The She-Devil And Her Alphas
Chapter 162 - One Hundred And Sixty-two : Winning Their Heart

Chapter 162 - One Hundred And Sixty-two : Winning Their Heart

"That should be the last of your stuff….Lia?... Lia? "

"Huh? " Lia tore her gaze from the door when Daniel nudged her on the shoulder.

"Sorry " She apologized and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

"What are you staring at? " Daniel asked.

"Nothing " She was quick to reply.

Daniel's brows knitted together, he then dropped her bag on her bed and sat beside her.

"You know I'm your mate Lia, I can tell when something is going on with you "

She turned to meet his inquisitive gaze but bit down on her lips instead of replying to him.

"You can tell me anything " Daniel cupped her chin and urged her to open up.

She was hesitant but finally said, " It's about Asher "

He was surprised, Lia could tell from Daniel's expression but he didn't expose any further emotions.

" What about him? "

"I feel like he's avoiding me "

Something flashed in Daniel's eyes but Lia was not looking, so didn't notice it.

"And why would he do that? " He asked.

She glanced up, " It's been a whole day, Asher hasn't visited nor called me on the phone, and when I did call, he didn't answer ."

She was finally discharged from the hospital and would be leaving with her family. Expecting to see Asher who would come in the guise of saying goodnight to his favorite student, she had been utterly disappointed.

"Maybe he is busy with something? "

"Asher is always busy with something - school or clan - but he somehow makes out time to spend with me, " Lia explained to him.

"Or maybe - "

"There is no 'maybe' in this " Lia interrupted him with a mean pout, " He's probably scared of my wolf "

"Your wolf? "

She saw the confused expression on his face and replied immediately,

"It's nothing "

Lia scolded herself mentally, was she seriously about to tell Daniel that her wolf side who's supposed to be madly in love with him, took over and fooled around with her other mate.

"I can't wait to go home " She awkwardly changed the topic and tried to rise from the bed but Daniel grabbed her hand and halted her.

He persisted " You were saying something,?"

Lia gulped, had he somehow noticed she was keeping something from him? Daniel was sharp but she was smarter.

"Have you noticed how blue your eyes are? " Lia purposely leaned closer making sure her scent enveloped him.

Without her necklace, She knew it was nearly impossible for Daniel to resist her scent. Daniel stiffened, she smiled wickedly - in her head.

He had forgotten all about the question.

Holding his gaze, Lia continued to lean closer and closer until their breaths were mingling together.

His eyes had darkened and his nails were digging into the bed, Lia noticed all these yet continued to tempt him by lightly brushing her lips with his.

Just as Daniel tried to capture her lips, she drew back intentionally and giggled.

His eyes further darkened, she was teasing him.

Daniel leaned in again but she repeated the same action which soon evolved into a cat-and-mouse game.

Agitated and left with no patience, he growled, tackled her to the bed, and trapped her with his body.

Unfortunately, the door was opened at that very moment.

"I hope you are done parking… "? Jenny trailed off as soon as she saw the scene that welcomed her.

Everyone froze.

"Mom, what's going - "? Rex who was behind his mother tried to peep into the room but his eyes were covered at once while Jenny shut the door.

Trevor and Ben's eyes connected but they both didn't say a word, they had seen enough.

With a scream, Lia pushed Daniel off her body. Gosh, that was so embarrassing. How could her mom of all people see her in that situation….ahh! She felt like banging her head against the wall.

By her side, Daniel was grinning like an idiot. At least Jenny has finally witnessed that he's stupidly in love with her daughter - it would probably give him an advantage over Asher when the time comes, right?

Just because he and Asher decided to get along for the sake of their mate doesn't mean he still isn't competing with him - Asher is still his love rival and nemesis.

Yes, he would do his best to respect his mate's wishes and decisions but the competition was still a competition, period! He had to gain more points by getting on his future mother- in - law's good side.

If only Lia knew what he was thinking, she would have puked blood or beaten him black and blue.

