already faking his act poorly at myfuneral, but with an ocean between him and those who cared for me, he’s showing his true colors. Justyou wait, you murdering bastard, I’ll get to you…

“Let us get going!” Swithin announces.

We hear their footsteps quickly leaving the office, and I let out a growl, not too loud because I’m stillnervous they might hear me.

“…The fucker,” grunts Bart too.

Once I’m sure they have left Swithin’s office, I open the doors wide and walk in, rushing to the windowto watch them leave. I’m careful not to be where they could see me, but I do want to see Charles’face… unfortunately, I can’t; Swithin’s car is in the windows blind spot. I soon hear them start theengine and leave and I grimace.

“Don’t worry, you heard him,” says Bart. “He’ll be around for the next week, that leaves us plenty oftime to get him.”

“What now?”

“Nothing,” he shrugs. “Swithin’s going to show them around the flat, and then probably come back towork. Lance’s coming to get us, he has documents to drop here.”

I’m not satisfied with that, I just want… No, I need more action than that. I’m sour that Charles iswalking around with some side chick, eyeing my belongings like a vulture and thinks he got away withit.

“I need to get on his radar quickly,” I groan. “I want this bastard to suffer, not for him to walk around andthe worst thing happening to him being jetlag…”

“We will get to it, Baby Vamp, chill.”

“Stop telling me to chill, Bart. I just can’t believe he…”

I stop, looking back as someone just walked into the office, probably Lancelot. When I glance backthough, Bart’s gone, and now I have a bad feeling. The door opens, and my heart sinks.

…Rick just walked in.

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