The Player Who Can't Level Up
Chapter 5 – Lou (1)

Chapter 5 – Lou (1)

Gi-Gyu swore, “Dammit!”

“Ha-Neul!” one of the players screamed.

A spear was sticking out of Ha-Neul’s waist; a goblin had just stabbed her. Two members of their four-member team were injured, and there was no way to treat them amid the battle. The dust storm was getting closer, and overwhelming anxiety was paralyzing Gi-Gyu. All in all, the situation was worsening by the minute.

‘I got it! The smoke shell!’

Suddenly, he remembered that he had a smoke shell in his bag. A smoke shell could provide them much-needed time for treating their injured and escape. Gi-Gyu quickly took out the smoke shell and yelled, “I’m going to use a smoke shell! When the smoke spreads, you all need to step back! That’s the only way we can survive this!”

“Okay, Guide!”

“Got it!” Thankfully, the players were still alert enough to understand Gi-Gyu’s instruction. Gi-Gyu opened the cap and threw the shell at the dust storm.


The smoke shell on the ground began to give up black fumes. Gi-Gyu screamed, “Now! Run!”

The players followed the shout in a heartbeat and began retreating swiftly. Sun-Pil helped Jae-Won walk while Sung-Woo supported Ha-Neul. Gi-Gyu took out the potion hurriedly and ordered, “Show me your wounds right now!”

The urgency in Gi-Gyu’s order helped Jae-Won and Ha-Neul move their wounds closer to the potion bottle quickly. Then, Gi-Gyu dumped the expensive liquid on their injuries and bodies; this wasn’t the time to worry about money. After all, their lives were paramount.

“Ughhh,” Jae-Won and Ha-Neul moaned as they felt the tingling sensation of the potion working on their bodies. Meanwhile, Gi-Gyu had bigger worries—the dust storm was hot on their tails.

Jae-Won yelled, “Guide, I think I can move now!”

“Ha-Neul! Are you okay?!”

“I’ll carry her!” Sun-Pil offered.

“We need to move now. Prop up the wounded!” Gi-Gyu ordered. Ha-Neul was unconscious, so Sun-Pil lifted her and began running.



Various monstrous shrieks stemming from the dark smoke followed them as they ran for their lives.


“Haa… “




Right now, the entire group was panting like dogs as they rested in a cave. Gi-Gyu found this cave a while back and decided to make it an emergency hideout.

After catching their breath, the players couldn’t help but ask, “What the hell was that just now?”

It was apparent that everyone here had heard those screams from the orcs and goblins. The dust storm didn’t spare anyone—it engulfed the giant orcs and the goblin hordes alike. Gi-Gyu answered tensely, “It was probably the fourth-floor guardian.”

He never expected to see the fourth-floor guardian giant orc here. What were the hunting guilds doing? Gi-Gyu couldn’t understand how the guardian could have suddenly appeared in front of them.

“We’ll set off the firecrackers after leaving the cave at the right time,” Gi-Gyu said to the players as he handed them some firecrackers. The sound of the firecrackers could alert the guardian-huntings guild or the other players to come and help them. However, it would also alert the monsters, so their escape window would be very small.

Thankfully, they had enough food and equipment to hide out for a long time since they had prepared for a five-day course. Gi-Gyu asked, “How’s everyone?”

“I’m fine now,” Jae-Won answered.

“I think something’s wrong with Ha-Neul! She isn’t waking up!” Gi-Gyu walked up to her after hearing Sung-Woo’s worry-laden voice.

‘She has been poisoned with goblin venom.’

The skin on Ha-Neul’s waist was turning black. Gi-Gyu reached for his bag and began searching for an antidote.

“Dammit,” Gi-Gyu swore quietly.

“What’s wrong?”

“I need the antidote to cure Ha-Neul’s goblin poisoning, but the bottle broke while we were running,” Gi-Gyu muttered.


Ha-Neul’s torpor worried the players to no end.

‘At this rate, she could be in grave danger.’

The best-case scenario was some mild side effects, but the worst-case scenario was death. She would have been fine if she were simply poisoned by goblin blood or a poisonous spear tip. Lamentably, she currently showed symptoms of being poisoned by a mix of several different toxins.

