Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master
Chapter 246 He's An Undead?

'What the fuck happened? Who was that?'

Damien had so many questions. One moment he was being entertained by Harpie and the next moment someone entirely new was talking to him.

"Turning? As in turning to an undead?" Damien's voice held a mix of disbelief and apprehension. The very idea of becoming one of the mindless, soulless creatures he had been battling against sent a shiver down his spine.

Harpie, however, seemed to relish in Damien's unease. With a flourish, he removed a glove from his hand, exposing the pale, almost translucent skin beneath. The act was almost theatrical, as if he was presenting a grand reveal on a stage.

"You are too dangerous to be alive," Harpie continued, his tone dripping with condescension. "Though I would like you to remain by my side, my favourite fan, I can't risk losing the chaos because of you. So the best thing to do is to turn you into one of mine and cause chaos here." His fingers flexed, the pale skin stretching over the knuckles. There was something eerie about the way he did it, as if he was demonstrating his power.

Damien's jaw tightened, his gaze locked onto Harpie's hand. The thought of losing his humanity, of becoming a puppet in Harpie's twisted game, was a fate worse than death itself.

Harpie's gloved hand returned to its place, his nonchalant attitude infuriating Damien. But then, with an almost sickening playfulness, he gestured his hands in a childlike manner, as if he was about to perform a magic trick.

"Alright, time to turn, ookie-dockie." The words carried a sinister weight, and Damien's instincts screamed at him to act, to fight back against this looming threat.

In a surge of defiance, Damien's clenched fist shot forward like a lightning bolt, its impact resonating with a satisfying thud as it squarely met Harpie's nose. The self-proclaimed master of chaos was sent hurtling through the air, his body colliding with the ancient headstones like a discarded puppet, limbs flailing in an undignified display.

The unexpected blow seemed to momentarily break the surreal hold Harpie had over the situation. Damien's heart raced, his adrenaline-fueled actions a stark contrast to the twisted theatrics that had enveloped him just moments before.

With newfound determination coursing through his veins, Damien's body surged with renewed energy. The bindings that had once confined him were nothing but frayed remnants, cast aside as he stood tall and free. His eyes locked onto the approaching Elven woman, her towering form brandishing the gargantuan longsword with lethal intent.

Time seemed to slow as Damien's mind raced. He had faced down countless challenges and risen against insurmountable odds, his resolve never faltering. Now, in the face of this final showdown, he drew upon every fibre of his being, every ounce of his training, to prepare for the confrontation ahead.

He needs to end this man here. Letting him get away is utter foolishness.

Weaponless and acutely aware of his vulnerability, Damien relied on his agility and instincts to navigate the deadly dance unfolding before him. The Elven woman's sword, once a lethal extension of her prowess, now seemed burdened by its own weight. Each swing was labored, each strike carried the weight of her previous injuries, and Damien was quick to capitalize on the advantage.

His movements were a fluid ballet of evasion and precision. He sidestepped with a dancer's grace, narrowly avoiding the thundering arc of the woman's blade as it cleaved through the air where he had stood a moment before. The ground beneath him seemed to blur as he rolled, transitioning from evasion to momentum in a seamless motion.

With an explosive burst of energy, he leaped into the air, defying gravity's pull as if he were weightless. His eyes never wavered from his opponent, reading the subtleties of her movements, detecting the strain in her attacks. He could almost taste the tension in the air, a testament to the exertion that both combatants were enduring.

As he descended, his instincts guided him through the decision to roll to the right. The ground seemed to embrace him, the friction against his body a reassuring sensation. The woman's sword cleaved through the space he had occupied only moments ago, a hair's breadth away from ending his existence.

But even as she executed her powerful strikes, it was evident that her fluidity was compromised. The very movements that had once spoken of mastery now betrayed her, revealing chinks in her armor. Damien's keen observation bore fruit, as he noticed the slight hesitations, the occasional flinch of pain that flickered across her face.

