The Demon's Bride
Chapter 296: Nostalgia-III

Chapter 296: Nostalgia-III

Hearing the name brought a sense of nostalgia to Redrick. He saw how the crow was looking at him, the golden eyes that most people mistook to be something he acquires to come from an Angel. "I don't," said Redrick and he slowly tilted his head for the frown to come in between his brows, "Is there anything wrong?"

"No, and that is the problem," The crow clicked his tongue, "Lucifer had been too quiet for the past decades and who knows what he is planning to do. The Demons in hell are also useless, they follow their leaders but once there was no leader they are quick to search for a new one, not knowing the consequences of following them. If the person they follow swam to lava, those headless demons would follow even to death. It's foolish and troublesome. Have Lucifer got close to her?"

By her, the crow meant was Elise. Redrick shook his head, "As far as I know she was only curious regarding him. I told her about his origin but I doubt she knows that the story is true."

"Well, you better shouldn't talk about him. More curiosity in her about Lucifer will only bring a great disappointment once she knows about him," The crow replied.

"But sooner or later there would come a day when everything is revealed to her. She would know everything about her, for good or bad." Redrick watched how the crow gave him a sharp gaze, disliking what he saw but deep down the crow knows that one day the time would come for Elise to learn all the secrets about herself which she never knows.

Redrick saw the crow beginning to extend his wings as though it was about to leave, "Will you be returning to Hell? You still need to recuperate. Wait for another one year before doing anything reckless."

"I don't need a year, if my condition is good I need only another month. I cannot push this matter any longer. I have heard about the future from Asmodeus and how the disaster is about to come. It's time for me to come back."

Asmodeus was a high demon who could see the future, Redrick wondered what disaster the high Demon meant. Before the crow could leave, Redrick asked him, "Are you going to leave now?"

The crow raised his brows almost as if surprised to hear that Redrick wanted to be in his company for longer, but he noticed that wasn't the case. "What else should I do then? Enjoy the cakes and food inside the Ball? The only thing Human would want is me inside their Ball as I prefer blood more than sweets."

"That wasn't what I meant," sighed Redrick over hearing the crow's words that were as sarcastic as he recalled since the past. "Are you not going to see her closer?"

An interval of silence came before the crow answered, "That won't be necessary. I visited her before and saw that she lives in a household of a High Demon. The Demon might be troublesome but I have put her something of mine that would protect her in case if that Demon tried to do anything funny," The crow then turned around, his expression turning solemn as he spends more time thinking, and he whispered to himself before flying, "It's odd because I have never heard of a High Demon like the one living in that mansion."

Back in the powder room, Elise stepped inside and closed the door when she heard the door was opened again and her eyes stopped at the person who had entered the powder room.

"You," was the first word the person say, her eyes that were looking at her was arrows subtly which Elise didn't miss to note. It was Lady Ellen, and upon seeing the Lady, Elise could feel how the few minutes that was going to happen wouldn't go easy or friendly.

Yet unexpectedly, Lady Ellen suddenly bowed before her, and when her face lifted up there was a smile on her lips she offered to Elise. And Elise found the change in behavior almost surprising and she immediately brings herself to be cautious. "Lady Elise, I heard about the word Lord Ian said earlier, congratulation," said the lady who was only two years older than her.

"Thank you," Elise decided to accept the woman's words, but she was still on guard. After what had transpired in the past where she was betrayed multiple times, she knew how one's expression could betray the intention they held inside their heart, making it hard for anyone to ever guess if whether the person bears ill intent or a good one.

It was strange how Lady Ellen was quick to congratulate her even after how the woman had condensed her on their first meeting during the time the lady visited her. It made Elise to once again realize how being Ian's future bride could swing people's opinion of her from low to the highest and how she was seen as a person of high standing whom they want to be with to be in her favor that could perhaps have her to bring their name to Ian.

Lady Ellen moved toward the room, locking the door that gathered Elise's attention. It wasn't locked completely but the sound was enough to set her alarmed and she had her reason.

"I must be making you uncomfortable," laughed Lady Ellen, her laughter was light, "Our meeting wasn't a good one, but please understand as a noble lady it is my rule not to let any maids slack on their behavior. It happened once which ended badly for me as my maid tried to loot what I had, including a very important necklace my late mother gave me. I hope you would forgive me and understand where I am coming from."

Elise returned the woman's smile, but inwardly she doubted the Lady's words. If she was truly being strict, she wouldn't be mocked and be delighted when she told Elise to clean her shoes and would have reprimanded her once before letting her go. But the Lady did the opposite. And one more reason for Elise to be cautious was because she noticed the expression Lady Ellen had when seeing Ian. Being a person who loves Ian she could tell when someone else likes him. And jealousy never works well on people.

"I must comment on how lucky you are, Lady Elise. I mean, not everyone gets to be in the position where you are now," commented Lady Ellen whose face turned at the oval mirror hanged on the wall. "To be married to a nobleman must be a fairytale to most people as it doesn't happen often, and even when it did, most of them doesn't last long."

Elise watched the woman's tone that didn't raise, but her lips curled when she had said the last words.

"But I hope yours don't," Ellen turned to look at her, "In the past divorce is something taboo and it's still going the same now, but nowadays the idea is received much more tolerant than before. I just wish you wouldn't experience that, noting your young age it would give you a deep scar if you are divorced."

"Marriage works for two people Lady Ellen. What adheres to a relationship is their mutual feeling and communication. I believe there must be a reason for people to go on divorce. It isn't easy but that might be the best, it is a decision others make that I wouldn't want to comment on." Elise answered she felt that in a count of hours she had gotten much wiser by watching the people around her and their behavior, "And if I have to fix your words, it is not only marriage between commoner and nobles that ends with divorce, but everyone else's marriage hold the possibility."

"I see," the tone on Lady Ellen's voice that once was light fell a few octave deeper, turning dull, "You are right, but I say this because your situation is different than others. I only want to tell you the possibility of divorce you have. Because, you know how Lord Ian is, he is a man whose heart is free and wild. If he ever takes another wife, I hope you would be understanding. That is if the marriage goes well."

Elise turned to see how Lady Ellen's smile that was high curled deeper after she had said those words as if she was happy with what she said and prayed that her last sentence would do otherwise.

Putting a smile, Elise didn't deter from the words the lady said, she instead replied, "I believe in Ian, that he is not such a person. He is the man who I love and I know he is a person who would treasure me, and people wouldn't harm their treasure," the words seemed to rub salts on the lady's wound, as her expression grew worse. "The marriage will go well. Thank you for your wishes, Lady Ellen. I hope you will replace this night a good one."

After setting what she needed to say, Elise stepped out of the powder room. She exhaled a sigh and began to walk away from the place. She learned how quick one's position was, and all was because of one single announcement Ian made. It showed her a clear sign of the power rested on his shoulder, and how heavy it could be on him or her, but imagining Ian, Elise could tell he wouldn't pay attention to such things, and that side of him was a quality Elise admired.

She decided to quickly go back to avoid trouble coming for her when she saw groups of people gathering outside the ballroom. Has the Ballroom ended? But before she could ask, she saw how the crowd's expression didn't seem good and whispers came along.


A/N: Finish the second surgery. To update, I feel like I have learn what a fabric would feel during the stitches, I had to be awake during the surgery, sorry if you feel horror while reading this, lol. Anyway, is it only me or have the powerstone decrease very suddenly? Don't forget to vote, it's my only shine throughout my pain ^^ Enough of today's rambling~~

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