The Story of Blood and Roses
Chapter 125 Count Of Three

All my ammunition was packed and easily accessible, and I put a knife inside my boots just in case I need it. Michael frowned at me when I did, but I told him that it was for protection. He just shook his head and went back to loading the cartridges.

It was about four thirty in the morning when we started the operation. From what we could see, there was minor activity inside the building and a hell lot of light; a clear indication of sloppy work.

"Ethan, take your position," he commanded as soon as we were done. We were still on our base camp, but it was a mile away from the location. Ethan signalled to the five others who would be hidden along the perimeter and called on when needed. "Don't die," Michael barked at them as they went off. We knew that we were up next.

He checked his gun one last time before we trudged towards the direction they had gone in. There was barely any light and it was difficult to see where we were going. We kept close; close enough that we could feel the other's body heat and react accordingly. We didn't utter a word as we moved forward. We stopped right behind Ethan, who would be covering us. We were a good two hundred meters from the entrance to the building, and with little to no space to get cover, I was a little worried. We sat there for a while as it got lighted a little more, and sighed in relief when we saw the creepy glow from the rooftop. It was so low that it could have only been one of the snipers indulging in a smoke. I sighed in relief.

"You ready?" he whispered into my ears. I nodded and prepared myself for the run. "Go." And I ran.

My footsteps made no sound, but I could see a head peeping from behind the parapet of the ceiling. Shit.

A shot whizzed past me as I ran. Others followed. I heard indistinct sounds of falling from above and knew that Ethan was doing his job properly, maybe Michael was already pissed off enough to take out a few as well.

I was determined as to not stop. I knew, eventually, it would either come to me being shot or all of them dying. I sincerely hoped that it would be the latter. It was then I felt one errant shot graze past my leg.

Holy shit. Barely survived that. The scrape didn't hurt much, but I could feel a plan forming in my mind. The closer I got, the easier they will be able to shoot, and I will use that to my advantage. From the general direction of the shooting, there is probably only one shooter left.

It's now or never, Mia. I told myself. Another shot came minutely close to me and I dropped. Like a sack of potatoes, I waited there for a few seconds in whom I knew the cocky sniper would peep out of his hiding place and become visible to my minions. When I heard the dull thud coming from above me, I manoeuvred my legs under me and sat in a crouch. With one look back, I saw that Michael had his gun pointed to the roof. I smiled and closed the gap between the entrance and myself.

I peeked inside and saw that most of the men were huddled in the centre, chatting and napping. I was thankful for the silencers. Being met with an ambushing party might have been an exciting idea, but no one wants to be welcomed with a shower of bullets. I signalled behind me to let them know that I was going inside and then slithered into the room. From what I could see, there were about seven men on this floor.

I heard him slide into position beside me in a moment. His legs were spread in front of him and he was furiously changing the magazine. He pulled out another one from the back of his belt and then put it in.

"Are you okay?" he whispered, huskily. I nodded, still staring straight at the group of men at the centre of the room. "Give me the count." I could still hear the worry in his voice. It pissed me off just a wee bit.

So much for having faith in me.

"Seven men in sight on this floor. A good share of the shipment is down here, so we need to be careful." He nodded.

"They would be stupid to let the bullets fly."

"They are already extremely stupid. I think they are partying down here." He snickered.

"We don't want to hurt ourselves, so take clear shots. We can't damage any of these things." I nodded and then took a position. I crawled across his legs and then walked straight to the other end of the door, pointing the gun at the group all the time. They didn't even notice me there. I might have rolled my eyes before I gave Michael thumbs up. He smirked and then signalled me to follow his shots.

He shot the first fire, the next followed. In coordination, we took out each one with single shots. Happy with the massacre, we had created, we took moved to the staircase. We could see footsteps coming down the staircase, and we gave each other an exasperated look. We ran back to our hiding spots and waited for them to filter into the room. I could hear five more voices, and Michael agreed. Again on the count of three, we shot them down. Taking in a deep breath, I saw him putting his current gun into the belt and then pulling out another one. We moved across the room again and carefully moved up the stairs, knowing full well that they would be covering the door.


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