The Leviathan System
Chapter 9: The Seelie Court

Chapter 9: The Seelie Court

The silence that fell over the room was deafening. Tiffany's gaze bore into Silas, her eyes narrowing as she studied him intently. The tension in the air was palpable, and Silas could feel the weight of every student's stare upon him.

Tiffany's lips curled into a tight smile, but her eyes remained cold and calculating. "What makes you ask such a question, Mr. Blackwood?" she asked.

Silas felt his heart pounding in his chest, the weight of his words settling heavily upon him. He knew he had crossed a line, but there was no turning back now.

Silas couldn't think to do anything except tell the truth, or at least most of the truth, despite the potential consequences. "I have a spell that gives me information about people. When I used it on you, it said you are a knight of the Fae."

[New Quest: Learn about Tiffany's mysterious past]

The room remained silent. Tiffany's expression remained unreadable, her eyes locked on Silas. "I see," she said at last. "And what, pray tell, led you to use such a spell on me?"

Silas breathed as calmly as he could under Tiffany's gaze, his voice steady. "I wanted to know how strong you were. I was just curious how strong a combat professor would be. I'm sorry. I should have asked first."

In a controlled but stern voice, Tiffany said. "I understand your curiosity, Silas, I do, but you might've considered my privacy first before throwing accusations out in front of the class. Besides, the truth is far more complicated than you think."

"I was once a human knight on a place called Earth," Tiffany said. "But when my sister was cut down in front of me, I made a pact with the Seelie Fae to bring her back."

Tiffany's gaze grew distant, as if lost in the memory of that fateful decision. "In exchange for their aid, I pledge a lifetime of servitude to the Summer Court," she continued. "But the Fae interpreted life time differently than I did."

"Using their magic, they granted me immortality," she explained, "binding me to their service as a knight of the Summer Court for eternity."

Silas saw Tiffany's mask of composure crack, revealing a glimpse of the emotional turmoil that lay beneath. Her voice wavered as she recounted her story.

"I made a choice," Tiffany said. "A choice to save my sister, no matter the cost. And that cost me my freedom and my mortality."

Tiffany's voice grew stronger, her posture straightening as she regained her composure, looking out at the class. "But make no mistake," she said, "I am still human at my core. My loyalty lies not only with the Seelie Court, but with protecting the innocent, delivering justice to those who would harm them, and fighting in the war on the side of Eldoria."

"Besides, the Seelie Fae are long gone, victims of Queen Mab's tyranny. The Seelie Fae are not the ones we are fighting. We fight the Unseelie, cruel, selfish, and mischievous. The Seelie engaged in trickery, of which I am a victim, but they don't lie. The Unseelie would shake your hand, and stab you in the back the moment you turn around."

She surveyed the room, her gaze lingering on each student as she spoke. "My role and responsibility as your teacher remains unchanged," Tiffany declared. "I am here to help prepare you for battle, and the myriad of challenges that lie ahead of you."

Tiffany's words seemed to wash over the class, dispelling the tension that had hung in the air.

[Quest Complete: Tiffany's mysterious past revealed! +5 Exp]

Tiffany turned her attention back to Silas, her expression softening as she regarded him. "Silas," she said, her voice gentle but firm, "I understand that you possess unique abilities and face challenges of your own. Know that I am here to support and guide you as you navigate your journey through the magical world."

She offered him a small, encouraging smile. "You are not alone in this, and I will do my best to help you understand and harness your powers, just as I will for every student in this class."

With the air cleared and a newfound understanding established between them, Tiffany seamlessly transitioned back to the lesson at hand. "Now, let us return our focus to the fascinating world of beast weapons and armor," she said, her voice once again filled with passion and enthusiasm.

"Now, as I said before, it is time for you to do your own research and replace equipment that suits your affinities and fighting styles. I wish you luck. Come to me if you have any questions."

As the students dispersed to research beast weapons and armor, Silas found himself drawn to a pair of mana-absorbing gauntlets crafted from the cores of mana leeches. He carefully examined the intricate design, marveling at the way the leech cores were seamlessly integrated into the metallic framework. The gauntlets seemed to pulse with a faint, eerie glow, as if thirsting for the mana they were designed to drain.

