The King's Slave
Chapter 1 - Sold to the King

March 5, 1645

The Slave House of Reynaud

The Province of Hampton, Ivaris


I stood in line waiting nervously while the other slaves in front of me were paraded in front of the high-ranking, rich men in the crowd. They were paraded like goods while men ogled and drooled over their scantily clad, oiled bodies.

I looked around me and noticed the dank, stone walls. My masters have just acquired this house and they are still constructing it to turn it into one of the grandest slave house in all of Ivaris. The coins that my masters will gather from selling us would make everything possible, of course.

I know I am not meant for a life of slavery like this but I have no choice. This is my life now. They have captured me and saved me from a brutal death only to exchange one kind of life for another. My captors told us that they were our new family. They fed us, clothed us and taught us how to use our bodies for men’s pleasures but all of it was for a price.

I cringed as I remembered all those ‘lessons’ we were forced to attend. Bile rose in my throat as I remembered those dark days at our prison cells where we shivered and ate nothing because of disobeying. They did not hit us with the whip for it will depreciate our value if our flawless skins will be marred.

“Be good slaves and your masters shall reward you as they see fit. Refuse them and you will be beaten within an inch of your life.” My captor, the legendary trainer, Romeo told us.

I want to escape but there’s nothing for me to return to. My home was gone. It was attacked, pillaged and burned to the ground. And that was where they found me and claimed me as theirs.

The line moved on and I heard men shout their prices. And when a girl was sold, there was cheering and loud, lewd comments thrown all over. “They say that King Seth is here.” The girl in front of me whispered to me. She seemed to want to talk to ease her nervousness for she was next-in-line to be sold.

“He is the King of Ivaris?” I replied and she nodded. “I hope he picks me. They say he keeps a harem of love slaves and they are all well-cared for.” She said dreamily.

“But he would pick you as a love slave and that’s what you will be to him. Other girls before us were sold as wives. I think that is a much honourable and better fate than a love slave.” I replied.

“Aye, it is. But fate isn’t really kind to everyone.” She said sadly. That was true. Fate was kind to some and a cruel monster to others.

Our conversation was cut short for it was already her turn to be paraded and auctioned off. She was really beautiful and men took their time looking at her from head-to-foot. My nerves were now eating at me and my feet itched to run. I wanted to escape here! I don’t want to be sold! Most of all, I don’t want to be anyone’s love slave!

I turned around and was about to make my way towards the door when I bumped into a hard, muscled chest. Strong arms shot out to steady me and prevent me from falling. I instantly bowed and lowered my eyes. “Forgive this slave, my Lord.” I whispered while immediately taking a step back. I am now a love slave and we were forbidden to be touched until we were sold off to our new masters. And from then on, it is only them who can touch us.

I felt his eyes on me but I kept my head lowered. Then his fingers were on my chin and he tilted my head up so I could meet his eyes. I saw a very handsome, young man. He had jet-black hair, high cheekbones, a stubborn nose and a hard jaw. He looked like an angel sent from heaven and carried himself regally like only kings do. He emanated too much aura of power that I almost drowned in it.

The instant my brown eyes locked into his blue-grey ones, I felt my mind drift off as a vision consumed me.

Me and this man were in an unfamiliar place, lying on a bed. He was on top of me and his lips were on my neck. Electricity was now fizzing through my veins threatening to consume me. His hand drifted up and cupped my breast. I gasped and when my lips opened, his head descended and his tongue plunged into my mouth. My back instantly arched off the bed as I drowned in pleasure!

The vision faded and I shivered, my lips parting on a soft gasp. The man in front of me was still staring at me and I stared back at him, forgetting for a moment that I was a slave. His eyes grew dark and then he lowered his hand. “Forgive me.” I whispered again as I realized what I’ve done and veiled my eyes once more.

I was saved for at that moment, my captor called me towards the stage for I was the next one to be sold-off. I turned around to look at the man once more but he was already gone. This was it. I couldn’t escape my fate anymore. There’s no more chance to run for it was already my turn to be sold.

“Remember, let them look at you but don’t look at them. Keep your eyes trained on the floor for only your true master shall see you.” The auctioneer reminded me.

“Our next is a girl of eighteen summers. She has smooth, unblemished skin and has been schooled in the arts of love and seduction. But most of all, she is untouched.” my auctioneer and captor said as he paraded me in front of the men. They eyed their fill of my body but they were forbidden to touch.

“Bidding starts at two hundred pieces of silver.” I was returned towards the stage as the men stated their prices. I was a rare commodity: a slave girl yet untouched, eighteen, fertile when the land has been struck with a plague that left women barren.

The price for me reached eight hundred silver coins and many have already backed down.

“Two hundred gold coins!” a man spoke up. It was he, the man who stared at me with passion and desire in his eyes moments ago. That was quite a sum for a slave! “Two hundred gold coins going once, twice... Sold to the King of Ivaris!” the auctioneer shouted.

There it was. My fate was sealed. I am a love slave and it is just my luck that I am sold to the same cruel king that destroyed my kingdom.

