The She-Devil And Her Alphas
Chapter 157 - One Hundred And Fifty-seven : He Has To Get Stronger

Chapter 157 - One Hundred And Fifty-seven : He Has To Get Stronger

"Zeus begot Aeacus, Agdistis, Angelos Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Eileithyia, Enyo, Epaphus Eris, Ersa….. " Ben rubbed his neck, his father must have quite an insatiable libido.

He read through the rest " Hebe, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus,Heracles, Hermes, Lacedaemon, Minos, Pandia,? Persephone, Perseus, Rhadamanthus, the Graces, the Horae, the Litae, the Muses, the Moirai "

What the f*ck was this? Was his father trying to imitate Solomon of the Bible? But if he was truly a demigod, then he has too much competition. How would he get his father's attention to talk more win his love?

Ben shook his head, no wonder he was abandoned here on earth. Hera was definitely not his mother, else he would be a son of a god, not a demigod. Moreover, Hera hated all of Zeus' illegitimate children.

Maybe he should call his parents and tell them. Ask them what?

"Hi, mom and dad, the principal of my school who is actually a vampire in disguise think I might not really be a human? "

Sure that should suffice and the next day, he would probably be locked up in a mental hospital.

Besides, even if his parents or one of his parents was the God or goddess in disguise, what were the chances they would confess?

Sigh, this was so hard to figure out. But he has to uncover the truth soon, he can't wait to manifest his superpowers. His goddess Lia would be so awestruck when she sees his abilities.

But what would his powers be?? lightening? Telekinesis? Superspeed? Invisibility? Laser vision? Flight? Teleportation?

With Dan's ability, he could barf from one place to another, how cool would that be!

Ben was demonstrating and imitating Dan in action when the said Dan appeared right in front of him startling him.

"Christ! " His hand flew to his chest "How many times do I have to tell you about knocking before… .?!"

He was yet to finish his words when Dan grabbed him and both disappeared only to appear on top of a bridge.

He was in midair, hanging outside the bridge railing and the only thing stopping him from falling was Dan holding onto his collar.

"What the fuck man! " Ben cried out in terror, which was heightened when he looked below and saw the dark waters with the waves crashing against each other.

"I warned you! " Dan roared and he shivered.

Gosh! He wants to pee!

"Warned me for what?!"

"Sabrina! You dare put her in danger! "

Hot uncontrollable tears began to spring from his eyes and he rubbed his palms together, pleading with Dan.

"I swear, I didn't mean to hurt her. Please spare me " He begged, watery snot running down his nose.

But Dan said in a voice that sounded more robotic than human, "Too late "

And he let go.

"Aaaah!" Ben screamed as gravity began to take place. He was guaranteed to die tonight, there was no way he would survive this fall. Even if he does survive, the stormy wave would hit and snuff the life out of him.

But there was one question on his mind just a few seconds before he plunged into this dark water.

Do Demigods die?

Maybe he had to die for his powers to manifest? After all, there's this hypothesis that one has to die or on the brink of death or distress for their inner powers to be liberated.

Take Catwoman for example, she had to die for cute looking cats to revive her and bless her with such ability.

Or Ballen Allen, lightning struck him on the chest and wham! He awoke six months later to become the flash!

Don't even go near Deadpool, he had to really die to achieve that awesome regenerative ability of his!

So what if it was the same case with him? Lia died also and woke up to be a hybrid? What if such fate awaits him too?

A satisfied smile curved his mouth,? maybe this death was a blessing in disguise.

Ben closed his eyes and felt the cold air sting his face. He spread out his arms wide and savored the feelings, he was flying without wings.

"One..two.." He started a countdown to the moment when he finally drops into the… wait a minute!

Where was he?

Ben felt something was wrong when his fall was delayed and so opened his eyes, only to realize they were currently standing on top of a speeding train.

He felt bile rise to his throat at once.