Gi-Gyu announced, “I’m going out to patrol the area.”

“Are you sure you’ll be safe?” one of the players asked.

“I know this area very well.?Also, I’ve to replace a good place to set off the firecrackers,” Gi-Gyu replied. He had passed through this region countless times in the last five years; he knew exactly where the monsters liked to appear and which paths were safe to walk. This wasn’t the safest option, but he felt confident in his ability.

“You must all remain here until I return,” Gi-Gyu warned.

Sun-Pil and Sung-Woo replied with worried faces, “Please be careful.”

“Make sure you stay safe.”

Gi-Gyu slowly walked out and reassured them, “Please don’t worry about me.”


After he left the cave, Gi-Gyu trudged along. Their current location was an isolated lowland, which meant the other players in the area were unlikely to see the firecrackers. Besides, making so much noise at the cave entrance could attract monsters.

Gi-Gyu looked around the area, but he couldn’t see any signs of the monsters. Deciding that he could continue, Gi-Gyu began to amble. He knew there was a hill 20 minutes from this cave.?The other players must’ve spotted the unusual dust storm by now, so Gi-Gyu believed they would also notice the firecrackers on the hill.

“Argh,” Gi-Gyu groaned and paused. It seemed he sprained his ankle earlier, and the pain was worsening. Unfortunately, he didn’t have many potions left.?Gi-Gyu knew he had to save them in case of fatal injuries. He?decided to ignore his wound and continue.


Gi-Gyu lowered his body further and hid behind a rock after hearing a sharp orc cry.

‘It’s an orc.’

A single orc was wandering around nearby.

‘Why would an orc be here?’

Gi-Gyu had never seen an orc on this path before. Perhaps the orcs were herded to this area because of?the guardian’s abrupt appearance.

‘I should’ve expected this.’

It seemed his five-year experience as a guide was?falling short?in this unexpected situation. Gi-Gyu turned around to replace another path.


Unfortunately, he could hear an?orc crying in the opposite direction too.

‘There too?’

He still had his last smoke shell in the bag. To Gi-Gyu, even one orc could be a huge threat. He was clearly stuck with only one recourse now. He couldn’t retreat, which meant he had to advance forward. Setting off the firework here was not an option unless he wanted to attract the orcs to him.

‘I have only one smoke shell left.’

He remembered the last smoke shell in his bag. If he threw it at the orc ahead of him, it could give him a chance to run around it. Gi-Gyu walked forward and saw the orc still roaming the path.



The orc screamed at the fumes from the?shell; Gi-Gyu used this opportunity to run with his sprained ankle.


Suddenly, a strange-looking orc appeared in front of him. The orc was over three meters tall, and it boasted frighteningly thick canines. It seemed incredibly intimidating, stifling all of Gi-Gyu’s senses.

‘Fourth-floor guardian!’

Gi-Gyu crouched on the ground and held his breath. It seemed the guardian hadn't noticed him yet. If he remained on the ground and crawled, perhaps he could escape.


Sniff, sniff, sniff…


The guardians could smell fear from their prey. Gi-Gyu quickly took out the potion and poured it on his sprained ankle.

““Chweek, Chweek…?”

Soon, the orc began moving in the opposite direction.?Thankfully, the guardian orc was walking away from Gi-Gyu’s destination.



When Gi-Gyu was trying to put the potion bottle back in his bag, the bottle slipped out of his hand; the sharp smashing sound was quite deafening that day.



The guardian orc was staring dead at the rock behind which Gi-Gyu was hiding. Suffice to say, that damn bottle was quite loud.


Gi-Gyu didn’t hesitate to turn around and run back to where he came from.?Milliseconds later, the?guardian’s giant glaive hit the exact spot where Gi-Gyu was crouching. The sound of the explosions and the rock fragments clouded his path, but Gi-Gyu continued to sprint nonetheless.

“Huff… Huff…”


The trees slowed down the giant guardian orc a little, but Gi-Gyu knew he would be caught in no time at this rate.


Boom! Boom!

Gi-Gyu could hear unfamiliar explosions behind, but he didn’t have time to look back.

‘The only chance I have is reaching that place!’

As his mind went into overdrive, it soon came with the location of a place that might offer him safety. It was a risky move, but it would be better than dying a horrible death here.


