[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Chapter 7: Owner of the Evil Sword (1)

It’s already been two weeks since my sister returned to the academy.

She just dropped by to say hello without any special purpose, so after seeing our father who is stationed at the front lines, she went back immediately.

Still, she didn’t come empty-handed. She left behind a precious tale of a white bear, wishing a speedy recovery to Cranz, who was lying down in bed.

For someone who’s recuperating, a tale of a white bear would be comforting…

Well, I did receive a gift as well, but…

“Ugh, the smell! I still can’t get used to it!”

Emily, who had set down the plate, immediately pinched her nose shut.

The murky liquid bubbling away is a visual that would turn anyone’s stomach just by looking at it.

However, I ignored it and picked up the spoon.

“Young master, do you really replace this delicious?”

“Do you think I’m eating it because it’s delicious?”

“Even though Lady Alice gave it to you as a gift… I’m sorry, young master! I’ll step out for a moment!”

Emily quickly covered her mouth and left the dining room.

Left alone, I gritted my teeth and began to empty the contents of the plate.

The taste was decent enough considering the smell.

Having eaten worse things before, I wasn’t as freaked out as Emily.

What my sister had given me was nothing other than the blood of a demonic creature called ‘Hellhound’.

It’s the essence of demonic creatures that inhabit the front lines of the Lemea Valley.

Among the continent’s myths is the belief that consuming the blood of demonic creatures significantly enhances one’s physical abilities.

While it’s a myth born out of the rarity of demonic creatures themselves and the generally robust nature of frontline knights, surprisingly, it’s not entirely false.

Fundamentally, demons possess far superior physical abilities compared to humans, partly because they consume demonic creatures as their food source.

It’s akin to us eating beef or pork.

However, the nutrients found in demonic creatures like Hellhounds are incomparably richer and superior to those of creatures native to this land, so even consuming a small amount can result in tremendous growth effects.

In fact, this is the main reason why I want to go to the front lines.

Consume the blood and flesh of demonic creatures coming from the demon world and instantly grow your body strength.

It was the route through which I could become stronger in the shortest amount of time, both in my past life and in my current life.

Moreover, since this fact is still dismissed as a mere myth by the general public, it’s like a blue ocean for me.

But seeing this now…

I stared at the blood on the spoon.

It had the distinct strong and thick flavor of a Hellhound.

It matched the taste I remembered from my past life.

For starters, my sister believes in myths quite easily.

She has a tendency to buy into anything touted as good for the body without even bothering to verify the truth,

So at first, I thought she had been scammed into buying this.

But even so, the fact that demon blood is openly traded in places like the black market…

Isn’t it a bit too funny to mock demonic creatures like that?

However, after reluctantly trying it, it wasn’t a scam.

I know the taste of Hellhound blood.

I’ve even eaten the flesh several times.

From that experience, this was definitely the genuine essence of a Hellhound.

I couldn’t believe that demon blood was openly being traded without my knowledge.

If there’s a supplier, it’s likely someone involved with the front lines.

Since it’s not something I can just overlook, I resolved to investigate further.

I got up from the table after emptying my plate.

“Where are you going, young master?”

Emily came in at the perfect timing.

“Out for a drink.”

“Are you heading to the back mountain again? If you want to practice swordsmanship, wouldn’t the training grounds be better?”

“I’m going for a workout. Have something refreshing ready when I get back.”

Emily waved her hand, wishing me to take care.

I hope she prepared something edible this time.

I left the mansion, crossed the backyard, and entered the forest path leading to the mountains.

I’ve been waiting for this moment for two weeks.

During that time, I kept getting nowhere because of Eulken’s surveillance, but today he’s away for his regular report.

That means there’s not a single eye watching me right now.

I can’t afford to miss this golden opportunity.

After about an hour of climbing the mountain…

I arrived near the summit where a wide plateau stretched out.

It’s been a while since I’ve been here.

This place became my refuge where I escaped every day to avoid anyone’s gaze when I was in the humiliating state of being treated coldly by others back at home.

However, back then, I didn’t know.

That there was an incredible treasure hidden beneath…

I closed my eyes gently and searched the surrounding energy.

The natural flow of mana subtly converging in one place.

That’s where what I’m looking for is located.

Twenty steps to the north, then turn left for ten steps, then turn back to 1 o’clock and take two big steps…

After detecting it, I immediately headed towards that location.

An empty field with no sign of anything hidden.

There was not even a hint that something was concealed there.

But I could see it.

Beneath where I stood, there was a space teeming with fluctuating mana.

Without hesitation, I reached out my hand to the ground.


I gathered the mana inherent in my body and transferred it inside.


The response seems weak.

Then I guess I need to put in more mana.


Even like this, there’s no response?

It’s more difficult than I thought.

If I were an earth-element mage, I would have opened it in one go. Is this why there’s nothing to be done about the difference in elements?

I increased the input to the highest level, but there was only a faint vibration on the ground with no visible change.

I guess there are limits to what I can do with this body.

But that doesn’t mean there’s no way.

I placed my hand on the ground once again.


A black aura flowed from my hand to the ground. It soon resonated with the mana transferred earlier, and a different vibration began to occur.

I took a step back to observe the changes.


Cracks began to form on the ground.

The cracks branched out like blood vessels, and when they reached a point of no return, they collapsed violently.

Soon, as the dust settled, stairs appeared beneath the collapsed ground.

Without hesitation, I descended the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs stretched out a long corridor.

