Transmigrated As The Perverted Young Master
Chapter 71 Climbing The Second Step!

It's been over two weeks since Damien had been wandering in the mountains.

He had become accustomed to the rugged terrain and the harsh weather.

His survival skills had improved, and he had learned how to hunt and gather food from the wild. He had also encountered some wild animals such as bears and wolves, but he managed to run and use traps effectively.

His overall physical strength also increased, as he had to climb steep slopes and traverse rough terrain daily.

·ƈθm He hunted animals and used their skin to make himself simple clothing as his noble dress got pretty much unusable after a week of living.

But what he didn't expect was how much his mana control had improved. With no weapons, he had to rely on his magic to defend himself from wild animals who roamed the mountains.

At first, it was difficult to use his mana effectively in combat. But with time, practice, and the constant threat of danger, he honed his skills and gained better control over his magic.

He learned how to channel his mana into powerful bursts of energy, which he could use to blast away his enemies. He also learned how to create shields and barriers to protect himself from attacks.

He could control and mold ice into sharp spear tips to use as weapons. He called it "the Icicle."

Even if there were no enemies, he always coated his body with mana, like a layer of protective shield and energy drink. The feeling was exhilarating.

The feeling of power was delightful.

He never thought it would be this addictive.

After one more week, the first step of the Seven Steps mountain became a playground.

He hunted everything and anything, that can run and had meat on them.

His power increased as days go by.

Animals ran away from his sight. These normal animals, who can't use magic was no match for someone who uses magic. They were simply not enough.

He later started to use his brute strength to defeat the animals, rather than his magical ability.

There was simply no use for magi anyway. The real challenge lay up ahead. he knows that for a fact and he can't expect him to be able to survive there with his current power level. That was simply not possible.

he could just walk straight to the second step, even without not going through all the hard work but it was simply foolishness.

He may be able to climb the second or, if he's lucky, then the third one but anything after that would only simply tear him apart, limp by limp.

And he found the first step was preset to his level of difficulty and what does that mean? It means he can survive the second step if he can complete the first step, which he did.

So that was the whole point!

'The Author is a fucking genius! This is just like a game!'

To prepare himself for the next level of difficulty, Damien continued to train and push his limits on the first step of the mountain. He challenged himself to climb faster and with heavier loads, honing both his physical and magical abilities.

As he continued to improve, he also began to observe and analyze the terrain and the patterns of the wildlife. He studied the movements of the animals and how they interacted with each other, looking for weaknesses and patterns he could exploit.

With each passing day, he felt more confident in his abilities and his chances of surviving the next step of the mountain. He knew it would still be a challenge, but he was determined to push himself even further.

Eventually, he felt ready to take on the next step. With his mana honed and his physical strength at its peak, he began his ascent up the mountain once again, eager to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


After a month, he stood near the foot of the second step.

It was just a rock, a large rock that he needed to climb.

"Well, this is going to be fun!"

He cracked his fingers and began to climb, using his brute strength and mana to propel himself up the steep surface. It was a difficult climb, but Damien was well-prepared. He had trained for this moment and he was determined to succeed.

As he climbed, he noticed that the air was getting thinner and the temperature was dropping rapidly.

The climb was physically demanding, but it was also mentally challenging. The lack of oxygen made it hard for him to think clearly, and he had to concentrate hard to keep his balance and avoid slipping.

Several times he had to stop and rest, catching his breath and regaining his strength. But he never gave up. He was determined to reach the top, no matter what.

He took deep breaths and hold it for a long time as the air was lacking. He did it many times that it became normal for him to hold his breath for a long time.

Finally, after several hours of climbing, he reached the main foot of the second step. He collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily and feeling the exhaustion seeping into his bones.

But he was also exhilarated. He had done it. He had climbed the second step of the mountain.

He sat there for a while, catching his breath and enjoying the view from the top. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the surrounding mountains. It was a beautiful sight, and for a moment, Damien forgot all about his mission and simply enjoyed the moment.

But he knew he couldn't stay there forever. He had to continue his journey, to climb the third step and beyond. There was still a long way to go, and he needed to be ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

So he got up, dusted himself off, and began his walk to the other side of the mountain. The next step awaited him, and he was ready to face it head-on.

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