After a few minutes, Jenny tried the door again, hoping to God she would get a decent view this time.

Though Daniel looks like a good boy but this boyfriend of her daughter seems to have a big appetite, Jenny thought.

She would have to talk to her daughter about him later. But wait a minute..hope they use protection?!

"I'm done mom, " Lia told her mother with a crooked smile, there was a faint blush on her face.

God, this is so stupid! She scratched the back of her head awkwardly.

But she jumped out of her skin when someone's hand found its way around her waist.

"Mom, we're done " Daniel flashed his sparkly white teeth at her leaving poor Jenny stunned.

With a hint of bewilderment, she croaked "Mom? " her eyes resting on his hand on her daughter's waist.

Lia glared at Daniel, she had warned him to keep his hands to himself whenever her mom's around. Sadly, the stubborn Alpha didn't release her at all. Damn him!

"Aren't you too clingy for a man your age? " Trevor asked this time, attracting everyone's attention.

These past days Trevor had not failed to show his sheer dislike of Daniel and it was continually pissing Lia off. Why was her brother becoming such a douche?

But she defended her boyfriend before he could say a word.

"He's not being clingy, this is how couples in love with each other behave! And he's not that old, asshole " Lia sassed back, before rubbing her affection all over his face.

"Of course, how would you know? You've never been in love " she told Trevor pointedly.

"Y-you! "

"Alright, this is it! Knock it out the both of you " Jenny stepped in this time.

"Any more insulting remarks, you would have me to face !" She boomed.

She then faced Trevor, " Daniel is your sister's boyfriend and your elder. So you would respect him at all times, understood? "

"But mom - "

"Understood?! "

"Understood. " Trevor finally concurred with her decision.

" Now apologize "

Trevor whipped his head up, fire burning in his eyes, and tried to complain but his mom's warning shut him up. His furious swept over Daniel as he apologized insincerely, " I'm sorry "

"Apology accepted " answered Daniel nonchalantly, he didn't bother with the apology having known it was insincere.

If not for the fact that the little pain in the ass was his mate's brother, he would have taught him a lesson already.

"I'm sorry for his behavior. He's usually a good kid? but I don't understand why he is suddenly like that " Jenny rendered her own apology, she too felt her son's hypocritical apology.

"No mom, I'm good "

The corners of Lia's mouth quirked when she heard Daniel still refer to Jenny with that title.

When their eyes connected, Lia gave her mom a grateful smile. It was obvious Jenny would have scolded her for using that kind of tone and language on her brother, but she intentionally gave her face because of the presence of her boyfriend.

"Are we leaving or what!? " Rex who was irritated by their delay flipped out.

"Alright, let's move " Jenny urged everyone out of the room.

Because the car wouldn't be enough for all, Lia had to leave with Daniel in his car but Jenny insisted Rex had to go with them - the reason was obvious.

Thanks to the appearance of her little brother, Lia couldn't sit with Daniel in the front seat because she had to keep Rex company in the back seat.

The journey was incredibly quiet and odd. Daniel could not relax with the little buddy scrutinizing him intently.

He couldn't tell if Rex liked him or not -? Trevor didn't like him for God knows why, so he wouldn't bet on this one.

"How did you two meet? " Rex who had been quiet all this time asked.

Daniel's eyes met with Lia's through the rearview mirror.

Daniel smiled warmly at him, "It was love at first sight "

"Soapy" Rex complained, causing Daniel's heart to sink. Had he just failed his brother- in- law's test?

"But I like it, " Rex added, causing Daniel's eyes to lit up with joy.

"I like you" The young boy confessed. "My sister smiles because of you "

Lia frowned at him, "*T.M.I Rex! "

Daniel thought he would die from the excessive joy in his heart, he has won the young brother-in-law's favor - one more to go.

Trevor would be hard to win over but he would try his best. Since it seems flattery and goodies won't change his mind about him, he might as well be himself! So now he has won two hearts, remaining one.

Can Asher beat that?


*T. M.I: Too much information

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