The She-Devil And Her Alphas
Chapter 22 - Twenty -Two : Shes In Transition

Chapter 22 - Twenty -Two : She's In Transition

"I swear to God If you as much as lay a step towards me, I won't hesitate to spray you" Trevor threatened pointing to the pepper spray in the pocket of his jean while she raised a hand up in surrender.

Seriously , spray her? That was her usual threat line, why was he using it against her? She's supposed to be the one saying that, not the other way round.

"Chill, I'm just here to drop the dishes for you to wash not to hug or sniff you? " She explained dumping the dishes in the sink with her free hand.

"But seriously " Lia said exasperated and tried to take a step forward but Trevor already dived his hands in his pocket and brought out the pepper spray canister.

He pointed it at her threateningly, "Not a step more "

Lia froze, she seriously couldn't believe him. He was really going to spray her "What's so wrong with sleeping with you?! " She bellowed but he still didn't lower his weapon.

"I sleepwalked into your bed, yes , but *FYI, siblings share a bed at most homes , besides is not like I did anything to harm you . So why are you so guarded against me? "

Trevor scoffed "You didn't harm me? yes, but my guts is telling me is only a matter of time before you start to "

Lia slightly took a step forward, she wanted to refute his claims so badly but when she saw Trevor retreat backward subconsciously, she frowned. His hand holding the spray was shaking, his forehead covered with perspiration while his eyes was fixed on her, intent on her movement.

Suddenly, she realized her brother was really scared of her.She took two steps back easing her brother's tensed shoulder, he was greatly relieved she was going away.

Shocked, she left the kitchen and went back to the living room where her brother was still busy with his video game while her mom was going through some documents.

With an ugly scowl on her face, she sat down on the sofa reorganizing her thoughts. She couldn't or rather didn't know what transpired between Trevor and her last night. All she remembered was that she was hungry, like really hungry until she smelt a really good satisfying scent, she decided to follow it and somehow ended up in his bed in the morning when he screamed his head off.

But that was the strange thing, recently she always felt this pang of hunger that twisted her stomach from the inside out. At first she thought it was intestinal worms and had taken deworming drugs but nothing changed at all instead it just kept growing stronger.

She was thirsty for something, she wanted to taste it badly but couldn't tell what it was. She had an intuition that all this happening was connected to the acceptance ceremony. Yes! they must have done something to her.

" Mom? " Lia called

"Yes , sweetheart " Her mom replied, her eyes still glued to the documents.

"Can I ask you something? "She asked but there was still no expression on her mom's face. Whatever she was reading was definitely more important than her question.

"Go ahead, I'm all ears "

"Why weren't you mad I disappeared after the acceptance ceremony? " Lia laughed, but mirthlessly "I mean you haven't asked where I was that night ? what happened? How I came back on my own? you haven't even asked that"

Lia saw her mom's expression freeze but not her only , Rex's as well. As if practiced, they dropped whatever they were doing and looked at her at same time sending chills down her spine, what the hell?

Suddenly, her mom gave a bright smile as if noticing her discomfort "Honey dear, I'm sorry if my nonchalant attitude has caused you to feel neglected. "

She shrugged innocently "I just thought with all that is going on, your father's death, your reluctance to move out that you needed a little bit of alone time and fun which is why I let you waste yourself that night "

Lia was stunned, was her mom just confessing she knowingly let her get wasted. Her mom of all people?! It was too good to believe.

"Mom, that's unbelievable. What you're saying right now is totally unlike you " Lia rebutted.

"Chill sister, mom just wanted you to have fun. Besides you're so cranky right now you need to get laid "

Lia's mouth was?agape?at the horrid words Rex just vomitted, she turned expecting her mom to rebuke Rex as she normally does but Jenny just pursed up her lips in agreement.

"Oh my God " Lia gasped, the truth finally dawning on her. Trevor was right. This town or whatever ceremony they engaged in was occultic and they must have done something to her family, she included.

How could she have died and resurrected again? How could her mom stay still and let Rex say those atrocious words, the mother she knew would warn him for his language but this time, she didn't , if anything she literally applauded Rex.

Hyperventilating, Lia ignored them and rushed back to her room. As much as she wanted to snap her family out from whatever spell casted on them, she had more pressing matters at hand.

The hunger was back and this time it was stronger and painful. She crawled into her bed and lay down hoping she'll feel better. But when the first wave of pain hit her, she screamed and dug her fingers into the bed . This was horrible, why was she feeling this way?

She bit down on her lips until she bled in order to muffle her screams, her walls weren't thin neither were they soundproof, she didn't want any of her family members stumbling upon this scene especially now she's on guard against them.

But when the next wave of pain came, she lost all insanity and growled in fury. Thanks to the lack of mirror, she didn't get to see the way her eyes changed nor her canines elongating into sharp, pointed fangs until something or rather someone hit her in the back of the head and she passed out.

*FYI - For your Information

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