Chapter 65: Turned Upside Down

News that the Frost Giant had proposed to Ascal spread quickly through the North.

“Did you hear? The Empire’s greatest flirt has finally charmed even the Frost Giant.”

“Am I witnessing a moment in history?”

In the North, where the weather is perpetually cold and there’s seldom much to do, gossip spreads like a plague. It traveled from family hearths to outdoor bonfires.

Eventually, everyone in the North heard about Ascal.

Even the Northern bards, sensing a major event, hurried to compose new songs.

“In the chilly Northern lands, Ascal set his foot. Stealing the hearts of maidens far and wide, whispering love with his eloquent words. Oh Ascal, how did you, with your sweet tongue, manage to steal even the giant’s heart?”

Hearing the song on the streets, Ascal sent a jeer their way.

A bard, catching Ascal’s eye, winked.

Bernstein remarked upon seeing this.

“Congratulations on escaping the Empire, Ascal. I’m truly envious as a friend.”

He added with a chuckle,

“I’m really looking forward to your first night.”

Ascal threw a punch, which Bernstein deftly avoided.

The next day.

Ascal climbed back atop the Northern walls.

From afar, the Frost Giant stood unchanged.

Well, there was one change.

In the Frost Giant’s hand was a huge log, held in its entirety.

“What’s that...”

“I believe it’s trying to give you a bouquet.”

Through a magnifying tool Bernstein provided, Ascal observed the tree.

Indeed, winter flowers were blooming brightly on it.

“A rather romantic giant, isn’t it?”

Duke Felix crossed his arms and nodded.

“Your Grace.”

“Such formal titles. Call me uncle.”

“I wonder how long that giant intends to stand there?”

“Probably until you accept its proposal.”


The Frost Giant stood silently, gazing at the walls. Or more precisely, at Ascal.

“Scholars say the Frost Giant’s sight is unbelievably sharp. It might even see you from there.”

“What happens if I refuse the proposal, or how does the Frost Giant even know me?”

Ascal realized his speech kept ending in questions.

No wonder, for the Frost Giant’s proposal was unprecedented. Even for Ascal, who had faced unimaginable situations before, it was hard to keep his composure.

“Why not ask directly? Hmm, let’s try an experiment. Bring the largest parchment you can replace!”​Duke Felix commanded his subordinate, who soon returned with a roll of parchment. When unrolled, it was as tall as a man.

“Try writing it yourself. Surely, a direct question from you would elicit a better response.”

A love letter, of all things.

Ascal, feeling ridiculous, grabbed the pen and scrawled across the parchment in the largest letters he could manage.

<How, where, did you, come to, know me?>

Two soldiers stretched out the completed parchment.

That’s when the Frost Giant began to move. Clearly, as Duke Felix had said, its eyesight was exceptional.

And the message the Frost Giant wrote on the ground was:

<A relative told me about Ascal. Said you’re kind, impressive, and don’t discriminate.>

Duke Felix read the message aloud.

‘Who could it be, the one who spoke of me to the Frost Giant?’

Ascal’s mind raced.

Who could be a relative of the giant and also speak so highly of him?

Then it hit him.


A burly friend he’d met in Zlat Prison, now working as a guard in the Evaluation Department.

- “Hehe, Ascal. I went back to my hometown for the festival after a long time. Told all my relatives about you. Here’s a gift.”

- “Thank you.”

To confirm, Ascal wrote on the parchment.

<Jerobe, do you know him?>

<I do. He is the relative who told the stories about Ascal.>

‘This is unbelievable. A job landed through corruption has led to such poetic justice.’

To think Jerobe was related to the giants. His size had always seemed more than ordinary.

Hearing Jerobe’s story, Duke Felix commented,

“That’s fortunate.”

“What do you mean?”

“Imagine if this friend Jerobe had spoken ill of you. Who knows, the North might have been destroyed by now.”

Duke Felix’s words brought a vague memory to Ascal’s mind.

In the original story, the North is obliterated without even noticing the rebellion in the Empire. The details were never clear, only mentioned in passing as if its ruins were trampled by a giant.

‘Could it be?’

Ascal swallowed dryly.

“So, what will you do?”


“Will you marry the Frost Giant, or refuse? Our actions will depend on your answer.”

Duke Felix’s eyes changed. These were the eyes of a leader responsible for the North.

“Of course, he must refuse.”​It was a woman’s voice.

All eyes turned toward the source of the sound.

Yulia Barba, the Empire’s third princess, was standing there with a cold smile.

‘When did she get here?’

As Ascal looked at Yulia, she waved cheerfully at him. Then, her gaze turned sharp as she looked at the Duke.

