The She-Devil And Her Alphas
Chapter 151 - One Hundred And Fifty-one : Psychopathic Ex-girlfriend

Chapter 151 - One Hundred And Fifty-one : Psychopathic Ex-girlfriend

Ben couldn't look Lia in the eyes, she was glaring at him to the extent it wouldn't surprise him if she bore a hole in his head.

"Sabrina specifically warned you, what were you thinking touching that mask ?" Lia scolded him loudly.

Ben lowered his head and pouted his lips with pitiful eyes before glancing up at her "I'm sorry "

"That look won't work on me so don't bother stressing your face, " Lia blew off his plans of coercing her with his puppy face

This was so annoying, his goddess no longer falls for his trick, it seems he has to come up with something new.

"Are you still going to remain angry? "He whined as If he were a seven-year-old nagging his mommy for candy.

No response.

"Pleaseee? " He continuously badgered her and even touched her leg but she kicked his hand away, facing the other side.

Asher, who was sitting beside her on the bed, didn't even bother them but was busy going through something on his phone.

The couples were leaning against the headboard while he was now occupying the seat Asher previously sat on.

"If it pleases you, then you should know that you're not even a good kisser. I didn't even enjoy it at - "

"You said what? " Asher's cold tone interrupted him.

Ben swallowed "I didn't even dare to enjoy the kiss "

Asher flashed him a warning look before something else came into his mind and he asked,

"Sabrina said she cast an invisibility spell on the mask, how did you see past it? "

Ben blinked, "Excuse me? " his brows drew together in confusion "What are you talking about? "

"The spell Sabrina cast on the mask? Ring a bell?" asked Asher who was beginning to have a doubting look on his face.

"There wasn't any concealing or invisibility spell as she says, I saw the mask with my two naked eyes," Ben told him, pointing two fingers to his eyes and gesturing what he meant.

"How do you think I was able to wear it in the first place? "

That moment, Asher and Lia's eyes met as if they were communicating telepathically, they both knew something was wrong.

Sabrina was one careful and serious witch so they couldn't doubt if she had cast the spell as she claims moreover, why would she joke around with such a dangerous artifact.

So it was either Sabrina was lying or something else was going on and it involved Ben.

"After Lawrence left your body, have you been doing or getting strange reactions? " Lia, who remained mum all this time, finally spoke to him.

Ben's raised a brow confusedly " Strange reactions? As in? "

Lia lowered her voice "As in beginners level, raise dead rats from the dead. Feel the urge to compel people to stab their friends? Do you feel the urge to force your friend to kis-"

" Lia " Asher cautioned.

Ben frowned, everything Lia just said sounded similar to… his eyes widened, that girl tricked him.

But his attention was drawn to the couple who were currently having an argument.

"I know what you're going to say Asher, but I refuse to hear it " Lia objected and held up her hand firmly in the form of refusal.

"Sounds impossible but there might be a chance " He tried to make his mate see reasons with him.

Ben's eyes moved between Lia and Asher, what the hell were the two lovers arguing about?

" I'm not going to believe Ben might be a supernatural "

Ben froze, he remained unmoving for a while before he suddenly sprang up from the seat and screamed,

"I'm a supernatural?! "

"You might " Lia corrected sternly while rubbing her ears, the boy almost screamed his ear off.

The feelings of excitement crossed his features and Lia rolled her eyes, there was no way on earth this idiot was a supernatural creature.

"B-but how? " he asked with amazement "I don't feel any different than I've always been "

"See? " Lia pointed out with a mocking tone " He doesn't feel any different? "

"The fact you were able to see through the invisibility spell and got possessed by the spirit of a necromancer proves one thing; you're not just an ordinary human "

Ben's eyes gleamed with more excitement "Then what am I? I don't think I'm a vampire, haven't even grown a fang yet " he went ahead to check his tooth for a growing fang while Lia facepalmed.

How did she get involved with this fool?

"I don't see any claws, don't think I'm a werewolf either " Ben muttered and went ahead to imitate Lia flicking out her talons.

Lia's lips twitched, that wasn't how she drew out her talons. You know what? She's officially done with this fool.

"He's all yours," She said to Asher with a 'knock - yourself - out ' look as she lay back on her bed.

Asher gave her a ' Like seriously? ' Look in return, he knew she was the only one who could endure Ben's endless energetic chattering without bursting with anger.

But Lia ignored him and even turned her back to him, unfortunately for Asher that was when Ben's prattle began.

"So if I'm not a werewolf nor a vampire, do you think I'm a witch? Wizard? Warlord " he gasped dramatically.

"Even better, a Demigod ?! Like seriously it happens in movies... " he gasped again.

"Maybe that's why my parents hardly come home because they are gods and goddesses who in the guise of going on a business trip, take that opportunity to return to their heavenly kingdom… " His eyes grew wide as another idea rushed into his head.

"Or maybe I'm not their real child but a demigod who they picked up on the streets. No wonder they think I'm more than capable of taking care of myself " Yakked Ben who had not even realized that Asher stopped listening a long time ago and was busy watching him with a blank expression

"But if mom and dad turn out to be gods and goddesses, what is their identity?? Perhaps Dad might be Zeus and mom Hera? uh no, mom might not really be Hera after all Zeus was famous for his many love affairs with both mortal and immortal women " He thought out loud.

"Asher do you think I might be … .." Ben turned around but was startled when he found Asher was nowhere to be seen while Lia was fast asleep.

What the hell happened?

Asher breathed a sigh of relief once he was out of that room, that boy was a disturbance. He just hoped that whatever creature Ben was, he wasn't a strong one.

Asher couldn't handle him when he was a human talk more when he becomes something much stronger.

Sabrina should be able to replace out what he is, ah right, she has lost her powers.

But she was knowledgeable about all those stuff, she should be able to replace it out from one of those witchy books in her place.

Although that would be after she had made a full recovery, she had lost so much strength battling Amala. Who knew the council would punish her without due notice?

Asher walked down the hospital's hallway, contemplating on how to make Lia's birthday special when his phone rang.

Dan. He was back.

"Hello " He picked up the call.

"I'm back with Gideon "

Asher sighed " Keep an eye on him "

"Alright " Dan answered followed by a short silence " How's Sabrina "

Asher worked his jaw, he had a feeling that was the reason for the silence.

"She's fine "

"Thanks for keeping her safe "

" I'll be back " Asher ended the call.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, Dan would surely not let Ben rest. After the accidental death of Dan's mate, Sabrina was the only one he had dared to love after so many years.

Asher was still engrossed in his thoughts when a figure walked past him.

All of a sudden, he froze.

He turned on his heel and raced after the figure who disappeared into thin air.

No matter how much he searched for her, he couldn't replace Katya. How was that possible, she was supposed to be dead, then how…

If she somehow survived, could that be her? If she was here, what could she possibly want? Why did she reappear now after so many years. What was she doing here?

Asher ran his hands through his hair, tugging it tight. Were his eyes deceiving him? Though her memories of her had diminished with the years but that feeling, it couldn't be wrong.

He hurriedly dug his hand into the pocket of his pants and called Dan right away.

"Hello? "

"I saw Katya "

Jumping from the noise in the background, Asher could tell that his unexpected news made Dan lose his concentration and knock into things.

"That's impossible, Katya is dead "

"Though I couldn't replace her, I don't think what I saw was a trick of the eyes. I'm sure of what I saw " he told Dan with a serious tone.

"If she's here, then your mate is in danger Asher. " He reminded him.

"I know "

How could he forget his psychopathic ex-girlfriend.

But what Asher didn't know was that he was being watched, closely.

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