The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel
Chapter 243: First real fight experience

(Masaru's pov)

We had visited Rangiku and Gin a few times already, and I think we got closer, and Gin was starting to relax around us and even trust us. When you get to know him, he is really nice, although he can act cold at times.

Today we visited Gin and Rangiku again, and we spent some time there, and we were ready to leave for today. We were saying our goodbyes and were returning home through the forest right now, but I felt a group of people with bad intentions coming towards us.

It was a group of 5, and one of them was stronger than the rest. I instinctively knew that we didn't stand a chance against that one person, even if I was just feeling him from a distance.

"Everyone run!" I tried to warn everybody before the group arrived here but as soon as I said that, the five Shinigami appeared in front of the shack.

"Now, now, where's the hurry? Let's stay, and we won't hurt you... too much." The man in the front said with a sadistic grin.

It's bad. Really bad, but maybe I can talk them out of it. Dad is a Captain, and mom is his Vice-Captain, so I doubt many people would want to have trouble with them. Not to mention Yoruichi-kaasan. Sorry Isane-kaasan, but your reputation is not intimidating enough for you to help me here.

"Hey, boss, don't these kids look familiar to you?" One person from the group said to the boss.

That's my chance.

"You probably know our dad, Ryoto Yuuki."

Hearing the name of our dad, some of the men flinched, but the boss didn't even blink.

"Doesn't matter who their dad is since they will die from a Hollow attack, am I right, boys."

I see, so they plan to make it seem like a Hollow attacked us. They didn't plan to let us live from the beginning.

Even if we run now, we won't be able to escape. No one in our group can use Shunpo without crushing or damaging our legs slightly, and as our enemy has demonstrated before, they can.

Another problem is that even if I want to buy time for the rest to run, I won't last 5 seconds against a group. We would need to fight together, but even then, our chances are meager.

As they were slowly approaching us with sadistic smiles, 3 people stepped between the Shinigami and us.

"I see, so the little kids had bodyguards. How cute. Sad that they won't be able to help."

Without saying anything, 2 of the bodyguards rushed at the enemies.

The battle took place, but the main boss didn't make any moves. He had a confident smile plastered on his face, which was a bad sign.

The fight was even, which was impressive since each of the bodyguards was fighting 2 of the Shinigami but seeing it, the person who was left to protect us turned to us.

"Masaru-sama, Akio-sama, Yukima-sama please follow me. We need to leave."

The boss of the enemies seeing our attempt to escape finally made his move. He took out his Zanpakuto and released it.

"Feast, Chimamire." (Blood licker)

His blade didn't change in any way, which was strange from what I know about Zanpakuto.

He moved fast and slashed both of the bodyguards with his blade. He didn't cause any serious damage, just minor cuts, but moments later our protectors dropped to the ground.

Seeing that the last person told us to run as he bought us time, but Yukima being Yukima, couldn't accept it.

"But if we leave, you'll die!"

(E/D: Now the children just got more annoying. But since this is the last chapter for the children, I will tolerate.. for now.)

(A/N You have no power here, hahaha!)

Yukima is a good girl, and she would care even for a stranger in a situation like this, but as much as it hurts me to say, this is not a situation where she can help.

Hearing her worries, the man smiled.

"You may not know this, but I was a classmate of your father and mother during my days in the academy, and they saved my life during one of the trips to the living world. That day I decided to dedicate my life to them, and since Yoruichi-sama is from the noble House, it was easier to join Stealth Corps. Giving my life to save their children is an honour! Although I'm not sure if they even remember me." He smiled, reassuring Yukima.

At the same time, I put my hand on Yukima's shoulder.

I knew better than anyone that this man was ready to die, and as much as it hurt me to leave him, I was not strong enough to help, and jumping in would only hinder him more than help.

The man rushed at the enemies, and we started to run.

"Ah, so that kid is that bitch's child. She even looks like her, and it makes it even better! Always hated that bitch!" The leader said, probably talking about Yuikma.

