Chapter 37


Ryuichi went outside and picked up the call. To him, his paternal grandfather wasnt a warm, amiable person, but rather an insignificant person who had always been indifferent to him. There may have been a world in which Ryuichi would have been adored as a grandchild, but at least in this world, he had no family that adored him.

What do you want?

Ryuichis grandfather wasnt saying anything at all. Ryuichi couldnt understand why he was so silent because he would never bother to call him unless he had something to say, and more importantly, because he only called whenever he wired money to his account.

I got a call from your school today. From a teacher called Hamasaki.


Ryuichi clicked his tongue at the mention of Hamasakis name, as he knew that this was going to be a troublesome situation. It had only been a few days ago that he witnessed Hamasaki talking with Shizuna during lunch break. He wondered if it might have been about that, and sure enough, it looked like he was spot-on.

Youve finallyno, this isnt the first time Ive heard from school about you. It just goes to show that, in the end, you are that womans son after all.

Hah, you talkin about me having relationships with women? Thats normal for high schoolers.

Ryuichi spat those words at him. Being a high school student, it was nothing out of the ordinary to be having relationships with the opposite sex. To think that this was what he had to say after not calling him for so long; it was insignificant to Ryuichi all the same.

I know I cant cut ties with you, but its so relieving I dont have to see your face. Because when I do, I remember that womans face.

That makes the two of us, Ryuichi muttered in his mind. He knew that his grandfather disliked him, and he had long passed the stage where it would hurt him to hear his grandfather say such words. However, today, his grandfather finally used strong words directly against him, as if he had reached the end of his patience.

Even so, Ryuichi still felt nothing. However, he didnt like the fact that he was constantly being told what to do because he was already an adolescent in puberty at the age of 17.

Im your sons kid, too, yknow? The way I see it, hes just as much of an asshole as that shitty woman was.

No sooner had those words left Ryuichis mouth than a loud voice filled with indignation rang out from the other end of the phone.

Dont you dare lump my son in with people like you! In the first place, if it werent for you people, my sonmy son! Cough! Cough!

He started coughing painfully, probably because hed raised his voice so loudly. It was so bad that Ryuichi almost subconsciously asked him if he was okay. However, in the end, he said nothing to him Of course he wouldnt. Why should I have to do something like that for him? he thought to himself.

Hah Hah Hah! You know what, Ryuichi? You are a child with the blood of that bitch. Your very existence was tormenting my son! That is your sin!


It was as if he had implied that Ryuichis very existence was a sin. He looked up at the sky as he listened to the voice on the other end of the phone. The sky was beautiful and starry, the exact opposite of the darkness that Ryuichi had come to know as a child.

Shut up Shut up, shut up, shut up!

If hed only been told that he was hated, that he was unwanted, he could brush it off as a slight disturbance in his mind. However, being denied the very fact that he was born would undoubtedly nag on his heart. Because of what his mother and father had said to him, words denying his existence were engraved as a curse in the deepest part of Ryuichis heart.

I dont want to think of you as my son.

You aint no son of mine.

He impulsively tried to cut the call.

Give it to me.


But before he could hang up, Chisa, who had gotten behind him at some point, gently took the phone from him.


Dont worry. Itll be okay.

Then, she hugged him in her embrace. As he slowly let the strength leave his body, he dropped to his knees and buried his face in her chest. She reeked of booze, but coupled with her nice scent, it put Ryuichis mind at ease.

Sorry for the abruptness, but good evening. You must be Ryuichis grandfather, right?

What on earth is she going to talk about? he thought, but he couldnt move at all. It wasnt that he was interested in what they were going to talk about; Chisas atmosphere just made it impossible for him to interrupt her. With the sensation of Chisas breasts on his face, he listened intently to their conversation.

Huh? The woman Ryuichis messing around withyou said? Well, you arent exactly wrong~.

Unlike her usual self, Chisa was speaking in a way that seemed to poke fun at the other party, which was rare. Since the phone was leaking his voice to some extent, he could hear his grandfathers voice echo clearly with even more fury at Chisas appearance.

Hey, gramps. I know this is sudden, but theres this very nice boy I know. His name is Shishido Ryuichi.

Her hand was on Ryuichis head, stroking it gently. It was like a mother calming her child, or a sister calming her brother. Of course, he didnt know what those two actually felt like, but he could somehow tell.

