The Villainess With A Heroine Harem
Chapter 551 Repercussions

Chapter 551 Repercussions

Even when his feet touched the ground, Amos failed to spot any signs of his 'helper' being around, and he couldn't help but curse. "Just where is that fucking unreliable bitch?!"

Despite the Nightingale clan currently being in a state of turmoil, the security of their family compound was still extremely high, both inside and out.

For someone like him who knew neither the right way out nor how long he could stay in position without being discovered, the situation seemed more and more bleak every passing second.

As he looked around the empty back garden of the clan leader's mansion, the silver-haired boy continued growing more and more irritable.

Needless to say, as high-strung as he was, when the hero felt an unexpected pat on his shoulder from the back, he almost jumped three feet in the air in shock and instinctively swung his fist at his 'assailant'.


Had it not been for his body's physical limitations, perhaps he would have jumped high enough to climb back into the room where his father's body still lay bleeding.

Fortunately, Heather was quick enough to dodge the unexpected fist to her face, and quickly waved her hands to placate the boy. "Calm down, it's me!"

Amos couldn't help but hiss when he realized that he had been 'pranked'. "Fucking moron! What would you have done if we got discovered because of your idiotic behavior?!"

Heather almost rolled her eyes at his accusations. 'If you're so worried about being discovered, shouldn't you first consider not squeaking like a little bitch?!'

But recalling how her real mission relied on getting this guy out of here alive, she could only hold her true thoughts to herself.

"Just follow me if you want to get out of here, we don't have much time to waste!"

After the public confession of 'Mrs. Anderson', the new president of Oriana went all out with investigating the deeds of his predecessor. And the discoveries that were made shook even the most stout of her critics.

Plotting against both people and corporations of Oriana for personal profit!

Secretly suppressing and even getting rid of both political and personal opponents!

Manipulating the public, controlling the media, and strong-arming the law!

Any one of these accusations would have been enough to make the public curse at the now-dead president's grave for generations to come. But as it was now, few people even took notice of these 'minor' facts.

"How dare he plot against our princess like this?!"

"I knew something was really fishy about the whole situation!"

"Right? With how kind and benevolent our princess is, I couldn't believe it when so many people jumped out to curse at her out of nowhere... but now it makes sense."

The influential people who had ended up agreeing to the now-dead president's demands out of either greed, fear, or personal agendas all couldn't help but curse at his grave for being an utter idiot.

Why keep written records of all their deals and conversations like that? Wasn't that just begging to be exposed one day?!

To the general public, it soon became increasingly clear that most of the slander against Empress Emilia of Blue Dawn was directly instigated by those associated with Oriana's deceased president.

Even those few who spoke out against her but hadn't been included in the list of exposed people became a target of public scrutiny, and each and every word they said was slowly picked apart to replace faults by numerous self-proclaimed genius detectives.

Needless to say, most of them ended up backtracking on their previous words the moment they realized things were heading in a completely wrong direction.

"I would like to clarify that while I did say that I didn't agree with Empress Emilia's policies, I never said anything about her as a person. I believe she is one of the most wonderful, beautiful, and kind girls I have had the pleasure to meet, so please don't try to shoot from over my shoulder!"

Meanwhile, those who had been too vicious or direct with their words could only bow down to sincerely admit their faults.

"I was blinded by the sweet promises of Mr. Anderson, and ended up slandering miss Emilia like that. I am ashamed, and would like to offer my sincere apology to her if she is willing to forgive me!"

Such 'clever' responses from those who had some room to maneuver with their words made many fans hesitant to continue attacking them after they had praised their princess. And the ones who sincerely apologized were even harder to scold.

After all, while they could tell that the opponent was hypocritical, at least they ended up admitting their mistakes, right?

Under such circumstances, their frustrated fighting power became completely concentrated on the select few who not only had no room to change their statements, but were also completely unwilling to do so.

Sadly, by the time these 'targets' realized what was in store for them... it was already too late.

"Being able to sit back and relax like this while all those idiots panic like ants on a hot pan... I have to say, this feeling really is something else!"

Watching his twin sister kick back and swivel her chair around like an annoying little kid, Jasper couldn't help but sigh. "Even though everything seems to have worked out, I still think it was a bad idea to let them badmouth Emilia like that..."

Ginny gave him an annoyed look. "Can you not let me be happy for, like, a minute?"

Had she not known any better, she would have thought that her brother had fallen in love with the crimson-haired beauty.

Clearly, all those who badmouthed Emilia were now slowly being targeted by both her allies and admirers, and whether it was their reputation or prospects for the future, it was all on a downward trend.

Although she didn't dare say that her move might have benefited Emilia, she didn't seem to have suffered any loss either. Plus, it's not like they participated in smearing her themselves, so what was there to be guilty of?

Just as she was trying to convince herself so, Ginny's phone started ringing, and looking at the caller ID of 'Emilia's Stalker Sister', she couldn't help but gulp. 'This can't be good...'

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