The Legacy System
Chapter 2 - 2: Death And Divine Artifact

System:" Alert!!!

Player Eric Jade is close to death, the system can't replace any possible surviving chance. ​​

The approximate time of death is 2 minutes and thirty seconds, the system is being extracted from the host.

Game Over!"

This was the last stroke he needed to go crazy!

This cursed world!

Those damn Gods, Demons, and Immortals!

This fucking system!

He hated all of them!

He hated the fact that he couldn't have a second chance and do things over from the beginning.

This time he wouldn't feel compassion for his demon of big brother, he wouldn't allow anyone to harm his family or his woman.

He would never allow them to suffer again. He would become a demon himself if need be, to take care of his family and close ones.

But was there such a good thing possible to happen in this damned fucking world?

In this world, where, Demons, Gods, and Immortals were playing with humans as if they were pets and stock.

In this damaged world where humans were treated as experiment subjects.

In this damaged world where humans gave in to wealth, power, and despair to ruin each other and the world they were living in.

There was no fu*king chance that could happen!

The last brick to his madness was the last line from his system,

System:" Alert!!!

The system has been extracted. The subject will lose his soul and become a zombie in 5 minutes."

The truth was bitter, he was one of the strongest people in this world after that cursed day.

With his power and influence, he made his little half-brother a lord, a king, an emperor close to becoming a God.

But who would have thought that that own brother, would be the one to give him his last stab, and last push towards death?

All his hard work, training, fighting, killings, all the blood in his hands, seemed like a big bad joke at the moment.

It was truly a joke, a comedy, because the one who profited more from all his sweat and blood, his own big brother just stabbed and killed him.


He hated his brother so much, he hated that sl*t who was supposed to be his second mother.

He hated everything.

He hated having believed in them.

He hated being such a moron all his life.

Where did he start to go wrong?

What was his fault?

He had always treated them like family, always kept them on a crystal pedestal afraid of hurting them. Where was his mistake when he wanted to respect his father's wishes and treated them so well?


He hated this hateful world!

He hated these traitorous people who had crushed all his hopes and dreams and turned him into a corpse.

He hated them all, only if he had another chance.

At that time, his hand reached his pocket, and he took a small black spherical stone out of his pocket.

The reason he had come here, was this damned thing, the no.1 divine artifact found on Earth, his ticket to the Immortal World, which was useless to him at the moment.

Because of this damned thing, he had lost everything he held dear, but at the same time, he had also learned about the bitter truth of his life.

He didn't know if he should hate it and destroy it, for taking everything away from him, or keep it and treasure it, for showing him a bitter truth that he thought it would never happen.

Truly a case of not knowing whether to laugh or to cry, he was dying and he still thought if he should keep this black spherical stone or not.

While he was about to laugh at his stupidity, he felt some of his organs stopped working, and he was close to his death.

At this moment his whole life and adventures were passing in front of his eyes just like a movie in a big-screen cinema.

What he didn't notice though, was that due to his organs stop, there was a trickle of blood coming out of his mouth, from which a few drops of blood fell on that black strange stone.

But, it didn't matter anymore, he was about to die. The only thing he felt before closing his eyes was hating the heavens, the world, humans, Demons, Gods, Immortals, and life itself.

But after he breathed his last breath, and shed his last tear, which could not be noticed due to the heavy rain, but it was there.

That strange black stone in his hand started to shine and pulled his soul which was supposed to get destroyed after the deal for the system, inside its space.

For a moment Eric couldn't understand what was happening. He was thinking that this was when his soul got destroyed too.

It was totally dark around him, not like he expected something colorful or something but this darkness was scaring him, and there were hardly many things that could scare him nowadays.

But that cold darkness in there was something that scared his soul. The only source of light in there seemed to be a dim light coming from him.

But even that small light was covered in chains and shackles, keeping her unable to push that cold darkness away, even for a tiny bit distance.

Eric didn't know what to think at this moment, right now he was supposed to be dead, and his soul was supposed to be extinguished.

But even in this cold darkness that spread in this place, even though he was just a small dot of light inside this darkness, he still existed.

So what was happening here?

What did this mean?

What was happening to him right now?

Looking around as if to replace an answer he started moving around without any idea where he was going, till he heard a generic voice saying,

Voice:" Welcome in this space, grieved warrior."

Just as Eric was about to ask about the identity of this voice, the voice continued,

Voice:" Don't bother to ask me, this just a thread of my conscience that holds a saved memory.

My name is Idam Frey, I am what you can call an Ancestor of the human race on this planet called Earth, and this is the last and most precious relic, I have ever created.

This spherical black stone might look just like an ordinary stone, but in actual fact is created from what we call Chaos Void Stone.

This kind of stone is impossible to be found anymore, it existed only during the Chaos of creation of the whole world.

I have traveled through the whole universe to replace this piece of stone, to forge my weapon. But as fate has it, it turned into this legacy and inheritance object.

That's right inside this divine artifact, there is collected more than 1/9 of my whole wealth, knowledge, and experience.

Now all of these things here belong to you!

You are one of the inheritors of my legacy, on my most loved planet. I hope you become my true inheritor.

You must be wondering why I said a true inheritor!

The truth is that there are 9 pieces in the collection of my inheritance process. Each of them containing one-ninth of my wealth, knowledge, and experience.

The only unique is the one you are holding which holds inside one of the hardest cultivation techniques, that even I wasn't able to cultivate.

The reason being that to cultivate this technique you have to die, and start anew.

All my life I couldn't replace a treasure to make it happen, and when I did… Well, it was too late.

Anyway, while the other relics are just storage treasures, this one has bred itself a soul, which will help you in your way.

I just hope that you have found this relic at a good time to be activated.

But, since you were able to activate it, then it means that your pain is almost the same as mine.

I just hope you live a more complete life than I did.

As a last wish of mine, in all these nine treasures there is found a small part of my history and my last will.

If you can please promise me to fulfill that last wish."

With that sentence, that thread of conscience disappeared just like it appeared, in the cold darkness of the stone.

Leaving behind a stunned Eric, who was still processing the information he got until now.

It was too much and too sudden.

But that wasn't the most important thing at the moment.

The most important thing was that it was too late, he was already dead. He was just a soul now, there was no meaning to this treasure anymore.

If he could only have activated this divine artifact earlier. If he could only have had this chance earlier.

Now it was too late, this divine artifact held no more meaning to him.

While he was thinking like this, he heard something that completely stunned him…


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