The She-Devil And Her Alphas
Chapter 122 - One Hundred And Twenty-two : Level One Agents

Chapter 122 - One Hundred And Twenty-two : Level One Agents

What just happened? Trevor was flabbergasted. One moment he was trying to catch his imp of a brother, the next moment his brother moved through a wall, a fr*aking solid wall!

Rex's tiny legs were outside the wall while his upper limbs were on the other side which was currently awaiting his entrance too.

" Rex ! " He called just to be sure some hidden trap that might have been stationed there to ward off enemies has not cut off his brother's head .

"Trevor! " Came Rex's excited scream " You've got to see this! " he said and pulled in himself completely.

Tempted yet guarded, Trevor put his hand into the wall and was surprised to discover the wall rippled upon contact and other than a cool air, nothing else had bitten or swallowed his hand.

Taking a deep breath, he stretched forth his leg and walked through the wall and next he found himself in a frozen forest.

" Hey " Someone called him and he turned around only for a snowball to hit him square on the face.

What the hell was going on?

" Hehe " Rex laughed and picked up a handful of snow , molding it in his palm while a naughty smile played across his features , making it incredibly hard for Trevor to concentrate on his thoughts.

This was totally unbelievable, he just walked through a wall leading to a frozen thick forest in the middle of nowhere ?! If this was an illusion, then it was definitely a high-class one.

He could hear the howling of winds and creaking of trees frozen solid ; even the cold air bit his skin and made him shiver .

"That's enough ! " Trevor yelled when two of Rex's snowballs kissed him right in the face again.

Brushing off the snow, Trevor looked around and discovered there was nothing but tall trees and land filled with ankle-deep snow that stretched as far as the eyes could see.

" Rex " He called and gestured him to come to his side and thankfully Rex obeyed without complain.

" Where are we? " Rex asked blowing warm air into his frozen palms, he was regretting playing snowball; at this rate, he would suffer a frostbite.

"I have no clue " Trevor replied, his breath forming a mist in the air. He took Rex's hands in his and drew him towards his body for warmth, sharing body heat.

Suddenly, the trees rustled behind them and Trevor turned at once.

" Did you hear that? " Rex asked gripping his hand tightly, the reality of the situation finally dawning on him.

"Definitely did " Trevor confirmed, his eyes darting over the place the noise had come from but still couldn't replace anything.

Suddenly from quite a distance, someone appeared out of the trees - If that thing could be referred to as someone - it had blazing red eyes, long black hair smeared with blood and sticking in all direction, sunken cheeks with purple bags under eyes, it's clothes were torn and exposed rotten flesh while it's teeth were razor sharp.

It's left leg was bent at a weird angle while it's neck was crooked, as if it had actually being snapped in two, but that didn't slow his speed down. He was approaching them the way a cat would chase after a rat.

Trevor gulped and instinctively took a step back prompting his brother to do the same . He felt his heart jump into his throat and tightened his brother grasp. With excruciating slowness, he tilted his head towards Rex whispering

"At the count of three, run as if you had the devil at your heels and don't look back. I repeat, don't look back! "

"What about you? " Rex asked and for the first time since they arrived, showed some concern for his brother.

"I'll be right behind you " Trevor assured him with a smile while stroking his hair. His features then hardened as he said "It's time "

He looked towards the eerie figure approaching them at a mad speed and started " One.... two.... three now! "

Without being told, Rex broke into a sprint as Trevor did the same, the both ran as if the devil were after them . They didn't know what that thing was but it definitely did not look friendly - infact it looked like something taken out of a zombie apocalypse.

But no matter how hard they ran , the zombie kept gaining on them but what surprised the duo the most, was that they kept replaceing themselves at their starting point - as if they've been running in circles.

"Wait a minute " Trevor said and stopped in his tracks , halting his brother as well. He immediately went into thinking and came up with one answer ; this was an illusion.

The illusion had started the moment they stepped into that building and though he was still replaceing this whole thing hard to believe, but since he had heard of witches existing in little Town , then this was probably their doing.

"Rex stay still, don't move a muscle "

"What?! " Rex gave him a crazy look

"Trust me alright, just this once? " He pleaded with his brother.

All Rex wanted to do at the moment was to bolt out of that place, but since his brother was adamant on this crazy plan of his , he'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

Rex bit his lower lip " Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you "

Trevor smiled down at him but grabbed his hand tightly incase, just to ensure he wouldn't be able to break his promises .

So they stood standing and watching as the zombie approached them with lightening speed.

Sweat began to trickle down Trevor's forehead, what if he was wrong?Then he wouldn't only be endangering his life, but his brother's as well.

He clenched his fist determinedly, if push comes to shove, he would buy time enough for his brother to escape and replace an exist - if there was one.

The zombie charged at them and just when it tried to reach for them, the environment changed and they were surprised to replace themselves in a hall - with actual people - many actual people.

"This is my first time seeing someone break the illusion this quickly " Someone said from behind and they whirled around to the direction of the sound.

To their surprise, a woman thrust her hand and said " Welcome to the Hunters league level one agents "

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