(Byakuya's pov)

The weather was acceptable, so I decided to do something I wouldn't usually do.

I decided to go for a walk in the Rukongai district.

One of the reasons I chose to do it was to avoid Yukima. As of late, she bothered me more than usual. I suspect it has something to do with Yoruichi becoming a traitor. I tried to tolerate her, but as patient and understanding as I am, I also have my limits.

Not to mention that my family owes a lot to Captain Ryoto Yuuki, and while I can respect his strength, it doesn't mean that this respect transfers to Yukima.

I was alone, but it was possible that I was followed by some bodyguards since I was the next head of the Kuchiki clan, not that I needed protection.

As I was walking, it was easy to tell that I didn't belong there. My clothes were worth more than anyone here could earn in many years, if even in their lifetime. My aura was that of a noble. Proud and dignified.

Everyone made space for me to walk through. It felt natural for them to do it, but my father taught me not to think that I deserved this treatment because I was born a Kuchiki. I should instead earn it by my actions.

Nobles don't exist, so they can stand above peasants. They live so they can lead them in the right direction. To set an example for everyone.

That was, in fact, one of the reasons why I despised Yoruichi despite her teaching me. She may have been a noble on the level equal to me, but she didn't behave that way at all, but I shouldn't think about it right now. I came here to take a break from annoyance, so that's what I'm going to do.


This walk calmed me down significantly. I can confidently return to my house where Yukima probably hides and tries to ambush me, and I can say that I can endure Yukima for some time now without losing my cool.

As I was ready to return, someone bumped into me. Or was it I who bumped into that person? In any case, I should apologize, and so I offered a hand to help this person stand back up.

"I apologize. I wasn't paying... attention..."

As soon as I landed my eyes on her, words couldn't leave my mouth. For some reason, I had difficulty forming any thoughts. My heart was racing, but I did everything in my power not to show any of these on the outside.

The woman seeing who assumed I was someone important, just like many others today, stood up quickly and bowed respectfully.

"You don't need to apologize, my lord. It was all my fault." She answered hurriedly, trying to convey her words quickly as she could.

Was she... scared of me? For some reason, I didn't like it, but I couldn't think normally, so I just nodded and left.

I felt stupid afterward.

I don't know why I reacted the way I did, and I need advice from someone. I don't want to bother my Father and Mother, and I will never ask Yukima for help with anything. I could ask her father since he is known for his problem-solving ability, but I can't stand him for similar reasons that I do Yoruichi. That leaves only two options...

(3rd's pov)

Currently, three boys are sitting at the table.

The silver-haired boy wasn't happy by being called since he could do other things, but Byakuya was an old family friend, so he didn't want to ignore it.

Akio's brother, on the other hand, was waiting patiently for the young Kuchiki to speak up.

As they were waiting, they enjoyed the tea prepared by servants in the Kuchiki mansion.

"I called you two because I am in need of advice." Byakuya stated. "Yesterday, when I was taking a break from your sister."

"Understandable." Akio cut in, and Byakuya nodded.

"Yes, and to do that, I chose to go somewhere where she wouldn't replace me, and so I went to Rukongai district. Inuzuri, to be exact."

Both of the boys were nodding, following their friend's story.

"Nothing unusual happened for most of my time there, but at the end of it, I bumped into someone. It was a woman similar age to us, maybe a little younger or just looking young. She had short black hair and purplish eyes and was petite and pale.

The moment I met her, it was like my body didn't belong to me. I couldn't think straight. Words couldn't leave my mouth.

I don't know why this happened. I suspect that I may have caught a sickness of some sort, but before checking myself with a doctor, I decided to ask an opinion for someone close to my age because I have suspicions that my health isn't a problem at the moment."

Hearing their friend Akio and Masaru look at each other and seemingly communicate with each other without saying a single word.

"Can we get a moment to discuss something in private?" Masaru asked after a short silence, and Byakuya agreed.

Two brothers left the room, and after they made sure that no one was eavesdropping, they could discuss their problem.

"Is he serious?" Akio started.

"I think so... Byakuya isn't one to joke about... this. He seemed confused about the whole situation." Masaru answered as he scratched the back of his head.

"So, what should we do? If we help him, Yukima won't be happy."

Both of the boys knew about Yukima's little crush on Byakuya, but they weren't sure if she herself knew about that.

"But it wouldn't be fair to Byakuya if we hid the truth from him."

"Do what you want. I don't care either way. The faster we get it done, the faster I'm getting back to my research." Akio shrugged. He honestly didn't care that much about the love life of his sister or his friend.

"Akio, I know that you have your own life and goals, but I think that right now is as good as any to talk about. You are distancing yourself from the family. Mostly, Dad."

Hearing his brother talk made Akio roll his eyes, and even without listening to him to the end, he interrupted him.

"Don't start this, Masaru-nii. Mom already talked about it, but she doesn't understand anything. Neither can you. Besides, Dad doesn't care."

Masaru frowned.

"That's where you're wrong, Akio. Just because Dad lets you do what you want, doesn't mean that he doesn't worry about you. He wants you to be happy even if he isn't part of your life."

Once again, Akio rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, right. Mr. Perfect knows everything about me, everything about Dad, and what we should do to be happy. Listen, Masaru-nii, you don't know as much as you think you do. Dad isn't the nice guy who likes to laze around. He doesn't care about anything but himself, strength, and money. He would have killed for the latter."

"Akio..." Masaru was, for the first time, completely serious, and it showed on his face. The older of the brothers was glaring intensely at his sibling. "Careful what you are saying. You can't accuse someone of something this serious without any evidence." His tone was like nothing before, which made Akio smirk.

"I almost can't believe it. Masaru-nii, the boy who always smiled, nice to everyone, dropped his mask. You want evidence? Just ask Dad about Yan Fon. Knowing you, you'll notice if he reacts even the slightest hearing this name. Just don't tell him that you heard it from me or don't. I don't care. I plan on moving out soon enough and enter 13 Court Guard Squads. I already have a recommendation. Bye Masaru-nii.

Now that we are done here, I'm going back to my research and training. You can do whatever you want with Byakuya. I don't care enough about that."

"Akio, wait!" Masaru called out, but Akio didn't stop walking and soon used Shunpo to leave the Kuchiki mansion.

Masaru didn't like how this conversation went, but it didn't mean he wasn't curious about what he heard from his little brother.

After a short while, Masaru returned to Byakuya and explained to him that Akio needed to leave for something and explained carefully what he was going through, and to let him digest this information, he left thinking about this Yan Fon. Her name was familiar, so he decided to investigate before he asked his father anything.

(E/D: Genderbend Rito and add him to harem.... I miss the old days. The children were a mistake. I mean, I might have been happy if it was with Lala first and in their home world but this... this doesn't feel like it anymore. Potachu... it's been as long day, without you my friend and I will tell you all about it when I see you again.)



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