The Leviathan System
Chapter 5: Affinities

Chapter 5: Affinities

Silas found himself drifting through a void of dark empty space. A voice broke the silence, resonating with power. "Greetings, Silas Blackwood. I am the consciousness of the altar you placed your hand upon."

"Who are you? Where am I?" Silas asked, feeling disoriented in the featureless void.

"Not who, but what. I am a magical item, created with the mana cores of the greatest mages to ever live," the altar explained. "You are currently within a realm of shared consciousness."

The altar continued, "I'm curious, for what purpose are you draining my mana?"

"I'm sorry, I can't control it. My body does it automatically when I touch magical things," Silas said apologetically.

"It's fine. It's such a slow drain I can barely feel it. Like a mosquito sucking blood from an animal," the altar replied. "Just call me Al."

"Ok, Al. What did you want to talk about?" Silas asked, still feeling adrift.

"You have great potential, but even at your maximum, you won't be strong enough to defeat the Unseelie court of the Fae. Each of their soldiers is Tier 00 and they've been training for hundreds of years," Al said somberly.

"Then what am I supposed to do? Just give up?"

"You need to increase your potential. And increase the potential of others," Al replied.

"How do I do that?" Silas asked, a spark of hope igniting within him.

"Search for techniques and resources that didn't exist in my time. Magical beast weapons, mana core fusion, magic items, and alchemy can all aid your growth," Al explained, its voice fading. "Search the Grand Athenaeum for answers."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I am a product of my predecessors, and they don't want to see Eldoria fall," Al's voice echoed, a final message before the void began to dissipate.

Silas felt a sudden jolt, his consciousness rushing back to his body. His eyes snapped open, and he found himself standing before the altar, his hand stuck fast to the stone. The altar's voice rang out for all to hear.

"Silas Blackwood, your affinities lie in Neuromancy, Biomancy, and Essomancy. Your maximum tier is 00, and your current tier is 10."

Professor Vance's eyes widened momentarily before he regained his composure. Nadia and Rowan exchanged surprised glances, while Jace and Lyra smiled knowingly.

Silas felt a surge of power flow from the stone into his body. With significant effort, he wrenched his hand free.

[System Notification: 1,000 mana drained! (1,239/25,000)] [System Notification: New skill learned: Essence Inspection upgraded to Essence Revelation!] [System Message: Essence Revelation allows you to learn the target's maximum tier, current tier, affinities, and current status.]

As the initial shock wore off, Vance called the next student. "Jace Sterling, you're up."

Jace approached the altar confidently. "Jace Sterling, your affinity lies in duplication magic. Your maximum tier is 4, and your current tier is 6."

Jace grinned, creating a perfect copy of himself that winked at the group before disappearing.

"Lyra Voidwalker," Vance announced.

Lyra stepped forward, her fingers twitching with anticipation. "Lyra Voidwalker, your affinities lie in spatiomancy and chronomancy. Your maximum tier is 7, and your current tier is 9." A satisfied smile played across her lips as she rejoined the group.

Next came Rowan, his expression stoic. "Rowan Summers, your affinity is summoning. Your maximum tier is 6, and your current tier is 8." A ghostly horse briefly materialized beside him before fading away.

Finally, Nadia approached. "Nadia Sinclair, your affinity is lumomancy. Your maximum tier is 5, and your current tier is 7." The room briefly dimmed as Nadia absorbed the surrounding light.

Professor Vance nodded approvingly. "An impressive group indeed. Your affinities and tiers are quite remarkable."

Silas observed his classmates, noting the stark differences in their abilities. He recalled a conversation with his mother about the tier system's history.

"In the past," Evelyn's voice echoed in his memory, "there were only five tiers. What's now Tier 6 was once Tier 1, the highest a human could be born with. Most people ranged from Tier 3 to Tier 5."

"What changed?" Silas had asked.

"Mana core fusion," Evelyn explained. "It allowed people to increase their maximum tier. Each tier is roughly twice as strong as the previous one. Over generations, the system expanded to what it is today."

Silas looked at his classmates with new understanding. Their high tiers and unique affinities were likely the result of generations of careful mana core fusion within their families.

"This disparity," Evelyn had warned, "has led to a massive power gap between rich and poor families. The wealthy hoard their resources, keeping their mana cores within the family."

As Silas pondered this, Lyra approached him. "Those are some interesting affinities you've got," she whispered. "I've never heard of Essomancy before."

Before Silas could respond, Jace bounced over. "Did you see what I did? I can create copies of myself! Imagine the pranks we could pull!"

Nadia rolled her eyes. "Is that all you think about, Jace? We're here to learn, not cause chaos."

"Why not both?" Jace grinned, creating another copy that stuck its tongue out at Nadia.

Rowan, standing slightly apart from the group, spoke quietly. "Our affinities are tools. It's how we use them that matters."

Professor Vance cleared his throat, silencing the chatter. "Follow me," he commanded, leading them out of the assessment chamber.

They emerged onto a sprawling training ground that stretched as far as the eye could see. Towering walls, treacherous pits, and maze-like corridors formed a daunting obstacle course. The air crackled with magical energy, hinting at hidden challenges within.

"This," Vance announced, his voice carrying across the field, "is where theory meets practice. You will navigate this course using your affinities and whatever skills you possess."

Silas eyed the course warily. His years of physical training might give him an edge, but his lack of magical experience was a significant disadvantage.

Lyra's eyes gleamed as she studied the layout, likely already planning how to use her space manipulation to her advantage. Jace was bouncing on his toes, eager to unleash an army of duplicates on the course.

Nadia's fingers twitched, small motes of light dancing between them as she assessed the shadows and bright spots throughout the course. Rowan stood still, his eyes closed in concentration, perhaps communing with potential summons.

"Remember," Vance's voice cut through their thoughts, "this is not just about individual performance. How you work as a team will be crucial."

Silas glanced at his groupmates. They were virtual strangers, each with their own strengths and potential weaknesses. Could they come together as a team in the face of this challenge?

"You have one minute to strategize," Vance announced. "Use it wisely."

As the group huddled together, whispering plans and suggestions, Silas felt a mix of anticipation and dread. This was his chance to prove himself, to show that he belonged here despite his unusual circumstances. But it was also a test that could expose his weaknesses to everyone.

The air grew tense as the seconds ticked by. Silas took a deep breath, centering himself as he had learned in his martial arts training. Whatever happened, he would face it head-on.

Professor Vance's voice rang out once more, signaling the start of their trial.


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