The End Of The World's Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby
Chapter 284 - Volume 3 Chapter 94

Volume 3 Chapter 94

She didn’t say the next sentence, but everyone knew in their hearts that if they didn’t win, they would die. In the eyes of those people, everyone in Jiangcheng was a scum of mankind, a traitor for the zombies.

Once Jiangcheng was destroyed, Jiangcheng could only have the fate of being slaughtered.

So they had only one way to survive, that is to win.

After the meeting, Jiangcheng quickly became active. Those who were able to fight, even if they were ordinary people that were just a little stronger, they gave up their stable and safe jobs and chose to join the Jiangcheng guard.

The old, weak, sick, and disabled were unwilling to stay in nursing homes for people to raise them. They have also entered the planting base or breeding base to help.

Some people advised them not to be busy. After all, those who can enter the nursing home were either old people who can’t walk, the sick, or young children, or the disabled.

They really shouldn’t be too tired.

Persuading the old man, the old man said: “I am old, but I can still walk. Even if I can’t walk, I can also squat in the kitchen and watch the fire. The city lord is a good girl and raises us for nothing. Now Jiangcheng is in danger, how can we just sit and wait.”

Persuading the disabled and the sick, they all had their reasons: “I’m disabled or I’m missing some limbs, but I’m not missing all of them. At least I can move bricks. The bricks won’t kill us.”

Even the children were everywhere helping. They can’t do heavy work, but they can still do things like delivering food, water, picking fruits and so on.

Whether it was superhumans or ordinary people, they all worked overtime. If they could do a little bit more they would do a bit more. Superhumans were responsible for patrolling, investigating, and building fortifications while ordinary people did farming and other ordinary work.

No one was idle, everyone was busy. They were all busy but happy, busy but willing.

Large quantities of grain and meat were transported out of the planting base. Some were made to be preserved for a short period of time, while some were made into dry food like dried meat, bacon, etc. This was a strategic conservation of reserves.

All the superhumans were also busy building traps and so on. Shao Qing was not idle either. She led Shao Bai and brought her own healing plants to save people.

The people of her city were desperate. The injured and tired were reluctant to get off the front line. Shao Qing had to follow behind and act as medical staff.

Shao Bai helped a lot. Although he gave Shao Qing the ability to resurrect, he still had other abilities. His abilities were related to healing. Shao Qing directly gave Shao Bai her seventh mutant plant. He could probably make use of it.

At the beginning, Shao Bai actually had a lot of worries and fears. Everytime he met people before, he would be called a monster. He also felt that his appearance was strange. As time passed, he became more and more willing to avoid others, retreating to the deepest part of the canyon.

But, Shao Bai liked Jiangcheng very much. This was because Jiangcheng was full of vitality and human warmth that cannot be seen in other bases. Everyone here regarded Jiangcheng as their home. Jiangcheng was one big family and they belonged to Jiangcheng.

Shao Bai wanted to be a part of this big family, but he was very afraid, afraid of being called a monster by others, afraid of being rejected.

Shao Qing led him around to treat others. After he had treated others, they would apologize very sincerely, with no fear or disgust in their eyes.

Some older generations liked Shao Bai very much. At their age, they can clearly see a person’s character.

Shao Bai was pure and kind. They all saw him and could see his inferiority complex and felt more distressed. Those grandpas and grandmas would often bring him some homemade snacks, fruits and so on.

Shao Bai was very shy and would be embarrassed to accept, but they could see that he was very happy.

His teenage life was full of darkness, never recognized by anyone. He never felt such kindness.

On the second night of staying in Jiangcheng, when Shao Bai was rolling around on the bed holding Xiao Baozi, he firmly said to Shao Qing: “Jie, when the war begins, I will also go to the battlefield. I can also kill people!”

There are two kinds of killing, one for your own personal gain, and the other for people you care about.

Shao Bai has never killed anyone, but if someone wanted to hurt the city he loved, then he can also pick up a butcher knife. Even if he was afraid, even if he felt guilty, it doesn’t matter.

Shao Qing just touched his head: “You don’t need to kill people, you just need to save people.”

Shao Bai didn’t speak any more, but he was very determined. When the day comes, he will definitely not be timid.

Even if not for those who treat him kindly, he must fight for Shao Qing.

This battle came later than expected. When the investigation team reported that the opponent had entered the boundary of Jiangcheng, Shao Qing set up a big feast.