We couldn't run too far because as soon as we attempted to escape, one of the enemy Shinigamis, used Shunpo to get in front of us.

It looked like we don't have any choice but to fight, but we needed to hurry, so we had to get serious from the start.

"Yukima, use it as soon as I give you a signal. You have the most power from all of us. Akio and I will try to make an opening for you." I whispered to my sibling but still didn't mention what 'it' was in case the enemy could hear us.

Dad said that in situations like these, I'm allowed to make decisions about it unless we are separated then Yukima can decide for herself.

"Done talking? Sorry kids but nothing personal. I'm just doing my job."

He went into a stance, ready for our attack, and we mimicked him.

"How much can you predict him?" I asked Akio, still in a quiet voice.

"The problem isn't how much I can predict him. It's how fast I can react to my predictions. I also still have a problem with coordination to my prediction, so I can't see too far into the future."

That's true. I could see that sometimes during our training, but it made this fight even more difficult.

Akio and I rushed at the enemy Shinigami. Akio hesitated for an instant, but I slapped his back to encourage him, which worked. Unfortunately, our attacks were useless against him. He was just faster and stronger than us, although we started pushing him back a bit thanks to our coordination, Akio's calculation, and my prediction.

The Shinigami was starting to get annoyed.


An annoyed person won't make logical decisions and will be more straightforward, making him easier to predict.

Slowly without him noticing, we made him turn his back on Yukima.

"Yukima now!!!" I screamed.

At my signal, Yukima summoned her mask, releasing her violent Reiatsu, at the same time surprising our opponent, and swung her sword with all her might at his back.

She wounded him severely, but it wasn't enough, so I slashed his tendon when he turned back to attack Yukima to immobilize him and was ready to finish him off.

"Stop, children~ Don't do anything you'll regret~."

We heard a twisted voice coming from behind.

There he was standing, the leader of the enemy Shinigami, with the man who tried to protect us on the ground and a sword, stabbed into his back.

He was still alive... but barely.

"Now, kids, how about we play a little game? You have a chance to save this poor, poor soul. He is still alive since my sword only produces paralyzing poison on its edge, but I can't promise you that he will stay alive for much longer~." The man took out his sword from the body and put it close to his face to sniff it.

"Ah, the smell of blood first thing in the morning. It's great, isn't it?"

This man is dangerous. Every fibre of my being screamed at me to run from him.

"Boss, it's almost evening, and shouldn't we be focusing on the girl here who seemingly has a Hollow mask."

"I see, I see." The leader nodded thoughtfully. Then he sliced his own subordinate.

Akio and Yukima were shaken, and so was I, but I needed to have a clear head... for them.

"Does it look like evening to you now!? Ha!?"

He is crazy. That's the only explanation, and crazy people are the most dangerous. You can't reason with them, and you don't know what they think.

"Wait! That's not important right now. I was about to play with the kids. I'm great with children. They always scream for more."

I could feel my sweat going down through my forehead to my nose until it dropped.

What should I do? We can't run away. We can't win. We can't reason with them, and if we do nothing, we'll die.

"Playing games that you know you'll win is always boring, so I'm going to give you a chance~. In one minute, I'm going to start trying to catch you all, so run as fast as you can. Tag is the name of this game... or hide and seek? Not that it's important-"

I didn't stay long enough to hear him out. Knowing his type, he could already start counting the moment he introduced this 'game'. I grabbed Akio and Yukima by the wrists and got out of there as fast as I could.

Seeing this, the man smiled sadistically.

"Smart." Then he spoke loudly so we could hear. "One more thing! If you lose, then your bodyguard dies! Just so you know!"

Deeper in the forest, we didn't stop running, and I was thinking about our options. Yukima still had her mask on.

"Yukima, stop using your mask. Save your energy for later." She followed my instruction.

Akio seemed to be in deep thought, and so was Yukima. That's why she followed my instruction practically automatically.

This whole situation will leave a deep impression, not necessarily good, on them.

