The Villainess With A Heroine Harem
Chapter 505 The Real Fool

Chapter 505 The Real Fool


Amos Black was very, very familiar with just how devastating it was for someone to go from being the target of public admiration to being just another loser, especially when such a transformation was brought by someone they previously used to look down upon.

It was clear to all that Alexander was suffocating with rage, but there was nothing he could do to vent it out under his father's oppression.

Of course, knowing just how crushing a blow it must be to his opponent's psyche only made Amos even more glad that he did it. After all, regardless of the Black Tiger's losses having made his own control stronger in the corporation, they still had to make up for their previous 'sins'.

Initially, he was hoping to make some good contacts of his own in the Golden Crown, but seeing the level of the people here, Amos no longer felt the need to do so.

Since they were so easily fooled by that dumb puppet Emilia, and dared to look down on him as well, none of them deserved to stand by his side. Instead, he would rather crush them all one by one after gaining control of the Black Tiger!

Even that idiot Alexander wasn't really worth his time, as evidenced by how easily the moron fell for his trap, even with Kristie's frankly trash act that couldn't have convinced even a blind toddler.

Seeing Alexander follow his father around obediently with an ashen and depressed expression, the silver-haired boy didn't even feel much joy, only boredom. He almost couldn't believe even for a moment he had once considered him as a 'peer'.

Compared to him, even that hateful crimson-haired puppet would be more fun to crush, though Amos knew it was mostly because of what she had done to Crystal. He could forgive anything else, but misleading his perfect girl was a sin that was truly unforgivable.

It deserved retribution far greater than simple death!

Having spent many nights dreaming of tearing that disgustingly beautiful face of that slut apart, Amos knew exactly what he would do to her once he had her firmly under his boot.

And he would make Crystal watch every single moment of her torment, so she could realize just how big of a mistake she made by picking that stupid slut over him.

Of course, while he wouldn't waste nearly as much on other insignificant people, Amos would never let off those who offended him so easily.

At the very least, they should live in fear and regret for the rest of their lives… however short they might be.

Looking at the 'fools' who were completely unaware of their bleak future as they rushed forward to flatter the 'doomed' leaders of the Gray Wolfe and White Deer, Amos couldn't help but sneer. 'Fucking worms… enjoy life while you still can!'

Regardless of the dark storm in the eyes of the 'hero', the rest of the attendees of the Golden Crown continued to enjoy socializing with the other elites until it was finally time for the post-auction dinner to end.

Many of them couldn't help but sigh in regret when a senior government official of Phoenix took the mic, and the prime minister remained nowhere to be seen.

"Honored guests, as you might be aware, the prime minister is personally watching over the process of handing over her precious family heirloom, and is thus unable to bid you all farewell in person right now. She has expressed her sincerest apologies to everyone for not being able to return to bid you all farewell after the event, and also invited anyone who doesn't have other obligations to stay over for a few more days so she could make up for the lack of hospitality."

Naturally, everyone understood that while the prime minister couldn't possibly be 'genuinely sorry' for not returning — as she surely could have if she wished — that didn't mean that her attitude for 'making up' was any less sincere.

It may not matter much to behemoths like the Gray Wolfe and the White Deer, but most people here would happily trade a few more days of their schedule for a personal meeting with the rather elusive prime minister of Phoenix.

Had it been before, perhaps Amos would also not have cared about such little things, but that was no longer the case now.

After all, even if he didn't know much about the reason why the government of Oriana was seemingly helping him suppress that bastard father of his, that didn't mean no one else did.

With the political clout and status of the prime minister of Phoenix, perhaps that woman might really know something worth his time.

Plus, Amos was quite curious about what her reaction would be if he revealed that slut Emilia's real self in front of her.

After all, even if that little puppet could fool most, the silver-haired boy didn't believe the prime minister of phoenix was someone so stupid that she wouldn't be able to see the truth even when he enlightened her in private.

In his momentary distraction, Amos didn't even notice when someone in front of him suddenly slowed down, and it was only when the two of them crashed and tumbled to the floor that he came back to his senses.

Of course, the way it 'coincidentally' happened and with the angle of the scene from the nearest camera, anyone watching would probably think that Amos crashed into the person in front of him intentionally.

Unfortunately, even if they didn't get injured by the fall, the silver-haired boy's expression twisted into a deep grimace at the sharp pain.

"Oh no…! It looks like you twisted it…?"

The person who caused him to fall was an exceptionally tall woman in a pale dress, and Amos distinctly remembered her as the one who 'hit the jackpot' when that stupid slut overpaid for that dull-looking ring in the auction. 'Dementia or something was her name, wasn't it?'

Of course, considering it would all go to charity anyway, she must be quite bitter inside.

Perhaps it was because he had been in quite a good mood before, or because the woman didn't turn out to be as boorish as she first appeared to Amos, but the silver-haired boy didn't immediately explode in rage despite the pain.

Helping him up apologetically, lady Dimitrescu sighed. "I'm deeply regretful for inadvertently injuring you, lord Amos. Would you allow me the honor of escorting you to your vehicle to make up for it?"

Despite his subtle increase in status within the Black Tiger Corporation, it had already been a while since he had been treated with 'due respect', so Amos couldn't help but be momentarily stunned.

Seemingly taking his silence as consent, the shockingly well-built lady immediately picked him up in a 'bridal carry', and rushed past the other dumbfounded guests within moments.

Even Amos was so shocked that he didn't even feel the 'humiliation' settle in immediately, and remained struck dumb until he had already been placed in the backseat of the car.

A few people who had been watching them couldn't help but shake their heads in disbelief.

"I knew that the Black Tiger was going through some trouble, but for their apparent heir to use this kind of tactic… it's too much, isn't it?"

"Even with his rather attractive face, does Mr. Black really need to use his own son as a honey trap?"

"And the Dimitrescu family isn't even that well-off, right? Wouldn't it have been better to go after someone else instead?"

"Fortunately, he doesn't have a daughter, or I might have been in trouble."

"No, wait, isn't your focus wrong?!"


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