[Proofreader – GUN]

Chapter 23: Return (1)

“We found him! Over here!”

In the dim light of dawn, everyone had gathered in one place upon hearing the sound, each unable to close their gaping mouths in astonishment.

Surrounding the damp bushes were knights, and at the center lay a strange figure sprawled as if unconscious.

Exactly 24 hours since his disappearance after the fall into Blood River.

Cyan Vert, the heir of Duke Vert, was discovered.

Considering his thoroughly drenched body from head to toe and the proximity of the discovery to Blood River, it was presumed that he had collapsed from exhaustion while trying to escape the river, dragging his body along.

Now, all that remained was to ascertain whether he was alive or not.

– Hush

A senior knight personally embraced him and listened to his heartbeat.

Silence flowed around.

The knight focused all senses on his hearing, trying to detect any faint signs of life that might remain.

– Thump.


The palpable pulsation of the heart.

A faint but clear breathing effect was taking place in the nose.

“He’s alive!”

Everyone present could only think of it as a miracle.

“From now on, we will escort Sir Cyan to the rear. Prepare for possible attacks by monsters!”

With the search completed, the next step was ensuring his safe transport.

During the transport, they encountered no monsters, allowing Cyan to safely return to the rear without any incident.

* * *

Clattering footsteps echoed down the corridor as Duke Vert hurried along.

Though greeted with nods from those he passed, the Duke paid them no mind, his urgency overriding any niceties.

He stopped in front of a certain door.

Ignoring the salutes of the guards, he opened the door and hurried inside.

“Cyan Vert, youngest of the Vert family, I greet father….”

As if expecting his arrival, the child casually greeted him, unaffected by the urgency in Duke Vert’s demeanor.

He was Cyan, the son of the duke. Though it was only an indirect encounter while sitting on the bed, the duke’s face displayed a tangled array of emotions.

Gradually calming his excitement, the duke approached Cyan with measured steps.

“Are you alright?”

“I’m trying my best to recover quickly. I know you must be very busy with frontline matters, so I apologize for causing such concern.”

Cyan was recuperating in a monastery located outside Velias, beyond the border gate.

It served as a military hospital for knights injured on the frontline, and the duke had already received reports ensuring Cyan’s physical well-being.


There were many questions he wanted to ask, but none seemed appropriate to voice.

For someone who had faced life and death, Cyan appeared remarkably composed. It felt more like dealing with a seasoned veteran rather than a ten-year-old child.

“Do you remember what happened that day?”

“Yes. I successfully diverted the trolls chasing Princess and managed to escape, but unfortunately, near Blood River, I encountered a colossal monster, the Demonic Dragon. It snatched me up as prey without hesitation, and I had no choice but to be dragged away.”

His response flowed smoothly, as if rehearsed. The duke continued his inquiry.

“Weren’t you scared?”

“I was told that as long as I kept my wits about me, I could survive even if captured by a dragon. My desire to live burned fiercely within me, so I relentlessly stabbed at the dragon’s feet, inflicting whatever damage I could.”

Now he understood why the dragon kept circling him.

Not only had he saved the princess, but he also displayed unwavering resolve against the Demonic Dragon.

It was undoubtedly a commendable situation, yet the duke couldn’t replace joy in it.

“Now that it’s come to this, I won’t make excuses either. As you saw, my foremost thought was not to save you, but to defeat that Demonic Dragon. In the end, the Demonic Dragon fled, and you plummeted into the river, almost knocking on death’s door. But I have no regrets about my actions. I hope you understand.”

“I actually think it’s only natural. Our top priority here is to eradicate monsters. After all, shouldn’t one be responsible for safeguarding their own life on the frontline?”

Cyan remained composed until the end. Was this really the mindset of a ten-year-old child?

Despite being his own flesh and blood, the duke couldn’t shake off a sense of unfamiliarity.

‘Wouldn’t hurt to show a bit more of a childish side….’

It all seemed to stem from his own actions.

Bearing the immense duty known as the family’s creed, that burden had undoubtedly been passed down to his children as well.

Perhaps, as a father, his lack of sufficient care had contributed to shaping such a mature child?

The duke’s mind was truly troubled.

“Regardless, your merit in safely protecting the princess must be acknowledged. I wish to grant you some reward for that.”

“A reward, you say?”

“Yes. If there’s anything you desire, speak up.”

At the mention of a reward, Cyan appeared thoughtful.

The duke couldn’t help but wonder what he would demand in this situation, considering his near-death experience.

“Well, I do have one request.”

“What is it? Go ahead.”

“I hope you won’t dismiss me from the frontline because of this incident.”

For about ten seconds, silence filled the room. Various thoughts raced through the duke’s mind as he silently observed Cyan.

He couldn’t help but feel that regardless of age, this child was already fully prepared to uphold the family’s legacy…

Even the glimpses of childishness seen during swordplay seemed completely erased now.

All that remained was to quietly watch how much more he would grow.

The duke spoke with a composed tone.

“Your request will be granted. However, nothing will change. Just like before, you’ll be responsible for your own safety till the end.”