Hes great at handling girls, and hes great at pleasuring them, too. And Im not the only one; there are other girls besides me who are also deeply in love with him. Oh, thats right; please listen closely. Did you know that Ryuichi saved two girls from trouble? He saved them from some nasty men.

Those two girls were likely referring to Shizuna and Satsuki.

There are girls who have been saved by him, charmed by him, and are now involving themselves with him. In this world where so many people dont even try to talk to or help others no matter how much trouble they are in, Ryuichi is undeniably saving them.

What are you trying to say? he could hear his grandfather say. He didnt know what Chisa was trying to say, and he seemed to be irritated that she was talking about something unimportant.

Dont you think hes an incredible boy? Ive heard that there are fathers out there who dont care about their own sons and wish they were never born. I dont mean to compare you with those people, but dont you think a gentle boy like Ryuichi is such a wonderful child compared to those people?

Chisas face was all smiles the entire time. However, the next face she adopted was filled with anger. Although Ryuichi couldnt see it, Chisa was definitely angry.

Well, whatever the old Ryuichi used to be, hes a changed boy now. Hes younger than me, but hes extremely dependable, and hes a really good kid, that Ryuichi.

Chisa then paused briefly before continuing in a harsher tone.

Who do you think that shitty father I talked about earlier is? I see, so you dont know? Im talking about your son, you shithead.


Chisas words didnt stop there.

Ryuichi has the kindness to help people, the heart to love people, and the open-mindedness to make people happy. Ryuichi has what your son didnt have. Your son did not love Ryuichi, did not help him, and did not make him happy! The Ryuichi now has something important that your son never had!

Be quiet! Youre just another slutty bitch; thats all you are! Youre no better than that whore who stole my sons happiness! The words of a piece of trash like you mean nothing to me!

This time, Ryuichi heard his grandfathers voice, loud and clear. It was so loud that he wanted to tell him that if he were any louder, he would start coughing like he did before.

I dont give a shit about what you have to say about me, you old fucker. Whatever, me and Ryuichi have nothing more to say to you. Still, let me tell you one thing.

Chisa looked at Ryuichi. Her eyes reflected the image of Ryuichi alone, and they were filled with tenderness. She took a quiet, deep breath and continued with what would be her last words for his grandfather.

Ryuichi is wanted by us. We want Ryuichi. He is absolutely not an unwanted existence to us; to us, he is somebody irreplaceable.


A crack appeared in the darkness that had covered his heart. He noticed that his eyes were growing hot, but he was still too stunned to put his hands on his eyes.

Ill say it time and time again. Ryuichi is not an unwanted existence to us; if you all deny him, then we will affirm him. He is, to us, a very important person, and it will stay that way forever.

And with that, she ended the call.

Oh my, fufu Its okay, Ryuichi. I know I may have gone a little overboard, but I think its for the best that I said all that.


Perhaps because theyd been on the call for quite a long time, Shizuna and Satsuki were also gazing at them worriedly. Chisa separated her body from Ryuichis, and because of that, Ryuichis expression was exposed. Shizuna rushed to Ryuichis side before anybody else.

Sniff Damn, how long has it been since Ive cried?

Ryuichi cried for the first time in a long time, as if something was overflowing from his now full heart. The events just now would likely cause the relationship between Ryuichi and his grandfather to be irreparable, but their relationship was never one that seemed repairable in the first place, anyways.

But Ryuichi was willing to accept that. Even if they denied him, Ryuichi would still have people beside him who would affirm him and want him. Not just these girls, but his other friends as well.

Ryuichi-kun, well always be by your side. So please dont cry.

I dont want to cry. I dont want to, but I just cant stop the tears from coming.

Ryuichi forced a smile. Looking at Shizuna, Chisa, and Satsuki in turn, he continued.


It was a short word of thanks, but his feelings reached them properly. The sky was a starry one, but now Ryuichis heart would be clear of the darkness as well. There was no need for him to envy it anymore, for his heart was now covered with light and beginning to shine, too.

HamletJr's notes:

Thank you so much to Marvinzum for the (double?) Ko-Fi. I was pretty surprised at first, thought my internet was lagging or something lmao. Here's the new chapter for ya. (though it's daily in the first place, so...)

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