A spiritual odyssey begins...a tale of magic, love, spirituality and adventure...Follow the dragon as he awakens, as he comes of age, as he discovers life and as he replaces The Creator...a story of lost love, friendship, magical beings and evil sorcerers; a spiritual odyssey that takes the reader as a companion and co-discoverer! An allegorical and philosophical message for our times...The beginning of a series of books centered around the dragon's world and the journeys of the creatures therein, with the next title being the second part to this introduction. Future titles are "The Sorcerer's Kingdom"; " The Wizard and The Dragon"; "The Secret Garden"; "Where The Man Burns"; "The Mysterious Island and the World of the Sea People" and lots more!"What a great read. I loved the characters and the fantasy aspect of it. It's well-written, and takes you to another world. Would recommend to anyone.""I really enjoyed this book, in fact I couldn't put it down! It's one of those books that I keep replaceing myself thinking about, a book thatwill stay with me forever! definitely recommend it!""What a pleasure to read! Using fantasy as a genre is a smart choice because most people resona
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