“I understand.”

With his task completed, the duke turned and took a few steps before looking back at Cyan once more. A faint smile adorned his face.

“I look forward to your endless growth.”

With that, the duke left the room.

* * *

[You still haven’t come to your senses?]

“Why, again?”

[Proofreader – GUN]

[Are you going to go back there after that mess?]

“Mess? Is that what you call it? I barely survived being swept away to the demon realm by the river, you know?”

[Oh really? Weren’t you all confident and excited about facing the Demon King? But as soon as you encountered him, you started trembling. Did the shock make you lose your memory?]

“I guess so? Must’ve felt some excitement without even realizing it.”

[Alright, alright! It’s a blessing that the kid came back alive.]

Nonchalantly brushing off Kaeram’s teasing, she lowered her head as if exhausted.

Returning from the demon realm after nearly half a day’s journey. Sensing the presence of the search team, I strategically positioned myself to be easily discovered.

Upon arrival, I heard that if I hadn’t been found by then, the duke had instructed to consider me deceased, which seemed like a reasonable decision.

Surviving with such a frail body in the first place was already improbable.

Extending the risky search any further would have been unnecessary, viewed as the best decision a leader could make.

In fact, even I am bewildered by how I’ve returned.

[But was that guy really the Demon King? Was the one you fought really such a lightweight?]

That question remains unanswered.

Surely, the Velcarion I know is a ruthless embodiment of evil, but what I saw that day was a demon far less formidable than Emily.

People change in an instant, and if that person is a demon, they’re no exception.

It seems like something huge happened in the demon world that I couldn’t figure out in my past life.

As someone who knows the future, I can’t just dismiss it as something from another world.

Since I’ve done the deal under the pretext of insurance, even though there’s nothing I can do immediately, I’ll have to wait and see.


Kaeram glanced towards the door, and at the same time, urgent footsteps were heard from the other side.


“What’s with that laughter?”

An inexplicable sense of unease washed over me at the sudden, mischievous smile.

[Our master has so many people worrying about him, it must be nice~]


[So please, be gentle instead of being so strict. Getting on a woman’s bad side is like falling into an inescapable pit. I’m off to bed~]

Leaving behind incomprehensible words, Kaeram turned into mist and disappeared into the darkness.

– Knock knock.

A cautious Emily appeared through the slightly opened door, her face lighting up with joy.

“Wow, Master! You’re really alive?”

“‘You’re alive’ not even ‘glad you’re alive?’ What’s that supposed to mean, ‘you’re alive’?”

“I knew it! While everyone was betting on you being dead, I was sure you’d come back perfectly fine! My instincts were right, as always.”

She rushed over and pulled me into a hug, but there was hardly any emotion in it.

I should be grateful that she was the only one who believed in me, but why don’t I feel cheerful about it?

She wasn’t the only visitor.

Another visitor hesitated outside the open door, Princess Arin.

Meeting my eyes, she seemed startled at first, then gathered her courage and approached.

“I-I’m glad you’re alive.”

“I’m glad you were able to escape safely too, Your Highness.”

The same hesitant demeanor as before. It seemed like she had something else to say besides just checking if I was alive.

Glancing at Emily, who gestured as if to encourage her, she suddenly left, leaving just Arin and me alone.

“Your handmaiden is truly remarkable. No one would have thought you’d be alive… I could see she has a lot of faith in you.”

Wouldn’t anyone normally say something like that after living together?

For now, I’ll just keep quiet.

“Are you feeling alright?”

“Surprisingly, I seem to be perfectly fine.”

“O-oh, I see…”

As expected, silence followed.

“If you’re thinking of apologizing, there’s no need.”

“Huh? W-why?”

“Because there’s no need for an apology. The appearance of monsters wasn’t Your Highness’s fault, was it?”

“W-well, yes, but if I hadn’t gone there that day, for your sake too…”

“If that’s the case, then you shouldn’t have come to the frontline in the first place. The root cause is the monsters, not Your Highness’s actions. Please don’t say any more about it.”

She reluctantly nodded.

Since I brushed off the trivial matters, it’s time to get to the point.

“What you said to me that day about becoming the emperor… What did you mean by that?”

Her voice tone dropped suddenly.

I lowered my voice as well, speaking softly.

“Exactly. I meant that if you want to be of help to the empire as part of the royal family, it would be better to become emperor and do it properly.”

“Do you think I have that possibility in me?”

“That would be up to Your Highness to decide. I’m merely suggesting a direction. I’m not a kingmaker who can make you empress.”

Was she disappointed by the unexpected answer?

Princess Arin just stared at my face again without saying a word.

“…You can’t help me, can you?”

She didn’t seem to understand my words.

“What power do I have? I’m just a duke’s son.”

“N-no! You undoubtedly have exceptional insight and abilities, don’t you? I feel like I could achieve much more with you by my side than I can now!”

There was a clear determination in the princess’s eyes.

And finally, she revealed her true purpose in coming to me.

“Can’t you be mine?”

[PR/N: Cough Cough…]

[Proofreader – GUN]

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