Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master
Chapter 250 The Master Of Puppet (4)

The whole place rumbled as the ground quaked beneath their feet. A low, ominous rumble filled the air, growing louder and more intense with each passing second. The very earth seemed to shudder in response to Harpie's command, and Damien's eyes widened as he watched the ground around them begin to shift and churn.

And then, as if rising from the very depths of the underworld, a hundred thousand hands suddenly burst forth from the ground. Skeletal fingers clawed their way into the moonlit night, emerging from long-forgotten graves and burial sites. The sight was a macabre dance of death and rebirth, a horrifying spectacle that sent a shiver down Damien's spine.

The hands writhed and grasped at the air, their bony fingers flexing as they sought their way out of the earth's embrace. It was as if the very ground had come alive, responding to Harpie's command to unleash the army of the deceased.

"Below the earth lie the departed," Harpie's laughter reverberated through the pandemonium, a malevolent symphony of madness. His voice, a macabre melody, dripped with a perverse euphoria as he luxuriated in the havoc he wrought. "Eons have laid them to rest, but death is no sanctuary, young master."

Damien's eyes scanned the sea of grasping hands, his mind racing for a way to counter this overwhelming onslaught. He clenched his fists, feeling the familiar surge of ice magic coursing through his veins. He had to buy himself some time, replace a way to stem this tide of undead before it engulfed him.

With a swift motion, he thrust his hand forward, and a wave of ice shot out from his palm, freezing the ground and encasing several of the emerging hands in icy prisons. But for every hand he managed to immobilize, more seemed to emerge, clawing their way towards him with relentless determination.

Harpie's laughter continued to fill the air, the man clearly relishing the chaos he had unleashed. He moved with an eerie grace amidst the rising horde, his steps confident and deliberate. It was as if he controlled the very currents of death itself, guiding the hands towards their prey.

Damien's heart pounded in his chest as he realized the magnitude of the threat before him. He had faced battles before, but this was unlike anything he had ever encountered. The sheer number of undead hands was overwhelming, and he knew he couldn't face them all head-on.

Gritting his teeth, he focused his magic, channeling his power into a more potent form. A blizzard of ice and snow erupted from his outstretched arms, swirling around him in a protective barrier. The freezing winds tore at the grasping hands, slowing their advance as Damien fought to create a safe space for himself amidst the turmoil.

As the blizzard raged, he spotted an opening—a path leading towards Harpie. With determination burning in his eyes, he surged forward, using his ice magic to repel the hands that came too close. The ground crackled with frost beneath his feet as he moved, his breath visible in the cold night air.

Harpie's laughter shifted from delight to frustration as Damien closed in. The undead hands still reached for him, but his icy onslaught was proving to be a formidable defense. With a snarl, Harpie raised his arms, and the ground itself seemed to respond to his command.

Several hands emerged from the ground and grabbed Damien by his legs, pulling him down to the ground. He was then pulled back, like they were pulling him to the earthly casket.

He quickly turned back and swung the longsword in a wide arc, the blade cleaving through the skeletal hands with a resounding impact. The sword chopped the hands, severing bones and the dismembered fingers fell to the ground like discarded twigs.

But forget the final rest, Damien couldn't even take a break for a moment. Unlike the other undead, these skeletons were much more refined in appearance, their bodies consisting of mud rather than rotting flesh and oozing fluids. There was a certain eerie elegance to their movement, as if they were controlled by a sinister choreographer.

And they weren't backing down even after parts of their bodies were hit by ice and blizzard. It appears they didn't have any weaknesses like their newer generations. The ice seemed to slow them down, but it didn't stop their relentless advance.

Damien's heart raced as he found himself surrounded by these mud-formed skeletons, their hollow eye sockets fixed on him with an unnerving focus. His breath came in ragged gasps as he fought to keep his footing on the uneven ground, the tension in the air almost suffocating.

This was a true army of undead.