My captor tugged on my arm as he led me towards the man that bought me. “Your new master.” He whispered in my ear. This time, I was allowed to look up. I slowly opened my eyes and gazed at my new master. I gazed into the face of an angel and drowned in his aura of power.

It was him! The same man I bumped into! I froze in place as we looked at each other.

I felt a hard nudge on my ribs and my auctioneer looked at me sternly. That was when I remembered what I had to do. I folded into the most graceful curtsy I could. “Master.” I whispered.

I felt his hand on my arm as he tugged me towards his side. Then he produced a pouch of coins and handed it towards the auctioneer who greedily opened it and examined the contents. I saw the auctioneer smile at us and then he bowed and left so that he could continue the auction for the other girls.

I remained in place beside my master even though I felt his eyes on me the whole time. I did not want to look at him for I know that he will see hatred in my eyes now. He conquered and destroyed my kingdom, Amaranth, after all and it was because of him that I am here.

Fate decided to throw in more irony then as he is now my master; the same man who made all these horrible things happen to me.

“Slave, your name?” he inquired. This was the first time he spoke and his voice was deep and lovely. It was a bit husky and I thought of that voice caressing me as we made love on the bed.

I shook my head. I am a fool for wanting the same man who destroyed everything I held dear. I inhaled and then composed myself. I could do this. I’ve been masking my expressions all my life and this event is no different.

I smiled softly and raised my eyes to him, and gazed at him with a look of desire and adoration.

“Adrienne, my Lord.” I replied and saw the corners of his mouth tilted up in a smile.

- King Seth Liam Ivaris XV-

I just came back outside after relieving myself from nature’s call after having drunk too much ale when I bumped into the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She was dressed in the garbs of a love slave and I saw she was in line to be auctioned.

My eyes roamed over her body and the sheerness of the material she was dressed in hid little from my questing eyes. My loins instantly tightened as I saw the swell of her breast, her tiny waist that flared into wide, shapely hips and her long slender legs that seemed to go on forever.

“Forgive me, my Lord.” She whispered, her voice as sweet as an angel’s. She kept her eyes down like a well-trained slave but I wanted to gaze into their depths and see if they were truly as beautiful as the rest of her.

I placed my fingers under her chin and tilted her head upwards and sure enough, I gazed into the warmest set of brown eyes I’ve ever gazed upon. She looked at me and her eyes seemed clouded at the moment as if she drifted away but then her lips parted on a gasp.

They looked very soft and as pink as rose petals and I had the sudden urge to pin her to the wall and kiss her until she was moaning my name. But then the auctioneer called her for it was her turn to be sold. I quickly exited the room for I already had a plan. She was going to be mine after all...

“That took you long enough.” My right hand man, one of my generals and my greatest friend, Malcolm told me. I just shrugged and poured myself some more ale.

“Ready to leave?” he asked me and I shook my head.

“What? A while ago you did not want to be here and now you changed your mind?” Malcolm asked and I nodded.

I turned away from him for now, she was being paraded among the men. My chest tightened with jealousy when I saw men eyeing her as if she was something to be eaten.

“Now that face is not meant to be a slave. One like that is supposed to be a wife.” Malcolm whispered beside me. He whistled in appreciation as she was paraded in front of us. Her eyes were cast downwards so she did not see me.

I looked at her from head to foot. She was wearing a thin diamond shaped cloth that covered her breasts but left the creamy skin of her back pale. A golden belt was knotted at her hips which held her skirt in place. The skirt was long but had a high slit at both sides which showed off her long legs as she walked.

Instantly I felt a tightening in my loins as my manhood sprang to life with desire for her. And that was when I knew. I was going to have her no matter the cost. She will be mine and mine alone for the auctioneer said she was pure and untouched.

No one will ever have her but me.

“Two hundred gold coins!” I shouted and Malcolm’s jaw fell.

“That’s too much a price for a slave! Are you buying her as a wife?” Malcolm hissed.

“No. You know I will never marry... Except if I replace Almira...” I replied and gazed around the room in triumph as the men who bid against me crumpled in their seats.

“But that’s too much gold...”

“Nothing’s too much for an addition to my collection.” I said and winked at him.

My new conquest was brought towards me and I paid the two-hundred gold coins. She told me her name was Adrienne. It was a lovely and uncommon name and sounded as if it was for a highborn lady, which she was not.

I tugged her towards my side where I was able to inhale her scent. She smelled of lavender. I ran my hand down her arm and she shivered.

My, my, my...

I think I found a passionate one... I can’t wait for the moment I get her under me and she unleashes all those hidden passion burning inside her.

“Malcolm. We shall return to my castle now.” I commanded and I saw Malcolm grin and wink at me as if telling me that he knew the reason of my haste.

I smiled back at him confirming his suspicions: I can’t wait to go home so that I could bed my latest prize.


As per your request, I am putting The King's Slave on Please note that the completed chapters will be put here but I might update one or two chapters per day (depending on how much extra time I have)

All chapters here are the unedited versions originally placed on Wattpad. I will edit this book someday and add more but not for now. This was originally written way back 2012 so apologies for the grammar and typos.

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