The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC
56 – Metropolis

56 – Metropolis

Once I confirmed my purchase, a new entrance opened.

Once again, I noticed the shift in the sliding doors.

Like cracked glass, I could see three different locations now.

Gotham, Hell's Kitchen, and somewhere new.

Whenever this new place was, it was somewhere with a lot of traffic, as I could see some mall and a giant parking lot filled with cars.

Floating out of my quaint cafe, I was surprised to replace that this entrance opened up in what was most likely Metropolis, home to Superman if the statue in front of the mall in the distance was anything to go by. However, that could be a coincidence, as Superman was quite the public figure, having saved many people across the world in times of disaster and crisis, not to mention the many he saved every day in Metropolis.

That's when I felt something.

Turning to the side, I looked up and found a man floating in the dark night sky above me, his red cape flapping in the wind, and his gaze focused on me.

"Ah. So it is Metropolis this time, though I don't like how public my shop is in this area," I spoke to myself, looking away from the 'Man of Steel,' ignoring him, much to the superhero's confusion.

"Tell me, Kal-El, where exactly are you on the timeline? Has your cousin shown up? Have you got that arctic fortress yet? Has Zod peaked ugly mug on this planet yet? I really should do some more research," I casually say towards the end, getting lost in thought.

"Wha-," The Superhero began, only for me to interrupt him, "Forget I said anything. I'll replace out later; in the meantime, I'll stretch my legs a bit, maybe get some practice while I am at it."

Without any sudden movements, I suddenly flew further up into the sky.

Of course, since I decided not to burn up in the atmosphere suddenly, I found that Superman was already ahead of me.

"Wai-" Superman tried, but I simply ignored him, speeding up.

At first, I was moving just under the speed necessary to break the sound barrier, but after my sudden acceleration, I broke through and sped up to Mach 2, then 3.

Superman was quickly able to keep up and still speed ahead of me, futilely trying to stop to talk to me or something, but I simply sped up faster and faster, wanting to see how fast I could go.

There was no doubt Superman and I had been detected by Radar, but as I flew higher and higher, my speed only continued to increase as the atmosphere became thinner.

By the time I reached the exosphere, I was well into Mach 8, crossing over seven thousand miles every second.

Yet somehow, Superman continued to keep up with me as we ultimately left the Earth's atmosphere.

That's when I noticed that Superman was not breathing.

Strange. I recall that Superman could survive in space in many comics; can this version not? Or does this Superman simply not realize its potential yet? After all, there was a Superman that survived till the end of his Universe.

Now that I was in space, there was no need to hold back.

My entire form became more vibrant as I suddenly accelerated as fast as I possibly could. That's when I found myself slamming into something hard.

Swiping my hand, the massive dust cloud around me became even worse.

Annoyed, I simply flew up and out of the cloud.

That's when I was met with the surface of Luna, Earth's moon.

Well. I may have accidentally given Luna another crater. A rather large one at that.


Meanwhile, on Earth, in many secret locations across the planet, people, aliens, and mutants were in a panic as satellites, powers, and many more sources of information recorded a small object slamming into the moon with enough force to rival multiple nuclear bombs, creating a new crater that could even be spotted by the naked eye to anyone on Earth that happened to be looking at the moon in the dark sky.

While the crater was noticeable, it was nothing compared to the giant dust cloud that washed over Luna's surface.


Meanwhile, in the Inhuman city of Attlain, Black Bolt, the Silent King of the Inhumans, paced back and forth before his thrown while Medusa, his wife, stood nearby.

Standing before the silent King was every other member of the royal family as they watched a tsunami of lunar dust rush over the city's shield bubble, completely blinding them from seeing anything outside of their city.

They all felt the moon shake and tumble as their city, built of lunar rock and quartz, threatened to collapse around them. Yet their shield held firm, hiding them from those watching on Earth and those that pass by frequently in the sky.

It took an entire hour, but when the dust finally settled, the Inhumans noticed a faint figure floating just outside of their shield bubble. This figure was far from human.

It was an entity seemingly made of pure energy visible to the eye, with slates of an unknown material incorporated with its form, acting as armor or 'flesh' for the entity.

That's when the creature reached out and touched the shield.

Fearing their discovery, the Silent King raised his hand and began issuing orders through signs, warning everyone to prepare for a fight. 

That's when the creature suddenly disappeared without notice, launching lunar dust into the air, covering the shield once again once the creature disappeared. It moved so fast that not one of the Inhumans could see its speed.


Flying away from whatever was hidden on the moon, I decided to fly around the Sol System, visiting the various planets and natural phenomena around the system.

The sun was...quite warm and surprisingly rejuvenating, like a warm bath. I was half tempted to fly into the giant ball of combusting gas but ultimately decided against it.

I may end up visiting some nearby stars and soak in their cosmic flames, but that would be in the far future, I will simply take a short break from the never-ending work.

Even now, most of my mind was still in the cafe, working on the games and fixing any bugs or unforeseen things that I had not foreseen when I was recreating these games.

It mainly consisted of lifestyle fixes and changes, which were simple but required me to focus on the playthroughs of my players.

As I flew through the asteroid belt, I wondered and dreamed. Dreamed of both my new and old life.

I think I went from being an average college student stressed for time to something entirely different and not human.

Yet, I wouldn't trade this life for anything in the world.

To be honest, it was kind of freeing. It felt like a new life, literally.

After a few hours of touring the solar system, swimming in the gasy oceans of Jupiter, strolling across the sandy dunes of Mars, and even visiting the dwarf planet Pluto.

Eventually, I had to return to Earth when I knew the store hours were nearing opening. 

It took me only a few moments as I flew at the speed of light toward Earth, stopping just shy of the atmosphere to prevent myself from doing any permanent damage. 

From there, I simply flew down to the entrance to New York.

I guess a new day would soon be upon me. I couldn't wait.

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