The She-Devil And Her Alphas
Chapter 125 - One Hundred And Twenty-five : I Trust You

Chapter 125 - One Hundred And Twenty-five : I Trust You

Just as he thought, she began to freak out .

Lia got off him in a flash and started to space to and fro her room, gasping heavily and chanting " Oh my God, this is bad "

"Lia , listen to me " Asher told her but she wouldn't listen until he backed her up against the wall, eyes staring into her's with blazing intensity.

" Raphael would not do anything to you " he stated.

Her brows lifted " Says who?" and her face twisted into a bitter grimace "You know I never asked for any of this, I never wished for this kind of life at all ! " She barked at him but Asher let her, transferring her aggression on him would make her feel better.

"I have enough on my plate already, I have to make a decision between you and Daniel, have to look out for the council and now this... "

Lia couldn't finish what she was saying cause she began to breathe fast and deep causing Asher's eyes to widen - she was hyperventilating under stress.

Without wasting time, Asher carried her and placed her on the edge of her bed. He drops to a squat and with his hands cupping her cheeks, said to her " Lia control your breathing "

But she continued to inhale much deeper and much faster breaths than normal " I can't ! " She screamed " I don't know how "

His hands on her cheeks tightened " Don't breath with your mouth, just inhale and exhale slowly through your nose " He tried to coach her when she just kept gasping for breath but Lia was far from listening.

Asher then leaned forward and pressed his lips against her's and though she struggled, her strength was no match for his and was easily overpowered in no time.

His lips didn't move, just stayed firm against her's and after a while, she was left with no choice than to breath through her nose.

They stayed that way until he felt her get her breathing under control and pulled away. But it seems Lia wasn't pleased nor satisfied with the unfulfilling kiss cause she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into her, capturing his lips in a slow, hard kiss.

She felt her heart hammering against her chest as she wound her hands into his hair, enjoying it's silky goodness .

Lia let out a startled gasp and felt electricity travel through her when Asher took advantage of her open lips to run his tongue around her fangs that had protracted on its own.

" Asher " She gasped and pull away when she realized she took things further than intended.

Hands capturing her cheeks, Asher closed his eyes, leaned forward and pressed his forehead against her forehead gently and confessed "Raphael is not the only one " he went on " I think I might do much more than my father if you choose Daniel "

Lia gulped and instead of feeling butterflies in her stomach , she felt nauseous, why were things getting more and more complicated? She couldn't reply him, what would she say anyway ?

His eyes snapped open and she felt her throat dry up. There was always something so special and so hypnotizing about this green eyes of his but right now, there was something more.

Lia could see his pain and struggles in there and she couldn't help but gasp sharply when her heart suddenly tightened in pain . Was this as a result of the bond?

Asher realizing he had mistakenly let her in on his emotions through the bond , withdrew at once

"I'm sorry " He apologized with an earnest gaze as he saw her clutching her heart.

"That was your emotion, wasn't it? " She asked and he slowly nodded and sat beside her on the bed.

"I'm sorry " She said after a short awkward silence, taking him by surprise.

Asher turned towards her " Why are you sorry? "

She gave him a wry smile " I think I might have been too selfish, concerned over myself without realizing how hard it is on the both of you "

"It is not your fault Lia, you didn't ask for any of this " He told her straightforwardly but she objected,

"Neither did you nor Daniel "

" Fine " he breathed and put his arms around her neck drawing her close to him while she rested her head on his shoulder "But I promise you, I'll never let Raphael harm you in any way "

Her head turned up "Isn't there a way to get rid of Raphael without you know.. " She pursed her lips " Killing him? "

Asher sighed " Raphael is like a weed, the more you uproot him, the more he grows back and at the moment he has an advantage over ....." he trails off as soon as their eyes meet

Lia bit the inside of her mouth with a knowing smile "Is me, isn't it? He knows about me and he's using that against you, right? "

He nodded and she took a deep breath before rising to her feet asking " When do I get to have my sunshine? "

"Sunshine is not Sushi Lia, that could really hurt you bad " He reminded her with a serious look.

He could've compelled her mother to let her stay at home, but he's been using his powers a lot more than usual lately and if such spree continues, someone was bound to discover his secret sooner than later.

But Lia rolled her eyes "Fine mr grumpy pants, lets get this party started "

Unlike Trevor and Rex, they didn't need to sneak out through the entrance door, the balcony worked well for them neither did the height bother them ; they just had to look out for prying eyes.

Asher had packed his car down the street, so all it took them was a simple jog to reach it and next they were driving to his place.

" Why your place? " Lia asked as soon as he started the car.

"It's the most quiet, safest and secured place to carry out such a deed " he explained, eyes fixed on the road.

When they finally arrived at his mansion, Lia was surprised when he led her through another door instead of the usual entrance, of which required his iris to be scanned before they were granted access.

"Urm, why are here? " Lia asked staring at the room with a 3D wall panel and unrecognisable equipments here and there and a surgical table; it looked more like a lab - a secret lab.

But he didn't reply instead commanded her " Lie down on the table "

She wanted to protest but decided otherwise and quietly lay down on the operating table that had a metal built-in strap.

"Do we really need to do this? " She asked Asher who was busy strapping her legs and hands in place.

"This is a safety measure, to keep you from hurting me or yourself " he answered and

made his way to the cabinet, rummaging through it until he located a small gin bottle with a shimmery gold liquid inside it.

He returned to her and commanded "Open up"

Lia stared at the drink in his hand cautiously before she took a deep breath and said to him "I trust you " and gave him access to her mouth.

Her words took him by surprise but he simply cleared his throat, unscrewed the cap , tilted her chin upwards and then poured the entire content down her throat.

" How do you feel? " Asher asked after a few minutes while taking a step back.

With her forehead wrinkled , Lia answered " I don't feel weird, if anything it is a lot cooler than I expect-"

She had yet to finish her statement when a hot scorching heat surrounded her body and she screamed Bloody Mary.

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