The Demon's Bride
Chapter 142: Fitting The Shoes-II

Chapter 142: Fitting The Shoes-II

Ian's lips broadened to a wider smile, there was the expression he had which seemed as if he had won something while watching Elise's expression turning giddy from all the push he did which landed her to walk on a very thin ice. Falling down to the cold water would be fine as he would be there to warm her up, thought Ian to himself.

"Elise? What did I told you in the carriage?" Elise's eyes turned at him. Did he meant to tell what she feels? She felt her head dizzy and perhaps it was because her heart was palpating fast when yesterday she had just lost quite amount of blood.

"Please wait a moment," Elise pleaded her sound only turning sweeter to Ian's ears. "I feel dizzy." Perhaps Ian would let her make her way out from answering him now. If she had to tell her feeling for him, she wished she wasn't in the side of the street.

"Which side does your head hurt?" asked Ian curiously. He knew that she did felt dizzy but it wasn't something life threatening. Her heartbeat raised to high and the nervousness caught to make her nerves errant which was why she felt dizzy.

"I think it will be okay in a few minute," Elise gulped her words when she saw Ian's hand raising to her head. Does he know that she lied? After learning that Ian could detect lies by heartbeat, Elise was not sure if Ian knew her words were half lie? But she does feel dizzy.

Ian's large hand ran through her red hair, one palm of his was large enough to cover her whole head. Feeling the warmth of his hand, Elise could detect the hidden strength his hand hold. "If that so, we should get in. The sun is up high it must make you feel dizzy," when Elise exhaled her breaths very softly, Ian mumbled, "I will turn a blind eye only for this time."

Elise's eyes then turned up to him, wondering if she had missed Ian talking but then she saw that his lips were set in a thin line which didn't seem like he spoke.

They entered the persimmon painted store, where the bell attached in the top of the door rang when it was pushed. Entering inside, Elise was awed by the amount of shoes. Outside, the shoes weren't visible to see as behind the glass was covered by an open wardrobe. There were many types of shoes which sparkled.

"Good evening, my lord, welcome to my humble store," said the woman who came from behind the door as soon as she saw the Lord, the woman smiled and bowed. Her eyes then fell slowly to Elise and when their eyes met a smile greeted her, "my lady welcome."

Elise offered a smile in return and stared at the woman not only because of how beautiful the woman was but the black haze behind her. Taking her hand, she rubbed her eyes. Was the heat getting to her head that she began to hallucinate? When her eyes took another look, the black mist disappeared. Elise rubbed her eyes again for a few time.

"Martha I thought your father would be in now, I see that he is not here," Ian's eyes trailed from the shoes collection before stopping at Martha.

"My father fell ill my lord and he is unable to get up from his bed to work," replied the woman very politely and her eyes didn't meet Ian when she speaks. "I hope I will be able to satisfy your oder and request with my upmost detailed work. May I ask what kind of shoes are you looking for?"

"Not for me but the sweet lady beside me," Ian's face turned at Elise and his brow raised as if asking if she agreed with his praise and she smiled in return to hold her cheeks from turning brighter in red. Thankfully the store used orange light which prevent any other color of red to show from her face.

"By accident which I don't mean to do, I threw her shoes from the cliff. It rolled down from the cliff as it was pretty high and I'm sure by now some wolves are biting on it," Ian spoke as if he had seen what happened to her shoes as if he came back to the scene as soon as he had thrown the shoes from the cliff which didn't make sense, thought Elise to herself.

"I see," commented the woman named Martha. It seemed she knew not to ask or comment of the Lord's odd nature. Elise saw the woman's eyes then moved and stayed at her. "What kind of shoes you would like to have, milady?" she asked.

"I am alright with any shoes but maybe one that are more durable," replied Elise. That way she could use the shoes for a very long time without having it ruined, thought Elise to herself. Shoes from Ian would be one of Elise's treasure. She would rather not wear the shoes to avoid scratches but then that would be offending as Ian had bought the shoes for her.

Ian, who was strolling from the place to the racks then took a seat on the long read longue placed on the store. "No, not that kind of request, Elise. All shoes in this shop are durable. What she asked for is the shape." Elise looked at Ian with an unsure look. To her eyes all shoes looked the same.

"The lord is right, miss," agreed Martha who took pride of her works.

"I will chose it for your if you don't mind?" Elise nodded on her words, "Martha create a shoes with straps which are strong but easy to remove, make sure it suit and made her delicate feet."

