"Of course. I'll let the butler know tomorrow and then head to the post office." 

Anne declared her next course of action, and with a farewell and a "good night," she left the room.

As the night grew deeper, Rose lay in bed, her thoughts keeping her from drifting off to sleep.

Her heart raced, and her mind felt sharper, almost as if she had taken a swift sip of caffeinated tea.

Gazing at the album, Rose's emotions were on the verge of spilling over into tears.

Each postcard seemed to overflow with love, and while it might not hold great significance for others, to her, these simple postcards meant more than any lavish gift she had ever received.

The album held cherished memories that had remained steadfast in herc heart, never fading away. 

By sending her this album, the sender was conveying that they too held onto the promise made that day.

"There's no way Elliot sent this, especially if he never showed any affection toward me."

Rose was resolute in her beliefs.

The blue-haired boy from that day was not Elliot.

She had been mistaken all along, confusing two very different people in her memories.

On one hand, she felt a sense of relief at finally knowing the truth, yet on the other, she couldn't help but feel sorrow for having invested her heart in someone entirely different based solely on hair color.

"Still, I'm grateful I didn't marry Elliot."

Could it be that the unexpected return of these memories was a kind gesture from fate itself, recognizing my lack of awareness and providing me with an opportunity for closure?

Clutching the album close, Rose slipped beneath the covers.

Unraveling the mystery of the sender behind the mail addressed to Honeywell didn't seem like an insurmountable task.

A smile tugged at her lips involuntarily as she felt herself drawing nearer to uncovering the secrets of the blue-haired boy.

Amid the excitement and anticipation of reconnecting with her past love, there was something Rose had momentarily forgotten.

She was obligated to become a candidate for Tristan's Gloria and make her way to the temple, bidding farewell to the capital.

As her room was being tidied by the maids, tears welled in their eyes, knowing they would be separated from her for a while.

With a heavy heart, Rose said her goodbyes and left the manor, her eyes clouded with bewilderment. 

She hurriedly sought out Anne.

"Anne! Anne!"

She called out Anne's name and hastened out of the room, only to be met by the butler.

"Lady Rose, before you depart for the temple, you need to make a stop at the Imperial Palace. A carriage is ready outside."

The time had come for her to leave the manor.

Later, Rose would realize that Anne had already gained the butler's permission to leave for a moment in order to track down the postman. 

With slightly hurried steps, she approached the waiting butler.

"Butler, what about Anne?"

"She mentioned she had something to attend to at the post office and went out. Weren't you aware, my lady?"

"Yes, I knew. I was just wondering if she had returned yet."

"Right, she was due to return soon. Would you like to say goodbye to her before you depart?"

The butler took a pocket watch from his coat and murmured softly, attempting to gauge how long Anne had been absent. 

Rose, her mouth slightly agape as she searched for words, spotted one of the staff holding a simple bag, evidently having come back. 

It seems Anne had completely forgotten about the day's schedule and had hurried out due to my urgent call.

Tristan's Gloria candidates spent a week at the temple.

While not of extensive duration, the fact that Rose would be leaving without bidding farewell would undoubtedly sadden Anne. 

She eased her pace. Her exchange with Anne would indeed be a reunion of sorts, but she was equally curious about the news Anne might bring back.

Noticing her notably leisurely stride, the butler offered her a reassuring smile.

"My lady, a week goes by faster than you might think. Don't fret---even if you can't bid Anne goodbye, it's not a permanent separation."

The butler, unaware of Rose's specific intentions, offered his words to console her. 

Rose chuckled awkwardly. 

As she reached the first floor, a crowd of manor staff had gathered to see her off.

Wells had left for work early in the day, so he was absent from the scene.

Standing before the carriage, Rose received everyone's well-wishes.

As she stepped onto the carriage's footboard with the accompaniment of a knight, a voice called out from the crowd.

"My lady!"

Recognizing Anne's voice instantly, Rose released the knight's hand and hurried towards Anne.

The attendants, familiar with Anne's long service to Rose, made way for her.

Anne spontaneously stepped forward and grasped Rose's hand.

"My lady, have a safe journey."

A small piece of paper was clenched tightly in Anne's hands.

Rose accepted it and nodded.

"Thank you, Anne. I'll see you in a week."

Holding onto the paper as if afraid to let it slip, Rose stepped in to the carriage.

Until the moment the carriage started moving, the voices of those concerned for her echoed from outside.

Eventually, the carriage left Honeywell Manor, and only once the outside grew quiet did she finally examine the paper Anne had given her.

"At last, we can finally meet..."

It seemed Anne had managed to catch the postman and jot down some details about the sender of the gift.

Rose's heart quivered as she unfolded the paper.

Anne's hurried scrawl was evident in the handwriting.

[Postman, vacation, three days, return]

A hastily scrawled note was all that adorned the paper, but Rose needed no explanation to understand its content.

The postman who had dispatched her gift the day before was presently on vacation and would return in a span of three days.

Realization dawned on Rose, prompting her to touch her forehead.

"Ha! This has been a series of mishaps right from the start."

The excitement that had previously sent her heart aflutter now settled, like a ship replaceing calm waters.

Her thoughts seemed clearer, as if doused by a splash of cold water. Rose released a disappointed chuckle.

"If I stretch out my hand, I might almost be able to guess who it is. These circumstances aren't making it easy."

