The Demon's Bride
Chapter 126: What Took Place-I

Chapter 126: What Took Place-I

Elise was stunned at the revelation she didn't expect to come from Ian. Her blue eyes stared at him, replaceing that his lips were still wide with smiles that almost had one to think he was joking. But Elise knew better by the wickedness which passed at times from his red eyes that it wasn't a joke. Ian had killed his father.

Elise didn't know what took Ian to be in the place where he was now. It happened nine hundred years ago counting by the number said from him to her which she had just learned a few minutes ago. The wind only turned her skin cold.

"Y-you killed him?" she asked him. Elise could tell that it wasn't easy to tell a death and seeing Ian's cruel expression when mentioning his father, she could tell that the man deserve the death as Ian would never raise his hand to an innocent person. Else, Elise believe that the Land would turn to sea of death.

It was often said that people turns to be the way they are by their pasts. Past was what make Elise who she is now and like her Ian's past must have made him the way he was now. Some times cruel, kind, and judging.

Elise didn't know what Ian had to go through in the pasts. The expression on his face that seemed to be cynical but deeply cruel with ire which made Elise shivered, told her that it wasn't an easy feat or a peaceful one. Rather, a path where one would never want to go through.

"I did, throughly making him feel the pain." Ian closed his eyes as he had spoken the words as if he was reminiscing the bloodied scene, "It was a very fascinating scene. To kill my father wasn't my first kill but revenge kill just hits differently," his red eyes turned to her which was fierce compared to his smile, "It make my days better whenever I remember him dying in the wretched way."

Elise pursed her lips at the words, she could imagine Ian standing with a satisfied smile in front of a bloodied person when closing her eyes even though she had never seen his father. She had seen Ian's gleeful smile as he killed Mr. Vervor just an hour ago and if he said the killing felt better, his smile would be wider, like the demon with a charming tempting smile.

9What was he like?" asked Elise. It had been nine hundred years which make her doubt Ian would remember his father's face.

"He was, a sweet man who loves his sons and wife. A faithful believer of God who follows the words of the Church with all his soul." came the sounding praise from Ian which made Elise's brows to furrow.

If Ian's father was a good man, Elise didn't see why Ian would kill him. Except it was the opposite, "Master Ian, is that a sarcasm?"

Ian shifted his smile at her, his hand reaching out rubbing to smoothen her red hair, "Good Elise, you know well." Ian continued to slide his finger and brushed it between her hair. The color of Elise's hair was vivid red, like blood when it gathered together in a lock.

Elise watched how there was no words coming from Ian's lips after he had praised her to see him looking at her again with now a gaze free from his lingering cruelty. Seeing Ian's cruelness made her shuddered and upon seeing his sweet smile, Elise felt her heart flipped inside her chest.

Ian watched how she was now bare from shoes, only stockings that stayed to her thighs. Ian knew at which point the stocking she wore stopped but he would keep this fact to himself and use when opportunity arises at her.

Taking consideration that he didn't want her beautiful soles to pain from what he did

Ian thoughtfully said, "Getting back to the carriage would be dangerous without shoes on your feet. Hold my hand."

Ian reached out his hand for Elise to take. When her fingers touched over the tips of his hand, Ian captured her palm and in a second, she shifted place inside the carriage.

At first the coachman who was dazing off at his seat thought you would take a light nap until Ian came back suddenly. With the added weight, the coachman realized how there had been something or someone who had entered the carriage without using the door which the man guessed to be Ian.

This wasn't Ian's first time to abruptly appear in the carriage that taught the coachman to never be careless. Opening the small wooden window where only eyes could pass through, the coachman confirmed the appearance of Ian and Elise to ask, "Should we go back to White Mansion, milord?"

"No, we should stay here until night came and feast on you when we feel hungry." Ian retorted back to have the coachman stunned. It took the man one good minute to realize it was a joke and the man gave an awkward smile that couldn't be seen from the carriage to close the window to then whipped the rein for the horse to neigh and began to walk.

It had been perhaps Elise's third time to be teleportation by Ian's magic but the awe never leave her expression.

"Have you taken a liking to the teleportation magic, puppy?" Ian asked her. Elise took note of how Ian had changed to call her back by the term 'puppy'. It was the term he love to use for her since her childhood. She wasn't sure why would he called her that as she didn't seem to look similar to a puppy. Instead of her name in which he often used only in a few moments to make her feel the changes of air in the room, he would call her puppy when Ian didn't think of teasing her.

"It's an amazing magic, can I do it too, Master Ian?" asked Elise, curious with the shadow magic that had only been mentioned but haven't appeared. It would take even more than years according to the magic book in the library of one wishes to have their magic element to appear before them.

"I'll be heartbroken to tell you this but you could never." Elise pursed her lips although disappointed she accepted it because Ian was unique than others and not all could do his magic. "My source of magic took from something else." Ian said and her curious large blue eyes looking at him with questions. "I'm sure you'll be able to do something far better. Also, if you feel bored with teleportation magic we could instead use my wings. It's very fun to fly above."

"I don't think I'm ready for that." To fall once into the cliff and fly with the wings was enough, thought Elise to herself. She wasn't sure if her heart could keep up with the thrill or to have Ian's face near to her for minutes.

Ian chuckled, Elise was still shy as she was and he enjoyed her adorable gingerness, "No one could get used to anything at first. They have to learn and adapt. For one to adapt the easiest way is to do the same thing often. We could start by flying over the wind to your village, I'm very curious to meet your aunt." said Ian before turning his face to window, watching the carriage continuing to drove with the help of the horses pulling the wooden carriage.

Elise didn't know what to feel about visiting her aunt who had sold her. It wasn't a good memory for her to keep which was why she had ignored the memory in the back of her mind. Without Ian saying anything else, Elise's blue eyes saw Ian staring at the window and her face turned at the same place to watch the scenery.

A/N: Sadly we can't reach 1000 power stones but we are very close to the goal! If we can reach 1000 power stones by the end of this week we will have 1000 powestone and hopefully this time we can reach the goal by Sunday ^^

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