Chapter 5

To my surprise, we leave the house shortly after nightfall, with just a quick goodbye to Cata. Still nosign of Richard, but from Cata and Bart’s actions, it’s apparently normal. For some reason, I’m bothnervous and curious to see him again. It’s strange. I feel like he’s a… root for this new life I’ve justtaken my first breaths in. I keep looking for him, unconsciously.

For now though, Bart’s my guide. We walk away from the mansion, and I just start to realize howrooted their home is in London. From the outside, it’s like any other house out there. It even lookssomewhat better kept than the other houses, the paint seems fresh and there isn’t a leaf leftneglected…

“Disappointed?” Scoffs Bart.

“Yeah. I was expecting spiderwebs and bats.”

“We used to have rats,” he chuckles. “But we have a house cleaning service coming in twice a week,and Cata’s a bit of a cleaning freak, if you haven’t noticed.”

I chuckle, and he offers his arm, helping me walk around. One thing I had forgotten is that London isfull of old cobblestone streets, a nightmare for heels… Thankfully, my legs feel stronger. Like, reallystrong. I don’t shake, I don’t waver, and if there’s a hint of unsteadiness, my body adjusts in amillisecond. I feel like one of those models who walk effortlessly on twelve inch heels, when I alwaysfelt like a baby deer with the smallest ones. I’ve never felt so… in tune with my body, nor this strong. Idon’t feel like I could lift a truck, but I can take long steps without the slightest fear of face-plantingdespite those high heels, which is definitely a win.

“So,” I ask. “What’s the lesson? I still don’t understand why I’m dressed like I’m about to audition for agothic adult movie.”

“I’ve seen you with kinkier shit on,” he chuckles, glancing at my legs.

“So you really did see that stupid movie….” I groan.

“I looked you up, Miss Starr. I’m kind of curious though. You had one hell of a career on track, and itsuddenly went downhill. I hate the mainstream shit, but you didn’t seem that bad of an actress either.”

“Isn’t it rude to ask about someone’s death or something like that?”

“I’m not asking about your death, baby vamp. I’m asking about why the gossips said you left the publicscene for months out of the blue. I looked it up. You were one of the most promising young actresses ofyour generation, carried by one of the biggest acting agencies, and all of a sudden, things started goingto shit. What happened?”

I don’t want to answer. I thought I was getting a clean slate by being transformed, not that I would haveto answer questions like it’s a fucking press conference all over again. We walk a bit longer, but Bart’sstill waiting, and this is awkward. I sigh.

“Some… things happened. Did you read about the accident?”

“Yeah, and that wasn’t your fault. The guy was literally chasing you and he had a car accident that wasbound to happen.”

“It doesn’t change that a man died because I didn’t let him take a photo,” I mutter. “…He had two kids,Bart.”

“Yeah, and you were twenty years old.”

“Alright,” I declare. “But if you ask questions, I get to ask some too.”

“Oh, feel free to,” he shrugs, amused. “I’m an open book, and an incredibly boring one at that.Bartholomew Heartgraves, nice to meet you. Tell me what question tickles your little mind.”

“How old are you?”

“I died at twenty-two. Want to guess what year?”

“Well, I already know you’re a century older than Cata, so that’s a bit scary… Eighteen something?”

“I’m flattered,” he chuckles. “Born and raised in London in sixteen-forty four, I died in sixteen-sixty-six.So, yeah, nothing as grand as an acting career to report. I was an apprentice in a workshop, whichhonestly tells you all you need to know about my future prospects.”

“How did you…?”

He chuckles.

“Sixteen sixty-six,” he says. “…It doesn’t ring a bell?”

Was there a war or something I’m supposed to know…? Damn, I wish I had a better memory of myHistory classes. After a while, Bart rolls his eyes.

“The Great Fire of London! Damn, what do they teach you in school these days?”

“I went to school in the US, not England,” I protest.

“I thought you were English?”

“You listened to my conversation with Cata? …Of course you did. I was born here, but my father sentme to California after my mother died, I was four at the time.”

“That explains it…” He sighs.

“So,” I said. “When does my lesson actually start?”

“What an obvious way to change the subject,” he chuckles.

I don’t answer. I know pretty much what I wanted to know about Bart already, and while I’d love to hearabout his three centuries of life, it’s not worth letting him dig any further into my pathetic childhood… ormy botched career.

