Chapter 0263

A smile slowly grows on my lips, because who on earth could resist such a sweet request? “Okay,Luca,” I whisper in reply, nodding to him once, leaning forward again. “You show me, and I’ll listen.”

“Good,” he murmurs, grinning at me. His hand twitches in mine, and a muscle in his jaw feathers,and I tilt my head, wondering what the hell he’s resisting when suddenly he gives in and just grabsme to him, laughing and cuddling me close, whipping me around and making me shriek withlaughter as he bends me back in his arms and brings his face close to mine.

“Gorgeous,” Luca laughs, smirking and shaking his head down at me, “I’m going to have a lot of funshowing you just how good we can be together.”

“Oh yeah?” I murmur, wrapping my hand slow around the back of his neck, loving the way the shorthairs there brush against my fingers. “Just how much fun?”

“You want me to show you?” he murmurs, his voice lowering and his eyes going half-lidded as oneof his hands dips lower on my body, traveling down my back and steadily towards my ass.

Breathless, I nod, tugging him closer, wanting his mouth on mine right now, completely ready to losemyself in my mate -

Lose myself, that is, until I hear my brother clear his throat.

I gasp a little, and drop my head back so that I’m looking at Rafe basically upside down.

“If you guys could be convinced to wrap up this scandalous display?” he says, arms crossed andeyebrow raised, “we could perhaps…talk as a group?” I blush scarlet as I realize that my dress isindeed riding up shockingly short.

Luca just laughs, grinning at Rafe and then at me as I scramble to sit and then stand, smoothing myskirt now and reminding myself that I’m no longer constantly in pants. God, it’s going to be harder

than I thought to remember how to be a girl.

But Luca gives me a second to straighten myself out, holding out a hand for me, and when I take ithe helps me to my feet and we walk with Rafe over to our friends, who are all grinning expectantlyand peering out the windows as the train moves through the capital towards the station right at thecenter. As we move slowly towards the main hub of the city, I can see people outside our carstopping to point at the conspicuous red caboose at the back of the train, gasping and wondering atwhich of the royals are riding today.

But surely, surely they know, right? Academy is out, after all, and everyone will be waiting for Rafeand Jesse to come home. The big surprise will be me, arriving with them. I turn towards my brotherand my cousin, suddenly anxious, and Jesse steps towards us, his face serious.

Together, as Daphne comes out of the bathroom freshly changed and looking amazing in a sage-green wrap dress, Jesse, Rafe and I decide that the simplest thing will be to…not say anything. Likemom and dad so often do, we’re simply going to let the press conclude what they will about mearriving home with Rafe and Jesse, and if anyone pushes on the subject we can just drop somehints about what Aunt Cora said – that I spent my time peacefully in a convent close to theacademy.

“Are there even any convents?” Daphne asks, arms crossed, frowning around at us as Ben andLuca bring backpacks over and the train slows further, clearly preparing to stop. “Close to theacademy? Or like…any at all?”

I wrinkle my nose in similar confusion, because…I mean, is there? How plausible is our story? Butthere’s no time to think on it as Jesse interrupts my thoughts.

“It gives me great pleasure that you don’t know the answer to this question, Daphne,” he says,grinning at her and pressing a hand to his chest, giving a little bow. “As it would be a great blow tomankind if you ever decided to join a convent. Also, your dress is amazing and you look great.”

Daphne beams at Jesse while she laughs and thanks him, but I turn my head as I look betweenthem and then glance at Rafe, who I’m shocked to see is…frowning a little bit. What – what’s goingon here?

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