The She-Devil And Her Alphas
Chapter 145 - One Hundred And Forty-five : Set Your Eyes On Her

Chapter 145 - One Hundred And Forty-five : Set Your Eyes On Her

Asher was bewildered and stunned, what had he done? His so called brother had deceived him. He fell into one of Raphael's trap, how could he have been so stupid?

"So how does it feel now you've taken a life after so many years? " Raphael asked him with a mocking tone.

Asher was too shocked and numb to respond, he couldn't exactly remember when last he had drained a human's blood to the point of death.

He could boast of an unshakable self-control which was achieved through intense training but now, it was all for nothing.

During his beginning years, Asher knew he had an intense and insatiable hunger, which wouldn't be satisfied unless he fully drained his victim.

It went on and his father loved him too much to reprimand him so it just went on and soon enough, he formed a team with his father.

It became a game, a fun that wouldn't be exciting if he didn't play "hide and seek " with his victims - Asher guessed he let his Raven blood trait to take over

He and his father would lay in wait for unsuspecting victims in highways and dangerous alleyways at night and pretend to be helpers aka knights in shining armor and then strike after giving the humans a false hope of escaping them.

He knew their feeding was most times heightened with the intense emotion coursing through their victim's veins.

And usually, it was often adrenaline mixed with fear as their prey fought for a chance at life but also watched it flash before them.

But it got to a time when he couldn't live that way anymore and with the witches proposing a treaty, an opportunity for all species to coexist harmoniously and equally - he knew he couldn't live that way again.

So Asher began to learn the moral worth of self-control and tried to inculcate it to his clan members the best he could.

Though his sudden change in attitude was not appreciated by his father who insistently pointed out,

"You can't cheat nature, son. It was in the nature of vampires - pureblood or not - to hunt and feed, it had always been their design.

" You can't turn vampires into something they aren't nor can they depend on animal blood forever, there would come a time when that bound shall be broken "

But he remained indifferent to his father's ideology and thankfully, they separated soon enough. Peacefully.

Asher and his people moved from place to place, villages to town, from town to city while teaching his clan the value of self-control until they finally settled in Little Town.

But he couldn't imagine nor believe he let the hunger conquer his normally rigid self-control and now he has crossed a line which would be hard to return to.

Unfortunately, deep down Asher knew his father was right. You can't cheat your nature - but maybe, they could control that urge.

Which was why he had been sneaking out blood bags from diverse hospitals in and out of Little Town and drank from willing donors.

Thankfully at the previous general council meeting, he had proposed a bill - A monthly supply of blood to vampires.

Aside from other minor blood sucking creatures, vampires suffered more neglect and abuse and were denied several other rights because of their dark history.

But an opportunity to change that appeared , although his bid suffered some opposition but it appears his good-natured personality and popularity, won him a lot of support and soon enough the law would be enacted.

Not long from now,he wouldn't need to steal blood bags, although he would still keep his personal donors - Catherine excluded .

But Asher this move of his means all eyes would be intensely focused on vampires and any who took blood without permission probably would be killed instantly when caught .

Asher hardened his gaze and looked up "What do you hope to achieve through this, tell me ?!"

Raphael chuckled, his outburst was amusing " What do you think? " He then walked towards Asher until he was standing right in front of him.

"This is just to show you that you're no different than us, so stop acting all innocent and righteous. You're still half - Raven, so behave like one! " he roared at him.

Eyes darkened, Asher loosened his grip and the dead girl fell to the ground.

He then grabbed the front of Raphael's shirt and yanked him closer, he said through gritted teeth

"I promise you brother, I'm nothing like you and would be nothing like the Raven Clan "

A mirthless smirk dragged Raphael's mouth to the side "I sincerely hope you remember that after you fight the addiction "

Asher gulped but he didn't let the apprehension appear on his face. Once a vampire was bled out, it was easy to form an addiction especially after draining a victim dry, which was why he had stopped Dan during his own episode from taking too much.

But now he had to fight the addiction all over again because of a certain self claimed big brother.

Unintimated, Asher stood with his head held high - he? towered over Raphael with three inches or so.