"Don't think too much. The only thing I want you to think about is how to get out of this situation alive."

What I said, together with my calm, at least outside, demeanour, snapped something in Yukima.

"How can I think about my safety when someone will probably die because of me!!? How can you be so calm, Masaru-nii!!?"

That's true. I was unnaturally calm, but I knew the reason for that.

"It's because, as the oldest sibling, I'm responsible for your safety. Trust me, I would like nothing more than to help that person, but we are too weak, and trying to avenge them would only make their sacrifice mean nothing since we would die.

Think Yukima, why were these people here of all places? That crazy guy called them bodyguards, and one of them said that he was part of the Stealth Force. It means dad ordered them to protect us while we were outside of Sereitei, and he was right to worry."


"No buts. I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to you or Akio, so please think of your safety first, above mine as well."

Yukima fell silent, and Akio looked at me like he wanted to say something but couldn't replace the right words, but I could feel a hint of jealousy coming from him, but I dismissed it at that moment since escaping was far more important.

"One~ Two~ Three~ I'm coming closer. Run away, but you are not getting away~."

His voice is getting closer. I tried to think of any way out for what felt like the thousandth time, and at that time, I felt something coming from my Zanpakuto.

*Do you want power?*

I heard a voice that I had never heard before, but it felt like I had known it for a long time.

'I want the power to protect my sibling.'

*Then say my name.*

I stopped myself and turned towards where the voice was coming from earlier, which surprised Yukima and Akio.

"Run without me. I'll buy you some time. Don't look back and get help from someone." I said.

"You think that I'll leave you, my own brother? Masaru-nii, either we fight together or run together but we are not splitting up! Whatever you decide we're going to stick with you!"

Yukima was practically screaming at me, and I smiled at her seeing how much she cared for me. It warms my heart, but it's not a place or time for that.

I put my hand on her head and then hugged her.


"What do you-"

I hit her neck, knocking her unconscious. I then handed her to Akio.


Akio hesitated for a moment but listened to me in the end. He is smart and knows that I'm right. Especially now that Yukima is unconscious, someone needs to carry her.

Now that Akio started running with the unconscious Yukima.

Now that I was alone, I planned to give my everything.

The crazy boss that was after us slowly walked from behind the tree.

"What a surprise I found one! I thought that you would be running with the rest, but you are a brave little boy, aren't you? Shame that your bravery won't be worth anything."

I didn't answer him and focused on my Zanpakuto with my eyes closed.

"Is this boy alright? He just closed his eyes in front of us, you know... people that are trying to kill him." The leader scratched his head.

I was still focusing on my Zanpakuto to hear its name, and when it finally happened, my eyes shot open.

"Devour, Tsukihi!" (Moon fire)

A black flame enveloped my blade and I instinctively knew that this fire would devour anything that it touched or at least try.

I swung my weapon vertically at my opponents, unleashing my flames at them. It looked really similar to Getsuga Tenshou that dad showed us once because we begged him for it.

It was, of course, less destructive than dad's, but it did its job. It took out two of these guys so it left 'only' three.

"Wow, didn't think that you still had a fire in you! Get it? Fire? Hahaha!" He wiped the tear from his eye. He then looked at my serious face. "Not funny enough for you? I thought it was a good one. Hard to satisfy children these days."

I can't take them head-on. That's why I created fire between us and made the wall of fire as wide as I could. That way, the only way through would be over it or from the sides, but from the sides, it would take some of their time which was also acceptable.

What I didn't expect was for the crazy bastard to run through the fire with a crazed smile, and as he rushed at me, he grabbed me by the face before I could react because of the surprise factor and threw me at the tree.

He shook his hand a bit to relax it.

"Not bad, kid. I expect nothing less from the child of a Captain or whatever, but it ends here."

Breathing is hard... He threw me at the tree with great force, and I slammed it with my back.

The man was slowly approaching me as I was trying to get up.

Need... to... buy more time...

I stabbed the ground with my Zanpakuto and released more flames making the man back away.

