Li Yu felt that the task was the most suitable for him. After all the places were put together, he began to plan secretly.

The room must be clean and tidy, and a pair of jade pillows were placed. One of them was filled with a few small boxes filled with cream and grease. This was provided by Wang Gonggong's friendship. The plum fish can't see what kind of good use it is, so we can only prepare some for each.

The next step is to use the silver funnel, pinch the time point of transformation, and wrap in the quilt excitedly. He felt that he had made it obvious enough that if his boyfriend didn't understand, it would be a piece of wood.

Li Yu asked Wang Xi to send a message for King Jing to come back early. Although he is now in the western frontier, he only feels that there is no difference between him and King's residence. This is probably because he really feels secure and steady when there is king Jing.

The plum fish waited and waited, but fell asleep again. When he woke up, the silver sand leaked out a little, and the king still didn't come back.

Li Yu rubbed his eyes and got up. Why didn't King Jing return? Was he caught by something?

I remember that the other party should be dealing with the assassin, so it is inconvenient to take him. Li Yu also consciously avoided these scenes. King Jing is an ancient king, and he always has his own means. Besides, he has to fight for the reserve. He can't force King Jing to follow the modern people's point of view. As long as he doesn't hurt the innocent at will, he should be able to understand it.

The plum fish sat and waited for a while. His worry about King Jing defeated his brain scraps. He decided to go to King Jing himself.

As he was about to get dressed, he caught a glimpse of the dim light from the next window. Li Yu thought that he knew where King Jing was.

Plum fish wrapped in a quilt and pushed open the door of the next room. The tall young man was frowning and Pondering over the table.

For a moment, Li Yu wanted to drive away all his worries for him.

"Your Highness, you are still busy." Plum fish calls a way in a low voice.

King Jing raised his head and caught a glimpse of plum fish standing at the door wrapped in a big red quilt, shaking his head and shaking his head. King Jing couldn't help but hook his lips and waved to him. The plum fish rushed over and sat down beside him.

There are a lot of drawings on the table. Li Yu accompanied King Jing to work in the Ministry of works. He easily recognized this as a topographic map. King Jing was obviously studying the terrain.

As soon as he came over, King Jing hugged him with the quilt and felt his hands outside. The palm was cold. King Jing glanced at him reproachfully and put his hands in his arms to warm them.

Li Yu felt warm and comfortable. He pointed to one of the topographic maps in a low voice and asked, "Your Highness, what are you doing with these?"

Soon after they arrived in Luofeng Town, Liyu thought that king Jingwang would start building houses again.

King Jing took a pen and circled a position on the topographic map. He wrote: "one man is in charge, ten thousand men are not allowed to open it.".

"Is your highness ready to fight?" Li Yu asked curiously.

Luofeng town is located in the border, and the war is in chaos. On the way to Luofeng Town, Li Yu thought that there was a great possibility of war. But he started to use his sword and gun soon after he arrived. Was it too reckless? Why should we fight?

King Jing saw through his worries and handed him a secret newspaper.

Plum fish not sure asked: "can I?"

King Jing nodded.

Li Yu opens the secret report. It turns out that these are the confessions of several assassins who were arrested. The assassins confessed that they had followed the orders of a local gentry surnamed Wu, who bribed them with a large sum of money and sent them to assassinate them.

The truth of the assassination was unexpected. What Li Yu always thought was that the assassin was sent by the sixth prince. Unexpectedly, he was not the sixth prince, but a squire.

Li Yu was puzzled. The squire and king king should have never met at all, and the squire should be regarded as a rich man. Why should he assassinate him?

The king received the plum fish full of doubt, and then handed the other secret newspapers to the plum fish one after another.

It turned out that King Jing himself felt that a mere squire might not dare to hire a murderer. He asked the guards to investigate the background of the Wu squire. In a short day, the guards investigated the background of the Wu squire. This is no secret in Luofeng town. In Luofeng Town, Wu Xiang gentry could have a wealth of wealth and influence the wind and rain. In fact, he secretly colluded with the bandits who were wandering in the western border

King Jing had a good understanding of the west before he came to the West.

At present, there are two hidden dangers in the western frontier. One of them is bandits, which makes the emperor uneasy all the year round. Because it is located in the border, the western border is always in chaos. Bandits take advantage of this opportunity to disturb the people and fight against the imperial court. The emperor once sent troops to fight against the bandits, but the effect was very little. The bandits colluded with neighboring countries and occupied favorable terrain. The officers and soldiers failed to eliminate the bandits, which seemed to be a heart disease of the emperor.

Among them, Luofeng town is the throat of the whole western frontier. The emperor tried to appoint several officials, but the successive officials had been in office for less than half a year. They either resigned or died. The current mayor couldn't replace anyone. He chose a local temporary Li Zheng. The emperor sent King Jing here. On the one hand, it was a trial for King Jing, and on the other hand, he had to be ruthless The western frontier.