He spat acidly " Oh trust me, I would. I just hope you stop comparing yourself to me and live your life happily. I'm in no competition with anybody "

Raphael's eyes flashed "Who do you think you are? You're nothing but a mistake my own mother made if it wasn't for your cheat of a father "

This time Asher's anger boiled and he drew his hand back, about to hit Raphael when Iark suddenly interrupted him.

"Amala is here " he announced and Asher's anger dissipated at once.

His hands fell to the side and he pushed Raphael away before focusing his attention on Iark,

"Make her comfortable and tell her I'll be there soon " He told Iark who left right away to deliver his message.

If Amala was here, then it was definitely connected to the incident tonight, did she replace out something?

Asher flashed a displeased look at Raphael before leaving for his room. He had to shower, he looked like a mess and if he appeared in front of Amala like that, it was a straight giveaway.

Amala was smart and would put two and two together, figuring out their involvement with today's event.

After taking a fresh shower and changing into new clothes, Asher stepped into the living room where he spotted Amala sitting on his couch with her legs crossed over the other.

The approaching footsteps from behind alerted Amala of his presence.

She glanced over her and her brows narrowed together when she saw his wet hair, why did he wash up at this time of the night?

"Why did you bath? " Amala blurted out before she realized her question sounded stupid - atlest to others

Asher, who had just walked towards her, froze at once. She saw the stunned expression on his face after hearing her comment gradually change into a playful grin,

"Why? You wanted to join me in the shower? " he purposely teased her after hiding the sharp glint in his eyes, so she had already started to suspect him?

Amala went red in the face, she had intended interrogating him not flirting with him.

She took her gaze off Asher as she cleared her throat " I didn't mean that? " She tried to clarify but Asher continued to razz her.

He sat on the same couch as her and drew closer before lowering his head " What do you mean then? "

His mesmerizing green eyes probed deeply into her's . Even without utilizing his second ability, Asher always knew he had one hell of an attractive eye that left people breathless. So he often took advantage of that.

Amala tried to speak but her throat went dry instantly while she unconsciously held her breath.

What was happening to her? She had lived long enough to know Vampires were trouble moreover, she had an innate dislike for them. But then, why was her heart pounding against her chest for this one?


"Huh? " Amala glanced up at him startled .

Asher raised a brow "You were asking ? "

"Oh right, what was I even asking?" She mumbled under her breath and began to recompose herself.

"Yeah, why didn't you pick up my call earlier? " She asked after breaking out of his charm.

"I was busy settling the chaos in my school to pick your call but I'm sorry, if you're offended " Asher apologized and even bowed his head.

"Then you must have heard the news already, after all the trouble was caused by one of your students "

"Yes I have " He answered without giving further details.

Amala couldn't help but feel that he was withholding vital information from her but she couldn't force her and she didn't have any evidence to support her claim.

"Everyone's eyes are on this case, how are you handling it? " She inquired.

"I thought hard about an excuse that would cover all loopholes and could only come up with one, hallucinogens; there's an abundance of untested magic mushrooms in little Town "

Amala nodded "That depends on how you draft your story and I'm going to help you with the hallucinogen part, a little magic in their system should do the trick "

Asher was surprised but that didn't mean he lowered his guard "Why are you helping me? "

There was no change in her expression as she replied to him "The council is doing everything in its power to maintain balance.So I didn't do it for you ." came her reminder.

"Fine "

Then she stood to leave when she remembered something "Oh and by the way, there's a girl called Lia in your school right? "

Asher who was relieved she was leaving, suddenly stiffened but his expression remained neutral " Yes why? "

"Unlike Lawrence's other victims, he kept her brother with him till the end so I was plain curious why he did that.

I ordered an investigation to be done on him and discovered her but surprisingly, she likes to lie low. "

Asher wrapped his arms across his chest "So? "

"Anybody who likes to stay under the radar in little Town has a valid reason to do so "

"She's a kiddo Amala. What could she probably do? " Asher argued.

"That's the problem Asher, she's a kiddo but you already set your sights on her, isn't that strange? "

Damn those kids, Asher cursed inwardly. He didn't need to investigate, it was obvious one of the students must have spilled the beans to them.

His jaw ticked, obviously annoyed but his unwavering gaze remained fixed on Amala.

"So what's your point? "

Amala drew closer to him till she was standing right in front of him and said "The point is, I'm catching up to you."

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