He glanced up at Dan who said to him coldly, "I thought about it and came to the conclusion that letting you die by drowning, is too merciful a death "

Ben felt like dying but he doesn't want to die yet. He had always reverenced and feared Asher more than his henchmen but now, Dan looked like *king Yama to him.

Even if he was a demigod, there was a zero percent chance he would survive being crushed into a bloody and messy pulp by the train. Just looking down on the spinning train wheels made him have double vision.

"I'm sorry! " He shouted because of the speed of the air rushing by.

"Tell that to Hades " Dan retorted and teleported away just as the train rattled and Ben shrieked his lungs out.

Because he was partially standing, he was swept away and would have fallen over if he hadn't somehow reached out his hand and grabbed onto the ladder track attached to the body of the train.

Beads of sweat broke out on Ben's forehead, Dan really wants him to die. He wondered if anyone would even notice he was gone, talk more dead.

Dan was proficient at covering up his tracks and no one would probably figure out he died from falling off a train.

Where was his so thought ability when he needed it?

With a loud grunt and effort, he climbed up the train while it was moving and hoisted himself back up on the roof again.

This time he didn't dare stand straight in fear of falling over but just knelt and cling on to the roof but that was when he saw it.

The train was about to enter a tunnel and the clearance between the train and the tunnel wall was so small that it wouldn't accommodate him even if he lay on top of the roof.

And it was too late to jump off.

Ben closed his eyes.

But the painful impact never came.

Ben slowly opened one eye after the other slowly, only to discover that Dan was standing beside him and they were in a different location.

Lips pursed together, he wanted to protest against Dan's mental torture but his feet slipped and he would have fallen had Dan not grabbed his hand and steadied him.

Shocked and breathless while the wind hit his face, he took a look around and it finally dawned on him, they were on a mountain top. The air was cold, though the view down was breathtaking yet misty and cloudy.

Abruptly, Ben began to realize something was wrong with his body, he was having a hard time breathing

"Where are we? " He wheezed.

Dan replied calmly " Everest "

Ben scrunched his eyes in deep concentration before confusion, then panic set in.

"Wait a minute, like... Mountain Everest?! "

A smile that made goosebumps appear on his arms curled up Dan's mouth and he replied, "What do you think? "

It was like a bomb went off in Ben's head. Mount Everest! Like the highest point on the planet at 29,035 feet!

No wonder he felt like he was

running on a treadmill and breathing through a straw; the oxygen was that little.

It was official, he's dead.

"Dan, I know you are angry at me but let's look at this issue diplomatically " he tried to knock some sense into him but Dan wasn't in the mood for that.

"You should have thought of that before you endangered her life! "

"No…! " Ben raised his hand and tried to complain but a kick to the stomach sent him flying 8,850 meters to the ground.

Ben was sure he saw Hades sitting on his throne in the underworld and willing him to come or so he imagined cause the next moment, he found himself back on the hospital rooftop.

He at once went on all fours and spent the next minutes puking his guts out.

Ben threw up everything he ate, both the food he stole from Lia's room in the afternoon while she was sleeping.

What the fuck was that. This punishment was totally not acceptable!

"How do you feel? " Dan who squatted down beside him asked with a straight face.

Ben looked up and gave him a death glare but a wave of nausea overwhelmed him and he went back to vomiting.

"I guess you enjoyed the ride," Dan taunted him, then gripped Ben's hair and brought his face up.

"Sabrina is the only woman I have left, so thank your lucky stars she's hale and hearty and I won't remind you to behave the next time " he warned through his teeth and let go of him before teleporting away.

Ben lay on his back before a smile stretched his lips, he can't wait to get stronger.

*King Yama: In East Asian and Buddhist mythology, Yama (sometimes known as the King of Hell, King Yan or Yanluo) is a Dharmapala (wrathful god) said to judge the dead and preside over the Narakas ("Hells", "Hell Realm" or "Purgatories") and the cycle of afterlife sa?sāra.

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