Before King Jing left the palace, the emperor had given him a secret order, which he could not see until he arrived at the western border. Since King Jing had arrived, he also took out the secret order to read it. The emperor ordered him to govern the western border and act according to circumstances. With this will, King Jing will be free to do it.He first ordered the guards to take the Wu gentry who had been confessed by the assassin. The Wu squire was brought to King Jing, who refused to admit his crime. He was arrogant in front of King Jing, and King Jing was not polite. He immediately punished the Wu gentry and beat him to death.

The bodyguard went to copy the house of squire Wu and found that in addition to the gold and silver in the house, there were also many rare treasures and swords in the cellar. It turned out that Wu Xiang gentry was also a fake identity. He disguised himself as a bandit and hid in Luofeng town for several years. He acted as a spy for the bandits outside and secretly transported things.

When King Jing came to Luofeng Town, the bandits didn't pay much attention to the dumb Lord who came from the imperial city. They only thought that they were the officials who bullied or begged them. The bandit leader decided to give king king king a strong hand and sent out assassins with the help of the gentry of Wu.

King Jing wanted to immediately bring justice to justice and crack down on the bandits' arrogance. However, this would certainly anger the bandits. The bandits in the western border have been rampant for a long time. King Jing had considered to clean them up before. However, the number of people brought here was not too many. If the front imperial guards were added to help him, he could fight.

Although King Jing had read a lot of military books, he had to think of a comprehensive strategy after he had chosen a good position to meet the bandits.

Li Yu was dazzled by the secret newspaper and admired his boyfriend.

Fish brain is full of yellow. Color waste, look at the professional career, not his boyfriend, this is the overall situation.

It seems that if you don't get rid of the bandits, fish can't expect DOI.

"Is your highness in distress tactics? Shall I give your highness an idea? "

The plum fish scratched his chin and gave a deep smile.

He had scratched his chin when he looked at the emperor and the old Duke Cheng en. He wanted to scratch his chin, but other people's chin had a majestic beard. Li Yu was still a young man, and his chin was smooth. If he scratched his chin again, he would be a bit of a jerk.

King Jing held back his smile and looked forward to asking, what's the idea?

King Jing's eyes are dark and bright, which is undoubtedly the most beautiful of his five senses. Seeing others as cold as ice, he is full of affection.

Staring at this pair of shining eyes, Li Yu's heart flutters, and he feels that since he admitted to be carp essence, King Jing's trust in him has become stronger and stronger

Li Yu calmed down and tried not to let himself think askew. He pointed to the topographic map and said, "Your Highness, there are several cellars in Luofeng town. These cellars can be expanded. When fighting, some food and water can be prepared. The people can be placed in these cellars first. This can not only ensure their safety, but also prevent the bandits from detecting the people when they move out of the town. "

Plum fish do not want people to be hurt, the cellar is to think of as an air raid shelter.

Yes, the king nodded approvingly.

"After the common people hide, they will have no worries. They can lead the bandits into the town, and then he will be in the light, and we will be in the dark."

"If your highness can dig some tunnels by the way, it can also be used as an attack."

Li Yu blinked mysteriously and drew some traps he knew on the paper.

Fish did not read the book of war, but the fish know. Thunder war and tunnel war!

King Jing pondered over Li Yu's words and got a lot of insights.

When he asked again, he suddenly found that Mr. Li had changed back to the shape of a fish. He wagged his tail to him vigorously.

King Jing skillfully lifted the quilt and put the fish in the fish tank. The quilt was put on the couch.

After finishing all this, King Jing suddenly found a pair of jade pillows on the bed:.... "

This must be Xiaoyu's masterpiece.

King Jing laughs and takes away the red brocade. A small box appears beside the jade pillow and reaches for it. There are several others. King opens one of them and sees the white and greasy cream inside. King suddenly realizes what he has missed just now.

When Wu Xiang gentry was arrested, he was not flustered at first. He thought that King Jing would use him as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the bandits. However, after replaceing out that he was a bandit, King Jing did not save his dog's life. Instead, he hanged him alive under a tree at the entrance of the town, and all his unjust gains were stolen.

Bandits can not only give king king king power, king of course can also slap bandits in the face.

The mayor is very worried about this. King Jing is the prince. He comes from the imperial city. He doesn't expect him to make any great achievements. But at least in Luofeng Town, he can't miss it. Knowing that King Jing was assassinated, the mayor almost fainted. However, King Jing ordered the bandit to be hanged. The mayor laughed bitterly. It was hard to make any mistakes.

The execution of Wu squire was equivalent to declaring war on the bandits. The officers and soldiers had fought several times before but failed to fight them down. How many people did king Jing take with him? Just after arriving at Luofeng Town, could he pacify the bandits? It doesn't matter if the prince's highness is in trouble. What about the people in Luofeng town?

For a moment, the town was in a panic. The mayor asked to see him several times, but the king refused.

One night, the enraged bandits attacked the town.

When they broke into the town and found that the common people were all gone, and their opponents who were always "falling from the sky" made them dizzy and wanted to escape, they were trapped several times at the end of the village.Bandits for the first time in such a mess, was waiting for a rabbit king hard hit a target.

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