Silas couldn't help but feel a strange kinship with these gauntlets, given his own mana-leeching abilities. He wondered if wielding them would amplify his powers, allowing him to draw mana from his opponents more efficiently and effectively. The thought both excited and unnerved him, as he grappled with the implications of his unique abilities and the potential consequences of embracing them fully.

Nearby, Jace was engrossed in the study of a weapon forged from the cores of dupli-dodos. It was a set of throwing knives. According to the accompanying text, they had the ability to split into multiples when thrown creating a cluster of knives instead of just one.

Jace's eyes lit up with excitement. The dupli-dodo core weapons would be a game-changer for someone with Jace's abilities. Jace couldn't just make duplicates of himself. He could also make duplicates of objects. So rather than a small pile of cluster knives, he could make a near infinite number of cluster knives for each of his duplicates to carry. He could turn a target into a pin cushion in seconds.

Rowan on the other hand was examining a shield forged with the cores of summoner squirrels. They were known to be able to summon dozens of squirrels each to fight for them. Individually, the squirrels were a nuisance at best but with dozens of them, they could overwhelm even the mightiest of opponents.

The shield would amplify Rowan's summoning magic, allowing him to summon multiples of his summons or multiple types of creatures. It was a tantalizing prospect, one that could give him a significant edge in combat and exploration.

Rowan knew that mastering this shield would require dedication and practice. He would need to learn how to channel his mana through the squirrel cores, harmonizing his own energy with the shield's inherent power. But he was more than willing to put in the effort, knowing that the rewards would be well worth it.

As the class came to a close, Tiffany made an announcement that sent a ripple of excitement through the room "In future classes," she said, her own voice filled with anticipation, "you will have the opportunity to practice wielding beast weapons and in later classes, to begin gathering the materials to have your own built. Yes, that does mean we will eventually venture out into the Aetherwild."

Silas was excited by the prospect of getting his hands on a beast weapon of his own. He glanced at Jace and Rowan, seeing a similar eager glint in their eyes. They had spent nearly two hours poring over the tomes Tiffany had given them, studying the various types of beast weapons and armor. The possibilities that lay before them were greater than they could've possibly imagined.

Tiffany's words painted a vivid picture of the challenges and potential rewards that awaited them. "You will learn to harness the power of these artifacts, to channel your mana and magical affinities through them, and to wield them with skill and precision."

She paused, as if to emphasize the importance of her next words. "But remember, obtaining the materials for your beast equipment will not be a simple task. You will need to venture out into the wilds, to face the very creatures from which these weapons are forged, and to prove yourselves worthy of their power."

Silas was a little intimidated by the thought of confronting the fearsome beasts that roamed the lands beyond the university walls in the Aetherwild. He knew it would be dangerous, but he had to get his hands on a weapon that would allow him to unlock his full potential. He couldn't resist the temptation.

As the class filed out of the room, abuzz with excitement, Silas stayed back. He wanted to talk to Tiffany before he left.

"Hey so," Silas began, "about earlier, I'm sorry for assuming you were an enemy. I hate to admit it, but in the moment, I was scared."

"I understand, Silas," Tiffany said, her expression one of empathy. "First, you need to think before you let your inherent prejudices get the better of you. Everyone has them, but working to overcome them is what makes an adult. And second, if there is an enemy in your midst, don't just blurt it out. That could get you killed or worse."

"What's worse than killed?" Silas asked, incredulous.

"Trust me, you don't want to know," Tiffany replied.

"So are you the strongest person in the school?" Silas asked.

"Fighter, yes. Mage, no," Tiffany said. "That would be the headmistress. Now get to your next class." She shooed him off.

After all the students had left the classroom, Tiffany pulled out a box and set it on her desk. She opened it. Inside, there were several unicorn horns. "Where are you, sister?" She said, looking at them, a single tear trailing down her cheek.

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