Lan Xi was fuming with anger as she confronted Xie Cheng near the beach where the Chengxin Team was holding its team-building event.

"Why did you ruin my marriage proposal scene?"

However, in the face of Lan Xi's accusation, the "suspect" remained surprisingly calm. He glanced at Lan Xi, who was furious, and casually replied, "What? Was the proposal unsuccessful?"

Lan Xi was infuriated. "With everything you did, how could I propose? How could it possibly be successful? Who gave you the right to ruin my heartfelt gesture?"

"I didn't ruin your heartfelt gesture," Xie Cheng said calmly, holding a glass of lemonade. With a condescending tone, he continued, "Those seashells were just scattered on the beach, belonging to no one. Whoever picks them up can claim ownership. I merely lent you my seashells for decoration. Afterward, I had to leave, so I took my own seashells. Any problem with that?"

Xie Cheng took a sip of lemonade, seemingly unperturbed by the situation.

That's what he said... but it was clearly directed at her! Why else would he intentionally pick up some of the seashells, leaving the rest to resemble a broken heart?

However, that wasn't the main point. The main point was—

"Why did you modify the picture and words I drew? I drew them myself! What does it have to do with you?"

He couldn't possibly have an excuse for that!

To her surprise, Xie Cheng remained composed and said, "Oh, there was a strong gust of wind earlier that scattered the words and drawings you made on the sand. So, out of kindness, I helped you redraw them."

Although there was indeed a sea breeze, it wasn't strong enough to blow away Lan Xi's words and drawings. It would have taken a tornado to do that!

But let's not dwell on that. "Then why did you draw a middle finger?"

"Your intention was to wait for his approval and have him draw a ring on the finger in the sand, right? Engagement and wedding rings are worn on the left middle finger, and each finger with a ring carries a different meaning. I was afraid he might draw it in the wrong place, so I highlighted the middle finger and enlarged it a bit."

"You know Xie Yunfei often has a disheveled appearance due to his irregular sleep schedule. The moment was sleepily perfect. I enlarged the finger to make it easier for you to have a successful proposal without any regrets."


Xie Cheng raised an eyebrow. "No need to thank me, really."

Lan Xi was practically suffocating from anger. Who asked for his help anyway!

But since things had come to this point, it seemed like the proposal was off for today. They say you can't turn back time, and it's crucial to seize the opportunity at hand.

After all the hard work of picking up trash, it was time to receive the reward.

But speaking of that...

"What happened to the second bag of trash I picked up?"

Oh no! She had been so focused on running away earlier that she left behind the second bag of trash she had collected.

Lan Xi hurriedly ran back to the beach, but she was too late. There was nothing left on the beach. The second bag of trash she had painstakingly picked up had been taken away by someone else!

Lan Xi felt both angry and frustrated, but luckily...

"You just said that because you didn't watch over my trash properly, you will take responsibility and award me the annual dinner buffet coupon."

Lan Xi coughed and said, "You also saw that I actually picked up a second bag. Two bags plus one piece, I definitely picked up the most trash in the company, so I deserve the buffet coupon reward. It's only fair, right?"

To Lan Xi's surprise, Xie Cheng suddenly changed his mind, "Since it's a competition, there should be evidence for selection; otherwise, it wouldn't be fair to other colleagues. I did see you picking up the trash just now, but that's because I happened to be walking with you. Many colleagues are not walking in the same direction as me. How can I be sure that they didn't pick up more trash and encounter the same situation as you?"

Xie Cheng continued self-righteously, "As a boss, fairness should come first. I should treat all colleagues equally. After all, you and I are just ordinary superior and subordinate, wouldn't you agree?"

"What's more, you're about to marry Xie Yunfei and become the boss's wife, right? You even promised to support me after I go bankrupt. So, would a buffet coupon really make a difference?"

Xie Cheng smiled at Lan Xi, showing his teeth, "So, let's give this opportunity to other colleagues. It shouldn't affect you much, right?"


Lan Xi suspected that Xie Cheng was targeting her, but she lacked evidence.

Lan Xi was very angry, but more than anger, she felt a strong sense of grievance and resentment.

She didn't know why, even though the loss from the failed proposal was greater, her attention was now completely focused on the fact that Xie Cheng didn't give her the buffet coupon.

He had just said he would compensate her with the coupon...

But, if he doesn't want to give it, then so be it!

"You're right! It won't be a problem once I marry Xie Yunfei!"

Lan Xi said angrily and turned around to leave.

However, as soon as Lan Xi took a step forward, she suddenly stepped on something slippery and lost her balance, falling down on the beach. Fortunately, the sand cushioned her fall, so it wasn't too severe. But when she tried to get up quickly, she felt a sharp pain and a burning sensation in her calf.

Lan Xi couldn't help but exclaim, "Ah!"

