The Supreme God of Martial Arts -
Chapter 333 Subduing Ten Corpse Generals (Part One)
Austin had a go at the head of a corpse general, unleashing his spiritualsense at it. As he had expected, he soon found a flash of spiritual sensethat was exactly like the one left by the Altar Owner of the Ghost Sect.Without hesitation, Austin erased the flash of spiritual sense as the AltarOwner had instructed him to. The flash disappeared without leavingany trace.
Austin then extracted one flash of his spiritual sense and using a specialtactic that was sure to succeed, pushed it towards the corpse general.Sure enough, it penetrated into the head of the corpse general, whosespiritual sense Austin had just erased.
Austin was suddenly overcome by the amazing feeling that the corpsegeneral and he had been connected inseparably since forever. It wasprobably because of the flash of his spiritual sense, but what reallysurprised him was that they could understand each other just throughtheir minds.
It felt like he was in complete control of the corpse general. Whatevertelepathic order he gave, the corpse general would do as told, withoutthinking twice.
"Walk to the entrance of the cave," Austin ordered the corpse generalin his mind.
It was to no one's surprise that the corpse general strode towards thecave's entrance as soon as it received the order from Austin's mind."Go back to where you were.”
Austin's second order also went straight through to the corpsegeneral's mind.
On receiving it, the corpse general turned around and went back to itsoriginal position.
It is unbelievable that I can control the corpse general! That's so lucky!"Austin was surprised and overjoyed.
In the same way, Austin erased the Altar Owner's spiritual sense off themind of the nine other corpse generals and filled their minds with hisown spiritual sense.
Austin was finally completely in charge of the ten corpse generals.Austin issued an order with his mind, and soon, the ten corpse generalslined up inside the cave according to Austin's command.
"I have already controlled the ten corpse generals, but it will be weirdto be followed by them all the time. I don't really want to draw people'sattention, especially those who are trying to hurt me. What am I goingto do? Is there anything I can do to change the situation?"
It suddenly occurred to Austin that it was really a problem to be solved,and the only person from whom he could seek answers was the AltarOwner. So he did exactly that, asking the Altar Owner how to solve thisproblem.
"Since you have controlled the ten corpse generals, you are morepowerful than before. Of course, there is no need for me to cheat younow. I will tell you everything about the corpse generals.
You can keep them in a corpse nourishing bag when there is no needfor them to show up.
This is what a corpse nourishing bag is,” Altar Owner said to Austin,pointing to a small bag tucked into his belt.
On hearing the Altar Owner's answer, Austin began looking for the bag,and soon enough, found a small black one. The moment he saw it, hequickly grabbed it and turned it around to check if it was what the AltarOwner was alluding to. Soon, he realized that the corpse nourishingbag was quite similar to the Space Ring in function. Both of them hadextensive and integrated spaces within to keep things inside, while theythemselves were small in size
Austin faced the ten corpse generals, opened the corpse nourishingbag, and gave an order with his mind. The ten corpse generals weretransformed into a ray of light and absorbed into the corpse nourishingbag.
Austin was satisfied because now, he could use the bag to keep thecorpse generals concealed and not worry about being spotted byanyone else.
"What about the other lower dry corpses? How can I control them?"Austin asked the Altar Owner, eager to know more about the corpses."You can control them with a simple corpse flag. It's quite easy.”
Austin hurriedly began searching the Altar Owner for a corpse flag. Inno time, he found a small black flag, the exact corpse flag he waslooking for.
"That's great! Since you have told me everything I want to know, youare now useless to me. I will give you a quick death,” Austin said,grabbing the Altar Owner's neck tightly and gave it a quick twist.
The Altar Owner had known that Austin would not keep him alive andhe didn't have the chance to say anything else. The moment his necksnapped, he fell to the ground, dead.
"Violet, let's get out of here. I feel uncomfortable here," Austin said andwalked out of the cave.
Several hours later, Austin and Violet finally got out of Ghost Valley.
As for the several hundred dry corpses at lower strength, Austin hadneither the intention nor the interest to deal with them. As far as he wasconcerned, he already had the ten corpse generals and they werepowerful enough to help him beat his rivals
The gnome stayed close to Austin, having become attached afterspending some time with him.
"Master, what are you going to do next? I'm afraid that people fromFlaming Sun Valley and Blood Wolf Team are still searching for you.”Violet asked, as they arrived at the gates of Ghost Valley.
"Imperial capital city! Our next destination is imperial capital city. Let'sgo!"
Austin answered without hesitation, having already decided to go toimperial capital city.
"Violet, during our trip to imperial capital city, I'm going to cultivate theWind-commanding Skill. You'd better stay in the Illusion Bead so that Ican focus on my cultivation.”
"Alright, master. I want to better my cultivation too. There is enoughpowerful crystal left to support my cultivation for a period of time,”Violet said before going into the Illusion Bead for her cultivation.Meanwhile, Austin used his bodily movement skill to speed up hisjourney, and sought to fully understand the Wind-commanding Skillalong the way. It was unsurprising that Austin was advancing towardswild places that no one else dared go, and that was so that he could bealone, away from crowds.
The gnome was small enough that it was now squatting on Austin'sshoulders.
Austin was at level three of the Wind-commanding Skill: Using thewind.
After rushing ahead for a couple of days, Austin immersed himself in anappreciation of the Wind-commanding Skill.
As he advanced, Austin could feel the change in vital energy in both hislegs as well as the change of the wind between his body and the spacearound him. Every time he sped up, he felt an inexplicable circulation ofenergy. He had no idea about it, but he expected to replace a reasonablerule and benefit greatly from it.
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