The Demon's Bride
Chapter 274: Witness an Angel-I

Chapter 274: Witness an Angel-I

Ian moved the seat to be on her right side. He had soothed her, and now Elise felt calmer than before. Somewhere deep inside her, she had come term with her killing the Relic which was not easy but she had managed to do it.

"About earlier," said Elise, "Cy told me that I have a sister is that true?" there was a hopeful going on her blue eyes which Ian could tell.

"We don't know yet, it was rumor deprive from one mouth and another. You know the game of whisper, some times the correct story flow to be otherwise by the time it reaches to another person. I will tell Cy to replace more about your sister and once we pinpoint her location, we could go there," Ian told her, his words brought a tone of promise which she believed in.

"I wonder if we meet her I could meet my father." Going by the story of her father leaving the village with a baby girl, if they could replace her sister, they could possibly replace where her father went to or if her father stayed with her rumored sister.

"I would like to think so for you," Ian knew how Elise had lost all of her family members and even if it was only a silver chance, she want to hold on it. There were many type of loneliness, and although Elise wasn't lonely with him around her now, there was still a part of loneliness in her heart that he couldn't fill but her family. She was scarred as a child, and lose trust to her family and if there was a chance, he would like to help her.

Elise nodded, she couldn't describe what she felt, but there was certainly one question she had in her mind that she want to ask if she could meet her father. "What did you talk with Lady Monica?" asked Elise.

"It's a news that her father brought, you know how sly dog Count Gary is. He wanted her daughter to look good to my eyes," Ian wasn't blind to other's intention especially those of Lady Monica. The threat he made before in the room wasn't a joke as he never said one. If Monica and her brother had brought information that he didn't need, he would have pluck the woman's eyes from her socket like grapes.

"I noticed that too," whispered Elise without meeting her eyes, she felt her heart going unsteady and when she realized it, she had broken the edge of the table with head ability.

Quickly with her hands, Elise covered the part of table she had broken with but it instead only crack further that she had to turn her hand to fist and used her elbow to cover up what she did. While doing all this, she heard Ian chuckled. If only there was a hole for Elise to go to and she would have buried herself in it.

"Jealous?" she tried to shook her head but with the evidence on the table that told enough of her feeling, she felt tongue-tied. "I enjoy your jealousy, it makes me feel like you know what I am feeling. I saw you with Elijah."

Elise raised her brows, where did he watched her? If Ian told her that he didn't only put a link of red thread between them, she would believe him placing an eye on her as he always seemed to know whatever she did. "He only helped me with the bird, I was afraid it would get hurt. Nothing happened between us."

"I know that sweetheart, but you know what I feel is different. I don't like to see you with a man who wanted to touch you, like how you wouldn't like if a woman touch me, do you get it?" she nodded, knowing the feeling Ian told her, "But think of Monica as a leaf while you are a flower, you are not comparable to those leaves on my eyes, which why you don't have to care if leaves falling around me, I don't bat my eyes on them. I only have my eyes on you."

"That's reassuring," whispered Elise, and she smiled now that her emotions were back to happy, she didn't know what had taken place under her hands. "You know I also don't look at anyone other than you. I told you before, I never like anyone in my life until I meet you."

"Hm," Ian hummed with a smile that broadened wide on his lips, "You told me that. The siblings came to tell about the Lord of Runalia, they gave a news of how Garfon was searching for a way to throw me over the throne. We had a friction in the past which why the man would be more than happy if I was gone, and I receive another tip."

Elise leaned her body slightly more forward, "What was it?" there was no one in the room but she can't help to speak in whispers.

"Oliver and Garfon are teaming up against me, they both want me to leave my throne with my live or not," Ian said to her that had Elise to frown.

"Is the person who hired the people to kill you before you reached to the castle came from Lord Garfon?" she asked, guessing the timing that was possible.

"Correct. I tried not to kill them, but I wasn't in a good mood and accidentally killed all the men he hired to dispose me without leaving one to interrogate. I thought to wait for the other people he hired to come and attack me again but who knows the count siblings would come," Ian raised his hand to pushed her hair, before leaning on his arm to stare at her face.

"But Sir Oliver work for the Church, I don't see why he would want you to stop being the Lord," they might seem not to have a good relationship, and many passive-aggressive arguments but that wasn't enough reason for him to plot against Ian.

"I don't know but we can know it soon. Once the suspicions died down, we could show Oliver to one room I have prepared in the castle, we can then get along and ask each other questions we both want to know," Ian also wondered why, but he labeled Oliver's reason for wanting him to leave his position as greed.

Greed and envy are both things that he often see and he knew how the two reason often become what drives people to their goal. To have greed and goals weren't in anyway bad and it could sometimes become a good weapon if it was honed in a right way, however, it does when it clashed to the wrong person, like Oliver and Garfon did to him. Ian was protecting what was his and if anyone try to collide on his goal, the only one to suffer was them while he would be unscathed.

"The room at the end of the hall in the third floor?" asked Elise for Ian to smile at her, and she saw the way his lips curled.

"I would like to show you there, but there is little to no amusing things to see there. Let's go to a better place sometimes."

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