His earlier actions had not gone in vain. The wounds he had inflicted, the blows that had disrupted her rhythm, all combined to create a symphony of vulnerability. The woman's onslaught was relentless, her sword an extension of her resolve, but it was a dance that Damien had learned to navigate with finesse.

The clash of his evasive maneuvers and her powerful swings created an ethereal ballet, an intricate tapestry woven by the interplay of skill, determination, and circumstance. Each step, each leap, each twist of his body was a calculated response, an artful defiance against the odds stacked against him.

With the grace of a practiced acrobat, Damien rolled back, his movements fluid and precise as he distanced himself from the arc of the woman's swing. As her sword cut through the air, he dropped to his knees, poised for the next move. Her advance was swift and aggressive, her intent clear, but in a heartbeat, his strategy shifted.

Seizing the frozen threads of opportunity that lay within his control, Damien conjured an icy landscape beneath her very feet. The woman's momentum became her downfall as her booted foot met the unexpected ice, causing her to lose her balance and footing.

In that brief moment of imbalance, Damien capitalized on the advantage he had engineered. Swift as a striking viper, he lunged forward, his fist encased in ice that gleamed with an otherworldly light. The element of surprise was his ally, and his strike was a symphony of force and precision.

His icy-coated fist met her skull with a bone-crushing impact, the sensation akin to shattering glass. The collision was swift, a burst of violence in the midst of their ethereal dance. The force of the blow was formidable, and the icy layer that surrounded his fist acted as a conductor of destruction, magnifying the impact.

The moment was a collision of senses, the tactile and visceral merging into an almost surreal experience. Damien's fist punctured the barrier of the woman's skull with a sickening thud, and a cascade of sensations followed suit. The sensation of the impact rippled through his arm, a jarring reminder of the brutality he had just wrought.

As the gruesome act unfolded, a wet and nauseating sound permeated the air, the squelching mingling with the weighty thump. The confines of her deteriorated cranium yielded, the remnants of her corrupted brain oozing around his fingers in a repulsive testament to the macabre scene.

A wave of revulsion surged within him, the overpowering scent of decay filling his nostrils. It was as if the very essence of her undead existence clung to his skin, a visceral reminder of the darkness he had confronted head-on.

He instinctively withdrew his hand, her remains clinging for a moment before relinquishing their hold. The action was accompanied by an involuntary shudder, a physical response to the jarring contact with death's remains. Her lifeless body, freed from his hand, fell to the ground in an eerie echo of the violence that had transpired.

Grimacing, Damien kicked her away from him, as if to distance himself not only physically but mentally from the horrific tableau. The elven woman's once-bright blue eyes were now devoid of life, hollow orbs that bore witness to the torment she had endured in her twisted existence.

Yet, even in death, there was a haunting serenity that clung to her form, a kind of ethereal grace that seemed to radiate from her broken body. It was a paradox, the juxtaposition of the monstrous and the serene, a testament to the complexities of the existence she had once known.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!" Harpie's applause rang out from the distance like a macabre symphony. The undead that flanked him moved with an eerie coordination, their existence seemingly tethered to his will, acting as both his shield and his sword. Their lifeless eyes held a vacant intensity, a reflection of the puppeteer's malevolent control.

"Maybe you should be more comfortable with these people. After all, you know them, don't you?" Harpie's taunting voice carried on the air, a cruel jest that seemed to pierce through the eerie atmosphere of the graveyard.

The realization struck Damien like a bolt of lightning. It was true. The figures beside Harpie were unnervingly familiar, like ghosts from his past brought back to haunt him. They were not strangers, not to him.

The familiarity resided not only in their appearance, but in the echoes of encounters past, the traces of history etched into his memory. He didn't need to know their names, for their faces were burned into his consciousness.

A chill raced down his spine as he recognized one of them, a figure he had faced before. Though they stood now as a puppet under Harpie's control, Damien's mind flashed back to the Judicial Building, to the duel that had unfolded within its hallowed halls.

"Barnie?!" The word escaped his lips, a mixture of shock and disbelief mingling in his voice. The man who had once fought against him with all his strength now stood as an obedient pawn in Harpie's wicked game.

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