Chapter 12

For Ryuichi, this reunion was very unexpected. He hadnt expected to replace the beautiful, charming woman with whom hed once spent a steamy night to be Shizunas mother. No, there was no way he could have thought that far in the first place.

I see. I thought I had some sort of dj vu when I saw Rindo, but it turned out I was remembering Sakie.

Seeing Sakie here now finally affirmed Ryuichis suspicions when hed first seen Shizuna. Nevertheless, this situation made Ryuichis stomach churn in knots.


Shizuna So this is where you were eating out?

Yes You, too, Mom?

Well, Ive been here once before.

It was likely that both Shizuna and Sakie were utterly baffled. Setting the matter of Sakie aside, Shizuna must never replace out about how Ryuichi had had sexual relations with her own mother. In the worst case scenarioif she does replace outwho knows what kind of expression shed make? A few moments ago, Ryuichi wouldnt have cared at all, but now that he knew they were mother and daughter, it was an entirely different story.

Man, Ryuichi. Youre in deep shit right now, arent ya?

Just shut up.

The manager, whod been quietly watching the entire time, seemed to be desperately trying to hold in a laugh at the unexpected turn of events.

Shishido-kun? Whats wrong?

Ah, err, its nothing.

Ryuichi shook his head like never before, and since Shizuna was currently facing him, she couldnt see Sakies expression. Sakie was intently staring at Ryuichi, seemingly having clearly sensed his panic.

Shizuna, could you introduce me to the young man beside you?

Sakie finally opened her mouth, and out came those words. She was trying to make it seem like their very first meeting, which was an act of consideration for Ryuichi and Shizuna. Shizunas expression of bewilderment changed and she introduced Ryuichi to Sakie.

This is my classmate, Shishido Ryuichi, and he saved me from a malicious playboy on a previous occasion. After that, he and I became friends And, well, hes the one whose house I went to to make dinner the other day.

Ryuichi was surprised that she had told her that much, but Sakie on the contrary had a rather understanding expression on her face. Perhaps Shizuna still wanted to talk about Ryuichi, but the words coming out of her mouth didnt stop there.

I was going to cook dinner at his house again today. Then I heard that he was coming here today so I followed him to make sure he didnt drink alcohol! Yes, thats right; I came here to supervise him. So theres nothing for you to worry about, Mom.

It seemed that Shizuna really wanted to drive the point home to Sakie that she was here only to supervise Ryuichi. It was also likely that shed included the fact that shed come here not by force from Ryuichi, but of her volition to avoid Sakie harboring any negative thoughts towards him.

I see. So thats how you met him I totally get it, Shizuna.


Sakie put her hand over her mouth, giggled, and looked again at Ryuichi.

It seems youve been of great help for my daughter during her time of need. Thank you, Shishido-kun.

No I just happened to be passing by, so I just did what I could.

Even so, that was very kind of you to help her.

T-Thats right, Mom! Shishido-kun is a very kind person!

Both Ryuichi and Sakie seemed surprised at Shizunas sudden outburst. Realizing shed unintentionally shouted, Shizuna immediately hung her head low in embarrassment, told them had to go to the bathroom, and got up from her seat. With Shizuna gone, only Ryuichi and Sakie remained.

Now, then Who wouldve thought that wed meet again in this way?

You said it I mean, I guess I was the one who planted the seeds for this situation, but Id never have guessed that this was how things would turn out.

Yes, I was quite surprised myself.

Sakie stood up and sat down next to Ryuichi. She was sitting where Shizuna had just been sitting earlier. She leaned in close to Ryuichi and snuggled up to his chest.


You wont tell me to get off, will you? I did help you smooth things out with her, so surely I deserve this much of a reward?

I cant believe how assertive you are even though its been so long.

Whatever the circumstances, Ryuichis body had a habit of hugging back whenever he was hugged by the opposite sex, as he was now. When hehugged Sakie with his thick arms, she let out a sweet breath and mouthed the words, Hug me tighter.

So, you and my daughterarent dating, yes?

Yeah. Im telling you, shes the most impulsive person Ive ever seen. Even if Im her classmate, I cant believe she actually came to the house of a boy she just met to make him dinner And now, shes following me to a place like this.

That just shows how much she likes you Its honestly unfair.