The table was full of wine and meat. The meat was just slaughtered cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens. The wine was stored in the cellar for a long time and something that she was not willing to take out. Nearly 10,000 people and tens of thousands of zombies sat in the square together. Because there were too many people there were not enough seats. Thus, most people sat on the ground, drinking the strongest wine, eating meat and vegetables.

Everyone here didn’t know what the future would be like. Just like Shao Qing said, one person, one bowl of wine to increase their courage. Then they will step on the enemy’s corpse and replace a way to survive.

Because of the special circumstances, Shao Qing didn’t stop anyone from drinking too much or making a lot of noise. She sat there listening to the people below making noise. There were people singing and dancing.

She herself didn’t know what the future was like. After a few days, the people who used to sing or dance here might lie underground forever. She could be watching the destruction of Jiangcheng or its prosperity.

Long, long ago, Shao Qing always felt that she was not a very strong person and could not bear the expectations and fate of too many people. It was too heavy. It was only at this moment that she realized that although she was bearing the fate of so many people, she didn’t feel tired.

Because while she was bearing the fate of these people, everyone here contributed their own strength and gave her a lot of courage.

She was not alone, so she did not need to be afraid.

On the second day, most people were awake very early. In fact, they didn’t drink a lot because everyone knew that there was going to be a fierce battle next. They all knew it.

At noon the next day, a full group of twelve survivor bases came to the vicinity of Jiangcheng. Instead of approaching Jiangcheng rashly, they camped near Jiangcheng.

The total number of the twelve survivor bases was about tens of thousands, which was less than Jiangcheng, but don’t forget that the people in these twelve survivor bases were all elite-level superhumans. Among the nearly 20,000 population in Jiangcheng, most were ordinary people, while some were low-rank zombies and superhumans. These people had no combat power. If they were not counted, Jiangcheng would probably only have 5,000 able to participate.

That was almost less than half of their opponent. The fighting style would not be the same as normal fights. It is not that more people determined the outcome, but having more people definitely meant having the advantage.

Shao Qing was very calm, she has never been so calm before. Probably when people are in desperation, they are all like this.

That night, the other party did not launch an assault. Shao Qing received a letter, which was sent by someone secretly. She opened the letter and found the number of higher ups and how many high-rank superhumans were written in it and which base they were from. In addition, their abilities and how many people Mr. Qiu sent over to support them was clearly written in the letter.

After reading it, Shao Qing understood who wrote this letter. It must have been Mu Lianchun. Shao Qing took a deep breath and finally understood why the other party had the courage to come over to fight Jiangcheng head-on without rations.

From the twelve bases, there were twelve rank 7 superhumans, and nearly fifty people at rank 6. Mr. Qiu himself came here, and brought six rank 8 zombies and 20 rank 7 zombies.

These zombies were disguised as normal people, claiming that they were all superhumans but Shao Qing knew that those bases must know in their hearts the actual facts. However, since they all came to attack Jiangcheng, there is no discrimination.

How could they take the initiative to disclose that there are zombies within their team.

Shao Qing calculated carefully, then found that Jiangcheng’s winning chance was still very large. As long as Mr. Qiu did not reach the ninth rank, the other party would not be able to control Jiangcheng.

Because just a few days ago, Gu Panpan and Yin Ye successfully broke through to rank 8. Yan Hanqing and the others were at rank 7, but that is no big problem against the artificial rank 8 zombies.

What worries Shao Qing is that nearly one-third of the heart was snatched back. They used the remaining two-thirds to build a few eighth-ranks, and some seven-ranks. So did Mr. Qiu take the remaining third to break through to rank 9?

If he really is rank 9, this time it would be really dangerous.

“From the current situation, we can use the previously discussed tactics to fight. We will delay the battles and consume the opponent’s rations. But we must worry that they will be driven to desperate action if pushed. If they have the courage, both sides will have losses. This way, someone might take advantage of the situation.” There was a map in front of Shao Qing, which was hand-drawn. The Qin family has a little brother with a particularly good memory, who was good at drawing. He traveled around Jiangcheng and drew a detailed version of Jiangcheng.

The places on the map with red circles were all traps. They were dug out by Shao Qing with some people the past two days. Since they had fewer people, they had to use some other means.

