The Heroine Eavesdropped on My Voice Heart
Chapter 115: Don't worry Basara, I definitely won't bore you!

Looking at Basara who was lying again on the familiar bed in the school medical room.

Qin Tian who had been secretly hiding his presence finally appeared in the room.

Chisato was surprised by Qin Tian's sudden appearance, she didn't even feel any energy fluctuations when it happened.

As expected of her man!

She looked at Qin Tian with admiration and there was also love in her eyes, her body naturally moving to throw herself into his arms.

"Tian~ how long have you been watching?"

Chisato asked flirtatiously while hugging Qin Tian tightly, one of her index fingers even mischievously making circles on his chest. Unmistakably, this was one of the popular spoiled postures on the internet that a woman would usually do to her lover.

Feeling the soft and warm body in his arms, Qin Tian wondered if it was just him or the character Chisato turning into a little wife?

Previously she looked cold and cool when dealing with Basara, but when she dealt with him, the character instantly changed like a natural bipolar.

Of course Qin Tian was happy about this, but...

[Since when did that slender, white hand sneak into my pants? Chisato, you're playing with fire!]

The heroines: "...."

Villain seems to be having fun.

Didn't you say you would deal with the protagonist before?

Why are you playing with your woman now?

"Cough! Chisato, we can do that later. By the way I've been here since Issei just walked into this room."

"Since you already knocked Basara out, now is a good chance to give him another mental attack to weaken his psyche."

Qin Tian said as he pulled Chisato's hand out from inside his pants.

If anyone else accidentally sees this scene, I'm afraid they'll misunderstand that a female teacher is harassing a handsome male student in the school medical room.

If this news is spread, it will definitely go viral!

Chisato looked a little disappointed by Qin Tian's refusal, she didn't expect this man to refuse to do so, even after she took the initiative to get into his pants.

Well but it's true that right now is not the right time to make love, if not for Qin Tian's refusal, she might have almost forgotten about Basara's existence in this room.

Feeling somewhat guilty for her nephew, but she didn't feel guilty at all for transmigrator inside her nephew's body.

Earlier, when she told Basara to close his eyes. She was actually using one of her magic that could make a person drowsy and fall asleep quickly. Basically Basara had been hit by sleep magic, so he was actually asleep right now.

"So what should we do to him now? Make him see that again?" Chisato asked with a heated look at Qin Tian.

To be honest after making scheme NTR Basara several times, she felt addicted or perhaps felt she had developed a certain fetish.

Qin Tian's lips twitched, okay this woman seemed to have developed in a strange direction.

Do you enjoy mentally torturing the protagonist and training him to become a voyeur?

For a moment, he looked at Basara with pity in his eyes.

Just kidding.

There's a wide grin on my face right now.

Although Chisato's idea was good, it had already been used several times.

Perhaps Basara had gotten bored and he had subconsciously developed an immune resistance to NTR-ing.

So Qin Tian had a new idea for Basara.

[Don't worry Basara! I definitely won't bore you!]

He looked at Chisato and said, "Instead of using the same trick as before. How about using a new trick? I have a good idea, but I need your approval."

Chisato looked at Qin with a question mark in her eyes.

From his inner voice, she knew this man was eager to mess with the protagonist.

So she was very curious what ideas he had to weaken the transmigrator soul inside Basara's body.

And he needed her approval? She knew it was because she was Basara's aunt.

But what kind of idea would require her approval?

Could this idea be too extreme like cutting off Basara's limbs?

If that was the case she certainly couldn't agree to it!

Although this Basara was fake, his body was real.

He was still her nephew, and her sister's son.

"Tian, first explain what idea you have? If it's cutting Basara's body, I might not be able to..."

"No not that kind of idea. I'm not a psychopath, okay? Besides I already know Basara is your nephew. So I won't go overboard, but this idea will be effective to mentally wound others in Basara's body."

"Basara's own soul won't be affected..."

Seeing Chisato's concern, Qin Tian immediately explained his idea. It took 3 minutes and after some consideration Chisato agreed to his idea.

"Are you sure this will work?" Asked Chisato who still wanted to make sure.

It had to be said that the idea Qin Tian had said before was a bit over the top, but it wouldn't hurt the original Basara.

