(Yhwach's pov)

Ryoto Yuuki was an enigma. I was aware of that for a long time but it looks like even I could get surprised by something unexpected. 

His eyes... they weren't natural. That's the only explanation that I have. If I wasn't aware of the eyes of the Soul King, then I would probably assume that this is what they looked like, but they weren't that. Even with the feeling that they could see through me, they weren't that. But that raises the question. Who is the man named Ryoto Yuuki?

He is Captain of Squad 2 and is known for manipulating information. He is also one of the three disciples of Yamamoto Genryusai, which means that he can't be a pushover. That old fool may have gone soft compared to his old days, but he is still a monster, and none of his disciples will be weak. He won't allow it.

I'm confident that Ryoto Yuuki won't escape from here alive. I won't allow it. He is too dangerous to be left alive. There is also that mystery of why I could feel Soul King's energy from him. He doesn't seem to possess any of Soul King's parts. He also looked surprised at the mention of the Soul King but gained some understanding after quick thinking, so he must know something, and I plan on getting my answers either from his mouth... or his corpse.

(Ryoto's pov)

Now think, Ryoto, think. How do I stall enough time to execute my plan? I don't have to wait exactly, but I need to catch them off guard long enough to use it, and it doesn't help that I only did this a few times about half a century ago.

Maybe I should think about what advice others would give me. Isane... she wouldn't know. Rin wouldn't give me any advice. She would jump into action and stand beside me and maybe reprimand me for going here alone. Yoruichi would say something like, 'Don't get hit'. Who guessed that the fastest woman I know would say something like that.

Who else there is. Jushiro-senpai would say something smart and try to defuse the situation by talking first, but it won't work here. Shunsui-senpai would maybe share a drink with them before fighting, but after the fight would break out, he would use every little trick at his disposal to win, and that's what I'm going to do, but I wanted something more concrete. Sojun... he wouldn't be a help here. Isamu... I don't know what he would do in front of the Father of all Quincies.

I need to go farther in my memory lane.

Karen would maybe laugh at my misfortune first before giving me a quest to motivate me and saying something like 'dodge everything, hit hard, and don't die', which, funnily enough, is the same advice that she gave me when I was fighting Gid what it feels like was a century ago... It was longer than double that time.

Mikan and Rito... yeah, sorry, my cute siblings, but I doubt you would even approve of what I'm doing or what I was doing for the past 200 years or so. I don't want to think about it for now. Alme... she would get wet seeing my strength... literally. God dammit, she is hopeless. Lala would take out one of her crazy inventions to help me in any way she could. Thinking about it is enough to make me smile. Kaede and Rio would probably give me some advice that we learned from Koro-sensei that... I... forgot...

Koro-sensei!!! He probably would have an answer. I just need to remember everything that he has taught me. It's not like I don't use his lessons at all, but there must be something small that would help me now. I just need to remember it.

'All of the connections we encounter in this world serve as a teacher who nurtures us' that's what Koro-sensei used to say and what I was currently doing and that's why I started recollecting many of Koro-sensei's lessons.

'Past you've lost will never come back. I myself have made so many mistakes... But we can learn from the past so we don't repeat it.'

'Take advantage of what you have while you have it.'

'The world will always be filled with injustice. If you have time to give up or hold a grudge against that injustice, then use that time to enjoy battling those injustices instead.'

'Please remember that there are times to take someone's hand and lead them along... But also times when you must be stern and let them fend for themselves.'

'Is anything ever truly wasted?'

'You didn't let emotions or background cloud your judgment...'

'The fact that I'm targeted by everyone is proof that I'm powerful.'

Then it clicked.

These Quincies think of me as a threat. That much is obvious, and they have every reason to see me as such. They know that I killed a few of their comrades, and they are wary of me. That's why I am surrounded, but it's not their whole army. For some reason, some of Yhwach's strongest Quincies aren't here. 


I was called one of the 6 war threats, and they don't know my full capabilities. There is a mystery about my connection with the Soul King, which Yhwach, of all people, should know that it usually means trouble, so the question stands. Why doesn't he have his full force on full assault against me? It doesn't make sense unless...

Unless he is wary of something else. He is trying to preserve his army. It would make sense if he was expecting reinforcement but he said that he controls this dimension so why would he do that.

Simple. There is a possibility that he can only stop people from leaving but not from entering. Thankfully, Yhwach doesn't know that no help is coming. Or at least I hope they don't. I already have my escape plan and if they get here after I'm gone it's a death sentence. I may be also completely off about it and the reason for not bringing his whole army here is something entirely different. It doesn't matter that much in the end as it make things a bit easier for me.

I tightened the grip on my swords as I tried to formulate how to use what I have at the moment.

They won't let me leave without a fight. They want me dead, and they won't stop until I'm finished, so the only time they'll let their guard down is...

Fuck. Rin is going to kill me when I get back.

"Now, boys. How do you want to do it? Should I go at you first, or would you prefer to get the first move?" I faked my battle-hungry grin to look more confident. I need to look like I have everything under control and like I have a chance of getting out of here alive, but I can't oversell it either.

"Stop there, Villain!!!"

A large, muscular man wearing a luchador mask covering his whole face called me out. 

It was Mask De Masculine, who has the designation S: The Superstar, together with James, who is his fan. A wrestler and his fan are one and the same. They can't be killed unless they are dead at the same time. At the same time, he is one of the least dangerous opponents here, and not because he is weak, but because I am pretty confident I will win against him... if it was 1 on 1, which it's not. And just to prove my point correct, other Quincies joined in the conversation.

"Non non non. Masculine, as much as I admire your... simplicity, you can't attack this man alone. As much as he must have exhausted himself in his earlier bout he is equally as dangerous and His Majesty's actions speak of it loudly." 

It was Quilge Opie who stepped out, and he wasn't alone. Without saying anything, BG9 also joined, and he focused solely on me. An old Quincy named Robert Accutrone did the same as he pushed his glasses up and prepared his guns.

"Quilge, you always like to exaggerate things. He is only one man. He can't win against all of us. Bah! I doubt he could kill one of us!"

Quilge looked at Driscoll Berci like he was an idiot, which he was. He was ready to argue but decided against it. No use arguing with idiots, and I respect it even if I'll try to kill him in a few moments.

"But before we begin, I have a question for our adversary." A man with light hair, some purple bangs, and looking incredibly smug stepped in front of me. "Do you fight because of your duty as a Shinigami? If that's the case, I object. There's no reason to fight for something like that. Do you fight for survival? I object to it as well! What's the point of your survival? You'll die anyway, so what's the point! Was that because-"

He didn't get to finish his speech as I made a powerful slash at my opponent, cutting him in half.

"I'm fighting you because you are a danger to my family. And you proved that point when my children came back injured. Nothing more, nothing less."



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