Oh, it was nothing, Ryuichi-kun.

Perhaps satisfied, Sakie let go of his body. Ryuichi took another look at Sakies figure. Her long black hair was tied up in the same way as Shizunas, and her cleavage was slightly visible, as if she was showing off her boldness. Her figure was truly a spectacle to behold, as expected of Shizunas mother.

Sakie reached her arm out and picked up her glass from the table. She gave the cup filled with wine a shake and poured it down her throat in a sexy motion.

My, my. Its as delicious as always, Mr. Manager.

Why, thank you. You know, Id be happy to have you as a regular.

Ill think about it. Normally, I dont come to these places much because of my daughter.

Thats quite unfortunate.

While Sakie was having a friendly conversation with the manager, Ryuichi was busy thinking about something else. Shizuna was the heroine of the manga, but he could only remember glimpses about her mother. He wondered if there might have been a backstory or hidden reason such as this behind Ryuichis easy access to Shizuna.

So, Ryuichi-kun.


Im sure shell replace out about us sooner or later, but lets try to keep this a secret from her as best as we can. But fufu, I dont think I even have to suggest this since Im sure youd want it that way as well, wouldnt you?

Well, yeah. I dont really care if she ends up hating me, but if she does replace out, surely her image of you will change, and it definitely wont be by some small amount.

He even thought that itd be easier to just have Shizuna hate him, but for some reason he could not imagine such a future. Shizuna was an incredibly impulsive and dynamic person who was willing to go to great lengths to close the gap between them, so she might even accept it, surprisingly enough. Nevertheless, there was no way hed actually tell her everything.

Is that how you see it? If you ask me though I dont think that girl will think the way you said she will.


Its just speculation, though. Oh, look, shes coming back.

It seemed Shizuna had returned. She seemed to have regained her composure and her expression was as usual. However, when Sakie saw Shizunas return, Sakie immediately clung to Ryuichi.

W-What are you doing?!

I guess Im feeling a little tipsy? His muscles are really something else .

Get off of him, Mom!

With a terrifying look on her face, Shizuna pulled Sakie away from Ryuichi. She seemed frantic and desperate, which was a rare sight, and Sakie laughed as if she found it truly amusing. Then, Shizuna, who perhaps felt a sense of rivalry with Sakie, suddenly closed the distance between her and Ryuichi.

What? Why?

Just wanted to do this.

She left those few words before closing her mouth. Ryuichi and Shizuna had already finished their meal. Having achieved their initial goal of filling their stomachs, they stood from their seats.

Ill be heading home first, Mom.

Alright. Ill make sure to get home before it gets too late, too. Ryuichi-kun, please take care of my daughter.



Shizuna tilted her head in confusion at Sakies words, but when Ryuichi started to walk away, she quickly rushed over and made her way next to him. As for Ryuichi, he found todays reunion chilling, but he was relieved that nothing strange happened. He breathed a sigh of relief, but once they left the bar, it hit him that the crisis wasnt over just yet.

Shishido-kun, are you perhaps acquainted with my mother?

Why do you think that?

You called each other by your first names Plus, I could sort of tell from the atmosphere between you two.

Shes got me there. Ryuichi scratched his head. It seems that in addition to being a woman of impulse, shes also one of sharpness and intuitionor should I say one of observation in this case?

Well, we first met each other a while back and went to that bar together. But I didnt know that Sakie I mean, she, was your mother, yknow?

I see. You did seem very surprised.

It seemed Shizuna was satisfied with that explanation. However, she wasnt done yet. Shed mentioned that Sakie had called Ryuichi by his first name earlier, so in light of that, she said

Can Icall you by your first name, too?

My first name?

Yes. I want you to call me by mine, too Please?

Calling each other by their first name. There was no need for Ryuichi to spare the matter a second thought.

Got it. So Shizuna?

Ah Yes ! Ryuichi-kun!

Hearing him call her by her first name, Shizuna gave a radiant smile. The two then walked side by side through the brightly lit streets. Although Shizuna was quite close to Ryuichi, Ryuichi was in a relieved state of mind and did not mind at all.

So thats why Mom seemed so happy at the time. That mustve been

Shizuna muttered under her breath and naturally, it wasnt heard by Ryuichi.

HamletJr's notes:

Back to regular schedule tomorrow.

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