The guardian orc was now right behind Gi-Gyu. Cautiously, he turned around.



With the last bit of strength he had, Gi-Gyu set off the firecracker. He expected the other players in the area to arrive soon?after realizing the guardian's location.


Suddenly, a??giant glaive flew above Gi-Gyu’s head. He quickly turned to dodge it and ran towards the door nearby.

It was the entrance to the fifth floor.





Gi-Gyu jolted and opened his eyes when he felt?water droplets slapping his face.

“Where am I?”

His memories returned as his eyes adjusted to the darkness.. Gi-Gyu remembered entering the fifth floor to escape the guardian orc.

“So I guess I’m here.”

Fear of death drove him to the one place he had been avoiding for five years. Gi-Gyu found himself in a cold wet cave. He rummaged through his bag;unfortunately, there wasn’t anything helpful left. The only functional item he had was the steel dagger on his waist.

After checking out his perimeter, Gi-Gyu hesitantly took a step. Going forward was now the only option he had left.

[You have entered the first test chamber.]

[Checking the player’s information.]

[Unknown ability has been detected.]

[You have satisfied all requirements.]

[Test difficulty level has been significantly reduced accordingly.]


An unfamiliar system voice rang continuously?in his head; suddenly, the scenery in front of him changed.


[First test.]

[Hunt a goat.]

Dazed, Gi-Gyu found himself standing amid green pasture.

Blink, blink...

All he could do now was blink because he couldn’t understand this situation.

‘Satisfied all requirements? Reduced difficulty?’ ’

He remembered the system’s last words clearly. In addition,?there was a blue screen in front of him stating??the test description.

And lastly…

“A goat…?”

A goat was standing in front of him, a snow-white goat lazily eating grass while staring at the obvious weirdo here. Gi-Gyu’s head began to throb.

“What’s going on here?”

He tried to understand what the system stated earlier. He had never heard any player mention hearing the system talking about meeting the requirements and reducing the test difficulty level. Gi-Gyu suspected it was because his level was too low, but he couldn’t know this for certain.

In the end, Gi-Gyu took out his dagger. There was only one answer to this test. Still keeping his guard up, he slowly approached the goat.

“Baaaa!” the goat cried out in its trembling voice. His hand shaking, Gi-Gyu stabbed the goat.


“Baaaa!” the goat screamed as Gi-Gyu’s steel dagger pierced its neck; soon, the goat fell to the ground. He has been worried the goat might be stronger than it looks, but when he realized he was wrong, Gi-Gyu slumped on the ground.

“That's it?” When nothing happened afterward, Gi-Gyu became confused. But soon after, the system voice rang inside his head.

[You have passed the test.]

[Your job will be decided.]

[Your unknown ability will appear.]

[You will be given a reward.]

[Perfect score!]

[The quality of your reward has been increased.]

Suddenly, the space around him began to crumple.


When Gi-Gyu woke up, he was sitting in the dark. The total darkness made it hard for him to know if his eyes were even opened. Then, Gi-Gyu heard a boy’s voice.

-Who are you?

“What?” Gi-Gyu asked in confusion.

-Are you my master?

“Your master?”

Gi-Gyu couldn’t understand what the boy was talking about. And wasn’t he supposed to get a reward in a box inside the reward chamber?

-I asked you if you’re my master.

When Gi-Gyu didn’t answer, the boy asked again in a frustrated voice. Gi-Gyu inquired, “What do you mean?”

-Dammit, so this idiot is my master.

Gi-Gyu also began to feel frustrated when the young boy refused to give him a proper answer. He asked in annoyance, “Just what are you yapping about?”

-This is so unfair. I’ve been waiting for so long, yet I end up with this stupid human.

“I sai—”

Gi-Gyu was about to ask the boy again when he was interrupted.

-I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Whether you want me or not, you’re now my master.

“You’re telling me you’ve been waiting for me?”

The boy remained quiet for a while before continuing.

-That’s right. You’re my master, so give me a name.

“A name?”

-I’m telling you to sync with me.

Gi-Gyu was about to ask again when the system voice rang inside his head.

[The Ego requested?a?sync.]

[Would you like to sync?with Ego?]

[Please decide Ego’s name...]

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