The Supreme God of Martial Arts
Chapter 89 The Twin Shadow Blades (Part Two)

Continuing down the road, Austin observed the merchants andinspected their wares. Some stalls sold furs, bones, and organs of avariety of beasts, while others peddled medicine and weapons, as wellas special elixirs.

There were also several that offered books on martial arts techniques.After strolling for several minutes, Austin caught sight of two stallsselling books on martial arts.

One of them only displayed two manuals. The disciple came up to thestall and inquired how much the manual on a first-level offensivetechnique called Wild Bull Broadsword Skills cost.

He was told it was five thousand vital energy crystals.

He then asked about the other book, one on the second-level body-refining technique titled Iron Armor. This one was priced ten thousand.What was disappointing was that the stall owner didn't allow Austin tolook through the books before paying for them.

Cunning as he was, Austin would never agree to such a risky deal. Onething very clear to him was that almost half of the stall owners in thatstreet were swindlers. So, it was highly probable that he would regretpaying for either of the two books.

"Sixth-level cultivation method on sale! Come, have a look!"

Raising his brow, Austin thought, 'Sixth-level cultivation method?"

Any cultivation method in that level was extremely precious. Only keydisciples of super large sects with a long history could get a hold ofthese books.

“Well here you go, another fraud, * Austin sighed.

But since Austin was in no hurry to leave, he decided to take a look atthe stall to satisfy his curiosity.

A heavyset man, who appeared to be honest and trustworthy, waskneeling behind a stall. In front of him was a large black cloth, where amanual on martial arts and an unusually-shaped scarlet dagger lay.Seeing the dagger made Austin’s heart skip a beat.

The dagger nestled on the black cloth was the exact size, shape, andstyle as the one Austin discovered in Rafat's Space Ring. The onlydifference was their color. This one was scarlet. But set aside this detail,the two daggers appeared as if they came from the same mold.

"Can you tell me what is so special with that dagger?" he asked withgreat interest.

The young disciple bent down to pick it up for further examination. Hiswrist instantly gave out under the weight of the dagger. Like the one healready owned, it was surprisingly heavy.

Happily, he thought, 'It sure is the same as the other one. However, hekept his expression passive, so there was no trace of affection for thedagger.

It had been several hours since the man kneeling behind his stall hadbeen crying out to customers to sell his wares. But very few wereinterested in them, primarily because no one believed the stall carried agenuine manual on a sixth-level cultivation method.

To most people's thinking, if super large sects ever obtained one, theywould cherish it and do everything to keep it for themselves. So howcould a man in a small secret market allege that what he was sellingwas the precious and the genuine thing? Even an idiot would easilyrecognize it was too good to be true.

So, while there were many people loitering near his stall, they were allbusy chatting and laughing, eager to learn how that man's trick couldbe exposed.

"Brother, this dagger came with another piece. They make up a set. Thered one is the Positive Shadow Blade, the other, the Negative ShadowBlade. Together, they are called the Twin Shadow Blades. They can onlybe used with the sixth-level cultivation method that you can replace in thisbook.

It is my father who risked his life to get these two objects out from anAncient Relic," the man explained.

At first, I really had no intention of selling these rare objects. But whenmy father was seriously injured in a fight against his foe, I had toreconsider. And since we now badly need money for his medicalexpenses, I decided to sell these treasures,” he added.

His interest aroused, Austin asked, "And how much will you sell these?"Something told the disciple it could be valuable.

"Truthfully, I was going to sell it for eight thousand vital energy crystals.But since no one believed me, I think I'll accept five thousand vitalenergy crystals for now. That amount should be enough to cure myfather. Please, brother, do this as a favor to me," he pleaded."Although for the moment, the Negative Shadow Blade is missing. If inthe future you are lucky enough to replace it, you will be able to practicethis amazing cultivation method.”

Before he could finish his sentence, the crowd of onlookers burst intolaughter.

“That is so hilarious! What a dumb sixth-level cultivation method!You're going to need luck before you can practice it!" someonehollered.

"I'm with you there. These days, in order to make profit, these fraudsreally dare to make up all kinds of stories. Their bullshit is somethingmore appealing than those in story books," another said.

"Yeah. And they're tapping into people's sympathy. See? The story thisone made up is very touching!"

"Ancient Relic? For heaven's sake, those are not tales you can replaceeverywhere. He was just bluffing.”

"That's right. Last time I ran into a fraud who tried selling elixirs. Heinsisted his goods were refined with cores of sixth-level diabolic beasts.But I turned him down. Later, I asked another merchant about it, andwas told those elixirs were in fact hawthorn berries cooked in somepotion.”

More laughter sounded. "Hawthorn berries will do you good as well.They can whet your appetite and help in digestion.”

People continued to mock, tease, and curse the sturdy man. It seemedall of them regarded him as a fraud.

The insults, however, made the man turn livid. He was now breathingheavily, his chest heaving, obviously from rage.

Gazing down at him, Austin saw his eyes were sincere and anxious, andnot the eyes of a liar. Besides, he did have a black dagger that wasexactly the same as the red one being offered. So that verified theman's tale.

If it was truly a sixth-grade cultivation method, the deal of fivethousand vital energy crystals was definitely a bargain!

After thinking things over, Austin finally made a decision.

"I believe in you.

So, here you are. Five thousand vital energy crystals," he said.

The young disciple fumbled while extracting the vital energy crystalsinside the Space Ring he carried inside his chest pocket. Once he hadwhat he needed, Austin tossed these to the ground in front of the man.Then, he stuck out his hand and grabbed the manual and scarletdagger.

The man was in near tears, so thrilled by Austin's words and gesture. Hekept thanking the young man as he got busy collecting the crystals.An uproar ensued when bystanders saw that Austin had indeed paid forthe goods. There were snide remarks while others shook their headsdismissively. And then there were good-natured spectators, whoattempted to talk Austin out of the sale.

But Austin ignored every one of them. Instead, he squeezed his waythrough the crowd and took off.

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