As long as the original Basara didn't remember it, Chisato felt that it was worth the price and this was also for the sake of saving him.

So Basara, please hold back.

Auntie also agreed to Qin Tian's idea for your sake.

If Chisato's sister was here, she would probably slap Chisato and say, "What crazy things you're doing to my son!"

Cough, just kidding.

Qin Tian nodded.

"I'm sure this will work."

[With the pride that the Basara transmigrator has, when he wakes up tomorrow, his mentality will definitely be hit so hard that he'll cry.]

[Sorry Basara-kun, your aunt and I are doing this for your sake. So please understand.]


As expected of a destiny villain!

The heroines found Basara's protagonist very pathetic.

There was no telling what the villain wanted to do to Basara, but they knew it was definitely not something good.

It was even said that it could make Basara cry tomorrow!

At times like this they were curious, even a little excited and wondered what Qin Tian wanted to do to Basara?

"Okay, then let's do it."

Chisato was successfully convinced after hearing his inner voice.

Well Qin Tian, what are you waiting for?

Qin Tian immediately took out his cell phone and contacted someone.

"Hello, I would like to book a one-room service for a handsome teenager."

"No, no, it's not for me. Do you want to die? This is for someone else. I want to book a Big Deluxe package for that teenager."

"Oh and please deliver the package to Hijirigasaka Academy, come in the tonight, at..."

He spoke eloquently and in detail to the person on the other side of the phone, having finished saying everything.

Chisato looked at him innocently.

"What?" Qin Tian tilted his head in confusion while hugging the sexy teacher.

"I was wondering... Do you use that service often? When ordering on the phone, you speak eloquently..."

"Of course not! I just followed the ordering tutorial on the internet! Besides, I have you, why should I..."

Chisato rolled her eyes, you have me and other woman, right? You have a harem!

Even so, she still loved this man, had even given her body to him, so it was too late to back out.

It's better to just enjoy it.

Chisato and Qin Tian looked at each other for a few seconds before kissing passionately beside the sleeping Basara.

There was still a little time before school dismissal time, so they took the time to do the immoral thing between teacher and student in the school medical room.

This wasn't included in the plan of course, but they couldn't help it.

Basara was also still sound asleep and wouldn't wake up until tomorrow, so playing for a while in the same room as him was fine, right?


At Kuoh Academy, the school dismissal time comes earlier than that of Hijirigasaka Academy.

Unlike the rest of the students who go home immediately, the other students who have extracurricular activities will usually spend an hour or two at their respective clubs at school.

The members of the Occult Research Club were included of course. They were all busy doing extracurricular activities right now.

Well they are...

"I got 4. Buchou... Too bad, should I pay your rent?"

"Hehe Koneko, you have to pay~ Now, give me 280 million! My house is worth a lot after being upgraded to 4 floors."

"Buchou... I happen to have a rent-free card."

"What? Shit!"

"Ara Rias, watch your language. Tian-kun might not like foul-mouthed girls."

"Bah instead of disliking it, I'm sure he'll like it. He even likes perverted women like Chisato who put her hand in his pants!"

"Oh~ That seems to be good. So he'll definitely like girls like me too, right?"

"Akeno, you... By the way, I got 6. Whose house is this?"

"That's my house, Rias, you have to pay 500 million~"

"Huh? Why is your rent so expensive!"

Rias stared at Akeno's 4-story house in disbelief.

Akeno giggled "Ara ara" before she took out a gold card from the folds of her breasts and showed the gold card to the red-haired girl sitting in front of her.

It wasn't only Rias who was surprised to see the card.

Koneko who saw it was also surprised, but she instead focused on staring at Akeno's breasts with envy and wondered when hers grew that big to be able to store objects in them?

By the way the three of them were playing a game of monopoly at the moment.

Why? No reason.

They were just bored and it just so happened that one of them proposed playing monopoly.

So this is what they look like now.

Although this is the Occult Research Club, the actual activities of this club often have nothing to do with its name.

But who cares?

And who would reprimand them when the teachers in this school were even just puppets that the devil faction deliberately placed to pretend to be teachers and principals.

"As you can see, this is a doubled rent payment card!"

Akeno was in play mode with the children. She stretched out her hand to collect the money from Rias.