We keep walking, visibly getting into a more crowded area. After a little while, I recognize Soho. Themansion must be near Hyde Park, as I suspected. Night fell just a while ago, but we’re in October, soit’s still pretty early in the evening.

“Does it take that long?” I frown, confused.

“Hunting? No. But we might as well have fun laying the trap…”

While I’m still confused, Bart wraps an arm around my waist, and guides me towards a pretty crowdedarea. The streets are more and more flooded with people, and I don’t mind him being close as I’m legitworried about losing him. Luckily, he’s already set on this bar with the loud music, quite an old butfancy one, with loud punk rock music and all, but there’s a crazy queue… Nevermind that. To mysurprise, the bouncer doesn’t even flinch and lets us through after just one glance from Bart.

“..You know him?” I ask as we walk in.

“Nope, but he’s been charmed enough times.”

Oh, so it’s literally a conditioned reflex… Damn, I need to learn that.

“Is it hard to charm someone?”

“To charm a human, depends on the human,” he chuckles, taking me to the bar. “A vampire? You’lllearn to dominate one if you live to be a couple centuries old.”

I might not master it, but I’d really like to grow somewhat immune… I’m a bit worried about what theycould make me do. Not that he’s used it on me at all. Bart’s presence isn’t as imposing as Richard’s. Infact, for someone a century older than Cata, I don’t feel much of a difference… How freaking old andpowerful is the Heartgraves patriarch?

While I’m left to wonder, I also have to navigate between the sweaty bodies moving all around us.Compared to some of the girls here, the napkin I’m wearing for a dress is just fine. Bart’s gone fromholding my waist to just pulling my hand, and I follow the little path he effortlessly makes amongst thedancers. His bleached hair and smooth criminal look gets him a few glances, and I can’t help but tryand keep my head down when those stares get to me. Thankfully, we soon reach the bar, and I’mimpressed how quickly Bart gets the Barman’s attention, given all the screaming people and the loudmusic above us.

” Two whiskeys on the rocks, the best you got. Keep the change.”

This time, he doesn’t charm the barman to get those for free and just hands him a big bill. I guess thereare some rules…

He hands me the glass, and we clink it. He turns around, glancing at the humans moving their bodiesaround with a smirk, scanning the crowd. I keep my elbows on the bar; I’m still worried about showingmy face. I take a sip; oh, it’s sweet… I think I’m going to have to trust them when it comes to anything Ieat or drink for a while.

“How’s your thirst?” He asks.

I take a second. I’m… thirsty. Like, really thirsty. I just empty my whisky, but it does absolutely nothing,it’s like I just took in some air. I groan.

“Still there.”

“Yeah, the first year’s the worst,” he scoffs. “I bet Richard would have taken you to hunt himself if hewasn’t tired. My lucky day.”

“Why? You don’t usually get to… hunt?”

“I’m on house arrest,” he grimaces. “I made a bit of a mess a few months ago… I have to drink thatbottled crap until Richard lets me hunt by myself like a big boy again.”

“What kind of mess?”

“None of your business. …Now, listen. There are rules when you hunt, so you’d better listen. First, andthe most important, we don’t kill.”

“I didn’t intend to,” I frown. “What do you take me for…”

“You say that now, but wait until you taste the real thing,” he scoffs. “Trust me, it’s going to be harderthan you think. So just try to remember that, but we’ll see how you do in practice. Secondly, we don’tleave our victims anywhere that could put them at risk. So when you’re done, you walk away but youmake sure they make it home alive.”

“…A bit weird, but okay.”

“Third, we never touch children. You understand? No kid, and I mean anyone underage. If you have adoubt, it’s a no. We also stay away from junkies, Cops, Military, and religious ones.”

“That’s one weird mix.”

“I know, but trust me, you want to stay off those. Also try to avoid people that could be useful or seeyou often, like the staff of the places we hunt at.”

“Got it.”

I mean, most of this sort of makes sense so far, but I’m getting a bit tired of the lesson… of the theory. Ifinally turn to face the room, glancing around. The people here are already intoxicated, for most of themanyway. I’m starting to understand why Bart brought me here. We get to actually confirm that they’re alladults since they made it into the bar, for one. Moreover, I’m definitely the bait… A group of guys areeyeing me from afar, and not being subtle about it. Bart chuckles.

“Looks like you got your prey all ready, Baby.”

It’s easy. I’m a sexy blonde in a rather tempting dress, my legs exposed, and from where those guysstand, Bart probably doesn’t look like he’s with me either. Those guys look a bit drunk, drunk enough tobe daring and want to impress their buddies.