"Of course, my lord," Martha bowed then turning to Elise, "Please follow me for the measurement."

Elise followed the woman, she was then brought to the back of the shop where at that time an assistant came to measure the size of her feet. The woman touched her sole as she spoke to Martha of what kind of shoes they would make.

In meantime, Ian crossed his legs above each other when he was offered a drink which was red in color. He stared at Elise where the back of her head and the side of her face was seen from the curtain which was parted. His eyes stared at her as if he was watching a prized play in the theater.

When Elise walked out, she saw Ian tilted his fingers along with the liquid, one trail of red liquid dripped from the corner of his lips and using his tongue, he catch the drop before it rolled down to his chin.

"Come here," Ian patted the seat beside him which was vacant as if to tell her to take a seat on the spot. There was something about Ian's voice where it felt domineering but at the same time gently coaxing her with a tone sweeter than honey. It made Elise who hardly refused his words gulped at the tone.

Elise made her way to take a seat in the chair. "Do you often visit the store?" she asked, filling the silence with her question. From how Ian knew the father of Martha, it seemed? that he know much about the shop.

"I often came here, since forty years ago, I guess. I met Martha's father when he was still a ten year old boy that time. He was thieving Maroon's wallet. You should have seen how those two broke into squabble in the street. How time fly," commented Ian when his eyes darkening.

Once again Elise could sense loneliness from him after his words, "You know this isn't your first time wearing the shoes from this shop. Nine years ago, I came with a request to make a shoes for a little girl," his eyes turned at her, the red gaze turning intimidating at time, "But that girl now had turned to a very beautiful woman, I see."

Ian watched Elise unable to do anything under his words. Her eyes were darting around unable to watch him and his thumb run bellow her lips, pushing her lips and running his skin over.

"I heard from a very chirpy chick that you were not feeling good," commented Ian, his thumb didn't stop to play with her lips. Seeing how it was dewy, his eyes brood over the gap of her mouth. An urge to shove something inside her pretty mouth come over Ian.

"Hallow?" The only chick who could talk was him. Now that Ian mentioned, she didn't feel Hallow with her as the chick didn't let a sound. When her hand tried to felt her pocket she realized how Hallow was gone.

"Yes him. You could tell me what make you feel upset, I'll be here to listen you," Ian waited for her to speak, his head tilting to rest on the cushioned back of the chair. "Is it about that maid that I killed or the memory you try to remember but never appeared?" That was what Ian knew however he could detect that somethings was occupying her mind, something that wasn't him. Elise should think of him more, thought Ian. She was smart but the space to fill her mind should be him.

"It's about the latter and I feel that I'm weak," said Elise, confessing to Ian. "I'm not able to protect myself. I was constantly saved and there will come a day when I will be alone." She replied honestly.

"People are born giant and little, Elise; powerful and weak," Ian pulled his hand from her lips to curl her hair, playing with it while his back leaned to the edge of the couch, "But weak doesn't mean you are useless. Sometimes being a giant and a powerful person also render you useless."

Ian let her hair fall by retracting his hand. "Not everyone is this world could protect themselves protection doesn't bless everyone equally there will be weak and strong but you are not weak. By now if it was someone else weaker, they would not be able to sit here, beside me after loosing their blood just the night before. You are doing great."

Elise felt a part of her concern ease, a warmth spreading over her heart and her smile widening in relief.

Martha's assistant came to place a drink for Elise, upon seeing how the Lord rub Elise's cheeks, she quickly hurried to the back of the store, whispering to Martha, "Is that lady, the Lord's new favorite?" The woman was curious, her words questioning to know more and start a gossip.

Martha raised her brows, realizing the lady was Elise who she spoke about. "I don't know, keep your words little Diana." Martha knew from her father of how the Lord was a being with keen ears. She can't afford her assistant offending him by speaking behind them to make a rude comment.

"Do you think she would last long? Last time I heard it was Lady Ell-" Diana began for Martha to look at her with an unapproving expression.

"Diana," she hushed, "Where did you put the measurement?"

Diana was startled by Martha's sudden sharp tone, "It isn't done yet," she replied, rattled by Martha's strict tone.

"Then what you are doing, go," Martha said the words for Diana's own goodness unless she want to turn into corpse in the store. On her words, her assistant quickly scurried to finish the measurement.

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