Her aura looked like a stern debt collector, there were also some small lightning bolts dancing on her body.

Rias and Koneko wondered if Akeno wanted to pretend to be cool?

Was there a need to perform special effects with magic in this situation?

Rias' lips twitched, she glanced at the wall clock and said, "How about we just end the game here? It's getting dark outside, we'd better get home."

"Rias, you didn't deliberately say that to avoid paying my rent, did you?" Akeno asked with a smile.

Rias had an innocent expression on her face, she even tilted her red-haired head.

"What do you mean, Akeno? It was just a game..."

"Hey hey we already agreed that the money we both used in the previous game was real money and it will be converted into real money as much as..."

"Which means you have to pay me 2 million yen." Akeno said after finishing her mental calculations.


Rias fell silent.

What Akeno said was true.

Excluding Koneko who was using fake money, in order to increase the excitement in the game, she and Akeno agreed to use real money by converting ***.

The result would be Japanese yen money.

So she had to pay 2 million yen to Akeno.

Although there was no problem paying that much money with the Gremory family's wealth.

But 2 million yen was actually her monthly money in the human world.

Which meant she would lose a month's worth of pocket money!

Rias hesitated, but she remembered that she had a rich boyfriend now.

Qin Tian seemed to come from a rich family, so if she was short of money, she could also come to him, right? He's her boyfriend after all!

Qin Tian: "...."

If Qin Tian knew what Rias was thinking right now, he would ask that red-haired girl why you didn't ask your Onii-chan for money? I'm sure he's not short of money either.

"Okay, I'll transfer the money now." Rias didn't change her expression and transferred the money to Akeno's account using her cell phone.

The money balance in Rias' account was automatically deducted 2 million yen.

Her heart ached a little.

Although it was soon the end of the month which meant she could get back 2 million yen from the monthly money her family sent her.

But still...

Her money mindset was a bit shaken because of this.

Unlike Rias who lost money, Akeno who gained money was of course happy.

Her mood was very beautiful.

With this money I can buy a lot of toys s- cough! I mean, I can buy a lot of special items to play with Tian-kun...

Akeno's face flushed red at the lewd thought in her mind.

Rias didn't need to ask what was wrong with Akeno because it was obvious what she was thinking.

She just wondered what Koneko was doing?

The cat girl had been silent all this time, what was she doing? Usually she was the most eager to go home and sleep in her own room.

"Koneko, we're going home soon. Why are you so quiet... Oh, what are you reading?"

Rias saw that Koneko seemed to be reading a book.

This was the first time she saw Koneko looking fun while reading a book, so she was also a little surprised.

Akeno who was done with her lewd fantasies was also curious what book Koneko was reading.

So she looked up at the cat girl.

By the way is it just me or does the book Koneko is reading seem a bit shiny?

Koneko who was asked by Rias gasped, she looked at Rias and Akeno with an excited gaze.

Rias and Akeno had question marks in their heads.

What, what?

Why did this quiet cat girl look so excited?

Is the book you're reading that good?

"Buchou, Akeno Senpai! You guys should read this!"

"No, actually you guys have it too. Take a look on the table."

Koneko pointed at two books that looked the same as the ones she was reading on the table.

Rias and Akeno were surprised.

Since when were there books there?!

The two also picked up the book and looked at the cover curiously.

It definitely didn't look like an ordinary book at first glance.

Because this book emits a bit of dusty light like a fairy.

There is no trace of magic in it, but it looks like a magic item.

There was also a name on the front cover of the book.

"Lumine Diary?" Rias and Akeno said simultaneously.

"This name sounds like a woman's name." Akeno said.

Rias also realized this and nodded. "Yes, it's most likely a woman's name. But how did that woman manage to place this books here without us noticing?"

"Buchou, this book actually just appeared out of thin air." Koneko said because she was the first to notice the appearance of the book while Rias and Akeno were busy making transactions.

"The contents are interesting, you guys should read it too." After saying that, Koneko also continued reading while sitting on the sofa.

Rias and Akeno naturally followed Koneko's advice and started reading while sitting on the sofa.

They opened the diary and were immediately greeted by the beautiful-looking text as it glowed with blue light.

While reading the first paragraph of the book.

Rias and Akeno widened their eyes in surprise.

This was...

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