The scene was truly horrific. Damien stood at the center of a grim circle, encircled by a thousand skeletons, their mud-formed bodies resembling an eerie army risen from the depths of nightmares. Slowly, methodically, they moved towards him, their eye sockets empty yet somehow fixed on him with a haunting intensity. It was as if they were driven by a collective will to tear him apart, to turn him into one of their own, a mindless puppet of destruction and horror.

The absurdity of it all struck him, but he couldn't afford to give in to fear or doubt. He had come too far to back down now, and the lives of countless innocents were at stake. Gritting his teeth, he tightened his grip on his sword, his knuckles white against the hilt.

In a desperate attempt to buy himself some time, Damien focused his mana and conjured an icy circular wall around him, the spikes jutting out like a fortress of frost. It was a futile effort, and deep down, he knew it. The skeletons advanced, their movements a disturbing mimicry of soldiers marching to their doom.

As the first skeletons reached the icy barrier, their bony fingers reached out, clawing and scraping against the surface. The sound of their brittle bones scraping against the ice was like nails on a chalkboard, sending shivers down Damien's spine. The wall held for a moment, but then the sheer force of their collective advance began to crack it, the spikes splintering under the relentless assault.

The precipice of oblivion beckoned—a yawning maw of death or the yawning abyss of surrendering his very essence to the whims of a dark and twisted puppet master. But he was no lamb awaiting slaughter; he would not embrace his demise with open arms.

His fingers, sinew and resolve intertwined, cinched around the hilt of the longsword, a primal grip that mirrored the icy waters trickling down a craggy slope. Along the blade's expanse, like tendrils of frost creeping from the abyss, patterns emerged. An arcane artistry akin to runes of old began to etch itself into the blade's surface, an incantation of defiance cast in ice.


Damien's consciousness clawed its way back to existence, a fragile flame flickering in the abyss of darkness. His vision coalesced around the sickly glow of lamplight, casting eerie shadows that danced upon the twisted visage of Harpie. The man's nose was a broken mess, blood crusted and oozing, while the lamp's uncanny radiance lent his features a ghastly allure. Standing in the place where the Elven woman had once stood was now a mute skeleton, its hollow sockets fixed upon Damien with a macabre hunger.

"Finally awake, are we?" Harpie's voice oozed through the stillness, dripping with a mixture of malice and amusement.

A weary chuckle escaped Damien's lips, a stark contrast to the pain that gnawed at his body and the exhaustion that clung to his bones. "Battered and torn, yet still breathing."

Harpie regarded him with a twisted fusion of fascination and irritation. "And what's so damned amusing?"

"Your voice," Damien retorted, a sardonic grin stretching across his lips.

"What about it?"

"It's like a whining child, trying to sound menacing," Damien interrupted, a genuine laugh breaking free. In the midst of this nightmarish ordeal, an odd shard of humor managed to pierce through.

Harpie's expression remained momentarily blank, seemingly processing Damien's unexpected response. But his silence only stoked Damien's defiant spirit.

"Enough of these games," Harpie spat, his hand absently tracing the contours of his broken nose. "You've slaughtered half of my skeletal horde, and I'll be damned if I let you continue this rampage. This time, I'll unleash my true power upon you. Don't think this is the end, boy. You might be shattered now, but you'll be reborn from the ashes, stronger and under my dominion."

Damien's retort was a weary silence, his body ravaged, energy siphoned, and even his will to engage waning. This battle had gutted him of his very essence, leaving him hollow.

Without hesitation, Harpie tore off his gloves, pressing his right hand against Damien's chest with a sadistic glee. An electric surge of energy pulsed from Harpie's touch, a perverse concoction of raw might and eerie tranquility that coursed through Damien like a bittersweet elixir.

"You've fought bravely, young master," Harpie's voice took on an almost seductive timbre, a lullaby for Damien's frayed nerves. "But now, it's time to rest."

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