Almost at the same time, Xie Cheng, who had been enjoying the sea breeze and drinking ice water, dropped his cup and quickly ran towards Lan Xi.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

His face showed genuine concern and nervousness, but in an instant, he noticed that Lan Xi had only fallen on the beach, and her expression seemed unnatural.

Just as Xie Cheng was about to stand up, his attention was drawn to something colorful near Lan Xi's feet.

Xie Cheng had read news reports about toxic jellyfish appearing on this beach, but he didn't expect to "have the privilege" of encountering one today.

However, it was useless to warn her at this point, because it was evident that Lan Xi had already been stung. Her fair calf was now swollen and red.

There were no highly poisonous jellyfish in Rong City; most of them were only mildly toxic. Although the venom of these jellyfish was not deadly, it could potentially endanger people's lives by causing allergies and respiratory swelling.

Xie Cheng's mind was completely focused on one thing—he must quickly take Lan Xi to the hospital!


Lan Xi did stumble a bit, but it didn't hurt much. She didn't know what kind of colorful creature had stung her, but aside from the initial sting, she quickly recovered to normal. The physical condition of the Wood Yi Star people was much stronger than that of Earthlings, and their ability to decompose and absorb toxins far exceeded that of Earthlings. Apart from the red swelling on her leg, which hadn't immediately subsided, it didn't affect her movement. In fact, one could even say she was completely unharmed.

However, Xie Cheng seemed as if he were facing a major enemy. Before Lan Xi could explain, he scooped her up in his arms.

"Hold on, I'm taking you to the hospital."


"I don't need to go to the hospital!"

Unfortunately, Xie Cheng turned a deaf ear to her protests. With a serious expression on his face, he held Lan Xi tightly and walked briskly.

There was a hospital not far along the beach, experienced in treating jellyfish stings. Lan Xi had to be taken there quickly.

Xie Cheng was carrying Lan Xi horizontally, and as he glanced at her restlessly in his arms, he was clearly agitated and anxious. "You really are fearless out of ignorance, do you know that if this kind of wound isn't treated promptly, it could be fatal?"

Xie Cheng, who had previously been calm and composed, now looked disheveled and restless. Because he was carrying Lan Xi in his arms and walking quickly, sweat beads formed on his forehead. With both hands tightly embracing Lan Xi, he couldn't wipe them away. Lan Xi watched as the sweat trickled down his face, following the lines and eventually disappearing into the open collar of Xie Cheng's shirt.

It wasn't an overtly romantic scene, but Lan Xi's heart couldn't help but beat rapidly.

It seemed that being held by Xie Cheng like this wasn't so bad after all. After all, it was a princess carry, and she, as a dignified princess, was a perfect match for it.

Even her mood improved, and all the previous grievances and resentments vanished. The more she looked at Xie Cheng, the more pleasing he became in her eyes.

Xie Cheng didn't speak to Lan Xi throughout the journey. He just hurriedly carried her into the hospital, registered and waited in line, and showed the doctor the jellyfish photo he had taken earlier, then communicated with the doctor.

Fortunately, the doctor had a lot of experience. He glanced at Xie Cheng's photo and said, "This kind of jellyfish is harmless, with only mild toxicity."

"Moreover, judging from the wound, it's not deep. Most people would experience severe redness and swelling, but in your case, there isn't even much swelling. You probably just brushed against one of the jellyfish's tentacles, causing some skin irritation. Rinse the wound with a baking soda solution and apply the ointment I'm prescribing. It should be fine in a few days."

However, Xie Cheng remained unconvinced, his tone filled with anxiety. "But she fell because of being stung by the jellyfish. Are you sure there's no danger?"

The doctor was an older gentleman who glanced at Xie Cheng and said, "I understand your concern for your girlfriend's well-being, but we handle these situations every year and have a lot of experience. If you're worried, you can get a blood test, although I don't recommend it as it may be unnecessary medical intervention."

Xie Cheng really wanted Lan Xi to get a blood test to ensure she was safe, but unfortunately, his suggestion was met with strong opposition from Lan Xi. She refused to get the test and insisted that she was fine. Finally, the doctor settled the matter by saying, "It's fine not to get the test. Young man, you're being overly anxious." As he said this, he glanced at Lan Xi and quickly realized something, a knowing smile appearing on his face. "Your girlfriend is quite beautiful, and you two make a good couple..."

Lan Xi couldn't help but interrupt the doctor. She cleared her throat and pointed at Xie Cheng, clarifying, "I'm not his girlfriend. I have a boyfriend, and we're about to get married! If it weren't for this incident, I would have just proposed to him on the beach!"