"Woah Woah, don't be a hot-head~."

I'm not letting... him go any further.

I slowly stood up, using my sword to support myself, but as I was ready to attack again, I felt a familiar Reiatsu next to me, and at the same time, I felt a warmth in my head. I looked up to see dad standing next to me and patting my head.

"Good job hanging on, Masaru. You can leave the rest to me."

It was the first time I felt this emotion from dad.


"Masaru-nii!!!" I heard Akio calling me with worry and running up to me. He must have met up with dad earlier and Yukima was still unconscious.

But now that dad is here, I know that everything will be alright.

(Ryoto's pov)

As I was rushing through the forest following my children Reiatsu, I felt when they parted into two groups, or rather, one was left alone while the other two were running away.

I sped up immediately above my, what I thought, maximum speed towards the group of two because they were closer.

I used Shunpo to get in front of the two Reiatsu. It was Akio who was carrying the unconscious Yukima. Akio was looking very stressed and worried but seeing me the first thing he did was to ask me to help Masaru.

"Dad!!! Masaru-nii... Masaru-nii is in danger! Please help him!!!"

He grabbed my clothes and begged me to help his brother with tears in his eyes. I hate seeing my child in this state.

Without saying anything, I grabbed both of my children and got closer to Masaru. I left them a little behind as I noticed a black flame coming from where Masaru was. I'm confident in protecting them, but I want to have free hands just in case.

Thankfully I didn't need to since these flames came from Masaru's Zanpakuto.

When I got next to him, I patted his head and said that he could leave the rest to me. He tried to protect his sibling with everything he's got and I couldn't be more proud. It's a shame that this pride is clouded by my rage at the ones who wounded him.

I looked at the three of his scared opponents, except the guy in the middle who had a crazy smile.

"Oh my, an angry papa has arrived. What was it? Captain Yeki? Yaki?"

I didn't plan on humouring a dead man.


Energy surrounded and with a swing of my now small back blade, I slashed through it revealing my Bankai. A change of clothes into a black long-sleeved coat.

"Tensa Zangetsu." I said with my voice devoid of any emotion.

"Ooo, a Bankai. Scary."

Not allowing him to talk too much, I Shunpo in front of him and stabbed him in the chest.

Surprised at my speed, the only thing he did to react to my attack was cough out blood. I had known him for less than a minute, but I already hated him and didn't want to listen to him any longer than necessary, so I decided to end him with one attack.

"Getsuga Tenshou."

I used Getsuga without any swing and destroyed his whole body and two of his accomplices in one attack. Not to mention part of the forest.

Not sensing their energy anymore, I deactivated my Bankai and went to my children to hug them.

The only one who was hurt was Masaru, but his life was not in danger. "Thank god you are alright." I squeezed them a bit harder.

I'm really glad that I made it on time.

After checking on them one last time, we started walking home. I probably will need to explain using my Bankai and killing 5 people since Masaru killed 2, but I'm not letting them know it.

Suddenly I noticed something off.

"Hado #4 Byakurai."

I used Kido to destroy something, which caught the attention of my boys and now awake Yukima.

"Did something happen, dad?" Yukima asked.

"Nothing, it was just a fly..."

(???'s pov)

I smiled because of what I saw on my monitor.


(E/D: I didn't type it for a few days and so did no one else so, Genderbend Aether and add him to the harem.)



(A/N Well, here you go. A chapter that's worth three chapters. It also marks the longest chapter I have ever written, so hooray, I guess.

Unfortunately, I have bad news and good news.

The bad news is that I'm going to take a break from this fanfic and it will be probably the longest break so far but worry not, as I will return better than ever. I originally planned to first at least finish the Bleach arc but plans changed. I'm slowly burning out but don't get me wrong, I still enjoy writing it, but it takes a longer time, as you may have noticed from my slower updates.

The good news is that I will start a new project that I promised some time ago but not right away. My older readers know what it's going to be, so be ready.)

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