“I think they don’t have the courage. They are just a mob who think they are a little capable, so they want to come up and get some meat. Once they get hurt, they will be like dogs and run with their tails behind their back.” Mulin sneered.

“Mr. Qiu is here, so that might not be the case. I think it’s better to be on guard.” Yan Hanqing said cautiously.

Shao Qing also felt that was reasonable and nodded: “In short, we must prepare for circumstances. Then, we will be able to deal with whatever the situation is.”

Several people discussed the next plan in detail. They could conclude that at the latest, the battle will officially begin tomorrow morning.

Facts have proved that Shao Qing’s judgment was right. The person in charge of the patrol discovered that the enemy had made a move early the next morning after eating.

They began to advance in the direction of Jiangcheng. Shao Qing hurried to the top of the city. The reason why she went to the top of the city was not because of nervousness, but because she came to watch the show.

After advancing to a certain range, Shao Qing saw a small group of pitiful people at the forefront falling into the trap. This was the simplest trap. The top was covered with a thin layer of soil, and the bottom was full of sharp blades facing upward.

The sharp blades were all made by Zhu Mochen. They were much harder than ordinary sharp blades. Even if the body of a superhuman was tough, it could be pierced easily.

Moreover this sharp blade was not the killer move. When they fell to the bottom of the pit, the water flowing in from both sides was made by a corrosive liquid provided by Da Hua. There was even some paralytic venom added.

As long as a person falls into the pit, they will definitely be stabbed by the sharp blade. Just the scratch isn’t a big deal, but the most important thing is the liquid.

Once the liquid touches their wounds, it will paralyze their nerves, making them unable to move, so they can only be soaked in corrosive liquid. Finally they will be corroded so that there is nothing left.

Shao Qing brought binoculars over just so she could clearly see the pitiful group turn into bones in minutes. After two minutes, there weren’t even any bones left.

Some who were lucky enough to step on the bodies were able to climb up, but that number was relatively small. This was because the pit was too deep, and they often had no time to climb. Poisoned, they would just fall back down.

One trap swallowed nearly hundreds of people.

It is a pity that the path can only be used once because the opponents were no fools. As they moved forward again, they first probed the ground to see if there were any traps before moving forward.

However, this was useless. The investigators poked the ground and when they found no danger, they walked over and kicked the mechanisms placed on the ground. In the next second a bright flame shot into the sky, turning them into tattered corpses.

This was all thanks to Zhu Mochen. The mechanisms he placed on the ground were all metal. They were hidden in rocks, just like landmines. As long as they stepped on them or accidentally touched them, they would be triggered.

There were so many people who were here. If one or two didn’t touch the mechanism, there will still be one that will always touch it. As long as one person touches the mechanism, it is equivalent to setting off a large firecracker.

It’s just that behind this brilliance, they were all human lives.

Shao Qing leaned at the top of the city and couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s really miserable...”

The few people next to her couldn’t help rolling their eyes. No matter how miserable, didn’t you do it?

The other party had lost a few hundred before they got close to Jiangcheng. One really can’t blame them for being stupid. They can only say that Jiangcheng was too shady. They had no idea what kind of traps this group of evil guys placed.

Like the one buried under the soil before. It can be said to be the simplest. But the more you go, the more tricks you will replace. There will always be one that can kill you.

The Twelve-base Alliance, which had advanced for a few hundred meters, had hundreds of people killed. They couldn’t help being stunned. They had no way of knowing how many traps there were...what other traps could there be...where are these traps? How can they not be triggered...

Speaking about it brought out blood and tears.

Not to mention the cannon fodder at the front, even the higher ups were a little hesitant. At this time, Mr. Qiu in the cloak snorted: “At this point, do you still want to back down? Send people out, send three or five at a time. After no problem is found, then the follow-up troops can advance. So even if there is a problem, it will not affect too many people. This is war, death is inevitable. Did you not prepare for this before you came?”

One of the base chief gritted his teeth, then said: “Mr. Qiu is right! At this point, who can retreat? Isn’t it just a few deaths? We have tens of thousands of people, even if thousands die, we can still push down Jiangcheng. Put the weaker ones at the forefront and let them test it. As long as our strong ones have no casualties, it’s fine.”

Others nodded one after another: “That’s right, having a few pieces of garbage die is fine. At least, it can also reduce the consumption of rations. I agree, let’s do it!”

Birds of a feather flock together. The group of beasts naturally hit it off.

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