She paused for a moment, looked at Xie Cheng, and added, "We have a normal superior-subordinate relationship." Lan Xi became a bit upset as she continued, "He doesn't like me at all! I spent the whole day picking up trash, and he followed me the whole time, knowing full well what I was doing, but he didn't even fulfill the promised prize for the trash-picking competition!"

Xie Cheng stood by with a serious expression, saying nothing.

It was the doctor who couldn't help but laugh at the situation. He teased Xie Cheng with a wink and then turned to Lan Xi, saying, "He doesn't dislike you."

As he wrote the prescription, he continued, "He actually seems to like you."

"And as for your almost-married boyfriend, since he was also on the beach, why didn't he immediately come to your aid after you were stung by a jellyfish?"

The doctor pushed up his glasses and spoke with earnestness, "You're still young, but marriage is a lifelong commitment. You should consider it carefully."

After confirming that Lan Xi was indeed unharmed, Xie Cheng took the prescription and went to the pharmacy to get the medication.

Lan Xi waited idly, and it was at this moment that Xie Cheng, who hadn't spoken a word before, finally cleared his throat.

He glanced at Lan Xi and asked, "Did you hear what I said earlier?"

Lan Xi nodded, "I heard."

Xie Cheng's voice sounded a bit unnatural as he continued, "After hearing that, do you have any feelings about it? Some people's true character may not be apparent at first, but at least you can tell by comparison, right?"

Lan Xi agreed with this point.

Just based on Xie Cheng's concern for her now, she wanted to reward and appreciate him!

She nodded solemnly and said, "You're right. The doctor's words make sense, so I've made a major decision!"


Xie Cheng knew he should stay calm, but whenever he was with Lan Xi, it was impossible for him to maintain a composed state of mind. Just in this single day, his emotions had been like a roller coaster, going up and down repeatedly.

He tried to be rational, but his heart couldn't help but beat with nervousness.

That doctor, as a neutral third party, truly had a clear perspective and spoke words of truth.

So, did Lan Xi finally take his words to heart?

Pulling back the reins at the cliff's edge, it was not too late to rectify the mistake. To acknowledge one's errors and make amends is a great virtue.

Xie Cheng felt that although Lan Xi had previously misunderstood Xie Yunfei, her change of heart should be encouraged by society. As a compassionate citizen, he believed it was his duty to offer help, support, and praise.

However, before he could carefully choose his words, Lan Xi spoke up preemptively.

Her eyes sparkled, her voice resolute, and her speech rhythmic and forceful.

"Xie Cheng, the doctor was right. You truly are a good person!"

Caught off guard by her gaze, Xie Cheng felt a bit uneasy and instinctively averted his eyes. "So, what are you trying to say?"

"We have known each other for quite some time, so I'll be direct! I've observed your recent behavior, and I believe you have made significant progress. It's worth giving you another chance."

Lan Xi's words carried a hint of superiority, granting him another opportunity. But back when she pursued him, it wasn't like this...

Nevertheless, Xie Cheng understood that she had misjudged him, and now she was regretful. Hence, she needed to put on a show of strength in her words. He thought these subtle intentions were understandable.

Though Xie Cheng tried to restrain himself, a faint smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Compared to Xie Yunfei, anyone with clear eyes would eventually see the truth. Lan Xi wasn't entirely oblivious.

But just as his smile was about to widen, he heard Lan Xi's resolute voice continue.

"So, you must take good care of your health, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Get enough sleep and wake up early for longevity, got it?"

The sudden shift in topic...

Xie Cheng was completely perplexed. "What?"

Lan Xi's gaze was earnest. "You must live longer than Xie Yunfei. Remember, take care of yourself, get regular check-ups, examine your brain, take some tonics. You must outlive Xie Yunfei."

Xie Cheng didn't understand why his lifespan had anything to do with Xie Yunfei. Why should he be compared to him? "I will definitely live longer than him."

Lan Xi's voice sounded relieved. "That's good!"

Though he didn't grasp why the topic suddenly shifted to this, Lan Xi couldn't be analyzed using normal social logic. Perhaps it was just a passing thought in her mind, a sincere hope that she herself would live a long life.

With this in mind, Xie Cheng's mood improved a little.

She wanted him to outlive Xie Yunfei. That alone indicated the importance he held in Lan Xi's heart, surpassing Xie Yunfei.

Furthermore, the words "That's good" were genuinely heartfelt.

However, just as Xie Cheng was about to revel in his triumph, Lan Xi continued.

"Xie Cheng, as long as you outlive Xie Yunfei, after he passes away, I will choose you as my rightful partner."

"I will go ahead and marry him according to the plan. But once he's gone, I will come to you and give you a chance."

Lan Xi affectionately patted Xie Cheng's shoulder. "So, take good care of your health, strive to live longer. Believe that with my encouragement, you will surely succeed!"

Still long-lived? Xie Cheng felt like he was about to breathe his last right then and there.

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