Despite clearly being in an underground space with no light, the visibility was surprisingly clear, as if the light was subtly present.

In the continuing corridor, I could still sense the flow of mana.

This meant that there was something gathering mana at the point where this path ended.

It feels different from the last time I came here.

It’s like the feeling of retrieving a long-lost toy from the past.

To put it simply, this place is a temple.

Now buried underground and reduced to a forgotten ruin, hundreds of years ago, it was the site of an altar dedicated to the god of light, ‘Lumendel’.

Why is such an important place behind the house?

It’s just a coincidence.

With all history erased after the ‘War of the Gods’ 300 years ago, there’s no means to know the past records,

So whether such a temple is in the backyard of a mansion or in a dung-filled shed makes no difference.

It’s just the remnants of forgotten history stumbled upon by chance.

Of course, at this point, I’m probably the only one who knows about this place.

After about 10 minutes of walking…

A golden light flickered at the end of the corridor.

As the light drew nearer, it grew brighter, pulsating with drawn mana.

There it was.

The owner of this temple.

The silver altar flanked by two steps, and at its center, a golden sword thrust into it.

It emitted a radiant light like a sun that never sets.

It felt as if the vibrant energy of life was singing.

But for me, it was only discomfort.

The Holy Sword Durandal.

A legendary relic blessed by the protection of the deity of light, Lumendel.

It was said to be a divine tool that only the chosen ones, who could draw warm light from the cold darkness, could possess.

Salvation, my foot…

It’s probably just a sword used by backstabbers who plunge it into others’ backs.

Ah, since I’ve been stabbed in the heart so blatantly, I guess I’m not the chosen one after all?

Anyway, this is something that can never make me feel good.

The one who possessed this sword in my past life was none other than Aschel Vert.

In other words, this sword is the one that stabbed my heart.

Because of this sword, I lost everything I had accumulated in my past life and denied the very reason for my existence.

So how could I possibly look at this sword in a positive light?

Ugh, thinking about the past just ruins my mood.

I need to achieve my main goal quickly and leave.

Otherwise, I might end up being consumed by this crappy energy and die.

I passed by the Holy Sword and approached where the shadow of the sword dimmed.

Regrettably, my purpose was not this sword.

It’s not that I can’t draw it out, but with my puny body, where would I hide something this big?

Plus, it’s unnecessarily bright and hurts my eyes.

Besides, it’s the sword that stabbed my heart in the first place. Do I really need to use it?

It’s impure, so I’d rather avoid it.

People naturally pay more attention to familiar objects.

What I’m looking for is exactly that.

Behind the altar where the Holy Sword is thrust, its shadow stretches out long.

Where there’s light, there’s always a tendency for a dark shadow to be cast.

This has been a law of nature since the moment the world was created.

Yet ignorant humans often ignore the existence of these shadows and always seek the bright light.

You can see it just by looking at this temple.

Despite changes in the world over time, humans have not changed.

My two feet stood firmly on the stretched-out shadow.

I gently bent my body and placed both hands against the shadow.


The shadow of the Holy Sword was swirling like a whirlpool.

As if drawing a human figure, the shadow freely changed its form.

After a moment, the shadow finally extended long, reaching out in one direction.

At the end of it, a black unfamiliar wooden door, which wasn’t there just a moment ago, stood.


I opened the door smoothly, as if entering casually.

Beyond the door was darkness itself, with not a single speck of light, and an unidentified mist filled the room, seeming to emanate from nowhere, filling the room.

In the center of the room, another altar similar to the one where the Holy Sword was thrust could be seen.

It evoked a different cozy feeling compared to facing the Holy Sword.

Lost in that feeling, a smile unconsciously formed on my face.

Eventually, I pushed through the mist and approached, coming face to face with another sword resting on the altar.

A dagger with a short blade of bronze-purple, exuding a subdued aura of dark energy.

Without hesitation, I grasped the hilt of the dagger.


For a moment, the surroundings reverberated loudly, but there was no need to be alarmed.

Where there’s a treasure, there are usually guardians to protect it.

This dagger is no different. Moreover, it couldn’t be anything but a welcome guardian for me.

[Heee hee heee…….]

The unpleasant laughter of a woman filled the entire space.

After a moment, a strange mist emanated from somewhere in the room, enveloping both the sword and me.

Gradually, an unknown black soul emerged from the sword.

The soul soon transformed into the alluring figure of a woman with cascading black hair.

[Ah! How refreshing to taste the outside air after so long! It’s exhilarating!]

The woman, taking a deep breath, soon noticed me holding the dagger.

[What’s this, a little chick? Are you the one who woke me up?]

“As you can see…”

I replied, unfazed.

[Hahaha! It’s adorable how scared little kids can be. Do you even know what you’ve done? Do you know what happens when you wake me up?]

“Does it mean this dagger becomes mine?”

[Wrong! It means your body becomes mine! Hahaha!]

[TL/N: After reading the manhwa, I wouldn’t mind if my body becomes hers ngl.]

[PR/N : bro what ??? ngl same]

The soul, now teasing again, soared into the air and swiftly descended, aiming to strike me.

Hmm… Wasn’t I better prepared for this in my past life?


I smoothly twisted her neck like flowing water.

Though her sharp claws could easily scratch me, they remained idle in the empty air.

“No matter what, shouldn’t you ask permission from the owner?”

The bewildered gaze of the soul met my smiling face.

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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