Letting out a prolonged sigh, Rose leaned back into the comfort of the carriage seat. Suddenly, her gaze fixed on a sight beyond the window, following behind another carriage. The sight towards which her carriage made its way.

The Imperial Palace

Alongside Rose and Nina, three other young ladies arrived at the Imperial Palace, each in their families' respective carriages. 

Stepping out of the carriage, Rose found Wells awaiting her as he personally opened the carriage door for her.


Though they had shared breakfast earlier, the sight of him still brought a smile to Rose's face, prompting her to call out to Wells.

Taking her hand, Wells assisted her in descending from the carriage.

"Let's head in. His Majesty is waiting for you."

Walking alongside Wells, Rose observed her surroundings.

The other candidates were accompanied by their guardians as well.

Rose's eyes scanned the candidates one by one, eventually resting on Nina.

While her initial impression of Nina had been quite lifeless, almost like a corpse, now she appeared as radiant as a fully blossomed flower.

Noticing Nina's gaze seemingly directed at her, Rose swiftly averted her eyes.

Russell was present in the audience chamber.

It was customary for the emperor to personally bid farewell to the Tristan's Gloria candidates, marking the commencement and conclusion of the founding festival.

A long crimson carpet stretched across the entrance of the audience room, leading to Russell, who occupied a throne positioned a few steps higher.

Seated upon his throne, Russell cast his gaze over the row of candidates assembled before him.

"Each year, all eyes turn to the selection of Tristan's Gloria. I trust that one of you will return as the embodiment of the goddess at the Gloria Temple, overseeing the commencement and conclusion of the founding festival. The Imperial Palace will ensure the safety of those who venture beyond the capital, so do return safely."

With Russell's address concluded, Rose and the other young ladies offered their salutations to the emperor.

One by one, they exited the throne chamber, with Rose being the last to depart.

A touch of pensiveness lingered on her expression as she left Russell's presence behind.

Although she believed she had developed a certain closeness with Russell, she lamented the absence of a more personal farewell between them.

Rose cast a glance over her shoulder.

Russell remained seated on his throne, and their eyes met.

Unbeknownst to him, his attendants were attempting to assist him.


His mouth silently conveyed this sentiment.

Rose responded with a faint smile.

Redirecting her attention ahead, Rose's countenance, unlike earlier, radiated with a newfound glow.

The journey toward the Gloria Shrine commenced as carriages, arranged by the Imperial Castle, were set into motion. 

Two carriages in total were prepared in advance.

However, the arrangement of traveling in pairs posed the challenge of Rose and Nina sharing the same carriage.

"Should I try to arrange a switch?"

Wells hinted at Rose, subtly referring to his suspicions about the abruptly shortened tea time at Earl West's residence.

Rose shook her head.

"No need. I'll manage, brother."

The prospect of being alone in the carriage with Nina until they reached the Gloria Temple weighed heavily on Rose's mind. 

Nevertheless, she entered the carriage, her resolve evident. 

Subsequently, Nina also entered, while the remaining three candidates boarded the other carriage.

"Hey there, Lady Rose."

Nina greeted her warmly as she settled into the carriage seats, and Rose shifted her gaze to the side.

"Yes. It's been a while since tea time."

"I know, isn't it wonderful? I wonder if you're doing okay after that incident."

"It went well."

Rose's response carried an undertone of unease.

As she trailed off, Nina refrained from pushing further.

An awkward silence hung between them as Nina's voice eventually broke through the quiet, reaching Rose, who silently yearned for the temple's arrival.

"Rose, I'll share, but... It's dependent upon you becoming Tristan's Gloria, overseeing the opening and closing of the founding festival. Then, I'll divulge the information I have on Ilya Titonsser."

Nina's words were spoken neither too loudly nor too softly.

Rose turned her head to meet her gaze, captivated by the deliberate cadence of her speech.

A queasy sensation churned within her as she faced Nina's green eyes.

After a moment of collecting herself, Rose spoke slowly.

"Why are you so fixated on me being Tristan's Gloria? How does that connect to Ilya Titonsser, and what's in it for Lady West?"

"It's not something grand. Yet even that much I can't share right now. On the last day of the festival, I'll send Ilya Titonsser to you. Then, it'll be up to you, Lady Rose, whether you wish to bring the knights along."

Nina's demeanor appeared remarkably relaxed.

Perhaps her knowledge of Ilya's whereabouts made her feel like she held the winning card in a game.

Rose shifted her gaze to the window, her complexion turning slightly pale as she stared outside.

"You don't look too good."

Nina's inquiry followed.

Rose mustered a smile and replied.

"Must be motion sickness. Feeling a bit queasy."

"Oh no. Hang in there. We're almost at the temple."

Rose didn't respond, opting to curl up slightly and rest her hand on her lap.

She had chalked up her discomfort to motion sickness, but deep down, Rose recognized the true source of this sensation.

The beastly spirit within her was reacting, its presence undeniable.

Could this reaction be due to my proximity to the temple? Could my body, with the soul of the monster, enter such a sacred place? What if I'm rejected?

Closing her eyes, Rose sought to quell her senses, striving for a modicum of stability. 

Amid this internal struggle, she remained oblivious to the gaze of Nina, seated across from her, who had been observing her all along.

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