“Who would ever want to marry that huge, smelly Frost Giant? Offering Ascal the choice, was it not just to end this matter more comfortably, Duke?”

“That’s a bit rude, Princess.”

“Ahaha. Is the Duke, who tried to trade Ascal, the Empire’s most critical asset, into a marriage of convenience, any better?”

“There was never such an intention. It was merely to ask for his consent…”

While speaking, Duke Felix realized the contradiction in his words. Deep down, he had hoped that Ascal, unable to resist the subtle persuasion, would accept the Frost Giant’s proposal and peacefully resolve the matter.

The Princess had pinpointed this very point.

“I apologize, Ascal. There’s no need for you to marry the Frost Giant. Attention, everyone! We are going to prepare for battle immediately!”

At Duke Felix’s command, the soldiers dispersed in perfect order. Though usually relaxed, they snapped to attention when needed. This was the Northern style.

Duke Felix then hastily scribbled on the parchment.

<We refuse the proposal.>

He bit his lip. The moment the Frost Giant saw the message, it might attack the walls in rage.

Finally ready to defend, Duke Felix held up the parchment.

And then.

The Frost Giant slumped down on the spot.

It remained motionless for a while.

“The giant isn’t moving, Commander!”

“No, the giant is…”

The Frost Giant wiped its face with a giant hand, as if trying to erase tears.

“It’s crying.”

After a while, the Frost Giant stood up, apparently deeply affected by the rejection. The ground trembled with its every move, even from afar.

“The giant is retreating. It seems to have ended well.”

“…Is that really the case?”

Duke Felix instinctively felt that the Frost Giant’s courtship was not yet over.

​Indeed, the next day the Frost Giant returned to the front of the walls.


The Frost Giant dropped the corpse of a massive beast on the ground.

“That’s the Winter Wolf, ruler of the northern mountains!”

“How many warriors from the North have been sacrificed to that Winter Wolf! To finally see its corpse!”

“But why did the Frost Giant kill the Winter Wolf?”

“It looks like a dowry to me.”


The following day,

This time, the Frost Giant came with its arms full of berries.

“Those are Frost Berries, sold at a high price! I’ve heard of nobles selling their homes just to taste them!”

“I want some too!”

“It seems the Frost Giant hasn’t given up on you, Ascal. That’s quite the assertive approach.”


The Frost Giant appeared in front of the walls as if it were a daily routine.

Each time it brought herbs, monsters, sparkling stones, and then would gaze at Ascal for a long while before disappearing.

And then, a month had passed since the Frost Giant first appeared in front of the walls.

“Today, it hasn’t brought anything.”

“Has the dowry finally run out?”

“Stop it. It’s serious.”

Initially, the soldiers were tense, unsure when the Frost Giant might turn violent. But now, more and more people began to root for the Frost Giant.

Such was the extent of the Frost Giant’s earnestness.

“It’s writing something.”

<I will not come again. I am sorry.>



The Frost Giant stood up.

Then, it slowly turned its back and began to walk away.

“I had grown somewhat fond of it. It’s sad.”

“But how could a giant marry a human...”

The soldiers watched its back with a heavy heart.

“Ascal. Where are you going? Wait!”

Just then,

Ascal started to descend the ladder hanging from the wall.

Without giving anyone a chance to stop him.​“Frost Giant!”

Ascal’s voice was hoarse from shouting, but his faint voice stood no chance of reaching. He began walking on the snow-covered ground, his feet sinking deep with every step.

“Cough, cough!”

The strides of a giant and a human are worlds apart.

Chasing after the Frost Giant, Ascal stumbled and fell.

“Shouldn’t we help him?”

“Wait a moment.”

Thud! Thud!

The Frost Giant was running towards Ascal.

Ascal’s body shook uncontrollably with the tremendous vibrations.

‘Ha... This is absurd.’

For the first time, Ascal and the Frost Giant came face to face. The Frost Giant knelt down and carefully extended her palm.

Without fear, Ascal climbed onto the palm.

Ascal spoke.

“Now that I think about it, I don’t know your name. I am Ascal Erindale. What’s yours?”

<My name is Isolda.>

It was as if his ears would burst.

Even with the Frost Giant’s attempt at consideration, the voice was overwhelming.

Ascal put on earplugs given by Bernstein from his pocket, which made it somewhat better.

“Isolda. I am but a humble man. Small in stature and unremarkable compared to you.”

<Not at all, Ascal. Seeing you in person, you’re even more impressive. That’s why I continued my courtship. It was worth learning the language of the Empire.>

“Thank you for seeing me in a good light. But I cannot accept your heart.”

<Why? Because Isolda is ugly? Because I’m a giant?>

“No. It’s because there’s someone else I need to respond to.”