“Pick one.”

I already did. The most arrogant looking, a tall dude with a square jaw who’s been giving me creepylooks since earlier. I stare at him, using my best acting skills to act like a young, impressive girl thinkingshe just caught the bad boy’s eye. It’s almost too easy. I’ve always been aware I’m pretty, and guys likehim just love an easy but out-of-their league conquest to impress their buddies.

“Good job,” chuckles Bart. “Now, time to isolate him away from the pack.”


“Emergency exit.”

Seriously? …I launch another fiery glance towards my prey, and slowly walk away. One last glanceback… I got him. He’s following me. I look for the emergency exit sign, hoping Bart’s right on that. Heis. I push the door, and replace myself in a tiny street, a small dead-end no sane woman would want to replace

herself alone in. I can hear the music of the bar pulsating from the other side of the building, but here,there isn’t even a window.

“Hello there, hot stuff…”

I turn around, and greet Big Guy with a meek smile. The door closes behind him, and I take off thatsmile, looking almost scared. I slowly retreat, grateful for my heels, replaceing myself back against the wall.This guy is just enjoying it… He looks down on me without an ounce of respect. He’s here to get hisprize, and then go back to gloat to his friends.

“What’s that, darling? You can’t just tease me and walk away like that…”

Oh, I have no plan to walk away, darling. Not when dinner’s almost served…

He comes closer, and I’m getting excited. Not with lust, but with a ravenous hunger. There’s somethingwaking up, a gripping sensation in my stomach, in my throat, something that makes my fangs tingle abit. It crawls under my skin, like a hot shiver. He comes closer, and my eyes just fall on his thick neck. Iwant it… I want to bite that skin and taste the sweet, warm blood under it. It’s haunting my mind, avision so clear, I open up my mouth. He smells… appetizing.

“Hey,” he mutters, unsure.

I direct my eyes to him, and I see the worry in his face. …It excites me even more. I grab that fear, andI twist it even more, his eyes opening wider. He can’t run away. He’s my prey. I step closer, so close tothat… delicious… looking skin. That pretty vein that’s softly beating, with a gorgeous, perfect purplecolor…. I lick my lips, impatient. I want it. I want to taste it now… I grab his neck, and open my mouth. Iinhale again… and I can’t resist anymore. His skin makes a satisfying sound as my fangs pierce theirway into that delicious, hot stream of blood. It floods down my throat. So good… It’s so good. It’sheaven and hell on my tongue, a nectar that fills my mouth, and finally frees my throat from that pain. I

can’t stop… I want more. I bite again, deeper. He makes a sound, but I don’t care. More. Give memore. I need more! I want it all. Another sip, and again, so good, it’s so good…

“Alright, that’s enough.”

My prey’s taken away from me. I hiss, but immediately, Bart’s threatening growl makes me jump back.

I blink. What… What the heck did I do… Bart holds the guy by his collar and glances at the injury. It’slarge, and covered in blood. I cover my mouth. I can’t believe I just did that! Worse is, I want to do itagain. Just the thought of that taste… No, no, snap out of it.

“You little savage,” chuckles Bart.

He takes out a handkerchief, and wipes the guy’s neck, before looking at him.

“You’re going to text your friends and tell them you’re going home with your date,” he says. “You’regoing to go home, go to sleep and forget this. Understood?”


Bart lets go of the guy’s collar. We watch him slowly take out his phone, type the text, and turn around,slowly walking away, looking in a bit of a daze.

“…What about the… injury?”

“It will be healed in less than five minutes,” explains Bart. “Our fangs contain a venom which works bothas an anesthetic and a powerful coagulant. At worst, this guy will look like you gave him the hickey ofhis life.”

That’s a relief… I take a deep breath, trying to calm down. My gosh, I can still feel the hot shivers fromthat… Bart walks over and grabs me by my chin, wiping off the blood with a clean corner of the


“Don’t worry, you did good for your first time, Hera. A lot of people would have attacked me, or fought tograb their prey back.”

“How do you learn to… stop?” I mutter. “I would have… sucked him dry.”

Bart takes out a lighter, and sets fire to the handkerchief, throwing it to the ground and, once it’s burntenough, steps on it to stop the fire.

“Practice, Dear. Practice. …Ready for round two?”

I nod. Yeah.

I want more, and I want to learn to stop…

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