The Villainess With A Heroine Harem
Chapter 55 - Don’t Ask What You Shouldn’t

Thankfully, it was just a normal strawberry cake, although still quite fancy and elaborately decorated.

The horrifying thought of something created in her image being carved up and eaten had already sent shivers down Emilia's spine, though. She made a mental note to try staying away from the celebrations hosted by anyone who could possibly do so.

The pot-bellied man smiled widely as he lifted the little party star over his shoulders, making her squeal in delight.

"Happy Birthday to my one and only dearest daughter, Bianca!"

And as the cheerful greetings and applause rang around, the girl was finally let down to pick up the knife.

Although Emilia didn't know what tricks Bianca's dad used to placate her, the little girl seemed quite happy and satisfied as she cut her birthday cake and received everyone's well wishes.

"Happy Birthday Bianca!"

"Happy Birthday!"

Shortly after the girl carved out and smashed a huge piece on her amused father's face, the waiters took over and divided it into smaller portions for the guests. As one of them brought a tray over to her, Emilia also decided to have some.

Although she wasn't expecting too much in the first place, Emilia still felt a little disappointed.

'Meh… nothing impressive. I can't tell where it falls short, but this just feels lackluster compared to what was served by Mrs. Brown or Crystal's mom.'

Of course, Emilia wouldn't say that out loud. That would be incredibly rude.

But a certain confectionary heiress didn't seem to think so.

"Tsk, barely average."

Even if she was saying that to herself, the waiter still felt embarrassed hearing it. After all, just one piece of this thing was probably worth more than what he earns from a whole day of work, yet here this rich girl was despising it so.

But he was used to silently carrying such grievances, and remained silent.

Thankfully, no one else heard it.

Emilia nudged her friend, and Dixie seemed to realize her slip up.

"S-Sorry, Princess! I've just been used to critiquing food these days, so—"

Emilia smiled, waving the waiter away. "It's fine, but be more careful in the future, okay?"

The short haired girl nodded furiously.

Shortly afterwards, the pot bellied politician carried his daughter out of the venue, much to everyone's confusion. What are they supposed to do if the host just leaves? Fortunately, there were still a few people assisting the politician in placating and entertaining the guests, who assured them that he'd be back shortly.

Emilia expected that he had just delayed the time bomb of Bianca's demands to make sure it didn't explode in public, and the real 'diffusion' would have to take place away from the public eye.

As both the hosts were currently absent, Emilia of course became the biggest' center of attention'. Not to mention her own generation, even some adults approached her to 'praise her' for doing a 'good deed' for the society.

Although Dixie could divert most of them, she still had to face the remaining herself.

"Ah, Emilia, you're even more beautiful up close than what I saw from afar! Have you met my son, Theo? He came to greet you earlier."

Emilia nodded, remembering the spectacled boy. Among all the boys who came to greet her so far, he seemed to care the least about her.

The reason became obvious, as he was clearly a siscon. In the two short sentences he squeezed out during their conversation, he mentioned his little sister four times. Surprisingly, she was in her own class, though Emilia didn't have any impression. Dixie seemed to realize who it was, and promised to introduce her later.

In any case, this family should already be quite inclined towards her 'side' instead of the hero's. It was always good to have more allies.

"Yes I have, auntie."

Flowers seemed to bloom on the lady's face as she realized Emilia actually remembered her good for nothing son. 'Is it really true that the prettier the face, the dumber the brain?! Well, it's good for me!'

"Well, what do you think of him, then? He's of the same age as you, only a few years older. Very affectionate kid, dotes on his little sister all the time. Hoho. I hope you two can get along well. How about you visit us sometime? Or I could send him over to your mansion instead—"

Emilia felt Dixie's arm twitch, and for a moment, she worried that the middle-aged lady might get punched straight in her nose. Thankfully, her knight had very good self control. After all, it would ruin a lot of her plans if Dixie ended up causing such a scene.

'I'll have to reward her later...'

The situation was still slightly awkward for her, though. In her previous life, no one would actually dare make such remarks openly, so she never had to face this kind of 'good intention'.

"Auntie is too kind. I'm sure Theo is very good, so we'll be good friends if our paths cross in the future."

At this moment, Theo finally realized that his obnoxious mother had started 'picking out a wife' for him again, and this time she really ascended to the sky in one go!

'Can't she at least pick more wisely?!'

He rushed over hurriedly as he grabbed his mother's arm, trying his best to drag her away without appearing too rude.

"M-Mom, why don't you come over there with me? I have something really important we need to talk about!"

His mother didn't seem to get his hint, however. "Hush, child! Can't you see I'm having an important talk with this lovely girl?"

'I can see! That's why I'm stopping you!'

But even if he was screaming in his heart, he could only pretend to be calm and forcefully drag her away. "It won't take long, mom, promise!"

The middle aged lady reluctantly allowed herself to be dragged away, assuring Emilia that she'd be back to 'resume their conversation' soon enough.

As they finally got away from the crowd, Theo couldn't help but whine.

"Why are you always trying to set me up, mom?!"

If not for taking care of her image, Theo's mom would have spit on the floor. "You disgrace! If I don't do this, won't you remain single forever? And what are you even complaining about? It's our luck if she's stupid enough to agree to your courtship!"

"HEY! I'll have you know, I have absolutely zero interest in anyone other than my little angel!"

The lady sighed, rubbing her slightly wrinkled temples tiredly. "That's your sister, Theo. If you're really serious, how would you like your father to carry out your murder? I can put in a good word for you, if you like, to match your preferences."

Theo's body seemed to turn stiff upon hearing the word 'father'. "Uhhh, m-mom, actually, you know I only mean it platonically! Platonically!"

"Of course."

"B-But anyway, if you're gonna replace me a wife, she has to be cuter than my angel!"

The middle-aged lady sighed as she grabbed Theo's face before yanking it in Emilia's direction.

"Look, you moron, and think for a moment! Think! Are you a Greek God? Do you think you look like Adonis? Or are you a genius standing at the top of the world? NO! If a girl prettier than her even looks in your direction, she'll probably die from sheer disgust!

"And that is if you can replace one! I think she's at least one of the ten prettiest girls I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot! Just how ridiculous are your expectations, you useless son of mine?!"

Theo knew it was true, because his mother managed a pretty big modeling agency. He had no way to refute it, except…

"S-She may be beautiful, but not cute! There's a difference! And my angel is the cutest in the world! How can anyone else even compare?!"

His mother sighed as she released his face and dusted off her hands. She finally couldn't help but ask a doubt that had been plaguing her all this while.

"Theo… don't tell me you're actually impotent or something, and this is just an excuse? Should I get a doctor to have a look? We may not be comparable to the White Deer or Black Tiger, but we can surely afford your treatment—"

"MOM! I'm not impotent, okay?! I masturbate three times a day, every day!"

Theo's mom immediately regretted her decision.

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