<Is that so? Isolda is too late then. I accept that.>

“I’m sorry.”

<No. I was happy. Because I loved Ascal.>

Suddenly, Isolda raised one hand and, in an expression of pain, pulled out one of her tusks.

<We giants call this a love tusk. I’ve been rejected in love. So, Ascal, take this. Use it as you see fit.>

“I only seem to be taking from you.”

Isolda smiled.

Then gently placed Ascal back on the ground.

Ascal watched Isolda’s retreating figure for a long while.

****​“Festival! Festival!”

“Now we can freely explore the northern mountains!”

“With these herbs, we can heal the sick!”

“And what about the ore! The North is now wealthy!”

The people cheered.

“Ascal! Ascal! The legendary charmer who wooed a giant! All hail!”

Ascal let the crowd’s cheers wash over him.

He then looked at the Frost Giant’s tusk, which had required several carts and many people to transport.

“This is tricky. Even the blacksmiths are having a hard time with it.”

“Don’t worry about that!”

It was the Stonehead tribe from the North that had come upon hearing of the Frost Giant.

“It’s been a while, Ascal.”


“Yes, it’s me.”

A leading dwarf from the group of dwarves stepped forward to greet Ascal.

Come to think of it, Dugrim had mentioned he was from Stonehead when he first introduced himself.

“Chief, you know him?”

“You’re new here, so you might not know. This hoe is one of his creations.”

Dugrim lifted the hoe tied to his waist. The dwarves gasped in awe.

“Wow! To meet the creator of the hoe here!”

Ascal was dumbfounded.

‘No. That damn hoe trend hasn’t died yet?’

Dugrim eyed the Frost Giant’s tusk greedily.

“With a size like this, we could make unbelievable items. Since no one but our Stonehead tribe could handle it anyway, how about you give it to us for free?”

“Out of the question.”

Duke Felix intervened to prevent Dugrim from taking advantage.

“So, how much would you want for it? Make an offer.”

But Duke Felix, not being a dwarf, had no idea about the tusk’s market value. Dugrim crossed his arms confidently.

“A hundred gold.”

“No, that’s absurd. Who do you think you—”

And then Dugrim was shocked to see who appeared.

It was Yulia. Dugrim remembered the negotiations over the hoe. It had been a nightmare.

“Negotiating with you is always fun. How about we negotiate all night this time?”

“…Please, spare me.”

Dugrim, following Yulia, looked like a prisoner being led to execution.


Eventually, the Frost Giant’s tusk was sold at a high price.

Ascal kept a small piece of the tusk that remained after the sale.

Additionally, the Stonehead tribe agreed to provide weapons and armor made from the tusk to the warriors of the North.

And finally,

“Look here. Ascal, it’s your statue. Called the ‘Scoundrel of the North.’”

“Can we change the name?”

“How about ‘The Charmer of the North’? ‘The Romantic’?”

Rumors, increasingly absurd, continued to spread.

After much debate, the statue was eventually named the Savior of the North.

Ascal closed his eyes.

Then, someone tapped his shoulder lightly.

It was Yulia.

“Ascal. Look at me.”

“Your Highness?”

Somehow, since arriving in the North, he hadn’t once called her ‘Lia.’ Perhaps the aura she exuded made her seem unapproachable.

“Can’t this wait until dawn?”

“You’ll run away again, won’t you?”

“…I’ll follow.”

Yulia, seemingly amused, sauntered ahead with her hands clasped behind her back.

“This isn’t the way to the lodging.”

“No. It’s a cave. Whatever happens here, no one will know.”

When she had found this place was a mystery. The cave Yulia led him into was just big enough for two people.

Inside the dark cave, Yulia lit a magical lamp. Her face was softly illuminated, and a vanilla scent wafted from her hair.

Ascal took a step back. Yulia moved two steps closer.

“You’re too close.”

“If I don’t do this, you’ll run again. Are you afraid of me, Ascal?”


He couldn’t deny it, nor could he affirm it.

The image of her as a future tyrant, casually beheading her enemies, was something Ascal couldn’t forget.

…Couldn’t forget?

Yulia slowly pushed Ascal with her palm. With no space to retreat, he found himself inadvertently lying down.

Yulia’s face came into view above him.

Looking down at him was a face both beautiful and somehow magical, bearing the haughty expression of a sovereign who oversees everything, as if it belonged to a persona he had never seen before.

Her warm breath brushed against his cheek.

“Ascal Debrue, no, Ascal Erindale. I told you.”

The world seemed upside down.

All premises began to invert.

“You belong to me, even in death.”

»—ᴇɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ—«

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